Trump is a rare phenomenon that is fun to watch.

Three marriages, serial adulterer, gambling magnate, contests of the flesh, peeper of underaged girls, pussy grabber.

Yeah, I understand why evangelicals think Trump was sent by God and not the Great Deceiver.

he let the Pope sniff his finger.
I just want the President to restore gov limits on itself , protect the USA and its borders Militarily and to practice USA Sovereignty Tyrone .

Better that you want us protected from the enemy within - Trump and his minions of Oligarchs.
----------------------------------------------- its YOU guys and your imported people that is the Fifth Column in the USA WCatcher .
A quick review of these "accomplishments" suggest they are as important as naming post offices. What about his wall, has Mexico made their first payment? How about the repealment and replacement of the ACA;

Right. Post offices. Your a funny guy. The wall is coming, the healthcare is coming, the tax reform is coming.

Maybe you want Trump to stand on one leg with one arm behind his back while he reinvents the wheel that no one else got done in the past 60 years? Seems that if the Democrats really WANTED Trump to get these things done, they'd be WORKING WITH HIM, ALREADY DID IT THEMSELVES, or at least stop tying him up with empty, futile, baseless allegations 7 days a week.
You mean like Repubs did to Obama worked with him???

obummer had both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Admin. What did he accomplish when he had TOTAL control?
perhaps you can tell us how many fillibusters Obama had thrown at him how many efforts to stop him by republicans That and only that they do a great job at ,,,imho

You mean the fillibusters that Reid then did away with? So that obummer could rule as he liked? Better catch up dude. Your ignorance of the facts is quite astonishing.
Yes Westy trumps are the clean hands people like I said ,,A den of thieves
The New York State Attorney General’s Office said it is investigating the Eric Trump Foundation after questions were raised about the charity in light of a recent media report that it paid high sums to use Trump-owned properties for fundraisers.

That A.G.’s office is the same one that has been investigating the Donald J. Trump Foundation since the fall and that case remains open.

In the latest case, Forbes published an article Tuesday alleging that the Eric Trump Foundation had been using donations -- from donors who believed the money was going to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital-- to pay the Trump Organization hundreds of thousands of dollars for use of Trump properties during fundraisers and re-donating some funds to charities friendly with Trump interests.

"The Attorney General's office is looking into the issues raised by this report," communications director Eric Soufer said in a statement.

A spokesperson for Eric Trump said today in a statement, “During the past decade, the Eric Trump Foundation has raised over $16.3 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, including more than $3.6 million to St. Jude and other worthwhile causes just in 2016 alone. The Foundation intends to cooperate fully with the Attorney General's review, and looks forward to a productive and open dialogue with the Attorney General's Office to address any questions it may have.”

Eric Trump's charity isn't the first in the family to come under scrutiny

Bobby Bank/Getty Images
Eric Trump stands next to a painting at his foundation's 6th annual golf invitational benefiting The St. Jude Children's Research Hospital at Trump National Golf Club Westchester on Sept. 10, 2012 in Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.more +

Forbes reported that the Eric Trump Foundation, which has suspended operations, paid the Trump family business over the past seven years for use of one of the organization’s golf courses, funds which he allegedly said were being donated nearly in full to the children’s cancer charity.
Correct. He's An obvious liar that the oblivious follow blindly.
Obviously you are lying.
So you believe the bible is his second favorite book
I can't understand your parable.

During the campaign, he made that statement. Simple question…do you believe him?

I’m predicting a “yeah well what about….” response of sorts.
Nothing you predict pans out. Why should I care about that? If the bible is his first, second, 100th favorite book or not at all. Makes no difference to me.

Well, we’ll take that as a “no” and that Trump is, in fact, a liar. We’re not breaking new ground here; the entire country knows what a fraud he is. Nice that you’d admit it for us though. Thanks.
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

You claim that Trump is succeeding.

Fact. His own party controls both houses of Congress.

Can you name a single significant piece of legislation that he has successfully shepherded through Congress since he has been in office?

Can you name a single significant piece of legislation that he has successfully shepherded through Congress since he has been in office?

How about these for starters. I found all of them with just one click of my mouse:

And here is a comparison of the work done by Trump vs. other presidents in history. Found it with another click of my mouse. He has been setting new records:

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

Yep. just as I said. trump has not signed one single significant piece of legislation since he has been in office. He signed a lot of useless EO's, and routine legislation regarding things of no impact, but nothing significant.
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

You claim that Trump is succeeding.

Fact. His own party controls both houses of Congress.

Can you name a single significant piece of legislation that he has successfully shepherded through Congress since he has been in office?

Can you name a single significant piece of legislation that he has successfully shepherded through Congress since he has been in office?

How about these for starters. I found all of them with just one click of my mouse:

And here is a comparison of the work done by Trump vs. other presidents in history. Found it with another click of my mouse. He has been setting new records:

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

A quick review of these "accomplishments" suggest they are as important as naming post offices. What about his wall, has Mexico made their first payment? How about the repealment and replacement of the ACA;

Right. Post offices. Your a funny guy. The wall is coming, the healthcare is coming, the tax reform is coming.

Maybe you want Trump to stand on one leg with one arm behind his back while he reinvents the wheel that no one else got done in the past 60 years? Seems that if the Democrats really WANTED Trump to get these things done, they'd be WORKING WITH HIM, ALREADY DID IT THEMSELVES, or at least stop tying him up with empty, futile, baseless allegations 7 days a week.

...and here is comes....the excuses of why trump has not been able to get anything done. it is the democrats with his health plan, that was actually never even voted on because his own party killed it....
regarding new laws , seems to me that LESS laws are better . Anyway i don't know what all you needy people want , can't you people take care of yourself VShandel ??
Obviously you are lying.
So you believe the bible is his second favorite book
I can't understand your parable.

During the campaign, he made that statement. Simple question…do you believe him?

I’m predicting a “yeah well what about….” response of sorts.
Nothing you predict pans out. Why should I care about that? If the bible is his first, second, 100th favorite book or not at all. Makes no difference to me.

Well, we’ll take that as a “no” and that Trump is, in fact, a liar. We’re not breaking new ground here; the entire country knows what a fraud he is. Nice that you’d admit it for us though. Thanks.
Your head is so far up your ass you can no longer understand simple english. I said nothing of the kind. You can take words any way you like, the stupidity doesn't fall on others.
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

Stop sucking Trump's cock. There's nothing impressive about rigging the election through carefully orchestrated voter suppression in key swings states. The GOP is the party of scum.
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

You claim that Trump is succeeding.

Fact. His own party controls both houses of Congress.

Can you name a single significant piece of legislation that he has successfully shepherded through Congress since he has been in office?

Can you name a single significant piece of legislation that he has successfully shepherded through Congress since he has been in office?

How about these for starters. I found all of them with just one click of my mouse:

And here is a comparison of the work done by Trump vs. other presidents in history. Found it with another click of my mouse. He has been setting new records:

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

A quick review of these "accomplishments" suggest they are as important as naming post offices. What about his wall, has Mexico made their first payment? How about the repealment and replacement of the ACA;

Right. Post offices. Your a funny guy. The wall is coming, the healthcare is coming, the tax reform is coming.

Maybe you want Trump to stand on one leg with one arm behind his back while he reinvents the wheel that no one else got done in the past 60 years? Seems that if the Democrats really WANTED Trump to get these things done, they'd be WORKING WITH HIM, ALREADY DID IT THEMSELVES, or at least stop tying him up with empty, futile, baseless allegations 7 days a week.

...and here is comes....the excuses of why trump has not been able to get anything done. it is the democrats with his health plan, that was actually never even voted on because his own party killed it....
Too hot a potato. Thanks Obama. But things have been getting done, things you oppose so you blanked them out.
Right. Post offices. Your a funny guy. The wall is coming, the healthcare is coming, the tax reform is coming.

Maybe you want Trump to stand on one leg with one arm behind his back while he reinvents the wheel that no one else got done in the past 60 years? Seems that if the Democrats really WANTED Trump to get these things done, they'd be WORKING WITH HIM, ALREADY DID IT THEMSELVES, or at least stop tying him up with empty, futile, baseless allegations 7 days a week.
You mean like Repubs did to Obama worked with him???

obummer had both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Admin. What did he accomplish when he had TOTAL control?
perhaps you can tell us how many fillibusters Obama had thrown at him how many efforts to stop him by republicans That and only that they do a great job at ,,,imho

You mean the fillibusters that Reid then did away with? So that obummer could rule as he liked? Better catch up dude. Your ignorance of the facts is quite astonishing.
Yes Westy trumps are the clean hands people like I said ,,A den of thieves
The New York State Attorney General’s Office said it is investigating the Eric Trump Foundation after questions were raised about the charity in light of a recent media report that it paid high sums to use Trump-owned properties for fundraisers.

That A.G.’s office is the same one that has been investigating the Donald J. Trump Foundation since the fall and that case remains open.

In the latest case, Forbes published an article Tuesday alleging that the Eric Trump Foundation had been using donations -- from donors who believed the money was going to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital-- to pay the Trump Organization hundreds of thousands of dollars for use of Trump properties during fundraisers and re-donating some funds to charities friendly with Trump interests.

"The Attorney General's office is looking into the issues raised by this report," communications director Eric Soufer said in a statement.

A spokesperson for Eric Trump said today in a statement, “During the past decade, the Eric Trump Foundation has raised over $16.3 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, including more than $3.6 million to St. Jude and other worthwhile causes just in 2016 alone. The Foundation intends to cooperate fully with the Attorney General's review, and looks forward to a productive and open dialogue with the Attorney General's Office to address any questions it may have.”

Eric Trump's charity isn't the first in the family to come under scrutiny

Bobby Bank/Getty Images
Eric Trump stands next to a painting at his foundation's 6th annual golf invitational benefiting The St. Jude Children's Research Hospital at Trump National Golf Club Westchester on Sept. 10, 2012 in Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.more +

Forbes reported that the Eric Trump Foundation, which has suspended operations, paid the Trump family business over the past seven years for use of one of the organization’s golf courses, funds which he allegedly said were being donated nearly in full to the children’s cancer charity.

Yes, I was aware of the claim, totally unsubstantiated, but breathlessly repeated by progs, like you, who don't care about anything other than lying about the trumps. We get it. You're one trick ponies.
regarding new laws , seems to me that LESS laws are better . Anyway i don't know what all you needy people want , can't you people take care of yourself VShandel ??

As a matter of fact, I am a huge success, myself, based on your reasoning. I have been retired for 12 years, and have not done a thing! In fact, I have high expectations that Trump will do the same!
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

Stop sucking Trump's cock. There's nothing impressive about rigging the election through carefully orchestrated voter suppression in key swings states. The GOP is the party of scum.

Wow. Really. How about presenting some evidence to support that bit of silliness.
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

Stop sucking Trump's cock. There's nothing impressive about rigging the election through carefully orchestrated voter suppression in key swings states. The GOP is the party of scum.

How quickly some forget Democrats rigging the primaries and Obama meddling in foreign elections.
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

Stop sucking Trump's cock. There's nothing impressive about rigging the election through carefully orchestrated voter suppression in key swings states. The GOP is the party of scum.

How quickly some forget Democrats rigging the primaries and Obama meddling in foreign elections.

It's OK if they do it. They're "special" don't ya know..
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

Stop sucking Trump's cock. There's nothing impressive about rigging the election through carefully orchestrated voter suppression in key swings states. The GOP is the party of scum.

Wow. Really. How about presenting some evidence to support that bit of silliness.

I've already done that here several times.
You claim that Trump is succeeding.

Fact. His own party controls both houses of Congress.

Can you name a single significant piece of legislation that he has successfully shepherded through Congress since he has been in office?

Can you name a single significant piece of legislation that he has successfully shepherded through Congress since he has been in office?

How about these for starters. I found all of them with just one click of my mouse:

And here is a comparison of the work done by Trump vs. other presidents in history. Found it with another click of my mouse. He has been setting new records:

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

A quick review of these "accomplishments" suggest they are as important as naming post offices. What about his wall, has Mexico made their first payment? How about the repealment and replacement of the ACA;

Right. Post offices. Your a funny guy. The wall is coming, the healthcare is coming, the tax reform is coming.

Maybe you want Trump to stand on one leg with one arm behind his back while he reinvents the wheel that no one else got done in the past 60 years? Seems that if the Democrats really WANTED Trump to get these things done, they'd be WORKING WITH HIM, ALREADY DID IT THEMSELVES, or at least stop tying him up with empty, futile, baseless allegations 7 days a week.

...and here is comes....the excuses of why trump has not been able to get anything done. it is the democrats with his health plan, that was actually never even voted on because his own party killed it....
Too hot a potato. Thanks Obama. But things have been getting done, things you oppose so you blanked them out.

What things?

Special prosecutor to investigate Hillary?
Funding for the wall?
Approval of his budget?
One trillion dollar infrastructure spending?
Reduced taxes?
Repeal ACA?
find out about the 3 to 5 million fraudulent votes for Hillary?
Put ISIS on the run?
block immigration from certain countries?
renegotiate NAFTA?
Stop China from currency manipulation?
Deport 12 million illegal aliens?
Ever wonder how a complete political novice can first get elected and then succeed? Donald Trump is showing us how it’s done. There is no doubt that he is learning on the job but oddly he is changing the job description as he goes. Trump is frustrating partisan politicians on both sides of the aisle because the first thing he did was call attention to the fact that career legislators are nothing but life-long benchwarmers who do little and achieve less.

Trump’s style is to grab the bull by the horns, not throw it like the embedded, bedridden professional houseguests that populate Congress in this country. Obviously this makes him a very scary prospect to the malingering, worthless crowds that loiter in the halls of the Senate.

Trump’s unorthodox style is reminiscent of former undefeated boxing great Rocky Marciano. Though many baby Boomers were only seven or eight years old when Marciano fought his last fight they remember watching Marciano with their dads in the 1950’s. A lot of polished fighters were convinced they had Marciano cornered when they were devastated by a bone-crushing left hook that came from nowhere. The over-confident contender was soon staggering on queer street, walking in postholes.

This is what Trump does to opponents. Even in the face of what looks like certain defeat he just keeps on coming. It is incredibly refreshing in a leader to watch Trump bash through the limp, shop-worn strategies of his critics. Remember James Comey, the 6’8 head of the FBI? He came into the ring like gangbusters and left in total defeat like a shivering Tinkerbell.

The globalists are running scared and resorting to suicide tactics to take Trump down because Trump is methodically dismantling their plan to fundamentally change America. They realize that they are seen as the villains while Trump is seen as Captain America. Even the Europeans are impressed with Trump’s successes and they are lining up to get on board with his agenda.

Unfortunately for the left in America the age of victimology may be coming to an end. They just can’t deal with Trump because he is like an ace pitcher who came from right field. They’re totally unprepared to handle Trump and they don’t want to admit it. Trump is a one-in-a-million phenomenon that is a rare treat for average Americans. He’s fun to watch.

Stop sucking Trump's cock. There's nothing impressive about rigging the election through carefully orchestrated voter suppression in key swings states. The GOP is the party of scum.

Wow. Really. How about presenting some evidence to support that bit of silliness.

I've already done that here several times.

Just a wild guess here, guessing westwall meant real evidence.
You mean like Repubs did to Obama worked with him???

obummer had both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Admin. What did he accomplish when he had TOTAL control?
perhaps you can tell us how many fillibusters Obama had thrown at him how many efforts to stop him by republicans That and only that they do a great job at ,,,imho

You mean the fillibusters that Reid then did away with? So that obummer could rule as he liked? Better catch up dude. Your ignorance of the facts is quite astonishing.
Yes Westy trumps are the clean hands people like I said ,,A den of thieves
The New York State Attorney General’s Office said it is investigating the Eric Trump Foundation after questions were raised about the charity in light of a recent media report that it paid high sums to use Trump-owned properties for fundraisers.

That A.G.’s office is the same one that has been investigating the Donald J. Trump Foundation since the fall and that case remains open.

In the latest case, Forbes published an article Tuesday alleging that the Eric Trump Foundation had been using donations -- from donors who believed the money was going to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital-- to pay the Trump Organization hundreds of thousands of dollars for use of Trump properties during fundraisers and re-donating some funds to charities friendly with Trump interests.

"The Attorney General's office is looking into the issues raised by this report," communications director Eric Soufer said in a statement.

A spokesperson for Eric Trump said today in a statement, “During the past decade, the Eric Trump Foundation has raised over $16.3 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, including more than $3.6 million to St. Jude and other worthwhile causes just in 2016 alone. The Foundation intends to cooperate fully with the Attorney General's review, and looks forward to a productive and open dialogue with the Attorney General's Office to address any questions it may have.”

Eric Trump's charity isn't the first in the family to come under scrutiny

Bobby Bank/Getty Images
Eric Trump stands next to a painting at his foundation's 6th annual golf invitational benefiting The St. Jude Children's Research Hospital at Trump National Golf Club Westchester on Sept. 10, 2012 in Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.more +

Forbes reported that the Eric Trump Foundation, which has suspended operations, paid the Trump family business over the past seven years for use of one of the organization’s golf courses, funds which he allegedly said were being donated nearly in full to the children’s cancer charity.

Yes, I was aware of the claim, totally unsubstantiated, but breathlessly repeated by progs, like you, who don't care about anything other than lying about the trumps. We get it. You're one trick ponies.
I have to disagree westy I am a many trick pony And as far as trumps are concerned they stink to high heaven as all those law suits against them proves,,,,,sorry your smeller is out of order

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