Trump insults entire city of Detroit

Hereditary Ownership Destroys Capitalism

No, like HeirHead degenerate Henry Ford II. The company lost its dominance with his Daddy, nepo Edsel Ford. Many suffer because of the few with such birth privileges.

The Liberal twin wing of the heiristocratic vulture provided a social-justice excuse for this scab labor, which broke up the solidarity of the unions. The same collusion is taking place with immigration by inferior slavish races.
What the fuck are you talking about? Capitalism isnt about who leaves what to whom, but creation of new ideas. If Edsel fucked up, that would make room for other companies to step in, like Chrysler and GM. What killed Capitalism is union work. When a person allows someone else to barter for their salary, it usually is fucked up, because there are stupid people who should never be there making as much as the hard working guy, yet they get paid the same. Soon, the hard worker, starts slacking because why should he cover for the lazy fuck up. That is what destroyed capitalism.
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This is downtown Detroit.
Trump is wrong again.
But if he's elected:

We'll get Texsas.

These are America’s 10 worst states to live and work in for 2023, and there’s a big surprise at the very bottom​

1. Texas​

Or even worse.

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Look at your source. They are incapable of telling the truth.
Actually, that's untrue as well. But you wish to play politics with the city, and I'm not interested in that intentional factual fuckoff of reality.
Oh, really? My current vehicle was made in TN. My wife's car was built in Mexico.

Ford has 2 factories in KY, Toyotas are built there too, as well as Chevrolet's Corvettes. My daughter works for a company that is a GM-LG joint venture to build GM EVs in Tennessee. They have another associated with a GM factory in Onio. Volkswagen is built in Chattanooga. KIAs are built in LaGrange, Georgia. Mercedes has a factory in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Those are just the ones I pulled out of my ass.

The days of cars being built in and around Detroit were killed off by the UAW. They couldn't get the car companies to pay their exorbitant demands to keep their employees satisfied with living in a human sewer. They closed the factories and built them elsewhere. In fact, I have never owned a vehicle built in Detroit, but I did own 2 Pontiacs built in the city that bears its name in Michigan. Is it any wonder that they went out of business.
40 years ago Detroits population was well over a million. Now it is below 650,000, and dropping.

Downtown is mostly OK, but get out into the burbs and it's an apocalyptic wasteland.

You should move there.
Detroit back in the 1960s was the richest city in the nation. Then the Unions came in along with Democrat scum, and the whole city ended Detroit.

Oh, really? My current vehicle was made in TN. My wife's car was built in Mexico.

Ford has 2 factories in KY, Toyotas are built there too, as well as Chevrolet's Corvettes. My daughter works for a company that is a GM-LG joint venture to build GM EVs in Tennessee. They have another associated with a GM factory in Onio. Volkswagen is built in Chattanooga. KIAs are built in LaGrange, Georgia. Mercedes has a factory in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Those are just the ones I pulled out of my ass.

The days of cars being built in and around Detroit were killed off by the UAW. They couldn't get the car companies to pay their exorbitant demands to keep their employees satisfied with living in a human sewer. They closed the factories and built them elsewhere. In fact, I have never owned a vehicle built in Detroit, but I did own 2 Pontiacs built in the city that bears its name in Michigan. Is it any wonder that they went out of business.
And the crappy quality of the cars. When it was only the big three, you had a choice of a Chrysler, GM or Ford. Once German and Japanese car makers got a foothold, the quality of those non union cars, were immaculate, while the union made car, was rickety, poor quality and ill equipped. So less people bought the big three, and that meant leaner profits, so lean that in 2008, after Andrew Cuomo's housing crash, the three automakers were in deep shit, so GM and Chrysler declared bankruptcy, got the union workers bailed out, while Ford went through chapter 11, so now if there is another economic Biden disaster, what is to keep GM and Chrysler from going bankrupt again, and asking to be bailed out again? Thanks Obammy for really fucking over the working class person so the union fucks could keep their jobs.
Actually, that's untrue as well. But you wish to play politics with the city, and I'm not interested in that intentional factual fuckoff of reality.
People leaving the Prog areas have the option to move to Detroit. They do not. Frankly, enough move in and it may improve their economy and start some growth industries. That is what makes Progs frauds. They move to red areas. The area will be fertile for growth for some decades before the decline starts and/or the taxes get too oppressive.

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