Trump holds news conference on invasion from central America and invasion in general

Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

Why? I'm not the one drooling over the prospect of shooting people or seeing anyone hurt.

Are you?
No one is drooling. The president is protecting our borders. Please, leave the country.

After you.

Coyote, it’s only you liberal assholes complaining. Get the fuck out them.

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Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

Why? I'm not the one drooling over the prospect of shooting people or seeing anyone hurt.

Are you?
Your in your home... And these criminals try an enter your home welding rocks and threats... You will just let them come on in and do what they want or are you going to shoot and protect yourself and YOUR HOME? You have 1/10 of one second to decide..

False equivalency.

So you would just let them in and do what they will.... Your an Idiot..

No. You are an idiot. You completely miss the fact that there are PLENTY of options between OPEN BORDERS and HARD BORDERS so you have to resort to "you want to let them all in". You do realize that don't you, that it does not have to be one or the other only? That's have the problem with this rhetoric - it presents it as only an either or scenario. You also completely ignore the fact that illegal crossings have fallen hugely over the past decade and even with the slight increase again, it doesn't come near the numbers in the 80's and 90's. So WHY is it suddenly a huge crisis needing more troops at the border than we have stationed in Iraq? Because it's political.
Detienen a dos hondureños tras ataque armado a policías federales | Secretaría de Gobernación | Gobierno |
Two Hondurans arrested after armed attack on federal police The Ministry of the Interior informs that this afternoon two men of Honduran nationality, attacked with firearm elements of the Coordination of Reaction and Immediate Alert of the Division of Federal Forces of the Federal Police Author Ministry of the Interior Publication date October 29, 2018 Category Release
The Ministry of the Interior informs that this afternoon two men of Honduran nationality, one of them a minor, attacked with firearm elements of the Coordination of Reaction and Immediate Alert of the Division of Federal Forces of the Federal Police (PF), who performed prevention functions in the framework of the "Operative Caminante", in the town of Ignacio Zaragoza, Municipality of Frontera Hidalgo, Chiapas. The two foreign subjects of name Carlos "N", of 17 years of age, and Jerson "N" of 22 years, when noticing themselves of the presence of the federals, began to shoot them of direct way in their attempt to flee. Fortunately, the assailants' weapon failed, so they could not hurt any element of the FP. Both men were secured with a pistol, Glock brand, with license plate YAE371, caliber 380 mm, with 9 useful cartridges, and put at the disposal of the Federal Public Ministry Agency. Bulletin No.383 / 18

Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?

You don't like it to dam bad.

And it has nothing to do with what the fk color thier skin is....

COME HERE LEGALLY first a.hole


Or we'll shoot you.

You don't need to kill a caravan of desperate people to have good border control policies.
Rocks are lethal weapons, they can and do kill, if someone throws rocks they are attempting to murder the victims of the attack. Soldiers are allowed to defend themselves from violent attackers, that you don't see that is very telling.

I don't disagree. They are also trained in a variety of non-lethal means of de-escalating a situation. And...they are supposed to only be in supportive roles - only the border patrol will interact with the immigrants.

So why the glee that they might be able to shoot some?
Sounds like you are just itching to see brown skinned people gunned down. You going to have a popcorn stand at the border?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

Why? I'm not the one drooling over the prospect of shooting people or seeing anyone hurt.

Are you?
No one is drooling. The president is protecting our borders. Please, leave the country.

After you.

Coyote, it’s only you liberal assholes complaining. Get the fuck out them.

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It's my country dude.
I honestly think most Liberals such as Coyote do not have the common sense to put two and two together.

Venezuela's radical Left is about as anti-American as it gets.
Honduras and Guatemala both have very unstable governments with radical Leftists trying to destabilize the country as leftists do often.

So, it is likely that Venezuela is partially behind this caravan KNOWING full well that the current President will take action, thereby further infuriating Mexico and possibly ALL of South America. In fact, there's some potential to believe CHINA could be in on it as well.

This is FAR FAR more than people seeking refuge. Honduras and Guatemala have every reason to send their societies rough edges North.
These are the people who can wreak the most havoc.

These caravans are not about refugees. They are about political disruption and antagonization of the Trump administration. It is VASTLY encouraged by the Left in the USA without whose support and anti American and pro illegals rhetoric these caravans would never have been organized.

There are many problems left in Honduras, but the big one is the presence of radical Chavista leftists and their liberation theology church and NGO connected supporters who are still stirring the pot, offering freebies as a substitute for an economy and making things ungovernable. Their ultimate aim, now that their name stinks with voters after the 2009 fiasco, is to destabilize what little is left of battered Honduras in the name of la revolución by force or chaos or whatever, since they can't get elected. What better way than to launch an unpopular migrant march to put pressure from President Trump on their governments as well as teach gringo a lesson that his borders mean nothing?
You don't like it to dam bad.

And it has nothing to do with what the fk color thier skin is....

COME HERE LEGALLY first a.hole


Or we'll shoot you.

You don't need to kill a caravan of desperate people to have good border control policies.
Rocks are lethal weapons, they can and do kill, if someone throws rocks they are attempting to murder the victims of the attack. Soldiers are allowed to defend themselves from violent attackers, that you don't see that is very telling.

I don't disagree. They are also trained in a variety of non-lethal means of de-escalating a situation. And...they are supposed to only be in supportive roles - only the border patrol will interact with the immigrants.

So why the glee that they might be able to shoot some?
You are claiming that rocks are not lethal which is a flat OUT LIE. You are claiming that preparing for the eventuality of attacking is bad or wrong. You are wrong and you are insisting that anyone that plans for it is gleeful about killing someone. You are wrong.

Where did I claim that rocks aren't lethal?

Preparing for the possibility isn't a problem.

That wasn't how the OP sounded.

The rhetoric is so ratcheted up that you all are making these people out to be thousands of armed militants descending on our border. That is a flat OUT LIE.

Why are we pulling the military down there anyway? A political stunt that could very easily backfire very badly.

Ok They are all alter boys and nuns Your so dumb it’s scary

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Yeah this is just what I want coming here my dream illegal .

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View attachment 226184

RT on Twitter

I didn't see that in the pictures of the caravan. Perhaps you could provide a link?

Open your eyes asshole. There are thousands and 80% of them are pieces of shit

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Really. You know this how?

Very simple. News will show you pictures of women and children but who broke down the border fence in Mexico and set the building on fire. 80% are either MS-13 and ISIS and other scum. You want them have them move in with you. My sources are better then most.

They want to try and come in illegally they turn back or they get shot.

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Link? Please try to find a reputable source.
President Trump has warned members of the migrant caravan that if they throw rocks at US military with the intent to cause serious bodily harm, they will be treated as combatants. “…I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico – we will consider that a firearm,” Trump has warned.
Breaking: President Trump Allows Troops To Fire On Violent Invaders – Live, Banned Midterm Coverage

Ewwwww this will tick off the trendy tards of society. But this time daddy know best loons trust us.

This has been done before and the government left the Marine who did the shooting hanging. I really hope Trump backs them up.

This isn't what active duty troops are supposed to be doing. It could very easily go very badly.
The only way it can go badly is if they try to use force against them. Then yes it will be a very bad day for the invaders..
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

Why? I'm not the one drooling over the prospect of shooting people or seeing anyone hurt.

Are you?
No one is drooling. The president is protecting our borders. Please, leave the country.

After you.

Coyote, it’s only you liberal assholes complaining. Get the fuck out them.

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It's my country dude.
Funny way of showing, huh?
I honestly think most Liberals such as Coyote do not have the common sense to put two and two together.

Venezuela's radical Left is about as anti-American as it gets.
Honduras and Guatemala both have very unstable governments with radical Leftists trying to destabilize the country as leftists do often.

So, it is likely that Venezuela is partially behind this caravan KNOWING full well that the current President will take action, thereby further infuriating Mexico and possibly ALL of South America. In fact, there's some potential to believe CHINA could be in on it as well.

This is FAR FAR more than people seeking refuge. Honduras and Guatemala have every reason to send their societies rough edges North.
These are the people who can wreak the most havoc.

These caravans are not about refugees. They are about political disruption and antagonization of the Trump administration. It is VASTLY encouraged by the Left in the USA without whose support these caravans would never have been organized.

There are many problems left in Honduras, but the big one is the presence of radical Chavista leftists and their liberation theology church and NGO connected supporters who are still stirring the pot, offering freebies as a substitute for an economy and making things ungovernable. Their ultimate aim, now that their name stinks with voters after the 2009 fiasco, is to destabilize what little is left of battered Honduras in the name of la revolución by force or chaos or whatever, since they can't get elected. What better way than to launch an unpopular migrant march to put pressure from President Trump on their governments as well as teach gringo a lesson that his borders mean nothing?

You are blaming this exodus on "liberation theology" in Hondorus?

You are right it is political - what better way to rally the base mob than redirect attention from the horrific recent violence here at home and create a threat at the border.
President Trump has warned members of the migrant caravan that if they throw rocks at US military with the intent to cause serious bodily harm, they will be treated as combatants. “…I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico – we will consider that a firearm,” Trump has warned.
Breaking: President Trump Allows Troops To Fire On Violent Invaders – Live, Banned Midterm Coverage

Ewwwww this will tick off the trendy tards of society. But this time daddy know best loons trust us.

This has been done before and the government left the Marine who did the shooting hanging. I really hope Trump backs them up.

This isn't what active duty troops are supposed to be doing. It could very easily go very badly.

Now your an expert. Our military is here to protect our country and that is what they will be doing. You have no fucking clue.

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President Trump has warned members of the migrant caravan that if they throw rocks at US military with the intent to cause serious bodily harm, they will be treated as combatants. “…I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico – we will consider that a firearm,” Trump has warned.
Breaking: President Trump Allows Troops To Fire On Violent Invaders – Live, Banned Midterm Coverage

Ewwwww this will tick off the trendy tards of society. But this time daddy know best loons trust us.

This has been done before and the government left the Marine who did the shooting hanging. I really hope Trump backs them up.

This isn't what active duty troops are supposed to be doing. It could very easily go very badly.

Has before. Hope it don’t again only because the Govrenment will bail on the soldier doing the shooting just like last time. Far as troops defending the border, that’s in their job description.
Somehow she doesn't know what defending our nation entails..
President Trump has warned members of the migrant caravan that if they throw rocks at US military with the intent to cause serious bodily harm, they will be treated as combatants. “…I will tell you this: Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico – we will consider that a firearm,” Trump has warned.
Breaking: President Trump Allows Troops To Fire On Violent Invaders – Live, Banned Midterm Coverage

Ewwwww this will tick off the trendy tards of society. But this time daddy know best loons trust us.
You seem excited, like you're hoping to see some South Americans get slaughtered.

Which is just sick.
Why? I'm not the one drooling over the prospect of shooting people or seeing anyone hurt.

Are you?
No one is drooling. The president is protecting our borders. Please, leave the country.

After you.

Coyote, it’s only you liberal assholes complaining. Get the fuck out them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's my country dude.
Funny way of showing, huh?

It's a diverse country. You don't own it and you certainly don't have the patent on patriotism.
I honestly think most Liberals such as Coyote do not have the common sense to put two and two together.

Venezuela's radical Left is about as anti-American as it gets.
Honduras and Guatemala both have very unstable governments with radical Leftists trying to destabilize the country as leftists do often.

So, it is likely that Venezuela is partially behind this caravan KNOWING full well that the current President will take action, thereby further infuriating Mexico and possibly ALL of South America. In fact, there's some potential to believe CHINA could be in on it as well.

This is FAR FAR more than people seeking refuge. Honduras and Guatemala have every reason to send their societies rough edges North.
These are the people who can wreak the most havoc.

These caravans are not about refugees. They are about political disruption and antagonization of the Trump administration. It is VASTLY encouraged by the Left in the USA without whose support these caravans would never have been organized.

There are many problems left in Honduras, but the big one is the presence of radical Chavista leftists and their liberation theology church and NGO connected supporters who are still stirring the pot, offering freebies as a substitute for an economy and making things ungovernable. Their ultimate aim, now that their name stinks with voters after the 2009 fiasco, is to destabilize what little is left of battered Honduras in the name of la revolución by force or chaos or whatever, since they can't get elected. What better way than to launch an unpopular migrant march to put pressure from President Trump on their governments as well as teach gringo a lesson that his borders mean nothing?

You are blaming this exodus on "liberation theology" in Hondorus?

You are right it is political - what better way to rally the base mob than redirect attention from the horrific recent violence here at home and create a threat at the border.
When and where is your protest against Honduras?
Sounds like you are just itching to have American military hurt or killed by rock throwing scum.

Why? I'm not the one drooling over the prospect of shooting people or seeing anyone hurt.

Are you?
Your in your home... And these criminals try an enter your home welding rocks and threats... You will just let them come on in and do what they want or are you going to shoot and protect yourself and YOUR HOME? You have 1/10 of one second to decide..

False equivalency.

So you would just let them in and do what they will.... Your an Idiot..

No. You are an idiot. You completely miss the fact that there are PLENTY of options between OPEN BORDERS and HARD BORDERS so you have to resort to "you want to let them all in". You do realize that don't you, that it does not have to be one or the other only? That's have the problem with this rhetoric - it presents it as only an either or scenario. You also completely ignore the fact that illegal crossings have fallen hugely over the past decade and even with the slight increase again, it doesn't come near the numbers in the 80's and 90's. So WHY is it suddenly a huge crisis needing more troops at the border than we have stationed in Iraq? Because it's political.

Let me get my violin for you

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