Trump interview tonight on Fox ~ WireTap Accusation Twist

Trump voters in the general were about 45% of the population, and 40% of those voted for him in the GOP primaries. So 30% was a generous number on my part.
So for proof, you offer up yet another lie? I seriously hope you are not employed in any field where you have to be accountable for things.
Maybe you have proof that I lied? I bet not.
You win that bet of course, but I would never bet with you. You make all sorts of at best questionable claims and then when asked to prove it, you just post more deflectionary BS.
I've never posted anything that I couldn't back up because I know you rubes will go after it. And I've never posted anything that can be proven wrong with a quick google search without admitting it.
As stated many times, getting your "proof" from google is about as reliable as getting a Rolex on a street corner.
Yes I forgot Hannity and Trump's twitter are the only sources you rubes trust anymore.
I know that sounds so stupid doesn't it? Yet I heard several MSM reiterate that meme... "Trump claims Obama himself set up the wire tapping"! YUP this SAME MSM that accepted without ANY question Obama's statement:"I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today"
Not ONE political fact checking organization questioned this figure of 46 million! said Obama was "sloppy" when he counted 10 million ILLEGALS as part of the "46 million"
So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent.
Number of those without health insurance about 46 million

But NEITHER they or ANY MSM went on to question the remaining 36 million figure.
For example why didn't anyone ask... how come 14 million people eligible for Medicaid weren't enrolled?
It was because these 14 million didn't KNOW And now with ACA and the 2,000 page monstrosity that required the "stupidity of the American voter" to get passed. 9.1 million of the supposedly 20 million are those same people that were qualified BEFORE ACA!!!

Subtract those 14 million from 36 million leaves 22 million!
Who makes up those 22 million????
Well 18 million are people under 34 years who make over $50,000 THAT never wanted health insurance their employer offered!

Finally what about the 5.8 million veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on a compensable service-connected condition or other qualifying factors.
Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

So again... here the ABC evening news lead story "President Trump says Obama wiretapped Trump"...

Explosive headlines!!! How stupid and you Trump haters demand PROOF!
Where were you when Obama LIED about 46 million???
maybe you can explain how non citizens avail themselves of our healthcare coverage?

Obviously you didn't understand what Obama SAID! He counted as did the Census bureau if you read the links 10 million illegals as not have health insurance!
That stupid idiotic claim was used to puff the numbers up!
So do you understand? Follow the link to the Census study that says there are 46 million uninsured of which 10 million are not legal citizens!!!

Also again I'm sorry you are so shrift in knowledge of health care but please just look up this acronym EMTALA!
Here I'll help you! Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act EMTALA // ACEP
ONCE you do you'll see how illegals can get health services in hospitals.
When the first Progressive Obamaroids are found guilty of sedition and treason it will be a whole new dialogue
I know that sounds so stupid doesn't it? Yet I heard several MSM reiterate that meme... "Trump claims Obama himself set up the wire tapping"! YUP this SAME MSM that accepted without ANY question Obama's statement:"I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today"
Not ONE political fact checking organization questioned this figure of 46 million! said Obama was "sloppy" when he counted 10 million ILLEGALS as part of the "46 million"
So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent.
Number of those without health insurance about 46 million

But NEITHER they or ANY MSM went on to question the remaining 36 million figure.
For example why didn't anyone ask... how come 14 million people eligible for Medicaid weren't enrolled?
It was because these 14 million didn't KNOW And now with ACA and the 2,000 page monstrosity that required the "stupidity of the American voter" to get passed. 9.1 million of the supposedly 20 million are those same people that were qualified BEFORE ACA!!!

Subtract those 14 million from 36 million leaves 22 million!
Who makes up those 22 million????
Well 18 million are people under 34 years who make over $50,000 THAT never wanted health insurance their employer offered!

Finally what about the 5.8 million veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on a compensable service-connected condition or other qualifying factors.
Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

So again... here the ABC evening news lead story "President Trump says Obama wiretapped Trump"...

Explosive headlines!!! How stupid and you Trump haters demand PROOF!
Where were you when Obama LIED about 46 million???
Nobody wiretapped the Trump Tower.

HOW do you know? What is now happening is Congress is finding out that Americans have been "wire tapped" accidentally because they get a call from
a foreign agent and there is a discussion. For example Foreign Agent's phone wire tapped. A call is made by accident to an American citizen who answer.
BAM accidentally the American is part of an illegal wiretap!
That's how it happened in Trump Tower...
'But wiretap covers a lot of different things,' Trump told Carlson when asked about Trump's tweet claiming Trump Tower was wiretapped.

'I think you’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next 2 weeks,' Trump said.

Read more: Trump hints 'interesting items' on wiretap to come forward | Daily Mail Online
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When the first Progressive Obamaroids are found guilty of sedition and treason it will be a whole new dialogue
Yes maybe we'll finally get to the bottom of which progressive Obamaroid released weaponized Ebola into the country right before the 2014 midterms.
The tweet has Obama as the active nominative, meaning Obama is responsible.

Quite backing up and saying "we did not really say what we said . . . really."

When the first Progressive Obamaroids are found guilty of sedition and treason it will be a whole new dialogue
Yes maybe we'll finally get to the bottom of which progressive Obamaroid released weaponized Ebola into the country right before the 2014 midterms.

Pretty damn funny.

About as funny as watching you trying to stop Uncle Vlad from flipping all 25 Democrat Senate seats in the 2018 midterm
When the first Progressive Obamaroids are found guilty of sedition and treason it will be a whole new dialogue
Yes maybe we'll finally get to the bottom of which progressive Obamaroid released weaponized Ebola into the country right before the 2014 midterms.

Pretty damn funny.

About as funny as watching you trying to stop Uncle Vlad from flipping all 25 Democrat Senate seats in the 2018 midterm
After Trump, that would be the 2nd greatest coup in soviet history
So Trump is lying about his lies now?

Would that be best referred to as 'Lies Squared'?

When the first Progressive Obamaroids are found guilty of sedition and treason it will be a whole new dialogue
Yes maybe we'll finally get to the bottom of which progressive Obamaroid released weaponized Ebola into the country right before the 2014 midterms.

Pretty damn funny.

About as funny as watching you trying to stop Uncle Vlad from flipping all 25 Democrat Senate seats in the 2018 midterm

Want to bet 10,000 on that?
Trump owes President Obama an apology. He accused him of personally committing a felony.
“Wiretap covers a lot of different things,” Trump responded. “I think you’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks.

Read more: Tucker Carlson Just Interviewed POTUS Donald Trump -- Here's What They Talked About


How to weasel out of a Blatant Lie?

Listen to how your Lie sounds and adjust it to better the situation.


TAPPED MY PHONES....what a Chump

"wiretapping" with quotes around it really doesn't mean what the Meridian Webster dictionary describes it.

Really Trump should write his own dictionary called. "The Trump dictiionary of physco babble interpretation of words."

“Wiretap covers a lot of different things,” Trump responded. “I think you’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks.

Read more: Tucker Carlson Just Interviewed POTUS Donald Trump -- Here's What They Talked About


How to weasel out of a Blatant Lie?

Listen to how your Lie sounds and adjust it to better the situation.


TAPPED MY PHONES....what a Chump

"wiretapping" with quotes around it really doesn't mean what the Meridian Webster dictionary describes it.

Really Trump should write his own dictionary called. "The Trump dictiionary of physco babble interpretation of words."

Make America "Great" Again
“Wiretap covers a lot of different things,” Trump responded. “I think you’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks.

I got news for Trump and anyone else:
  • "Wiretap" does not cover a lot of things. It covers one thing: wiretapping. This is what he accused Obama of having done to him.
  • "Surveillance" does cover a lot of things, but it's not what Trump charged Obama with doing.
Once again, demonstrating a strong understanding of basic English words and a mastery of communication skill at an adult, let alone world leadership, level.
  • It's fine when a 10-year old or other minor doesn't carefully choose their words and tone.
  • It's tolerable when an adult imprecisely chooses their words and tone, misspeaks or conveys the wrong tone, and admits as much rather than standing their carelessness, thus letting it become an "issue." To do otherwise is immature.
It's unforgivable for a head of state to be either childish or immature. Trump has repeatedly been both. The wiretapping issue is just another instance. It'd be different were this just a one-off, but it's not. It's just the most recent instance of literally hundreds since he announced his candidacy. Hell, I've lost count of how many there have been since he was inaugurated.

I want a POTUS who's at least as eloquent, as erudite, as adept a communicator, as virtuous, and as effective a collaborative leader as I and every other executive, scholar, minister, and national leader (foreign and domestic). I don't care that he's not Shakespeare, Washington and Gandhi all in one; I care that he's not at least Hemingway, Eisenhower and Churchill.

I want a POTUS who represents the greatest common factor among all those types of figures, not the least. I don't want a POTUS who's essentially no better than the "average" man on the street because the office of the President is an exceptional one; thus an exceptional person must hold it.

There is nothing of note that is exceptional about Trump other than his wealth, and that he happens to be so very wealthy appears more due to serendipity and manipulativeness more so than outright brilliance and business acumen. The man, and that he has become POTUS, is a national embarrassment. He represents the worst that America has to offer, not the best.
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