Trump holds news conference on invasion from central America and invasion in general

President Trump has warned members of the migrant caravan that if they throw rocks at US military with the intent to cause serious bodily harm, they will be treated as combatants. “…I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico – we will consider that a firearm,” Trump has warned.
Breaking: President Trump Allows Troops To Fire On Violent Invaders – Live, Banned Midterm Coverage

Ewwwww this will tick off the trendy tards of society. But this time daddy know best loons trust us.
Oh well.
American police kill american citizens all the time , you think they will care more for a foreigner at the border ?
In what I mentioned above, law enforcement IS BORDER PATROL in the instance of our border....the Military is only trained to kill people in a War setting, where there is basically, no holds barred...

Border Patrol Agents are trained and skilled in identifying and handling refugees, illegal Mexicans, and gangs, and drug dealers and human traffickers.... etc..... we have 19,000 Trained Border Patrol Agents

THe 30 million illegals living in this country, proves that that does not work.
11.4 million.
Actually it does work.... and we have tripled our Border Patrol agents and INS agents in the past decade or two.... and refugees and illegal crossings have been reduced greatly due to their presence.....

Under Clinton, we had as many as 1.6 million illegals and refugees trying to cross in a year.... we are down to around 300k, if memory serves....
Everyone is having a fit over troops shooting at illegals.

federal law restricts the military from engaging in law enforcement on American soil.

What they are doing;
providing helicopter support for border missions, installing concrete barriers and repairing and maintaining vehicles. The new troops will include military police, combat engineers and helicopter companies equipped with advanced technology to help detect people at night.

That means the troops will not be allowed to detain immigrants, seize drugs from smugglers or have any direct involvement in stopping a migrant caravan .
Posse Comitatus Act

Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.
American police kill american citizens all the time , you think they will care more for a foreigner at the border ?
In what I mentioned above, law enforcement IS BORDER PATROL in the instance of our border....the Military is only trained to kill people in a War setting, where there is basically, no holds barred...

Border Patrol Agents are trained and skilled in identifying and handling refugees, illegal Mexicans, and gangs, and drug dealers and human traffickers.... etc..... we have 19,000 Trained Border Patrol Agents

THe 30 million illegals living in this country, proves that that does not work.
11.4 million.
Actually it does work.... and we have tripled our Border Patrol agents and INS agents in the past decade or two.... and refugees and illegal crossings have been reduced greatly due to their presence.....

Under Clinton, we had as many as 1.6 million illegals and refugees trying to cross in a year.... we are down to around 300k, if memory serves....

1. 11 million is an old number based on shit.
2. Wow. 300 k a year more, and you consider that good enough?
3. If we let the caravan though, we will have a new method on invasion.
Everyone is having a fit over troops shooting at illegals.

federal law restricts the military from engaging in law enforcement on American soil.

What they are doing;
providing helicopter support for border missions, installing concrete barriers and repairing and maintaining vehicles. The new troops will include military police, combat engineers and helicopter companies equipped with advanced technology to help detect people at night.

That means the troops will not be allowed to detain immigrants, seize drugs from smugglers or have any direct involvement in stopping a migrant caravan .

It's just theater for the rubes.
Posse Comitatus Act

Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.
Posse Comitatus Act

Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.

Protecting the border is domestic law enforcement? Seems a stretch.
Posse Comitatus Act

Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.

Protecting the border is domestic law enforcement? Seems a stretch.

The military isn't going there to protect the border. They going they're to get out the vote. To placate the pathetic fears of abject cowards.
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
stupid stupid stupid's like when the cops shoot jackasses--they are a NOT shooting them because of their skin color---

It's not racist beliefs over skin color which bother me, it's massacres, killings & genocides..

Racism is a good thing in discipline, to protect ones heritage & protect against the GREAT FAILURES of Balkanization.

Massacres are always wrong, however.
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are itching to see brown skinned people kill white people with rocks!

Nope. Have any border patrol agents been killed by rocks?

Use your head for a change. You have a politically inflated "caravan" of migrants, mostly unarmed a thousand miles away. Many seem to be peeling off and staying in Mexico or returning home. You have political rhetoric painting them as dangerous invaders coming to invade America. You have vigilante armed militias roaming around ready to shoot. You have the military (who are disciplined, and have strict orders, unlike the vigilante wannabe's). What could possibly go wrong. Oh, ya...and you have the OP gleeful that the military will be allowed to shoot.

You guys are nuts. Of course now comes the usual response - yer for OPEN BORDERS. As if there is no possible solution between shooting unarmed people and open borders.

America's Hicks are really violent, because of their dubious Anglo-Saxon heritages.

Notice, they NEVER come up with solutions LIKE SHOOT WARNING SHOTS.

Be it here with the Illegal Caravan, or with Zimmerman vs Trayvon a simple WARNING SHOT should scare them off.

But, that doesn't make sense to these people, they're ALWAYS calling for more blood, death & destruction.

Now, I'm actually an advocate of gun rights & racism rights.

HOWEVER, these Hicks need to be talked down to, because they're violent trash.

They're PUSHING the limits of disciplined & sensible gun rights & racism rights.

Anglo-Saxons can't help themselves they've ALWAYS got to be Looting & Shooting.
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Yeah this is just what I want coming here my dream illegal .

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View attachment 226184

RT on Twitter

I didn't see that in the pictures of the caravan. Perhaps you could provide a link?

Open your eyes asshole. There are thousands and 80% of them are pieces of shit

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Never ever call Coyote an asshole, buddy.

You can bet your ass there are a hundred conservative journalists down there in the caravan hunting for someone from the Middle East or with MS13 tattoos. If they had found a single one, it would be all over Fox news. So you should easily be able to supply us a link to the 80% you cite.

You folks ignore the news when it doesn't fit your agenda... The Mexican government detained over 100 MS13 and ME men..
American police kill american citizens all the time , you think they will care more for a foreigner at the border ?
In what I mentioned above, law enforcement IS BORDER PATROL in the instance of our border....the Military is only trained to kill people in a War setting, where there is basically, no holds barred...

Border Patrol Agents are trained and skilled in identifying and handling refugees, illegal Mexicans, and gangs, and drug dealers and human traffickers.... etc..... we have 19,000 Trained Border Patrol Agents

THe 30 million illegals living in this country, proves that that does not work.
11.4 million.
Actually it does work.... and we have tripled our Border Patrol agents and INS agents in the past decade or two.... and refugees and illegal crossings have been reduced greatly due to their presence.....

Under Clinton, we had as many as 1.6 million illegals and refugees trying to cross in a year.... we are down to around 300k, if memory serves....

1. 11 million is an old number based on shit.
2. Wow. 300 k a year more, and you consider that good enough?
3. If we let the caravan though, we will have a new method on invasion.

11,4 million is based on 2015, 3 different sources that track it

Calm down, at least 90% of those applying for refugee asylum, will be turned down in their hearings, and returned to their native land.

we need to staff the border crossings and the courts, to process quickly the ones that actually make it here....
Posse Comitatus Act

Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.
Irrelevant... These are foreigner invaders
this article is very very informative, for anyone that wants to learn more:

Illegal Immigration Statistics -

That’s an 81.5 percent decline in the number of apprehensions between the peak in 2000 and 2017.

We can also look at how the figures have changed over the past several years.

Under the Obama administration, the yearly apprehensions on the Southwest border declined by 35 percent from calendar year 2008, the year before President Obama took office, through the end of 2016. In President Donald Trump’s first full year in office, the apprehensions declined by 43 percent, from calendar year 2016 to 2017.

On a monthly basis, the apprehensions decreased significantly during the first six months of Trump’s tenure and then began to rise back in line with the level of apprehensions from 2016.

Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

If the savages throw rocks then shoot the POS, live rounds. Do it.

Rocks can kill and seriously injure, they are WEAPONS, and if the savages throw rocks then shoot them. Do what the IDF do.

It was wrong when the IDF did it & similarly it would be wrong when the USA military does it, IF they do.

I support CIVILIZATION, something foreign to the nations West of Eastern Europe.

You don't promote Civilization with terroristic massacres, you don't promote Civilization by supporting Third-Worlders immigrating into your nation, you don't promote Civilization by cutting taxes, or by allowing Muslim extremists in your countries.

It seems that 99% of Western Europeans are ANTI-CIvilization, ESPECIALLY Americans.

The more West, and West you go as "Whites" from Poland to America, it becomes more, and more Liberal & savage, coincidentally from Poland also East you get more savage too.

Poland's the center of the civilized & Conservative World.

We have every right to judge "Undesirable Barbarians" but we don't have the rights to genocide, or massacre, NO ONE should have such rights.
Posse Comitatus Act

Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.
Irrelevant... These are foreigner invaders
You and the murderer Bowers seem to think so.... :rolleyes:
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?

You don't like it to dam bad.

And it has nothing to do with what the fk color thier skin is....

COME HERE LEGALLY first a.hole


Or we'll shoot you.

You don't need to kill a caravan of desperate people to have good border control policies.
-------------------------------------------- maybe , maybe not . Plus these third worlders are good practiced rock throwers . They know how to throws rocks because they probably are not allowed to own firearms . So they learn how to throw rocks from an early age . Rocks can kill American Soldiers Coyote .
------------------------------------------- these people in the invader columns probably hunt with rocks all the time . They are good at throwing rocks as they have been throwing rocks since a very early age so are well practiced at throwing rock . After all , many , most of these invader people [indians] are really 'stone age' people !!
Posse Comitatus Act

Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.

Protecting the border is domestic law enforcement? Seems a stretch.

The military isn't going there to protect the border. They going they're to get out the vote. To placate the pathetic fears of abject cowards.
---------------------------- GOOD , Whatever works eh DBlack !!
President Trump has warned members of the migrant caravan that if they throw rocks at US military with the intent to cause serious bodily harm, they will be treated as combatants. “…I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico – we will consider that a firearm,” Trump has warned.
Breaking: President Trump Allows Troops To Fire On Violent Invaders – Live, Banned Midterm Coverage

Ewwwww this will tick off the trendy tards of society. But this time daddy know best loons trust us.
Our drug war is unconstitutional.

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