Trump: I'll rescind Birthright Citizenship (Thank God)

I still agree with the libs on this one, he can't unilaterally rescind the 14th amendment, nor can any other President.

But, what any President can do (thanks to Obama, see I told you libs eventually it might come back to bite you libs) is ignore the law. It appears to take a year to get a case in front of the supreme court, and if a President was to start in red states, he would probably not get an injunction to cease and desist.

I am not for this, as I believe there is a work around that was explained to me by a lawyer, but since I am not a lawyer, I did not fully grasp the logic or legalese speak. But for anyone to assume that some form of this can NOT happen after Obama has shown all Presidential participants the way, is only fooling themselves.

And in all honesty, how can anyone really complain? Break the law and constitution to let them in, break the law and constitution to throw them out! It is what happens when SOME people support changing a constitutional republic into a monarchy/dictatorship. When it bites you in the ass, you only have yourselves to blame. Isn't it kind of funny that the best allies you will have is "we," the constitutionalists who want NO PRESIDENT to break the law?!?!?!?!?! Oh, and we constitutionalists are called conservatives, and NOT republicans. Republicans is the party of Bush, we are the party of Reagan! We just had to overthrow the establishment to get Reagan elected, and it looks like we are going to have to do it again, or we are going to get another Bush, who reminds us of Romney, and sounds like Elmer Fud!
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Had anyone told Trump that even as President, he won't be able to "rescind" constitutional amendments?

I'm sure he meant that he would push Congress to change the 14th. And that COULD be done.

But he would face more than a significant battle trying to remove citizenship status of those who are already citizens.

You're sure he meant, or you've taken what he said and then you've made it to what he would have said had he known anything about being president?

Hey, I'm no Trump fan, he's not qualified to be POTUS, but yes I think he realizes that as POTUS he wouldn't able to just unilaterally change a COTUS amendment.

But then he acts like he can, and his supporters love him for it.

Don't you think lying to people is a bad way to get support (yes, I know they all do it).

Too be honest, I don't think a politician has a chance in hell of getting the American idiots to vote for him/her UNLESS they lie. People don't want the truth.

Who fucking wants to hear "hey libs/conservatives shut the fuck up, we have serious problems in this country that neither one of you want to address?"

Nope, the average American idiot just wants to hear a few sound bites that sound good on TV.

I hate it when I agree with one of your posts.

But I do.

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