Trump holds news conference on invasion from central America and invasion in general

Have you not been listening to interviews being given by some in the caravan? They have stated they aren’t going to seek asylum, but find a way to cross illegally. Gresham’s.
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?

You don't like it to dam bad.

And it has nothing to do with what the fk color thier skin is....

COME HERE LEGALLY first a.hole

It's legal to come to the border and apply for asylum.
Well link 'em up kid.
Rocks are lethal weapons, they can and do kill, if someone throws rocks they are attempting to murder the victims of the attack. Soldiers are allowed to defend themselves from violent attackers, that you don't see that is very telling.

I don't disagree. They are also trained in a variety of non-lethal means of de-escalating a situation. And...they are supposed to only be in supportive roles - only the border patrol will interact with the immigrants.

So why the glee that they might be able to shoot some?
You are claiming that rocks are not lethal which is a flat OUT LIE. You are claiming that preparing for the eventuality of attacking is bad or wrong. You are wrong and you are insisting that anyone that plans for it is gleeful about killing someone. You are wrong.

Where did I claim that rocks aren't lethal?

Preparing for the possibility isn't a problem.

That wasn't how the OP sounded.

The rhetoric is so ratcheted up that you all are making these people out to be thousands of armed militants descending on our border. That is a flat OUT LIE.

Why are we pulling the military down there anyway? A political stunt that could very easily backfire very badly.

Ok They are all alter boys and nuns Your so dumb it’s scary

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And you are so dishonest it's pathetic. No one said they are alter boys. If you are going to claim 80% of them are MS13 and ISIS. Prove it.

I am speaking facts. Not what the newspaper says or the CNN reports. My sources are personal and confidential. I’ve done Intel and counter terrorism work. I don’t listen to bullshit news. I get it from the people who are in it and really know what is going on. Unlike your dumbass

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The only way it can go badly is if they try to use force against them. Then yes it will be a very bad day for the invaders..

And the Left media will be there photographing every illegal and every injury and drop of blood to broadcast the the world painting Trump and the right as tyrants shooting at and or strong arming women and children. Fair and honest reporting is the last thing we'll get.

The Left media needs to be neutered because in it's present form, it amounts to a clear and present threat to national security.
Perhaps the government should take over the offices of ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNCB and CBS in the name of National Security otherwise, they'll keep encouraging these caravans and hostile actions towards America.

You'd like that wouldn't you?

“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

Source: It Can’t Happen Here (1935)
You don't like it to dam bad.

And it has nothing to do with what the fk color thier skin is....

COME HERE LEGALLY first a.hole


Or we'll shoot you.

You don't need to kill a caravan of desperate people to have good border control policies.
Rocks are lethal weapons, they can and do kill, if someone throws rocks they are attempting to murder the victims of the attack. Soldiers are allowed to defend themselves from violent attackers, that you don't see that is very telling.

I don't disagree. They are also trained in a variety of non-lethal means of de-escalating a situation. And...they are supposed to only be in supportive roles - only the border patrol will interact with the immigrants.

So why the glee that they might be able to shoot some?
You are claiming that rocks are not lethal which is a flat OUT LIE. You are claiming that preparing for the eventuality of attacking is bad or wrong. You are wrong and you are insisting that anyone that plans for it is gleeful about killing someone. You are wrong.

Where did I claim that rocks aren't lethal?

Preparing for the possibility isn't a problem.

That wasn't how the OP sounded.

The rhetoric is so ratcheted up that you all are making these people out to be thousands of armed militants descending on our border. That is a flat OUT LIE.

Why are we pulling the military down there anyway? A political stunt that could very easily backfire very badly.
------------------------------------------------------------- we see what these invaders did to some foreign troops and police at a couple of foreign border crossings and the invader caravan drew Blood Coyote .
No one is drooling. The president is protecting our borders. Please, leave the country.

After you.

Coyote, it’s only you liberal assholes complaining. Get the fuck out them.

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It's my country dude.

It’s not your country. You are a traitor and disgrace.

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Go fuck yourself. Seriously. You think you are the only people who love this country. You spend all your time ratcheting up hate against immigrants - including legal immigrants, think this should only be a nation of English speaking white Christians, and there is no room for diversity. Or, rather - diversity is on par with communism. You think a bunch of starving, desperate people are some how comparable to ISIS. I guess that makes you feel patriotic. And don't go saying that because I'm saying they are desperate we should let them in. No. We have a process - a LEGAL process you like to pretend DOESN'T EXIST. Asking for ASYLUM is a legal right under our law. That doesn't mean they get it, but it is absolutely legal and they are entitled to a hearing to determine their status. So traiter and disgrace? Look in the mirror.

We have enough diversity here. We don’t need anymore. Why should we cater to these people who want to come here and use and abuse the system.

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Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

Why? I'm not the one drooling over the prospect of shooting people or seeing anyone hurt.

Are you?
Your in your home... And these criminals try an enter your home welding rocks and threats... You will just let them come on in and do what they want or are you going to shoot and protect yourself and YOUR HOME? You have 1/10 of one second to decide..

False equivalency.

So you would just let them in and do what they will.... Your an Idiot..

No. You are an idiot. You completely miss the fact that there are PLENTY of options between OPEN BORDERS and HARD BORDERS so you have to resort to "you want to let them all in". You do realize that don't you, that it does not have to be one or the other only? That's have the problem with this rhetoric - it presents it as only an either or scenario. You also completely ignore the fact that illegal crossings have fallen hugely over the past decade and even with the slight increase again, it doesn't come near the numbers in the 80's and 90's. So WHY is it suddenly a huge crisis needing more troops at the border than we have stationed in Iraq? Because it's political.
----------------------------------------- invader caravan has no right to get in the USA and i want NONE of them in the USA Coyote .
Coyote, it’s only you liberal assholes complaining. Get the fuck out them.

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It's my country dude.
Funny way of showing, huh?

It's a diverse country. You don't own it and you certainly don't have the patent on patriotism.

Diverse. All we do is pay for the diverse assholes that come in.

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Like your ancestors?

My ancestors came in the right way and worked for there money not Welch of the US. Asshole

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I’m calling bull right now on your post, Coyote. We have nothing against legal immigrants. We do have something against those breaking the laws of our country.
No one is drooling. The president is protecting our borders. Please, leave the country.

After you.

Coyote, it’s only you liberal assholes complaining. Get the fuck out them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's my country dude.

It’s not your country. You are a traitor and disgrace.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Go fuck yourself. Seriously. You think you are the only people who love this country. You spend all your time ratcheting up hate against immigrants - including legal immigrants, think this should only be a nation of English speaking white Christians, and there is no room for diversity. Or, rather - diversity is on par with communism. You think a bunch of starving, desperate people are some how comparable to ISIS. I guess that makes you feel patriotic. And don't go saying that because I'm saying they are desperate we should let them in. No. We have a process - a LEGAL process you like to pretend DOESN'T EXIST. Asking for ASYLUM is a legal right under our law. That doesn't mean they get it, but it is absolutely legal and they are entitled to a hearing to determine their status. So traiter and disgrace? Look in the mirror.
President Trump has warned members of the migrant caravan that if they throw rocks at US military with the intent to cause serious bodily harm, they will be treated as combatants. “…I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico – we will consider that a firearm,” Trump has warned.
Breaking: President Trump Allows Troops To Fire On Violent Invaders – Live, Banned Midterm Coverage

Ewwwww this will tick off the trendy tards of society. But this time daddy know best loons trust us.
You seem excited, like you're hoping to see some South Americans get slaughtered.

Which is just sick.
----------------------------- [chuckle] you a mind reader eh Crep ??
Second migrant caravan storms into Mexico: 'Violent' group from Central America carrying BOMBS and guns defies a huge police presence to cross the border from Guatemala as Trump deploys 5,200 troops
  • The second caravan making their way up through Central America have members armed with explosives
  • Had gasoline bombs made of soft-drink bottles, and improvised PVC tubes to launch fireworks
  • Mexican federal police briefly blocked the migrants from crossing the Suchiate River on Monday
  • But the migrants soon defied the law enforcement presence and broke through into Mexico
  • Many tried to swim or wade across to Mexico, some while carrying children
  • Law enforcement avoided a second day of violence, a day after a confrontation left one migrant dead
Second migrant caravan storms into Mexico | Daily Mail Online
President Trump has warned members of the migrant caravan that if they throw rocks at US military with the intent to cause serious bodily harm, they will be treated as combatants. “…I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico – we will consider that a firearm,” Trump has warned.
Breaking: President Trump Allows Troops To Fire On Violent Invaders – Live, Banned Midterm Coverage

Ewwwww this will tick off the trendy tards of society. But this time daddy know best loons trust us.
You seem excited, like you're hoping to see some South Americans get slaughtered.

Which is just sick.
----------------------------- [chuckle] you a mind reader eh Crep ??
Uuhh no. You don't have to be a mind reader to read a post.
The only way it can go badly is if they try to use force against them. Then yes it will be a very bad day for the invaders..

And the Left media will be there photographing every illegal and every injury and drop of blood to broadcast the the world painting Trump and the right as tyrants shooting at and or strong arming women and children. Fair and honest reporting is the last thing we'll get.

The Left media needs to be neutered because in it's present form, it amounts to a clear and present threat to national security.
Perhaps the government should take over the offices of ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNCB and CBS in the name of National Security otherwise, they'll keep encouraging these caravans and hostile actions towards America.

You'd like that wouldn't you?

“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

Source: It Can’t Happen Here (1935)
Facisim started under Obama and Trump is undoing your fascist control set up....Is that why you all are so pissed? were trying to FOLLOW THE LAW and you folks don't like it...
Shit, there wasn't even a US when my people came here. They came here and carved out a living in FL.

Welfare?! Wtf? You better kill you some doves or snakes or something.
The only way it can go badly is if they try to use force against them. Then yes it will be a very bad day for the invaders..

And the Left media will be there photographing every illegal and every injury and drop of blood to broadcast the the world painting Trump and the right as tyrants shooting at and or strong arming women and children. Fair and honest reporting is the last thing we'll get.

The Left media needs to be neutered because in it's present form, it amounts to a clear and present threat to national security.
Perhaps the government should take over the offices of ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNCB and CBS in the name of National Security otherwise, they'll keep encouraging these caravans and hostile actions towards America.

You'd like that wouldn't you?

“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

Source: It Can’t Happen Here (1935)
Facisim started under Obama and Trump is undoing your fascist control set up....Is that why you all are so pissed? were trying to FOLLOW THE LAW and you folks don't like it...

"Perhaps the government should take over the offices of ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNCB and CBS in the name of National Security "
The only way it can go badly is if they try to use force against them. Then yes it will be a very bad day for the invaders..

And the Left media will be there photographing every illegal and every injury and drop of blood to broadcast the the world painting Trump and the right as tyrants shooting at and or strong arming women and children. Fair and honest reporting is the last thing we'll get.

The Left media needs to be neutered because in it's present form, it amounts to a clear and present threat to national security.
Perhaps the government should take over the offices of ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNCB and CBS in the name of National Security otherwise, they'll keep encouraging these caravans and hostile actions towards America.

You'd like that wouldn't you?

“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

Source: It Can’t Happen Here (1935)
Facisim started under Obama and Trump is undoing your fascist control set up....Is that why you all are so pissed? were trying to FOLLOW THE LAW and you folks don't like it...

"Perhaps the government should take over the offices of ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNCB and CBS in the name of National Security "
Obama took them over by willing participants.. Co-Conspirators...

And they continue today doing the will of Anti-US NWO fools..

Tell me again who befriended and launched his political career in a fascist terrorists home? That would be Obama..
“Today Navarrete said there is information indicating that criminal groups have penetrated the caravan. Further information is expected from Guatemala authorities regarding what firearms they have and what their intentions are. They have evidence of individuals preparing molotov cocktails, leading to speculation that there might be additional violent incursions at the border.”
This will get a lot of right wingers off their bar stools and fired up right before an election. Trump knows exactly what he's doing. Wonder if the cheapskate draft dodger will give the troops combat pay for this. I mean, going up against rocks and all.

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