Trump is a rare phenomenon that is fun to watch.

If Trump wasn't so crazy, his policies so bad for the country, then he might be fun to watch.
But this dude who appears to be on the cusp of dementia, is too dangerous to be considered
" fun."
Anything that damages the federal government is a good thing…
anything that damages white male conservatives is Great thing
---------------------------------------------------------------- Doesn't seem to be too damaging . Heck , look at WHO is running the USA and look at WHO is crying about it Tyrone .
Yeah Donald Trump is serving you conservatives sure ...he loves you all LOL Pathetic Rube
Fun to watch, but so dangerous for the country. He has taken the US out of world leadership position. Who could trust such a man? You would have to be a total brainwashed t@rd.

Better get your television checked for bad tubes--- ---we had been OUT of the world leadership position for years---- Obama ran from leading on anything like mad! Trump has put us BACK into the leadership role, leading on Climate Change by going his own way thinking for himself rather than following the pack, leading the Middle East and world on terrorism and fighting ISIS, leading on trying to get Palestine and Israel back to the table, confronting Syria, North Korea and China, promoting bold, fresh, new angles on healthcare, tax cuts, tax reform, jobs, economic growth, infrastructure and energy. What world do you live in?

Obama was respected, and repaired the mess created by the America is exceptional crowd; now he's been supplanted by a complete fool, a liar and an incompetent narcissist.

Trump leads the few, the other lemmings in the pack, the rest of us have to sit back and wonder what the hell is wrong with those people - like toobfreak - running to jump into the abyss.

Not one thing has Trump done to benefit our nation or its people. Not one. And shame on The Congress, most - not all - members are not stupid, and they see up front and personal that Donald Trump is unfit to be POTUS.

Paul Ryan and the misnamed Freedom Caucus need to expose the elephant in the room for what he is, a danger to the world. If Trump and any member of his team loved the United States he or they would resign. Their agenda is clear, however, "We've got ours, fuck the rest of the world - let them eat oil."

1). Obama was respected--- within his own tight private Washington circle of sycophants.
2). The mess Obama "fixed" was created by the democratic party. There was no America Exceptional crowd during Bush other than to try to beat back al-Quada.
3). I think you have it the other way around. Trump has an 87% approval rating with Republicans! He is doing exactly what he said, what we hired him for! It only seems like a small group to you because as usual, you are holding your looking glass BACKWARDS and looking into the objective!
4). Not one thing has Trump done to benefit this nation, THAT YOU WILL EVER ADMIT TO because you have horse poop for brains. You are just a hack that carries water for the Dems. He has already done around 60 or 80 great things! All of which have been listed and detailed in posts around this board which you obviously avoid reading.
5). The only danger to the world is you and the democrats and their massive corruption that is now trying to be repaired., here AND abroad.

All of you people making such bass-ackward claims are full of bad wiring and are pathological liars.

Gee, you've accomplished the ability to post an ad hominem bombastically. That's terrific, not only did you make it appear high sounding, but did so without a scintilla of substance.

Trump is a 21st Century Fascist, a narcissist and a megalomaniac. He is neither a Democrat, democratic or a Republican; he is by any measure a despotic demagogue who tells fools and other fascists, like you, what they (you) want to hear. There is no debate allowed, anyone who critiques his actions is damned, and any concern for the consequences of his actions never occurs to you, or other biddables, who have been fooled by the most unfit and incompetent man to lead this nation.
I just want the President to restore gov limits on itself , protect the USA and its borders Militarily and to practice USA Sovereignty Tyrone .
Senators debate bringing in Comey for Round 2
Source: The Hill

BY JORDAIN CARNEY - 06/10/17 06:01 AM EDT

A key Senate panel is considering whether to step up its battle to meet with former FBI Director James Comey, who gave dramatic testimony this week to a competing committee.

Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are debating subpoenaing Comey to compel his testimony.

The move would mark a dramatic escalation of their effort to dig into Russia’s election interference and potential ties between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) told The Hill that she and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the chairman of the committee, have discussed forcing Comey to appear before their panel.

Read more: Senators debate bringing in Comey for Round 2
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.
ANOTHER Trump going down
New York Attorney General Looking Into Eric Trump Foundation

It is this crap that pisses me off about democrats and the reason why I think they are the most evil group of people in the world. The entire left is going after Trump and his family which has nothing to do with Trump at all. They get away with it because their voters seem to think that this is just but fail to realize that it is just completely unfair that the relatives of a hated politician by the democrats are in danger of being prosecuted. That means anyone can have a family member who runs in opposition to the democratic party and they themselves would find themselves under the scope of the government. Should we really have to remind people of how unfair this is to the associates of Trump? They didn't decide to run for office and it reminds me of what african warlords do to their enemies which is to kill them and their families. It is pretty ruthless and immoral and democrats as well as democratic voters should be ashamed of this but I think they are not and never will be.
So with you it's OK his son is lying and cheating and being investigated ??
I just want the President to restore gov limits on itself , protect the USA and its borders Militarily and to practice USA Sovereignty Tyrone .
Really you are going to limit the Government's ability to slam me in prison and steal my possessions because I like Marijuana Rube is that what the TRump piece of shit is going to do Rube ? or is he cranking up another weed war against the People ? Fuck Donald and all his supporters...
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

You claim that Trump is succeeding.

Fact. His own party controls both houses of Congress.

Can you name a single significant piece of legislation that he has successfully shepherded through Congress since he has been in office?
AND just because he signs a few papers and gives away pens doesn't make them laws
AND just because he signs a few papers and gives away pens doesn't make them laws
Just like Obama said he had a cell phone and a pen... in all 57 states and Under sniper fire.
Fun to watch, but so dangerous for the country. He has taken the US out of world leadership position. Who could trust such a man? You would have to be a total brainwashed t@rd.

Better get your television checked for bad tubes--- ---we had been OUT of the world leadership position for years---- Obama ran from leading on anything like mad! Trump has put us BACK into the leadership role, leading on Climate Change by going his own way thinking for himself rather than following the pack, leading the Middle East and world on terrorism and fighting ISIS, leading on trying to get Palestine and Israel back to the table, confronting Syria, North Korea and China, promoting bold, fresh, new angles on healthcare, tax cuts, tax reform, jobs, economic growth, infrastructure and energy. What world do you live in?

Obama was respected, and repaired the mess created by the America is exceptional crowd; now he's been supplanted by a complete fool, a liar and an incompetent narcissist.

Trump leads the few, the other lemmings in the pack, the rest of us have to sit back and wonder what the hell is wrong with those people - like toobfreak - running to jump into the abyss.

Not one thing has Trump done to benefit our nation or its people. Not one. And shame on The Congress, most - not all - members are not stupid, and they see up front and personal that Donald Trump is unfit to be POTUS.

Paul Ryan and the misnamed Freedom Caucus need to expose the elephant in the room for what he is, a danger to the world. If Trump and any member of his team loved the United States he or they would resign. Their agenda is clear, however, "We've got ours, fuck the rest of the world - let them eat oil."

1). Obama was respected--- within his own tight private Washington circle of sycophants.
2). The mess Obama "fixed" was created by the democratic party. There was no America Exceptional crowd during Bush other than to try to beat back al-Quada.
3). I think you have it the other way around. Trump has an 87% approval rating with Republicans! He is doing exactly what he said, what we hired him for! It only seems like a small group to you because as usual, you are holding your looking glass BACKWARDS and looking into the objective!
4). Not one thing has Trump done to benefit this nation, THAT YOU WILL EVER ADMIT TO because you have horse poop for brains. You are just a hack that carries water for the Dems. He has already done around 60 or 80 great things! All of which have been listed and detailed in posts around this board which you obviously avoid reading.
5). The only danger to the world is you and the democrats and their massive corruption that is now trying to be repaired., here AND abroad.

All of you people making such bass-ackward claims are full of bad wiring and are pathological liars.

Gee, you've accomplished the ability to post an ad hominem bombastically. That's terrific, not only did you make it appear high sounding, but did so without a scintilla of substance.

Trump is a 21st Century Fascist, a narcissist and a megalomaniac. He is neither a Democrat, democratic or a Republican; he is by any measure a despotic demagogue who tells fools and other fascists, like you, what they (you) want to hear. There is no debate allowed, anyone who critiques his actions is damned, and any concern for the consequences of his actions never occurs to you, or other biddables, who have been fooled by the most unfit and incompetent man to lead this nation.

Gee, you start off with a hilariously false statement, listing facts is not an attack against the messenger. 0-1.
Listing 5 specific points isn't without a scintilla of anything! 0-2.
Calling Trump names does not make him so. Just your own personal bigotry. 0-3.
Trump is a Populist Conservative, not a "despotic demagogue." 0-4.
Trump went to every news agency, several a day, took every question unprepared, even if they were unfriendly during his campaign. Hillary only cherry picked her interviews, rarely and occasionally, questions submitted in advance with friendly media outlets only, so who really limited debate??? 0-5.
AND just because he signs a few papers and gives away pens doesn't make them laws
Just like Obama said he had a cell phone and a pen... in all 57 states and Under sniper fire.
You really want to compare Obama's and trumps speaking abilities???Obama makes trump look like he's in 1st grade

Obama sounds like a fucking Frenchman, with his constant stuttering, pausing and umms... he's a fucking shit stain to the core.
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

You claim that Trump is succeeding.

Fact. His own party controls both houses of Congress.

Can you name a single significant piece of legislation that he has successfully shepherded through Congress since he has been in office?

Can you name a single significant piece of legislation that he has successfully shepherded through Congress since he has been in office?

How about these for starters. I found all of them with just one click of my mouse:

And here is a comparison of the work done by Trump vs. other presidents in history. Found it with another click of my mouse. He has been setting new records:

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments
AND just because he signs a few papers and gives away pens doesn't make them laws
Just like Obama said he had a cell phone and a pen... in all 57 states and Under sniper fire.
You really want to compare Obama's and trumps speaking abilities???Obama makes trump look like he's in 1st grade

Gotta agree with you 1000% there! Trump is a businessman, all go and little show. Lot of work, little fanfare. Obama was a highly rehearsed, skilled and glib speaker who could stand up there all day long smiling and making you laugh, making bullshit sound like it was really important, and never even answer your question. But he looked and sounded real good doing it. Total politician.
Fun to watch, but so dangerous for the country. He has taken the US out of world leadership position. Who could trust such a man? You would have to be a total brainwashed t@rd.

Better get your television checked for bad tubes--- ---we had been OUT of the world leadership position for years---- Obama ran from leading on anything like mad! Trump has put us BACK into the leadership role, leading on Climate Change by going his own way thinking for himself rather than following the pack, leading the Middle East and world on terrorism and fighting ISIS, leading on trying to get Palestine and Israel back to the table, confronting Syria, North Korea and China, promoting bold, fresh, new angles on healthcare, tax cuts, tax reform, jobs, economic growth, infrastructure and energy. What world do you live in?

Obama was respected, and repaired the mess created by the America is exceptional crowd; now he's been supplanted by a complete fool, a liar and an incompetent narcissist.

Trump leads the few, the other lemmings in the pack, the rest of us have to sit back and wonder what the hell is wrong with those people - like toobfreak - running to jump into the abyss.

Not one thing has Trump done to benefit our nation or its people. Not one. And shame on The Congress, most - not all - members are not stupid, and they see up front and personal that Donald Trump is unfit to be POTUS.

Paul Ryan and the misnamed Freedom Caucus need to expose the elephant in the room for what he is, a danger to the world. If Trump and any member of his team loved the United States he or they would resign. Their agenda is clear, however, "We've got ours, fuck the rest of the world - let them eat oil."

1). Obama was respected--- within his own tight private Washington circle of sycophants.
2). The mess Obama "fixed" was created by the democratic party. There was no America Exceptional crowd during Bush other than to try to beat back al-Quada.
3). I think you have it the other way around. Trump has an 87% approval rating with Republicans! He is doing exactly what he said, what we hired him for! It only seems like a small group to you because as usual, you are holding your looking glass BACKWARDS and looking into the objective!
4). Not one thing has Trump done to benefit this nation, THAT YOU WILL EVER ADMIT TO because you have horse poop for brains. You are just a hack that carries water for the Dems. He has already done around 60 or 80 great things! All of which have been listed and detailed in posts around this board which you obviously avoid reading.
5). The only danger to the world is you and the democrats and their massive corruption that is now trying to be repaired., here AND abroad.

All of you people making such bass-ackward claims are full of bad wiring and are pathological liars.

Gee, you've accomplished the ability to post an ad hominem bombastically. That's terrific, not only did you make it appear high sounding, but did so without a scintilla of substance.

Trump is a 21st Century Fascist, a narcissist and a megalomaniac. He is neither a Democrat, democratic or a Republican; he is by any measure a despotic demagogue who tells fools and other fascists, like you, what they (you) want to hear. There is no debate allowed, anyone who critiques his actions is damned, and any concern for the consequences of his actions never occurs to you, or other biddables, who have been fooled by the most unfit and incompetent man to lead this nation.

Gee, you start off with a hilariously false statement, listing facts is not an attack against the messenger. 0-1.
Listing 5 specific points isn't without a scintilla of anything! 0-2.
Calling Trump names does not make him so. Just your own personal bigotry. 0-3.
Trump is a Populist Conservative, not a "despotic demagogue." 0-4.
Trump went to every news agency, several a day, took every question unprepared, even if they were unfriendly during his campaign. Hillary only cherry picked her interviews, rarely and occasionally, questions submitted in advance with friendly media outlets only, so who really limited debate??? 0-5.

You're insane, or a liar.
  • Your facts are of the "alternative" variety
  • Describing Trump's behavior with clinical terms is not my personal opinion, anyone who has listened and watch Trump, and has studied psychology, can discern these statements are factual (bigotry has nothing to do with my judgment - though I do find you to be intolerable and foolish)
  • Trump is not a conservative, that's one of your most ridiculous comments (among many); he is a destroyer
  • Trump has appeared on Fox, Rachael Maddow would eat his lunch if he had the balls to accept her invitation.
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

You claim that Trump is succeeding.

Fact. His own party controls both houses of Congress.

Can you name a single significant piece of legislation that he has successfully shepherded through Congress since he has been in office?

Can you name a single significant piece of legislation that he has successfully shepherded through Congress since he has been in office?

How about these for starters. I found all of them with just one click of my mouse:

And here is a comparison of the work done by Trump vs. other presidents in history. Found it with another click of my mouse. He has been setting new records:

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

A quick review of these "accomplishments" suggest they are as important as naming post offices. What about his wall, has Mexico made their first payment? How about the repeal and replacement of the ACA; has ISIS been eradicated, or did Trump forget to tell the Generals what they don't know and he does? When did those 11 million immigrants get deported, and how many families were torn apart? N. Korea been domesticated yet? How about those appointments, is the State Department fully staffed to balance saber rattling and Brinkmanship by the President?
Last edited:
AND just because he signs a few papers and gives away pens doesn't make them laws
Just like Obama said he had a cell phone and a pen... in all 57 states and Under sniper fire.
You really want to compare Obama's and trumps speaking abilities???Obama makes trump look like he's in 1st grade

Obama sounds like a fucking Frenchman, with his constant stuttering, pausing and umms... he's a fucking shit stain to the core.

He isn't paid to stand around and give speeches. Talking is only the BEGINNING OF THE PROCESS. It is what you GET DONE after the speech is over that matters.

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