Trump is a toxic candidate

If they like Biden, they'll vote for him- not Michael Steele or Romney.
Yep... and every time we see another one of these threads about Trump "having no chance", it just reinforces the truth that the Left is scared to the point of building hysteria that he will run. It's a lot like the old adage "whistling past the graveyard". Not only do they not believe their own rhetoric, they will set this country on fire if it looks like he'll be successful.
I hope you're right.

Because I don't see that happening. In very few states did Trump get a higher percentage of the vote in 2020 than he did in 2016. And, given our winner-take-all way of dispersing electoral doesn't net you more EVs if you're underperforming. MI-WI-PA just re-elected democrats statewide as governors.

But partisan revenge politics is blind.

Trump supporters remember that no one expected Trump to win in 2016 – but he did; for the Trump cult, it’s about both blind faith and blind partisan politics.
It doesn't matter who it is. The tactics used on Trump will be used against any republican.
Not only that, they will literally run their candidate against the well defined fear of the Bad Orange Man. They'll actually run the campaign based on fear of Trump, even if DeSantis runs.
They still have to get by a poll worker. Is this a registered voter?
Not in 2020. There were thousands of ballots counted even though there was NO verification process or even a signature. Constantly repeating the media line does not change that fact. Look at what the scum are doing in Maricopa county AZ. Over 40% of tabulators were problematic in November and ALL OF THEM were in Republican-heavy areas. Ignoring and denying this because media will back your play is NOT going to work again without all hell breaking loose in '24.
If it's Biden v. Trump; no way Trump wins.
Also true.

But as we see, Trump supporters have blind faith.

Trump supporters saw 2020 as an anomaly, where Trump was at a ‘disadvantage’ as the incumbent running for reelection.

Trump supporters perceive Trump as an iconoclastic outsider and crusader at war with the ‘establishment’; they believe Trump is more effective and at his best as the outsider, attracting malcontents and disaffected voters to his crusade.
I am not so sure that he is a very good politician.
He isn’t.

The Democratic Party in Florida is virtually non-existent and utterly incompetent.

Absent any competition, Republicans can get anyone elected no matter how unfit and reprehensible – like Scott and Rubio.

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