Trump: If Iran attacks, we will attack 52 Iranian targets

Anyone can talk tough behind a freakin' cell phone

Only one guy can do it from the Oval Office, and that guys threats mean something.

It doesn't bother you that 'ONE GUY' can illicit armageddon?


No more than it bothers me that only one person can stop it...

U.S. President Donald Trump responded to the threats coming from Iran regarding revenge for the killing of Qassem Soleimani.

"Iran is talking very boldly about targeting certain USA assets," Trump tweeted, "as revenge for our ridding the world of their terrorist leader who had just killed an American, & badly wounded many others, not to mention all of the people he had killed over his lifetime, including recently hundreds of Iranian protesters."

President Trump continued and wrote: "He was already attacking our Embassy, and preparing for additional hits in other locations. Iran has been nothing but problems for many years."

Trump concluded his message with a threat and warning: "Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!"

Trump: If Iran attacks, we will attack 52 Iranian targets

I like the symmetry, 52 American hostages so 52 Iranian targets.
I hope Iran drops a nuke on DC and Tel Aviv.
Typical Democrat
Iran has already attacked again and shot up 'The Green Zone'.
Maybe, but the account I read said it was an Iraqi militia that was retaliating for the death of its leader in the attack and not for Soleimani. Not much of an attack if it was Iran.
Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?

Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?


Eggheads at the Pentagon love making target lists and play what if.....if they ever get to use em or not matter
They probably have one with 200 on iran alone
Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?


52 targets have not been "identified" 52 targets have had their coordinates programmed in and are awaiting orders.

They might want to be praying to Allah that nobody has twitchy fingers right now.
Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?


The truth is out there ... keep digging

Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?



Yup. That's the ticket.

Maybe we'll even use a B-52.:04:

Or maybe not...

"Iran says it will not seek mediation between it and the United States."

DEFCONWarningSystem (@DEFCONWSALERTS) January 5, 2020
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Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?


52 targets have not been "identified" 52 targets have had their coordinates programmed in and are awaiting orders.

They might want to be praying to Allah that nobody has twitchy fingers right now.

As we speak our counterparts are furiously working to transfer this info to their Iranian Heros

Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?

I think there are 52 cards in the deck and he may have been alluding to a game called 52 pickup. Maybe they'll play nice, pick up their toy guns and study war no more.
Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?


52 targets have not been "identified" 52 targets have had their coordinates programmed in and are awaiting orders.

They might want to be praying to Allah that nobody has twitchy fingers right now.

As we speak our counterparts are furiously working to transfer this info to their Iranian Heros


I'm sure the Russians have already given them more information than they can get here. This is just a little old family-friendly discussion board, where we talk about yoga lessons and Chelsea's wedding. :04:
Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?

I think there are 52 cards in the deck and he may have been alluding to a game called 52 pickup. Maybe they'll play nice, pick up their toy guns and study war no more.

That's a good one. Or maybe he was referring to a '52 pickup, Chevy of course...

Our fearless leader has tweeted a message to Iran. Apparently, we have identified 52 potential targets for strikes in Iran. Military, cultural, financial.

Donnie Dumbo says that the 52 number represents the 52 hostages which were held by Iran during the Carter administration.

How about that!?

Who here believes that our intelligence and military leaders made a conscious decision to target 52 attack points for this reason?

Busy day defending both Pedophiles AND Jihadists

Ask Stats if you can take tomorrow off

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