Trump Indicted

Your *imagination*?

You can't factually establish your claims, Last. That's why you have to keep expanding your conspiracy to just absurd degrees. Every court to hear your pseudo-legal gibberish has laughed it out the door.

And every time you lose, which is EVERY time, you make your conspiracy more complicated, more complex, more uselessly elaborate.

The truth is so much simpler: You're violently irrational and have no idea what you're talking about.

No vast international conspiracy required.
:th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn: And your medical degree is from where? I know what I am talking about, you do not. Your replies are quite desperate.


Bed, Bath, and Beyond Guilty.
For those that would like to take a look at the smoking gun, the transcript of the recording of Trump admitting he had classified docs, Bob's your uncle:


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