Trump is a Shameless, Anti Gay Bigot and this Crusade by His State Department Proves it

Who is this child's mother, and what is her citizenship?
Totally irrelevant .She was a surogate [sic]

Who is this child's mother? It most certainly is relevant.

Which genuine parent of this child has citizenship in this country to pass on to the child?

A bullshit homosexual mockery of a marriage, in which the only participant who has U.S. citizenship has no biological connection to the child, does not offer any rational basis on which to confer U.S. citizenship on a child who was born outside of any U.S. jurisdiction.
Who is this child's mother? It most certainly is relevant.

Which genuine parent of this child has citizenship in this country to pass on to the child?

A bullshit homosexual mockery of a marriage, in which the only participant who has U.S. citizenship has no biological connection to the child, does not offer any rational basis on which to confer U.S. citizenship on a child who was born outside of any U.S. jurisdiction.
Of course King Bobby. Because you say so, it is true. Appeal to ignorance logical fallacy and more evidence of your mental illness.

What interest do they have in pursuing this other than a wish to discriminate!?

This would never happen to a heterosexual couple regardless of whether they are both the biological parents.

What exactly do you good old boys disagree with>?
Oh bullshit....The State Department is filled with bureaucrats who have been a thorn in Trump's side since day one.

You just saw an opportunity to bitch about the evil Orange Man and wave your virtue beacon in everyone's faces, and reached around to grab it.
Everyone was against trump! He's the world's biggest (and I mean fattest) victim!
Two males cannot reproduce naturally, nor can two females reproduce naturally. That is just the flat out truth whether you like it or not. Any intelligent person already knows this.
Show us where being able to reproduce "naturally" is a requirement for legal marriage in the U.S.
^^^ another liberal who doesn't know science, biology or the US constitution

The kid was born on foreign soil. Not a U.S. citizen.
So.....John McCain wasn't a U.S. citizen by your interpretation.
View attachment 389132

Prejean got tons of outrage. Obama did not.

Besides, Biden's habit of speaking before thinking forced Obama's hand.

W.H.: Biden forced Obama's hand

So there's no way of knowing what Obama really believed; he was forgiven for his "wrong" opinion.

Leftists will forgive their own anything.
It's so sad to see people who never ever ever change their minds their whole life...............and don't understand people who can and do change their minds over time. What a sad existance that must fossilized.
Isn't the birth mother the one considered to be the parent------------custodial parent and the child therefore gains citizenship through.

FYI, you are an idiot if you think trump is anything but pro-gay rights---he always has been... even well before even thinking of running for office.
And just like that....another Rightie dismisses the rights of the Father. Just. Like. That. :heehee:

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