Trump interview with Tucker where he calls Europe stupid for letting in migrants airs 1hour from now

laws and institutions could exist without the source that had given them life. like Kant's dove we wonder whether we wouldnt be able to fly faster if we lived in 'free air' without the bother of the wind keeping us aloft.

in the place of religion came the ever-inflating language of "human rights" (a concept of Christian origin). we left unresolved the question of whether or not our rights were reliant on beliefs that Europe had ceased to hold or whether they existed of their own accord.

this was an extremely big question to leave unresolved while vast new populations are expected to "integrate"
during a time of momentous societal change and upheaval the results of migration are proving fatal.

the world is coming into europe at precisely the moment that Europe has lost sight of what it is.

while the movement of millions of people from other cultures into a strong and assertive culture might have worked, the movement of millions of people into a guilty, jaded, and dying culture, cannot.
There is a huge difference between Arab peoples migrating to Europe, and Latinos migrating to the U.S.:

Europe and the Arab world have been at war with each other since the beginning of civilization. Only the demise of the Ottoman empire caused a relatively brief period of peace between the two. Yet there is still a minority of Arabs engaging in terrorist warfare against Western Civilization.

There has never been any such ongoing conflict between the Latino world and the U.S. Latinos are part of the very same Western Culture and religious heritage as are Americans. Economically Latinos contribute far more to our society than they take. Many Americans have gotten wealthy due to Latino labor. The greatest crime is the exploitation of Latinos by unscrupulous American business people.
folks think that borders caused both world wars, that's why folks want to abolish borders. it was actually Nazi aggression that caused the world wars

blaming borders for the wars is like blaming cars for all traffic accidents
white Britons will become a minority in their own capital city by the end of this decade and the Muslim population will double in the next 10 years.

the number of folks living in England and Wales who have been born overseas has risen by 3 million in the last 10 years. the same number are living in households where not one adult speaks english. the number of Christians in england has dropped by 4 million. the number of Muslims has risen by 1 million

say that to liberals and you are called "Scaremongering", "racist", and "alarmist"
This guy is the definition of stupid and losing it.

He just backtracked from his statements that he made 24 hours ago.
America elected a clown.
If you say so.

Then again Obama demanded that all questions be submitted in advance, and told journalists which questions will not be allowed.
throughout its history, Britain has retained an extraordinarily static stoic population. even the Norman Conquest led to no more than 5 percent of the population of England being Norman

the upsides of migration have become easy to talk about: to simply nod to them express values of tolerance. to nod to, let alone express, the downsides of migration is to invite accusations of intolerance and xenophobia. all of which leaves the attitude of the majority of the public impossible to express
This guy is the definition of stupid and losing it.

He just backtracked from his statements that he made 24 hours ago.
America elected a clown.
If you say so.

Then again Obama demanded that all questions be submitted in advance, and told journalists which questions will not be allowed.
always blame someone else...Obama is class eventhough I didnt vote for him....the orange is trash and low class.
This guy is the definition of stupid and losing it.

He just backtracked from his statements that he made 24 hours ago.
America elected a clown.
If you say so.

Then again Obama demanded that all questions be submitted in advance, and told journalists which questions will not be allowed.
always blame someone else...Obama is class eventhough I didnt vote for him....the orange is trash and low class.
Your judgement is up your ass.....
This guy is the definition of stupid and losing it.

He just backtracked from his statements that he made 24 hours ago.
America elected a clown.
If you say so.

Then again Obama demanded that all questions be submitted in advance, and told journalists which questions will not be allowed.
always blame someone else...Obama is class eventhough I didnt vote for him....the orange is trash and low class.
Your judgement is up your ass.....
Most Americans agree, also most of the world...and we also know that the orange poop attracts your kind.
This guy is the definition of stupid and losing it.

He just backtracked from his statements that he made 24 hours ago.
America elected a clown.
If you say so.

Then again Obama demanded that all questions be submitted in advance, and told journalists which questions will not be allowed.
always blame someone else...Obama is class eventhough I didnt vote for him....the orange is trash and low class.
Your judgement is up your ass.....
Most Americans agree, also most of the world...and we also know that the orange poop attracts your kind.
What is good for America isn't what is best for the world. Every country must look out for their own welfare, and does.....except Democrats.
Their major concern is how popular America is with people that are jealous of us.
Most of them are Socialist countries.....and Socialism is government approved theft of wealth and resources from taxpayers.
Other countries don't like America because they feel we're too big and powerful.
Socialism is destructive to their economies and their quality of life.
So America is too rich and we all live too comfortable of lives in comparison to Europeans and 3rd World countries.
The Democrat's solution is ruin the economy and make America as poor as the rest of the world.
They plan on doing this by bringing millions of other country's poor here to use up our wealth concentrations, and then maybe they'll stop wanting to come here.
Then they plan to institute Socialism to keep other countries from hating America.
Meanwhile we're poor....and how are we going to take care of all of the other Socialist countries that are stealing from us????
This is why Democrats feel what the UN wants is more important than what the American People want......yet their new 2018 slogan is "For The People".

It should be "Fuck The People".
Last edited:
This is the Democrat Party in a nutshell:

Trump: "the Dems want open borders. they want crime."

Tucker: "Why do you think that is?"

Trump: "maybe they were brought up in school that way....Maybe they're stupid"

Nobody wants open borders, super duper. Total lie. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill it started out with a national ID card that would stop illegal immigration. Not your GOP BS that will keep it going forever.

Nobody wants open borders, super duper.”
What’s the spin from the Left today? How are you packaging things today?
“We don’t want ‘open borders’, we just want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million here illegally now, we want the 1.2 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
Is that where we’re at?
Trump: "the Dems want open borders. they want crime."

Tucker: "Why do you think that is?"

Trump: "maybe they were brought up in school that way....Maybe they're stupid"

Nobody wants open borders, super duper. Total lie. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill it started out with a national ID card that would stop illegal immigration. Not your GOP BS that will keep it going forever.

Nobody wants open borders, super duper.”
What’s the spin from the Left today? How are you packaging things today?
“We don’t want ‘open borders’, we just want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million here illegally now, we want the 1.2 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
Is that where we’re at?
------------------------------------------------- funny , and all these third worlders would ALL be Legal and the USA government said so !! [chuckle]
Trump: "the Dems want open borders. they want crime."

Tucker: "Why do you think that is?"

Trump: "maybe they were brought up in school that way....Maybe they're stupid"

Nobody wants open borders, super duper. Total lie. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill it started out with a national ID card that would stop illegal immigration. Not your GOP BS that will keep it going forever.

Nobody wants open borders, super duper.”
What’s the spin from the Left today? How are you packaging things today?
“We don’t want ‘open borders’, we just want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million here illegally now, we want the 1.2 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
Is that where we’re at?
-------------------------------- may be, but both right and left will smile and say , hey , they are ALL Legal .
Trump: "the Dems want open borders. they want crime."

Tucker: "Why do you think that is?"

Trump: "maybe they were brought up in school that way....Maybe they're stupid"

Nobody wants open borders, super duper. Total lie. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill it started out with a national ID card that would stop illegal immigration. Not your GOP BS that will keep it going forever.

Nobody wants open borders, super duper.”
What’s the spin from the Left today? How are you packaging things today?
“We don’t want ‘open borders’, we just want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million here illegally now, we want the 1.2 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
Is that where we’re at?
Have you noticed how many facts that Democrats have, in the past, denied, but today are openly advocating????

  • 9 years ago Obama tried to destroy Joe The Plumber for insinuating that he was a Socialist. Now they openly admit it.
  • Remember the days when they refused to admit they supported open borders.? Now they demand it, as well as want to close down enforcement of human and drug trafficking in the form of ICE
  • Remember when Democrats claimed they didn't allow illegals the right to vote? Now SF is registering illegals in their local elections.
  • Remember the days when they claimed they didn't want to totally remove gun rights? Now CA and NY are actively confiscating weapons and magazines.
  • Remember when they called us liars for saying they wanted a Carbon Tax? Now they think it is a great way to reduce the debt. Here's a clue: Stop sending our wealth to other countries. Stop stealing from the Social Security fund. Close the trade deficit. In other words....stop stealing from American taxpayers and stop letting other countries steal from America.

Trump: "the Dems want open borders. they want crime."

Tucker: "Why do you think that is?"

Trump: "maybe they were brought up in school that way....Maybe they're stupid"

Nobody wants open borders, super duper. Total lie. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill it started out with a national ID card that would stop illegal immigration. Not your GOP BS that will keep it going forever.

Nobody wants open borders, super duper.”
What’s the spin from the Left today? How are you packaging things today?
“We don’t want ‘open borders’, we just want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million here illegally now, we want the 1.2 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
Is that where we’re at?
Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill that started out with a good SS ID card to end this never-ending GOP scam, super Dupe.
Trump: "the Dems want open borders. they want crime."

Tucker: "Why do you think that is?"

Trump: "maybe they were brought up in school that way....Maybe they're stupid"

Nobody wants open borders, super duper. Total lie. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill it started out with a national ID card that would stop illegal immigration. Not your GOP BS that will keep it going forever.

Nobody wants open borders, super duper.”
What’s the spin from the Left today? How are you packaging things today?
“We don’t want ‘open borders’, we just want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million here illegally now, we want the 1.2 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
Is that where we’re at?
Have you noticed how many facts that Democrats have, in the past, denied, but today are openly advocating????

  • 9 years ago Obama tried to destroy Joe The Plumber for insinuating that he was a Socialist. Now they openly admit it.
  • Remember the days when they refused to admit they supported open borders.? Now they demand it, as well as want to close down enforcement of human and drug trafficking in the form of ICE
  • Remember when Democrats claimed they didn't allow illegals the right to vote? Now SF is registering illegals in their local elections.
  • Remember the days when they claimed they didn't want to totally remove gun rights? Now CA and NY are actively confiscating weapons and magazines.
  • Remember when they called us liars for saying they wanted a Carbon Tax? Now they think it is a great way to reduce the debt. Here's a clue: Stop sending our wealth to other countries. Stop stealing from the Social Security fund. Close the trade deficit. In other words....stop stealing from American taxpayers and stop letting other countries steal from America.
All Pure GOP garbage propaganda...
This guy is the definition of stupid and losing it.

He just backtracked from his statements that he made 24 hours ago.
America elected a clown.
If you say so.

Then again Obama demanded that all questions be submitted in advance, and told journalists which questions will not be allowed.
always blame someone else...Obama is class eventhough I didnt vote for him....the orange is trash and low class.
Your judgement is up your ass.....
Most Americans agree, also most of the world...and we also know that the orange poop attracts your kind.
What is good for America isn't what is best for the world. Every country must look out for their own welfare, and does.....except Democrats.
Their major concern is how popular America is with people that are jealous of us.
Most of them are Socialist countries.....and Socialism is government approved theft of wealth and resources from taxpayers.
Other countries don't like America because they feel we're too big and powerful.
Socialism is destructive to their economies and their quality of life.
So America is too rich and we all live too comfortable of lives in comparison to Europeans and 3rd World countries.
The Democrat's solution is ruin the economy and make America as poor as the rest of the world.
They plan on doing this by bringing millions of other country's poor here to use up our wealth concentrations, and then maybe they'll stop wanting to come here.
Then they plan to institute Socialism to keep other countries from hating America.
Meanwhile we're poor....and how are we going to take care of all of the other Socialist countries that are stealing from us????
This is why Democrats feel what the UN wants is more important than what the American People want......yet their new 2018 slogan is "For The People".

It should be "Fuck The People".
I have been all over the world apart from the wealthy in the US , Europeand they have much better quality of life (free education, universal health care, etc...) when you land in Europe you see a much healthier well dressed people than in the US in general.
The US is very good for those who make it to the top 15% or 1%.

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