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Trump: I Have Investigators in Hawaii...'They Cannot Believe What They're Finding'

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Just for funzies, what if it was found out that Obama really wasnt born in Hawaii? Then what?
murkin idolatry would hire Britney and Lindsay and distract you fools so there wouldn't be any violence.
Donald Trump now has investigators in Hawaii researching Obama's origins and they are not believing what they are finding out about the President. I knew Trump would do this. He has the resources and ability that the average American doesn't have to find out vital information. I think he might find out the truth about if Obama was born in a hospital in Hawaii or one out of the country. I believe that this has the White House very nervous.
Lemme guess.....you, Michele Bachmann & Becko-The-Clown are triplets.....who were separated-at-birth, right??? :eusa_eh:

You're gonna have to move-along, now. The sidewalk need to be cleared for The Obamaconomy.

Even Becko-The-Clown is folding-up his cardboard-condo & clearing-outta-town.
(You can proceed to the delousing-station, nearest you.)​

April 6, 2011

"But as the recession began to ease, Beck’s apocalyptic forecasts and ominous conspiracies became less persuasive, and his audience began to drift away. Beck responded with a doubling-down that ultimately brought about his demise on Fox.

He pushed further into dark conspiracies, urging his viewers to hoard food in their homes and to buy freeze-dried meals for sustenance when civilization breaks down. He spun a conspiracy theory in which the American left was in cahoots with an emerging caliphate in the Middle East. And, most ominously, he began to traffic regularly in anti-Semitic themes.

This vile turn for Beck reached its logical extreme two weeks ago, when he devoted his entire show to a conspiracy theory about various bankers, including the Rothschilds, to create the Federal Reserve. To make this case, Beck hosted the conspiracy theorist G. Edward Griffin, who has publicly argued that the anti-Semitic tract “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” “accurately describes much of what is happening in our world today.

Fox deserves credit for finally putting an end to this.”

Teabaggers; Ask Your Doctor, Today, About



"I'm feeling much-better, now."
Last edited:
What would do it though?
I thought that the certificate had been produced and hospital's leading surgeon (or some such person) had verified it's authenticity.

Why in Heaven's name would you think THAT?

Well, there's any amount of reporting on it
FactCheck.org: Born in the U.S.A.
seems pretty thorough.

HONOLULU (AP) State officials say there's no doubt Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

Health Department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said Friday she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.
State declares Obama birth certificate genuine | KXNet.com North Dakota News

And much, much more.
There are even pictures of it.

You should really try to keep up. Both those stories were discredited some time ago.
Why in Heaven's name would you think THAT?

Well, there's any amount of reporting on it
FactCheck.org: Born in the U.S.A.
seems pretty thorough.

HONOLULU (AP) State officials say there's no doubt Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

Health Department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said Friday she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.
State declares Obama birth certificate genuine | KXNet.com North Dakota News

And much, much more.
There are even pictures of it.

You should really try to keep up. Both those stories were discredited some time ago.
Fair enough..I can't find it though...I'll keep looking...unless you can help.
Now, that's a good question.

I'm not sure it makes a difference to his citizenship, since wherever he was born, his mother was still a US citizen at the time. I think it might spark some changes in how states go about letting someone put their name on the ballot. At the moment, my understanding is that they simply take the person's word for it that they're eligible, unless and until someone with standing challenges it.

I'm not entirely sure why members of the voting population themselves aren't seen as having standing. If anyone has a right to protest a legally-unqualified candidate, wouldn't you think it would be the voters?

His citizenship is not the issue. The issue would be that his presidency would then be illegal. Therefore, every law, every order, every piece of paper signed by Obama would be invalid. If he obtained the office dishonestly, he would not only have to leave office, but everything he's done over the past two years would have to be scrapped. You do see that, right?

What the voters think is immaterial. If he was ineligible to run, then everything he's done is also.

Under legal precedent there is something called the "Officer Doctrine" where even if after election it is found out that the candidate did not qualify for office, the actions taken under the color of law are still valid.

If everything Obama has done were to be invalidated, a couple of big things could be:
  • All legislation would be invalidated, including past budgets. The fiscal crisis that would cause would be catastrophic.
  • All military orders for the troops in our current wars would invalid and the troops then acting under color or law. Instead of a military action they could be held individually accountable for murder.

Just don't see that happening. More than likely it would end up at the Supreme Court and they would rule that, yes Obama was personally ineligible, however he complied with the laws at the time. The states put him on the ballot in compliance with the laws. As such he can be impeached for being ineligible, but the Officer Doctrine would apply and legislation passed under his administration would be valid.

Some (not saying you) use the "everything is invalid" position as a means of negating Obamacare without thinking about what it really means from the big picture. It is really a boogieman argument.
The reason there is no birth certificate is because he is the Anti-Christ born of a woman and a dog.
Would Biden become prez if that were the case? Or would that be invalid as well since he was also duped?
The mind boggles.

Actually John McCain would be president since the original decision of the electoral college was invalid. He was the runner up.

Tessio: "Tom, can you get me off the hook? For old times sake?"

Tom: "Can't do it, Sally."
Greatest thread ever.

Oh and burfers crack me up.

You morons are not only depending on Trump but you are depending on him running on being a burfer. This is fantastic.

Trump's a liar and a fraud.

Otherwise known as a Conservative.:lol:
Would Biden become prez if that were the case? Or would that be invalid as well since he was also duped?
The mind boggles.

Legally, the Electoral College are the ones that elect the President and Vice-President and they do it with separate votes. If one is found to be ineligible, that would not invalidate the separate vote. The 25th Amendment kicks in and it is pretty clear.

Although I don't know which is/would be worse, Obama as President or Biden as President. The only good thing would be that Biden as President would have such a "taint" that I think it would be impossible for him to win a re-election bid.

Just for funzies, what if it was found out that Obama really wasnt born in Hawaii? Then what?

The law is NOT clear. The Constitution requires the President be a NATURAL Born citizen. That requires Congress to define. My personal opinion is that ANYONE born ANYWHERE of an American is a NATURAL Born citizen.

McCain was not born anywhere in the US. And he was responsible for the worst naval accident in history..as well as losing several planes that were never shot at.

Greatest thread ever.

Oh and burfers crack me up.

You morons are not only depending on Trump but you are depending on him running on being a burfer. This is fantastic.

Trump's a liar and a fraud.

Otherwise known as a Conservative.:lol:
Ross Perot was often referred-to (during his Presidential-campaign) as "...a grenade with a bad-haircut."

I think ol' Ross (officially) lost that title.


Are people really looking forward to discussing this dude's hair....for 4 YEARS?

I'm not sure it makes a difference to his citizenship, since wherever he was born, his mother was still a US citizen at the time. I think it might spark some changes in how states go about letting someone put their name on the ballot. At the moment, my understanding is that they simply take the person's word for it that they're eligible, unless and until someone with standing challenges it.

I'm not entirely sure why members of the voting population themselves aren't seen as having standing. If anyone has a right to protest a legally-unqualified candidate, wouldn't you think it would be the voters?

But it would put this in a very sticky situation, wouldnt it?

It says you have to be born in this country. Essential. Have to be born in this country, okay? If he wasn’t born in this country, he has conned the whole world.

Trump is mistaken. The Constitution doesn't say you have to be born in this country. It says you have to be a natural-born citizen, as in a citizen by birth, rather than being naturalized. A person whose biological parent is a US citizen at the time of his birth is a natural-born citizen.

There is actually an interesting technical point on that. Under the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (as reflected in the United States Code) [I have a link somewhere if you need it but I'm getting ready for work and would have to find it this evening] it is possible for Stanley Dunham to have given birth to Obama and him not to be a U.S. Citizen. If he was born outside the country, then the 14th Amendment does not apply, it then devolves to the law enacted by Congress under it's Article I Section 8 powers. The law at the time required a female married to a foreign national who gave birth in another country to have been a citizen for a certain amount of time, 5 of those years had to have been after the age of IIRC 14. Obama was born before Dunham met the 5-year requirement.

However there is an exception to the law if the woman is unwed. The common convention is the Dunham and Obama Sr. were married. However Obama Sr. was already married in Kenya before coming to the US. If he was already married, then he would no have been eligible to marry DUnham and she would have been unwed meaning Obama could be born anywhere and be a citizen at birth.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree . . . and think 25 to life would be appropriate.
--Jay Leno
Dump Truck's "investigation" is as phony as the jokes, and only CON$ are stupid enough to swallow both. :rofl::lmao:

This is a tried and true Trump tactic. When I was a mover, I would move a great many people out of residential buildings Trump's corporation would acquire. And actually, some of them were little old ladies. What he would do is try to turn building Co-op and offer renters the ability to buy in. If they refused he began investigations on them. They would do things like say the last managment had no record for rent paid on a particular month several years back. If you produced the record of payment..he would just find another month there was no record of..and continue from there. Worked almost every time.
Well, there's any amount of reporting on it
FactCheck.org: Born in the U.S.A.
seems pretty thorough.

State declares Obama birth certificate genuine | KXNet.com North Dakota News

And much, much more.
There are even pictures of it.

You should really try to keep up. Both those stories were discredited some time ago.
Fair enough..I can't find it though...I'll keep looking...unless you can help.

What both FactCheck.org and Snopes (neither of which is the non-partisan gem they'd like you to believe, incidentally) triumphantly posted scans of wasn't an official, proves-he-was-born-there birth certificate, like the one I have, for example. It was a Certificate of Live Birth, which apparently at that time in Hawaii could have been produced simply by his grandparents making the request.

As for the Hawaii Vital Records declaration, turns out when push came to shove, they don't actually appear to have the official birth certificate they claimed to. Unsurprisingly, the Clerk of Vital Records, or whatever the hell they call him there, isn't a non-partisan gem, either. No less than the governor of Hawaii himself is on record as saying, "Whoops, we can't locate the sucker." (Not in those exact words, obviously.)
Just for funzies, what if it was found out that Obama really wasnt born in Hawaii? Then what?

The law is NOT clear. The Constitution requires the President be a NATURAL Born citizen. That requires Congress to define. My personal opinion is that ANYONE born ANYWHERE of an American is a NATURAL Born citizen.

McCain was not born anywhere in the US. And he was responsible for the worst naval accident in history..as well as losing several planes that were never shot at.

Are you sure you're not thinkin'-about....

I'm not sure it makes a difference to his citizenship, since wherever he was born, his mother was still a US citizen at the time. I think it might spark some changes in how states go about letting someone put their name on the ballot. At the moment, my understanding is that they simply take the person's word for it that they're eligible, unless and until someone with standing challenges it.

I'm not entirely sure why members of the voting population themselves aren't seen as having standing. If anyone has a right to protest a legally-unqualified candidate, wouldn't you think it would be the voters?

His citizenship is not the issue. The issue would be that his presidency would then be illegal. Therefore, every law, every order, every piece of paper signed by Obama would be invalid. If he obtained the office dishonestly, he would not only have to leave office, but everything he's done over the past two years would have to be scrapped. You do see that, right?

What the voters think is immaterial. If he was ineligible to run, then everything he's done is also.

Under legal precedent there is something called the "Officer Doctrine" where even if after election it is found out that the candidate did not qualify for office, the actions taken under the color of law are still valid.

If everything Obama has done were to be invalidated, a couple of big things could be:
  • All legislation would be invalidated, including past budgets. The fiscal crisis that would cause would be catastrophic.
  • All military orders for the troops in our current wars would invalid and the troops then acting under color or law. Instead of a military action they could be held individually accountable for murder.

Just don't see that happening. More than likely it would end up at the Supreme Court and they would rule that, yes Obama was personally ineligible, however he complied with the laws at the time. The states put him on the ballot in compliance with the laws. As such he can be impeached for being ineligible, but the Officer Doctrine would apply and legislation passed under his administration would be valid.

Some (not saying you) use the "everything is invalid" position as a means of negating Obamacare without thinking about what it really means from the big picture. It is really a boogieman argument.

I'm going to say that's probably logical, because the primary goal of our system is to promote the peaceful, orderly change of power and continuation of government and the nation. Invalidating every single decision and action for the last however-many years would not serve that purpose.

I have a hard time picturing anyone responsible allowing one man's fraud to crash the entire nation and government.
Donald Trump now has investigators in Hawaii researching Obama's origins and they are not believing what they are finding out about the President...

Are they finding he's from the same home planet that you are?
  • Thanks
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You should really try to keep up. Both those stories were discredited some time ago.
Fair enough..I can't find it though...I'll keep looking...unless you can help.

What both FactCheck.org and Snopes (neither of which is the non-partisan gem they'd like you to believe, incidentally) triumphantly posted scans of wasn't an official, proves-he-was-born-there birth certificate, like the one I have, for example. It was a Certificate of Live Birth, which apparently at that time in Hawaii could have been produced simply by his grandparents making the request.

As for the Hawaii Vital Records declaration, turns out when push came to shove, they don't actually appear to have the official birth certificate they claimed to. Unsurprisingly, the Clerk of Vital Records, or whatever the hell they call him there, isn't a non-partisan gem, either. No less than the governor of Hawaii himself is on record as saying, "Whoops, we can't locate the sucker." (Not in those exact words, obviously.)

So essentially Trump..and those that are in the birther mindset are saying that the entire United States Government and Hawaiian Media are lying about the birth of the son of an American Citizen. Whatever..he was still eligible to run under the same law that allowed McCain to run.

It's a ridiculous issue..brought by the same people that hold that Ronald Reagan, who before becoming elected to the Presidency, made a deal with the Iranian government to hold the hostages until after the election, is a Saint. Then used money from that deal to buy arms for terrorists that participated in the raping of nuns.

Got it
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