Trump holds news conference on invasion from central America and invasion in general

Posse Comitatus Act

Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.

Protecting the border is domestic law enforcement? Seems a stretch.

The military isn't going there to protect the border. They going they're to get out the vote. To placate the pathetic fears of abject cowards.
---------------------------- GOOD , Whatever works eh DBlack !!

I didn't know Don Black was a USMB member.............. I didn't know he became a Liberal, and for the Immigrant invasions.
Yeah this is just what I want coming here my dream illegal .

View attachment 226183

View attachment 226184

RT on Twitter

I didn't see that in the pictures of the caravan. Perhaps you could provide a link?

Open your eyes asshole. There are thousands and 80% of them are pieces of shit

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Never ever call Coyote an asshole, buddy.

You can bet your ass there are a hundred conservative journalists down there in the caravan hunting for someone from the Middle East or with MS13 tattoos. If they had found a single one, it would be all over Fox news. So you should easily be able to supply us a link to the 80% you cite.

You folks ignore the news when it doesn't fit your agenda... The Mexican government detained over 100 MS13 and ME men..
Then you will have no problem giving us a LINK to these CLAIMS.
Posse Comitatus Act

Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.

Protecting the border is domestic law enforcement? Seems a stretch.

The military isn't going there to protect the border. They going they're to get out the vote. To placate the pathetic fears of abject cowards.
---------------------------- GOOD , Whatever works eh DBlack !!

Really, you're admitting Trump supporters are abject cowards? Well, at least we have a base agreement we can work with.

So, should we make important decisions for the country based on the hysterical fears of cowards? Maybe our military capital is better spent defending us from real enemies.
Posse Comitatus Act

Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.

Protecting the border is domestic law enforcement? Seems a stretch.

The military isn't going there to protect the border. They going they're to get out the vote. To placate the pathetic fears of abject cowards.
---------------------------- GOOD , Whatever works eh DBlack !!

Really, you're admitting Trump supporters are abject cowards? Well, at least we have a base agreement we can work with.

So, should we make important decisions for the country based on the hysterical fears of cowards? Maybe our military capital is better spent defending us from real enemies.

Don Black, how the f*ck are you??????

I always wanted to know why your forum allows anti-Polish attacks, but not anti-British attacks??????????/

With that said, when did you start supporting Illegal Immigration as a Liberal?????????????

I thought you were a White Supremacist??????
Posse Comitatus Act

Opinion | Trump’s troop buildup at the border violates centuries of Anglo-American law

The principle is the prohibition of military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Its abridgement was prominent among the charges laid on King George in the Declaration of Independence — Jefferson wrote that the crown “has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” And its common law roots are far stronger and older, dating at least to Magna Carta.

The legal provision that encapsulates the principle is the Posse Comitatus Act. The law was passed in 1878, following widespread, heavy-handed use of Union troops to exercise typical law enforcement functions in the former Confederate states. In its current form, it provides criminal penalties for anyone who “willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus” — that is, as an auxiliary of law enforcement — “or otherwise to execute the laws.” There is an exception for circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an act of Congress, which Congress invoked for example in authorizing limited military involvement in the war on drugs.

Its obscure name and rare deployment notwithstanding, the Posse Comitatus Act enshrines the bedrock democratic idea that civil society is separate from and superior to military force, and that regulation of citizens by military is antithetical to liberty.

Protecting the border is domestic law enforcement? Seems a stretch.

The military isn't going there to protect the border. They going they're to get out the vote. To placate the pathetic fears of abject cowards.
---------------------------- GOOD , Whatever works eh DBlack !!

Really, you're admitting Trump supporters are abject cowards? Well, at least we have a base agreement we can work with.

So, should we make important decisions for the country based on the hysterical fears of cowards? Maybe our military capital is better spent defending us from real enemies.
-------------------------------------------------- i don't care what silly names you call me and my Deplorable Cohorts . I just figure , sticks and stones . Hey , we already beat you guys when we beat your 'hilary' DBlack .:afro:
The Military will not be used with rifles to shoot Rock throwers as Trump claimed.....

He's simply LYING.... purposely lying to scare the pajesus out of the refugees on their way here, and to yank his followers chains.... right before the election....

he's pulling out all stops to get you all to vote for the Republican Establishment critters that you and he, once HATED.
The Military will not be used with rifles to shoot Rock throwers as Trump claimed.....

He's simply LYING.... purposely lying to scare the pajesus out of the refugees on their way here, and to yank his followers chains.... right before the election....

he's pulling out all stops to get you all to vote for the Republican Establishment critters that you and he, once HATED.
-------------------------------------- what ever works eh 'care4' ??
The only way it can go badly is if they try to use force against them. Then yes it will be a very bad day for the invaders..

And the Left media will be there photographing every illegal and every injury and drop of blood to broadcast the the world painting Trump and the right as tyrants shooting at and or strong arming women and children. Fair and honest reporting is the last thing we'll get.

The Left media needs to be neutered because in it's present form, it amounts to a clear and present threat to national security.
Perhaps the government should take over the offices of ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNCB and CBS in the name of National Security otherwise, they'll keep encouraging these caravans and hostile actions towards America.

You'd like that wouldn't you?

“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

Source: It Can’t Happen Here (1935)

Neocon - Paleo-cons aren't Fascists.

They've killed more than every Fascist style regime EXCEPT the Nazis.

I say give it time, and Neocons will killl as much, or perhaps more than the Nazis. (This is an unknown)

But, absolutely, some Fascist type guys didn't kill as much as the Bush boys, or rather as they shall be called now the Bushie Geezers.

The fact is even Conservative estimates prove that Bush's killed 100's of thousands AT LEAST, which isn't very reasonable to me, probably over a million were killed by the Bushie Geezers.

The fact is, Mussolini the #2 Fascist killer didn't kill that many, neither did Franco the #3 Fascist killer.

Some Fascists killed far fewer like Hungary's Horthy, or Greece's Metaxas.

Some Fascist type guys like Jozef Beck of Poland, and Peron of Argentina basically killed just about NO ONE.
No one is drooling. The president is protecting our borders. Please, leave the country.

After you.

Coyote, it’s only you liberal assholes complaining. Get the fuck out them.

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It's my country dude.

It’s not your country. You are a traitor and disgrace.

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think this should only be a nation of English speaking white Christians, and there is no room for diversity. Or, rather - diversity is on par with communism.

The first is sort of on target with the Founding Fathers, and the second is well the opposite of the truth.

1.) The Founding Fathers were for Whites ONLY, but they were for those Whites to support what-ever-Religion they chose.

In fact, they didn't even like some Whites, as the Founding Fathers Immigration Act stated the Naturalization Act of 1790 that only free Whites of good character were to become U.S Citizens.

Also note that only 6% of America could vote in the first election, due to ONLY White property owning citizens being able to vote.

That excluded White women, White indentured Servants, White renters, and Black slaves, and Native Americans, and so forth.

2.) Communism created Homogenity, NOT Diversity, Poland would have been about 75% Polish rather than 99.9% like it was in 1990's, if not for Soviet actions, they pushed out Ukrainians & Germans & stripped Jews of their jobs & told them they could leave.

HOWEVER, there are probably over 1 million migrants in Poland, MOSTLY Ukrainians, some Chechens, some Vietnamese, some Chinese, some Belorussians, some Russians, and well a little bit of OTHERS including Africans.

People might think Communism is about diversity & Capitalism is about a homogenous society.

That's HOWEVER are the exact OPPOSITE of the TRUTH.
You lie again. Most are young men.

Because only a Nazi would object to a massive foreign invasion of his own country.

5000 people - most women in children- isn't an invasion.

Now, I'm sure you are wetting your magic underwear at the thought of all the scary brown people coming over... but most sane people are like, 'Meh, no big deal."
Yeah this is just what I want coming here my dream illegal .

View attachment 226183

View attachment 226184

RT on Twitter

I didn't see that in the pictures of the caravan. Perhaps you could provide a link?

Open your eyes asshole. There are thousands and 80% of them are pieces of shit

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Never ever call Coyote an asshole, buddy.

You can bet your ass there are a hundred conservative journalists down there in the caravan hunting for someone from the Middle East or with MS13 tattoos. If they had found a single one, it would be all over Fox news. So you should easily be able to supply us a link to the 80% you cite.

You folks ignore the news when it doesn't fit your agenda... The Mexican government detained over 100 MS13 and ME men..
Good! That happened well over a week ago. So why are people still saying there are a bunch of them in the caravan?
probably because there still MAY be MORE , who knows ?? Who trusts the 'mexican' government anyway eh ??
Perhaps it's time the government should take over the offices of ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and CBS in the name of National Security otherwise, they'll keep encouraging these caravans and hostile actions towards America. Aren't you AGAINST Hostile actions towards America?

Don't you want American women and children safe?

why isn't the Left media being considered a Domestic threat?

Could we possibly get this done via the Supreme court?

Sadly for you, we are not yet a fascist nation.

Is it Fascism, or Germans which are the problem??????????????? Keep in mind a lot of Americans are Germans, and BEHAVE like the same kind of SAVAGES.

Poland was basically a Fascist Nation in the 1930's, and as it became more anti-Semitic, and Fascist / Nationalistic in the 1930's it became MORE PEACEFUL vs 1920's Poland of Jozef Pilsudski involved in quite a few "SMALL WARS".

I made such an thread.

Non-Violent Authoritarian/Anti-Semite regime.

Keep in mind, Germans killed off the Wends (Slavic tribes of Eastern Germany) to extinction, they killed of Baltic tribes like Old Prussians & Old Livonians to extinction.

They killed in Gdansk Massacre.

Fast forward, the Germans caused the 30 Year War killing 6 - 8 million, THE BIGGEST war in Europe before WW1, which brings in WW1, 15- 25 million killed by ANOTHER War by Germans, and then 30 - 50 million killed by Germans as Nazis in WW2 actions they provoked.

SO, I'm going to really blame this on Germans, not Fascism.

If it were Fascism, why didn't Poland do such???????

The close relatives of Germans the Anglos the MOST pro-Jewish people, and most pro-Capitalist people have killed a ton too.

Anglos in the LATE Victorian Era were the MOST GENOCIDAL & most Capitalist, and most pro-Jewish country in Europe.

Yet, they had the British Empire Late Victorian Holocausts, which peaked during Benjamin Disraeli's regime, who was THE ONLY Jew ever elected to British leadership like that.

So, NO, I don't think so, I think that Anglos & Saxons AKA English & Germans have a looting, and shooting streak, they're FERAL BARBARIANS.
The best way for a bank robber not to get shot by the police is to not rob the bank and threaten the police sent to stop the robbery..

The best way for someone not to get shot by the border patrol is for them not to try to illegally cross the border and attack the border agents sent to stop the illegal entry.

It is not rocket science.
then I would suggest we don't purposely short hand our legal border entries, forcing the asylum seekers to cross the river and turn themselves in.

Once the refugees cross the border in to the USA, and turn themselves over to border patrols, they have a LEGAL RIGHT to seek asylum....

Most if not near all, will NOT get asylum once they go through the process, and will be sent home.... the Trump admin changed the rules and domestic violence and a couple of other reasons to seek asylum, were taken off the list.

Congress can write a new law, to disallow illegal border crossers from being eligible to seek refugee asylum, but until that happens, it is the Law of the Land that we give them due process, in seeking asylum, where ever they cross the border.
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I’m calling bull right now on your post, Coyote. We have nothing against legal immigrants. We do have something against those breaking the laws of our country.
After you.

Coyote, it’s only you liberal assholes complaining. Get the fuck out them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's my country dude.

It’s not your country. You are a traitor and disgrace.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Go fuck yourself. Seriously. You think you are the only people who love this country. You spend all your time ratcheting up hate against immigrants - including legal immigrants, think this should only be a nation of English speaking white Christians, and there is no room for diversity. Or, rather - diversity is on par with communism. You think a bunch of starving, desperate people are some how comparable to ISIS. I guess that makes you feel patriotic. And don't go saying that because I'm saying they are desperate we should let them in. No. We have a process - a LEGAL process you like to pretend DOESN'T EXIST. Asking for ASYLUM is a legal right under our law. That doesn't mean they get it, but it is absolutely legal and they are entitled to a hearing to determine their status. So traiter and disgrace? Look in the mirror.
employment is at will in our at-will employment States.

Compensation should be automatic for being unemployed in at-will employment States.

We have a problem with, "illegals" to our own laws.
Second migrant caravan storms into Mexico: 'Violent' group from Central America carrying BOMBS and guns defies a huge police presence to cross the border from Guatemala as Trump deploys 5,200 troops
  • The second caravan making their way up through Central America have members armed with explosives
  • Had gasoline bombs made of soft-drink bottles, and improvised PVC tubes to launch fireworks
  • Mexican federal police briefly blocked the migrants from crossing the Suchiate River on Monday
  • But the migrants soon defied the law enforcement presence and broke through into Mexico
  • Many tried to swim or wade across to Mexico, some while carrying children
  • Law enforcement avoided a second day of violence, a day after a confrontation left one migrant dead
Second migrant caravan storms into Mexico | Daily Mail Online
Government solves all problems under Capitalism?

Where are the fine and wonderful Capitalists who have a petty cash fund, for this purpose. Making money should be a hobby.
Asylum is supposed to only be granted only for when their own government go after the Asylum seekers and not some silly 'domestic abuse' claim [funny] . Can't these supposedly abused women take care of themselves 'care4' ?? [chuckle]
The best way for a bank robber not to get shot by the police is to not rob the bank and threaten the police sent to stop the robbery..

The best way for someone not to get shot by the border patrol is for them not to try to illegally cross the border and attack the border agents sent to stop the illegal entry.

It is not rocket science.
then I would suggest we don't purposely short hand our legal border entries, forcing the asylum seekers to cross the river and turn themselves in.

Once the refugees cross the border in to the USA, and turn themselves over to border patrols, they have a LEGAL RIGHT to seek asylum....

Most if not near all, will NOT get asylum once they go through the process, and will be sent home.... the Trump admin changed the rules and domestic violence and a couple of other reasons to seek asylum, were taken off the list.

Congress can write a new law, to disallow illegal border crossers from being eligible to seek refugee asylum, but until that happens, it is the Law of the Land that we give them due process, in seeking asylum, where ever they cross the border.
--------------------------------- Domestic Abuse whether real or not was never a reason for ASYLUM except maybe under 'mrobama' 'Care4' .

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