Trump holds news conference on invasion from central America and invasion in general

Force should be met with force. That's not even a matter to argue over. It's pure common sense and self preservation.
it is a humanitarian issue. and, we have a Statue of Liberty. the right wing can give it back to the French a claim they were too wimpy, to handle it.
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down.

Are you a moderator here?
Blatantly playing the race card doesn't speak well for the forum.
---------------------------------------------------- don't think thats any of your business as people just practice Freedom of Speech or are YOU the boards owner EABlair ??
I think expressing my opinion just like everyone else here IS my business!

It's ironic you apparently have a job here protecting the open exchange of opinions yet when your racist claim is challenged (the government contingent at the border is there to shoot brown people) you want me to shut up and go away.
Doesn't reflect well on you.
Force should be met with force. That's not even a matter to argue over. It's pure common sense and self preservation.
it is a humanitarian issue. and, we have a Statue of Liberty. the right wing can give it back to the French a claim they were too wimpy, to handle it.
Being a humanitarian does not mean you have to be a target for the rocks and incendiary devices of a mob that is supposedly "peaceful" and just filled with the downtrodden of Central America (though that's obviously not so).

Force against force is a just and sensible response when violence is the product of a mob of people beseeching our government to let them enter our nation.

Would you open your front door to a man who threw a brick through your window? We both know no one in their right mind would do that. Save your emotional bleating for another time and person.
i never said anything about 'brown people' . I just defend the RIGHT for people , posters to talk about widdle 'brown people' . And NO , i don't want YOU to shut up as i like talking to you [chuckle] . I just think you should 'mind your own business about others Free Speech and its Reflection on this Privately owned message board EABlair .
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feck that stupid 'statue' and its lefty poem by lefty 'emma lazurus' that you seemed to have been brainwashed into believing DPalos . You probably went to Public School eh DPalos ??
Force should be met with force. That's not even a matter to argue over. It's pure common sense and self preservation.
it is a humanitarian issue. and, we have a Statue of Liberty. the right wing can give it back to the French a claim they were too wimpy, to handle it.
Being a humanitarian does not mean you have to be a target for the rocks and incendiary devices of a mob that is supposedly "peaceful" and just filled with the downtrodden of Central America (though that's obviously not so).

Force against force is a just and sensible response when violence is the product of a mob of people beseeching our government to let them enter our nation.

Would you open your front door to a man who threw a brick through your window? We both know no one in their right mind would do that. Save your emotional bleating for another time and person.
No one is using force now; humanitarian assistance is what we should be providing.
feck that stupid 'statue' and its lefty poem by lefty 'emma lazurus' that you seemed to have been brainwashed into believing DPalos . You probably went to Public School eh DPalos ??
i know we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.
Build the wall. Cut off all funds to these countries use the money to
The Military will not be used with rifles to shoot Rock throwers as Trump claimed.....

He's simply LYING.... purposely lying to scare the pajesus out of the refugees on their way here, and to yank his followers chains.... right before the election....

he's pulling out all stops to get you all to vote for the Republican Establishment critters that you and he, once HATED.
so you think brown refugees should be allowed to throw rocks at white Americans? Should the American military throw rocks back?
Force should be met with force. That's not even a matter to argue over. It's pure common sense and self preservation.
it is a humanitarian issue. and, we have a Statue of Liberty. the right wing can give it back to the French a claim they were too wimpy, to handle it.
Being a humanitarian does not mean you have to be a target for the rocks and incendiary devices of a mob that is supposedly "peaceful" and just filled with the downtrodden of Central America (though that's obviously not so).

Force against force is a just and sensible response when violence is the product of a mob of people beseeching our government to let them enter our nation.

Would you open your front door to a man who threw a brick through your window? We both know no one in their right mind would do that. Save your emotional bleating for another time and person.
No one is using force now; humanitarian assistance is what we should be providing.
Force should be met with force. That's not even a matter to argue over. It's pure common sense and self preservation.
it is a humanitarian issue. and, we have a Statue of Liberty. the right wing can give it back to the French a claim they were too wimpy, to handle it.
Being a humanitarian does not mean you have to be a target for the rocks and incendiary devices of a mob that is supposedly "peaceful" and just filled with the downtrodden of Central America (though that's obviously not so).

Force against force is a just and sensible response when violence is the product of a mob of people beseeching our government to let them enter our nation.

Would you open your front door to a man who threw a brick through your window? We both know no one in their right mind would do that. Save your emotional bleating for another time and person.
No one is using force now; humanitarian assistance is what we should be providing.
How about the $127 million dollars already sent to the Honduras? Does that count for nothing?
There will be no violence or shooting if the mob puts down the bricks and rocks.

But can you explain why a large group of peaceful people fleeing oppression and crime should
become a hostile mob throwing rocks and incendiary devices? I'll bet you choose to ignore
that aspect of this issue altogether.
The best way for a bank robber not to get shot by the police is to not rob the bank and threaten the police sent to stop the robbery..

The best way for someone not to get shot by the border patrol is for them not to try to illegally cross the border and attack the border agents sent to stop the illegal entry.

It is not rocket science.
then I would suggest we don't purposely short hand our legal border entries, forcing the asylum seekers to cross the river and turn themselves in.

Once the refugees cross the border in to the USA, and turn themselves over to border patrols, they have a LEGAL RIGHT to seek asylum....

Most if not near all, will NOT get asylum once they go through the process, and will be sent home.... the Trump admin changed the rules and domestic violence and a couple of other reasons to seek asylum, were taken off the list.

Congress can write a new law, to disallow illegal border crossers from being eligible to seek refugee asylum, but until that happens, it is the Law of the Land that we give them due process, in seeking asylum, where ever they cross the border.
--------------------------------- Domestic Abuse whether real or not was never a reason for ASYLUM except maybe under 'mrobama' 'Care4' .
fear of death, is.
i never said anything about 'brown people' . I just defend the RIGHT for people , posters to talk about widdle 'brown people' . And NO , i don't want YOU to shut up as i like talking to you [chuckle] . I just think you should 'mind your own business about others Free Speech and its Reflection on this Privately owned message board EABlair .
I apologize as another poster did bring the straw man racist charge of enjoying watching brown people getting shot into things, though it's inherent in the leftist argument
against protecting our borders against non citizens.

But I don't see why I especially should ignore all comments not made specifically towards me. No one else does. You didn't.
This would be a boring lonely place if the only comments people could address were personal ones.
Posse Comitatus Act

Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.

Protecting the border is domestic law enforcement? Seems a stretch.

The military isn't going there to protect the border. They going they're to get out the vote. To placate the pathetic fears of abject cowards.
---------------------------- GOOD , Whatever works eh DBlack !!

Really, you're admitting Trump supporters are abject cowards? Well, at least we have a base agreement we can work with.

So, should we make important decisions for the country based on the hysterical fears of cowards? Maybe our military capital is better spent defending us from real enemies.

So let me get this straight.....

The people who dive for cover at the sound of the word "gun" are the hero's and fearless among us?

Ok :flirtysmile4::bye1::bye1:

Except if the shtf, guys like you are going to be the first people to lose all their shit!! I suppose hero's can have no worldly possessions!
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

Why? I'm not the one drooling over the prospect of shooting people or seeing anyone hurt.

Are you?
I hope nothing happens, but if they try to hurt our soldiers. Fire away, less we will have to pay to take them back to their country.
Build the wall. Cut off all funds to these countries use the money to
The Military will not be used with rifles to shoot Rock throwers as Trump claimed.....

He's simply LYING.... purposely lying to scare the pajesus out of the refugees on their way here, and to yank his followers chains.... right before the election....

he's pulling out all stops to get you all to vote for the Republican Establishment critters that you and he, once HATED.
so you think brown refugees should be allowed to throw rocks at white Americans? Should the American military throw rocks back?
The Military can't do a damn thing but be back up support for logistics for the border Patrol, that's the LAW... unless congress passes a temporary law, allowing their use, for a specific otherwise use.
Build the wall. Cut off all funds to these countries use the money to
The Military will not be used with rifles to shoot Rock throwers as Trump claimed.....

He's simply LYING.... purposely lying to scare the pajesus out of the refugees on their way here, and to yank his followers chains.... right before the election....

he's pulling out all stops to get you all to vote for the Republican Establishment critters that you and he, once HATED.
so you think brown refugees should be allowed to throw rocks at white Americans? Should the American military throw rocks back?
The Military can't do a damn thing but be back up support for logistics for the border Patrol, that's the LAW... unless congress passes a temporary law, allowing their use, for a specific otherwise use.
Can't never could do nothing could it?
Build the wall. Cut off all funds to these countries use the money to
The Military will not be used with rifles to shoot Rock throwers as Trump claimed.....

He's simply LYING.... purposely lying to scare the pajesus out of the refugees on their way here, and to yank his followers chains.... right before the election....

he's pulling out all stops to get you all to vote for the Republican Establishment critters that you and he, once HATED.
so you think brown refugees should be allowed to throw rocks at white Americans? Should the American military throw rocks back?
The Military can't do a damn thing but be back up support for logistics for the border Patrol, that's the LAW... unless congress passes a temporary law, allowing their use, for a specific otherwise use.
------------------------------------------------------------ We will see 'Care4' .

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