Trump hiring freeze hurts vets

Grampa is an ex-con and just generally hates everyone.

Tell the people reading why you take federal contracts for your business.
I don't think that's necessary. I've just been thinking about this all day since I found out and thought taking a longshot on the forum might be worth it. I mean what the hell, who knows? Their new congressperson seems to be the only shot though. A co-worker of mine succeeded at getting help from a congressperson here a few years ago so I'm hoping they can work it out.
So find a job somewhere else. The federal government is too big and bloated
Yeah tell that to a family that was asked to move by the government, responsibly got a job in place months ago, and found out 2 weeks before the move that the job is gone now. Maybe she will get a job somewhere else soon. But not after some undeserved suffering.
Grampa is an ex-con and just generally hates everyone.

Tell the people reading why you take federal contracts for your business.
I took them because the government is STUPID and generally pays 5 to 10 times what a job is worth. Every HUD contract I took was a fucking cash cow.

A perfect example of why putting the brakes on is a wise decision. This woman, if skilled, can seek employment elsewhere.
Or not
So find a job somewhere else. The federal government is too big and bloated
Yeah tell that to a family that was asked to move by the government, responsibly got a job in place months ago, and found out 2 weeks before the move that the job is gone now. Maybe she will get a job somewhere else soon. But not after some undeserved suffering.
That's part of life. Deal with the good and the bad. There's jobs in the private sector.
Grampa is an ex-con and just generally hates everyone.

Tell the people reading why you take federal contracts for your business.
I took them because the government is STUPID and generally pays 5 to 10 times what a job is worth. Every HUD contract I took was a fucking cash cow.

A perfect example of why putting the brakes on is a wise decision. This woman, if skilled, can seek employment elsewhere.
Or not
And you resent like crazy that you have to pay union comparable wages.
Alaska is kind of being punished for it's fiscal efficiency. We're looking at a possible summer without all our seasonal employees - park rangers, fire patrols, spawn testers, etc. We usually start advertising for them around now and have them all trained up and ready to go come spring. Not going to happen now. Hopefully we have a enough annual's to cover the important shit heh
Grampa is an ex-con and just generally hates everyone.

Tell the people reading why you take federal contracts for your business.
I took them because the government is STUPID and generally pays 5 to 10 times what a job is worth. Every HUD contract I took was a fucking cash cow.

A perfect example of why putting the brakes on is a wise decision. This woman, if skilled, can seek employment elsewhere.
Or not
And you resent like crazy that you have to pay union comparable wages.
Prevailing wage was much higher than union counterparts. That's why government jobs are so highly sought. Despite being forced, 20 years ago, to pay a broom pusher on a construction site 18.00 hour I still made fat cash thanks to an irresponsible government.
Alaska is kind of being punished for it's fiscal efficiency. We're looking at a possible summer without all our seasonal employees - park rangers, fire patrols, spawn testers, etc. We usually start advertising for them around now and have them all trained up and ready to go come spring. Not going to happen now. Hopefully we have a enough annual's to cover the important shit heh
Alaska voted for Trump right?
This thread turned mean-spirited. If anybody has any suggestions PM me. Right now it seems contacting a congressperson is the only option.

I haven't read the full text of the hiring freeze memo, but according to the Washington Post, a job offer made before noon on January 22 with a start date of before February 22 would be honored.

“...That memo also clarified that confirmed job offers from the government as of noon Jan. 22 with a start date before Feb. 22 would be honored — but if the reporting date was Feb. 22 or later, or was indefinite, agencies may revoke the offer.”

Hiring freeze closed government’s front door but left many windows open

I don't know if the promise made to your friend's wife would fit within the hiring freeze exception. I think it would be worthwhile for her to talk to the agency's human resources manager. An attorney experienced in Federal employment issues might be able to help.
Grampa is an ex-con and just generally hates everyone.

Tell the people reading why you take federal contracts for your business.
I took them because the government is STUPID and generally pays 5 to 10 times what a job is worth. Every HUD contract I took was a fucking cash cow.

A perfect example of why putting the brakes on is a wise decision. This woman, if skilled, can seek employment elsewhere.
Or not
And you resent like crazy that you have to pay union comparable wages.
Prevailing wage was much higher than union counterparts. That's why government jobs are so highly sought. Despite being forced, 20 years ago, to pay a broom pusher on a construction site 18.00 hour I still made fat cash thanks to an irresponsible government.
You are fibbing sweety. If non union wages were higher, you could care less about unions.
Alaska is kind of being punished for it's fiscal efficiency. We're looking at a possible summer without all our seasonal employees - park rangers, fire patrols, spawn testers, etc. We usually start advertising for them around now and have them all trained up and ready to go come spring. Not going to happen now. Hopefully we have a enough annual's to cover the important shit heh
Alaska voted for Trump right?

I'm not bitching heh
This thread turned mean-spirited. If anybody has any suggestions PM me. Right now it seems contacting a congressperson is the only option.
You posted this in politics in a debate forum. This forum exists solely for debate. I cant fathom why you expected people not to engage.

On another note - media. They love this stuff and usually results happen when things hit the news.
So find a job somewhere else. The federal government is too big and bloated
What I find interesting is that the underlying supposition here is that the government is somehow obligated to ensure this woman has employment. That is asinine to say the least.

A military member knows that they live where the government deems they need to and there are no guarantees that move will offer the same opportunities that they have in the locale that they are in - that is simply a fact.

If the situation is untenable, she has the right to stay where she is. She has the ability to search for other employment. She has the ability to forgo employment all together and live off the members pay (which is far above the average quite honestly).

The situation they have been placed in may suck but I have been there and to be quite frank, it is expected as a military member.
This thread turned mean-spirited. If anybody has any suggestions PM me. Right now it seems contacting a congressperson is the only option.
You posted this in politics in a debate forum. This forum exists solely for debate. I cant fathom why you expected people not to engage.

On another note - media. They love this stuff and usually results happen when things hit the news.
Oh whatever. Mods move it to another forum then. This is a real family with a real problem. There's probably nothing I can do about it. But if there is and someone here knows then I would appreciate it. I am not the media. I'm just a guy spit-balling here hoping someone on this dumb forum happens to have a great idea.
Trump's Federal Hiring Freeze Could Hurt Vets: Officials |

Trump's federal hiring freeze supposedly has exemptions for members of the military. But not their spouses.

A military family I've worked with for almost 2 years was assigned to a new state a few months back. They're set to make the move in a few days. But the job that was promised to the wife of the soldier, a federal employee for years now, was rescinded the day Trump signed his order. Half the family's income is now gone. If they'd moved a month ago she'd be fine. It's insane.

I advised them to contact their new local congressperson. If anybody here knows any alternative solution I'd appreciate it and would contact them with it.

If we can safely assume that the wife is transferring in the same branch of the government ----- I assume she is an employee of the DoD -- then, the assumption is false. She would not be subject to the hiring freeze. Only when a new position is created (very highly unlikely) would the hiring freeze come into play. The freeze was applied at the Department level, not at the local levels. Managers have the flexibility to move the personnel slots around to meet the mission.

Simply ----- another leftist attempt to stir up emotions by abusing the facts.
Trump's Federal Hiring Freeze Could Hurt Vets: Officials |

Trump's federal hiring freeze supposedly has exemptions for members of the military. But not their spouses.

A military family I've worked with for almost 2 years was assigned to a new state a few months back. They're set to make the move in a few days. But the job that was promised to the wife of the soldier, a federal employee for years now, was rescinded the day Trump signed his order. Half the family's income is now gone. If they'd moved a month ago she'd be fine. It's insane.

I advised them to contact their new local congressperson. If anybody here knows any alternative solution I'd appreciate it and would contact them with it.

If we can safely assume that the wife is transferring in the same branch of the government ----- I assume she is an employee of the DoD -- then, the assumption is false. She would not be subject to the hiring freeze. Only when a new position is created (very highly unlikely) would the hiring freeze come into play.

Simply ----- another leftist attempt to stir up emotions by abusing the facts.
Sorry, but she is in fact subject to the hiring freeze. I am not being a dick. I'm a dick every day here, but not with this one.
Trump's Federal Hiring Freeze Could Hurt Vets: Officials |

Trump's federal hiring freeze supposedly has exemptions for members of the military. But not their spouses.

A military family I've worked with for almost 2 years was assigned to a new state a few months back. They're set to make the move in a few days. But the job that was promised to the wife of the soldier, a federal employee for years now, was rescinded the day Trump signed his order. Half the family's income is now gone. If they'd moved a month ago she'd be fine. It's insane.

I advised them to contact their new local congressperson. If anybody here knows any alternative solution I'd appreciate it and would contact them with it.

If we can safely assume that the wife is transferring in the same branch of the government ----- I assume she is an employee of the DoD -- then, the assumption is false. She would not be subject to the hiring freeze. Only when a new position is created (very highly unlikely) would the hiring freeze come into play.

Simply ----- another leftist attempt to stir up emotions by abusing the facts.
Sorry, but she is in fact subject to the hiring freeze. I am not being a dick. I'm a dick every day here, but not with this one.

One more time --- she is only subject to the hiring freeze if her position is created AFTER the Executive Order. Previously open positions can, and will, be filled. She is not a new-hire - she is a transfer.

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