Trump Holding Another Rally in Erie Whom He Stiffed Last Time

Oh sure. Grifty not paying can't be true but virgin birth and talking snakes - why sure, says so right in Bible.

Ps. How are the lumps on your lying tongue?

The lumps have been gone for days you triggered moron.
Trump has done this to a lot of small towns. He's just a leech. He never pays his bills...not even his lawyers.
The worst you can do is go into a small town and tell the small business owners “You didn’t built that” or “Energy prices must necessarily go up” or “manufacturing jobs are just not coming back”.

Yet you think the greater concern among small towns is Trump short-changing them? If this was such a concern among Democrats, why didn’t they include $35,000 in the COVID Bill vs. sending $10M to Pakistan for gender studies???

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