Trump holds news conference on invasion from central America and invasion in general



Because only a Nazi would object to a massive foreign invasion of his own country.
...WARN the fkn jakcasses --if they don't COMPLY to LEGAL orders, blast the jackass bastards to hell
Just for fun, let's walk through this a bit.

Let's say we're watching live coverage of what you describe. On one side, we have this rag-tag group of mostly young people facing down our military, picking up some rocks, and throwing them at our guys.

On the other side, we have the mighty American military, clothed in heavy protective uniforms and ultra-powerful high tech weaponry, opening fire on these people.

We see these people running around, screaming, many of them dropping to the ground, dead or mortally wounded. Smoke fills the air, as we see women laying on the ground, wreathing in agony, some of them kneeling over a loved one who has been killed, screaming and crying as the bullets fly all around them.

Is this what you're looking for? Do you think Trump's base would like this? How do you think the rest of America would feel about this?
President Trump has warned members of the migrant caravan that if they throw rocks at US military with the intent to cause serious bodily harm, they will be treated as combatants. “…I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico – we will consider that a firearm,” Trump has warned.
Breaking: President Trump Allows Troops To Fire On Violent Invaders – Live, Banned Midterm Coverage

Ewwwww this will tick off the trendy tards of society. But this time daddy know best loons trust us.

This has been done before and the government left the Marine who did the shooting hanging. I really hope Trump backs them up.

This isn't what active duty troops are supposed to be doing. It could very easily go very badly.

Has before. Hope it don’t again only because the Govrenment will bail on the soldier doing the shooting just like last time. Far as troops defending the border, that’s in their job description.
no it isn't.... refugees are civilian law enforcement duties, NOT THE MILITARY

Posse Comitatus Act


It’s the militaries job to protect our country which they will be doing

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Only LIbEral filth such as yourself think that there's any reason to make this about skin color.

Again, says the member of the racist cult that didn't allow black folks to join until 1978.

Of course, it's about skin color. The frothing hatred you have of these poor people seeking a better life says all we need to know.

Salivating over the thought of shooting women and children... maybe someone should remind you that never works out well.


Because only a Nazi would object to a massive foreign invasion of his own country.

5000 people - most women in children- isn't an invasion.

Now, I'm sure you are wetting your magic underwear at the thought of all the scary brown people coming over... but most sane people are like, 'Meh, no big deal."
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.
If they have their head gear on like good little soldiers their heads are protected from rocks..

Doesn’t matter. Force is greater by force. They throw rocks or shoot at our military, they will die and rightfully so

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Is this what you're looking for? Do you think Trump's base would like this? How do you think the rest of America would feel about this?

Stormy, we all know that as long as your stock portfolio is doing well, you'll be on here excusing it... just like you did when Trump was throwing kids into concentration camps and some of us dared to make Nazi comparisons.
that bloodlust y'all are so hot for would backfire badly on Trump ,once the media starts posting dead women & children


Yeah the leftards will try and say women and children but it will be the bad people who get shot moron

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Yeah this is just what I want coming here my dream illegal .

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RT on Twitter
Oh, come on now....

There are plenty of people already here,
who look like a freak in a sideshow

They are illegal and they are trying to invade our country.

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They are illegal and they are trying to invade our country

Regardless of how they look, ^that is the only point that matters!
The President's CIA had the largest drug smuggling operation in world history. The CIA had entire airports & airlines dedicated to smuggling drugs, guns & people. The government only imposes regulations, laws & cracks down on people competing with their money making machine. Today they are blaming hard working people crossing borders for crimes committed by the President's CIA. Worse still are drug companies paying off Congress to allow only them to hook people on Oxycontin.
Perhaps it's time the government should take over the offices of ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and CBS in the name of National Security otherwise, they'll keep encouraging these caravans and hostile actions towards America. Aren't you AGAINST Hostile actions towards America?

Don't you want American women and children safe?

why isn't the Left media being considered a Domestic threat?

Could we possibly get this done via the Supreme court?

I would love for them to shit can most of the news agencies. All they to is incite trouble. It has to be juicy for them to sell papers and watch on TV. If you have to dance around the truth to make the stories better then they are useless to the people.

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In other words keep only that media that agrees with you. That sounds familiar. Perhaps you should move to a country that does that.

I honestly do not want anyone shot.....

That said, if violent gang members are in those caravans with the intent to bring violent criminal activity to our neighborhoods....then a choice must be made

Lefties......How many American women have to be raped and murdered by illegals and how many children have to be killed by illegals until we say "enough" ?

10? 100? 1000? 10,000?

What's you "comfort level" for raped American women and killed American children?

What is your comfort level for people killed in gun violence? many children need to be killed by guns before say enough? Same type of argument.

You are making the same strawman argument the right keeps making. No one is advocating let em all in.
President Trump has warned members of the migrant caravan that if they throw rocks at US military with the intent to cause serious bodily harm, they will be treated as combatants. “…I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico – we will consider that a firearm,” Trump has warned.
Breaking: President Trump Allows Troops To Fire On Violent Invaders – Live, Banned Midterm Coverage

Ewwwww this will tick off the trendy tards of society. But this time daddy know best loons trust us.

This has been done before and the government left the Marine who did the shooting hanging. I really hope Trump backs them up.

This isn't what active duty troops are supposed to be doing. It could very easily go very badly.

Has before. Hope it don’t again only because the Govrenment will bail on the soldier doing the shooting just like last time. Far as troops defending the border, that’s in their job description.
no it isn't.... refugees are civilian law enforcement duties, NOT THE MILITARY

Posse Comitatus Act

Sorry, care... but no.

You're talking as if you know NOTHING about a nations right to enforce it's BORDERS against INVASION, and it IS, an INVASION, no matter how bad you people want to PRETEND it isn't, and that is EXACTLY what our military is for... EXACTLY.

You people attempting the Posse Comitatus trick are just sounding ignorant. That bucket don't hold water.
Yes it does hold water. That is why they are in support positions assisting border control.
I think those tents cities will be for the REAL immigrants that WANT to enter and have kids and will go thru the process LEGALLY. Families, people with papers showing who they truly are, clear records, skillsets, etc.
Gracie...seeking amnesty is legal. That does not mean they will get it, but they have a legal right to request it and be heard, and I support that right. It is a legal process regardless of how they enter, and if they are denied, then deport them.
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Actually, it sounds like YOU and the left are itching to see brown-skinned people getting gunned down.

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