Trump: I'll rescind Birthright Citizenship (Thank God)

I agree the 14th Amendment needs to be modified so that illegals can't move up here, have a baby and that baby is automatically a US citizen, but as with all laws, if this one is changed it can't be applied retroactively, if you're a US citizen when the law is changed, you would remain a US citizen.
Had anyone told Trump that even as President, he won't be able to "rescind" constitutional amendments?

I'm sure he meant that he would push Congress to change the 14th. And that COULD be done.

But he would face more than a significant battle trying to remove citizenship status of those who are already citizens.
Had anyone told Trump that even as President, he won't be able to "rescind" constitutional amendments?

I'm sure he meant that he would push Congress to change the 14th. And that COULD be done.

But he would face more than a significant battle trying to remove citizenship status of those who are already citizens.
It takes an amendment to alter an amendment. The process of doing that makes his comments retarded.
I love it when a rich heir handed a career by his daddy talks about "birthright".

Rump's getting his wish already. We're officially leading the world in Irony.
Had anyone told Trump that even as President, he won't be able to "rescind" constitutional amendments?

I'm sure he meant that he would push Congress to change the 14th. And that COULD be done.

But he would face more than a significant battle trying to remove citizenship status of those who are already citizens.

Wonder how many more Rumpian Ruminations will need to be addresed with "I'm sure what he meant was..."
Had anyone told Trump that even as President, he won't be able to "rescind" constitutional amendments?
Yes he can.

I think you need to look at the Law of the Land and stop parroting neoconservative gibberish and talking points.

US Constitution - Article V

"The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate". [Emphasis Added].

No President of the United States can wave a wand and rescind part of the Constitution...except maybe King George the Bush 43! For anyone else sitting in the Oval Office there is an amendment process established by our Constitution!
There has been foolish talk by some that President or Congress has the power to end birthright citizenship of children from immigrant mothers, but, yes, that is only foolish talk.
So - there are people here that actually support this idea?

And those are the same that state they support the constitution if I am not mistaken.


Something does not add up.
Fact: Trump can't change birthright status.

Fact: Trump said Iraq was a terrible mistake, and, however, we own the ME mess. He said that Saudi Arabia has to stand up and hold with the US. Interesting.
Had anyone told Trump that even as President, he won't be able to "rescind" constitutional amendments?

I'm sure he meant that he would push Congress to change the 14th. And that COULD be done.

But he would face more than a significant battle trying to remove citizenship status of those who are already citizens.

He can "push" Congress all he wants, there's no chance of a super-majority of either house passing an amendment revoking birthright citizenship, let alone 38 states ratifying it.

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