Trump hits Dems on DACA where are you ?

MONDAY: Ruins DACA by cancelling it.
TUESDAY: “Why did Dems ruin DACA?”
WEDNESDAY: “I’m open to ANY deal on DACA!”
THURSDAY: Rejects ALL deals on DACA.
FRIDAY: “Whaaaaaa! Why won’t Dems negotiate with me on DACA?”

Credit to whoever Betty Bower is on twitter
Dems only want DACA if it guarantees that nothing will change. No wall, no reform, only unchecked migration of parasites looking to get a free ride at American taxpayer's expense (guaranteeing they will only vote Dem). Otherwise, it's worth more to them as a campaign issue.

You are a cockroach that needs to be stepped on. DACA should not be tied into other things. This has nothing to do with immigration. Participants in the DACA program are required to either be in training or have a job. Just what I suspected from ignorant Trump supporters.
President Trump blasted Democrats on Tuesday over what he suggested was their failure to strike a deal to protect young undocumented immigrants from deportation, saying that an agreement could still be reached.
Trump hits Dems on DACA: ‘Where are you?’
Oh poor babies , but you don't open your own doors to protect them now do you. Their parents broke the law too bad, so sad. IF you stepped foot in a country to have an anchor baby they'd haul your leftist liberal ass right the hell out of there you morons.
Trump has already withdrawn DACA protections and screwed up a bipartisan deal

Have a problem?
Blame Trump


Nope, he let it expire.
Expire? When? :eusa_think:

DACA was the unilateral executive program implemented by President Barack Obama in June 2012—without legal authority or the approval of Congress. It was, as Attorney General Jeff Sessions said when he announced the six-month wind down of the program on September 5, 2017, “an unconstitutional exercise of authority by the Executive Branch.”

News release, “Attorney General Sessions Delivers Remarks on DACA,” U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs, September 5, 2017, Attorney General Sessions Delivers Remarks on DACA (accessed November 18, 2017).

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Why Congress Should Not Legalize DACA: The Myths Surrounding the Program

Heritage is no longer a credible source. They are nothing more than Trump sycophants. Heritage came up with the idea of a individual mandate in healthcare but you never would know it from the way they acted on Obamacare.
You are a cockroach that needs to be stepped on.
Now there's a real intelligent response. You'll go far in life. lol

DACA should not be tied into other things. This has nothing to do with immigration.
Bullshit. It has everything to do with ILLEGAL immigration, moron.

Participants in the DACA program are required to either be in training or have a job.
That isn't enforced and never will be, even an idiot like you knows that.
President Trump blasted Democrats on Tuesday over what he suggested was their failure to strike a deal to protect young undocumented immigrants from deportation, saying that an agreement could still be reached.
Trump hits Dems on DACA: ‘Where are you?’
Oh poor babies , but you don't open your own doors to protect them now do you. Their parents broke the law too bad, so sad. IF you stepped foot in a country to have an anchor baby they'd haul your leftist liberal ass right the hell out of there you morons.

You're right. There's plenty of time. Since a federal judge blocked any attempt to have them removed, it will be over a year before any cases in court are resolved.

Also keep in mind if the Democrats win back control of the House in November, all deals are off.

Guess who controls spending of the government money, and decides what is and isn't in the budget?

Which won't be anything Trump or Republicans want for the time he is in office.
Trump has already withdrawn DACA protections and screwed up a bipartisan deal

Have a problem?
Blame Trump
Bullshit there were three lawsuits heading towards the DACA program and were promising to end it's time...Obama did it the wrong way so you can blame him...He is the one that signed this anti constitutional law into effect and it was only a matter of time before it was litigated...
Trump did the DACA kids a huge favor by forcing the legislature to make it legal and permanent...
So stop bellyaching over Trump and call Schumer...
Trump broke it

Let him fix it
Trump: " I am ending DACA & if the Democrats want it back, they must fund my wall"

Democrats: ":Shove your wall up your fast ass"

Trump " Democrats hate DACA & its their fault DACA ended"

Trumpettes " Wow that Trump is sooooo smart"

The majority of people: "Trump is such an asshole"

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