Trump holds news conference on invasion from central America and invasion in general

Honestly, I hope they get stopped and sent back.

But Trump keeps eeking in little details. first they WERE NOT GETTING, he's setting up massive "Tent Complexes"
I would love for them to shit can most of the news agencies. All they to is incite trouble. It has to be juicy for them to sell papers and watch on TV. If you have to dance around the truth to make the stories better then they are useless to the people.

I mean really...they aren't reporting News, so it's fraud to begin with.
Then how many times have they outright LIED to harm innocent people such as Kavanaugh ?

Finally, they stoke racial tensions and make crap up to entice violence and hatred.

And last but not least, they promote these invasions and turn vulnerably weak minded people into invasion support zombies.

Seriously, if that's not a National Security Threat....what would it take? Imminent nuclear attack?
Honestly, I hope they get stopped and sent back.

But Trump keeps eeking in little details. first they WERE NOT GETTING, he's setting up massive "Tent Complexes"

Depends how the act when they get to the border. From the looks of it, there will be a conflict because that has what they have been doing every step of the way.

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Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

If the savages throw rocks then shoot the POS, live rounds. Do it.

Rocks can kill and seriously injure, they are WEAPONS, and if the savages throw rocks then shoot them. Do what the IDF do.
I would love for them to shit can most of the news agencies. All they to is incite trouble. It has to be juicy for them to sell papers and watch on TV. If you have to dance around the truth to make the stories better then they are useless to the people.

I mean really...they aren't reporting News, so it's fraud to begin with.
Then how many times have they outright LIED to harm innocent people such as Kavanaugh ?

Finally, they stoke racial tensions and make crap up to entice violence and hatred.

And last but not least, they promote these invasions and turn vulnerably weak minded people into invasion support zombies.

Seriously, if that's not a National Security Threat....what would it take? Imminent nuclear attack?

I agree. The leftards have been causing trouble, marching, rioting and causing issues. I have two nephews on NYPD and a bunch of friends and we talk all the time about what is going on at these events. They all cover there faces so even with photos you can’t tell who it is causytbe issues. We should do what Israel does and tear gas them.

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Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

If the savages throw rocks then shoot the POS, live rounds. Do it.

Rocks can kill and seriously injure, they are WEAPONS, and if the savages throw rocks then shoot them. Do what the IDF do.

Lucy my love,
tell me....what has the Left media done every time in the past when an American border agent defended themselves from rock throwing or gun toting illegals went after our border guards? Who did they portray as the villain?

OMG the FIELD day they would have if one of those mean black guns was used against those poor people just looking for a better life
Depends how the act when they get to the border. From the looks of it, there will be a conflict because that has what they have been doing every step of the way.

Those who make it "should" be too damned tired to do much fighting......if they get here all fresh looking we know something fishy is going on right?

That’s correct.

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Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

If the savages throw rocks then shoot the POS, live rounds. Do it.

Rocks can kill and seriously injure, they are WEAPONS, and if the savages throw rocks then shoot them. Do what the IDF do.

Lucy my love,
tell me....what has the Left media done every time in the past when an American border agent defended themselves from rock throwing or gun toting illegals went after our border guards? Who did they portray as the villain?

OMG the FIELD day they would have if one of those mean black guns was used against those poor people just looking for a better life

FUCK the Propaganda MSM and FUCK the Commie UN.

One of those savages throw a rock, the military should respond with live rounds. Zero Tolerance. Gloves OFF. Do it.
I guarantee you, you throw a huge rock at me and hit me in the face, that's deadly force, that's first degree assault with intent to do bodily harm, and I will respond with a BULLET.

You don't want to get shot, don't throw fucking rocks. Very simple concept.

I guarantee you something else, President Trump has the backing of the VAST, VAST, MAJORITY of Americans.
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

If the savages throw rocks then shoot the POS, live rounds. Do it.

Rocks can kill and seriously injure, they are WEAPONS, and if the savages throw rocks then shoot them. Do what the IDF do.

Lucy my love,
tell me....what has the Left media done every time in the past when an American border agent defended themselves from rock throwing or gun toting illegals went after our border guards? Who did they portray as the villain?

OMG the FIELD day they would have if one of those mean black guns was used against those poor people just looking for a better life

FUCK the Propaganda MSM and FUCK the Commie UN.

One of those savages throw a rock, the military should respond with live rounds. Zero Tolerance. Gloves OFF. Do it.

Amen to that.

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I guarantee you, you throw a huge rock at me and hit me in the face, that's deadly force, that's first degree assault with intent to do bodily harm, and I will respond with a BULLET.

You don't want to get shot, don't throw fucking rocks. Very simple concept.

I guarantee you something else, President Trump has the backing of the VAST, VAST, MAJORITY of Americans.

Yes he does

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the Lawless one, is bullshitting you again

READ MORE HERE: Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

By Harry Litman
November 1 at 5:41 PM
Harry Litman teaches constitutional law at the University of California at San Diego and practices law at the firm Constantine Cannon. He was U.S. attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania from 1998 to 2001 and deputy assistant attorney general at the Justice Department from 1993 to 1998.

President Trump’s decision to send thousands of military personnel to the southern border to help turn back a group of 3,500 migrants violates a deep principle of Anglo-American law.

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.

Civil law enforcement is governed by constitutional protections and accountability to the court. Military force is governed by the law of war and the imperative of national defense against other militaries. They serve critically different functions, practically and morally; and they ought not overlap.

Operation Faithful Patriot, Trump’s election-season deployment of massive military force to the southern border, presents a classic illustration of the improper use of the military in a democratic society. The president sent 800 a week ago, this week increased the intended troop numbers to 5,200, and then upped the ante, promising the numbers will swell further to up to 15,000 troops, roughly equivalent to the U.S. presence in Afghanistan.

This is both unnecessary and unwise. First, the purported need for an immediate, massive military force to supplement regular law enforcement is, to put it mildly, silly. Trump has tweeted as if this were the Alamo: “Our military is being mobilized at the Southern Border. Many more troops coming. We will NOT let these Caravans, which are also made up of some very bad thugs and gang members, into the U.S.”

In fact, this deadly threat to our sovereignty and border security consists of an exhausted, pitiful group of desperately poor migrants, including many children, fleeing poverty and violence in Central America. They are a humanitarian crisis, not an invading army.

Second, the military has no skill at processing immigrants, no training in legal requirements such as probable cause and scant knowledge of the humanitarian demands of incoming migrants that are all second nature to Border Patrol. In fact, the Army’s presence will put at greater risk the goal of arresting and charging members of the caravan who are attempting to enter the United States illegally.

The Posse Comitatus Act’s criminal provisions are honored in the breach: No one has ever been prosecuted for violating this law. But the courts have at times scuttled prosecutions for running afoul of the act. In the aftermath of the Army’s massacre of Native Americans at Wounded Knee, for example, two courts held that the violation of the act meant that the government could not show that the military personnel were “lawfully engaged in the lawful performance of their official duties,” which was one of the elements of the criminal charges against persons who gave help and support to the Native American occupants during the siege.

The Trump administration’s strategy for avoiding violations of the Posse Comitatus Act is to instruct that the Army provide only logistical support to Border Patrol agents, a use of military personnel that has been upheld by the courts. As Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters Wednesday morning, the operation is merely “practical support based on the request from the commissioner of customs and border police.”
President Trump has warned members of the migrant caravan that if they throw rocks at US military with the intent to cause serious bodily harm, they will be treated as combatants. “…I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico – we will consider that a firearm,” Trump has warned.
Breaking: President Trump Allows Troops To Fire On Violent Invaders – Live, Banned Midterm Coverage

Ewwwww this will tick off the trendy tards of society. But this time daddy know best loons trust us.

This has been done before and the government left the Marine who did the shooting hanging. I really hope Trump backs them up.

This isn't what active duty troops are supposed to be doing. It could very easily go very badly.

Has before. Hope it don’t again only because the Govrenment will bail on the soldier doing the shooting just like last time. Far as troops defending the border, that’s in their job description.
no it isn't.... refugees are civilian law enforcement duties, NOT THE MILITARY

Posse Comitatus Act


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