Trump: "I will be the greatest jobs President God ever created...

This just in. Trump has purchased Stone Mountain, in Georgia. Work on carving his likeness out of the mountain is being held up while he negotiates with sculptors to carve his likeness on each point of the compass on the mountain, so that it can be seen from anywhere in Georgia. He is also building a power plant at it's base so that the four neon "TRUMP" signs to be placed at the top will remain in perpetual enlightenment.
America currently has its first black President; Hillary is trying to be its first woman President; Bernie its first Jewish one; I spose that would make Donald Trump America's first asshole President?
The GOP field will need to get rid of Mr Hair as soon as possible. Otherwise he will bring the entire field down. But their attacks need to be measured, since they could make him so angry he launches a third candidate.
What's his feelings about infrastructure, science, r&d and reforming our shitty education system.

Fox News , CNN, and MSNBC commentators don't like Trump. Establishment politicians in Washington D.C. from both parties don't like him. That's why I LIKE HIM. Also he is right on Mexico, China, and D.C. lobbyist.
Trump, if he stays in, will be the person to sink the democrat nominee. Why? Because while he can't win the nomination, almost every position he holds is a winner in the pols. As what he says resonates, the repubs will grasp at the same ideas, while Hillary can't unless she wants to throw her whole constituency under the bus.

This means that the repub who wins their nomination, will have out trumped Trump, and be on the side of the majority of Americans views. As long as it is not Jebster who could look more like Hilly than Hilly, I see a republican landslide for President; and with that in context, let me say with the population centers being all liberal, a landslide today for a republican is 310 electoral votes.
If Trump would just quit being so modest and stop hiding his light under a bushel...

But, I'm glad he is in. He adds comic relief to the whole event, and keeps us entertained, and it is all free! It is kind of like when Pat Paulson ran for president.

I hate it when people talk about themselves in the 3rd person.

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