Trump is Churchill, Obama is Chaimberlain

Got their asses kicked and chased away

Churchill had brains rump doesn't. I am sure your comparison has Churchill rolling in his grave in horror.
Donald Trump has been a success at everything he has tried including politics at the highest level. It is highly unlikely you can achieve that without being extremely intelligent. No one is that lucky.
Trump Wine, Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Air, USFL, ... He has been remarkably successful in finding new suckers, I mean investors.
America is not in the slightest bit afraid of you Alt Right.

America knows it did not pay enough attention to you.

That ends this coming fall for you.
Churchill had brains rump doesn't. I am sure your comparison has Churchill rolling in his grave in horror.
Donald Trump has been a success at everything he has tried including politics at the highest level. It is highly unlikely you can achieve that without being extremely intelligent. No one is that lucky.
Trump Wine, Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Air, USFL, ... He has been remarkably successful in finding new suckers, I mean investors.
Churchill had brains rump doesn't. I am sure your comparison has Churchill rolling in his grave in horror.
Donald Trump has been a success at everything he has tried including politics at the highest level. It is highly unlikely you can achieve that without being extremely intelligent. No one is that lucky.

Except casinos apparently, where they give you a license to print money.
Churchill was hated by his own party, opposition party, and press. Feared by King as reckless, and despised for his bluntness. But unlike Neville Chamberlain, he didn't retreat. We had a Chamberlain for 8 yrs; in Trump we have a Churchill.

The delusion in the OP is so sad. That anyone would even entertain such a thought doesn't speak well for the human race. It's one thing to not like a politician, it is quite another thing to mindfuck yourself into believing crap like the OP.
nahhh, he's paid to do it.....
Churchill was hated by his own party, opposition party, and press. Feared by King as reckless, and despised for his bluntness. But unlike Neville Chamberlain, he didn't retreat. We had a Chamberlain for 8 yrs; in Trump we have a Churchill.

The delusion in the OP is so sad. That anyone would even entertain such a thought doesn't speak well for the human race. It's one thing to not like a politician, it is quite another thing to mindfuck yourself into believing crap like the OP.
nahhh, he's paid to do it.....

And there's that.
Churchill had brains rump doesn't. I am sure your comparison has Churchill rolling in his grave in horror.
Donald Trump has been a success at everything he has tried including politics at the highest level. It is highly unlikely you can achieve that without being extremely intelligent. No one is that lucky.

Actually he has not really been all that successful as a businessman until he got out of the business of making business decisions. Up until the time that Trump Inc was reorganized as a holding company and a licensing company for the name "Trump", his business failed on a regular basis.

He failed about owning an airline, he failed at owning casinos, steak company, and more.
You don't become a success in the private sector without failing, a lot. Liberals don't understand that apparently.
Churchill had brains rump doesn't. I am sure your comparison has Churchill rolling in his grave in horror.
Donald Trump has been a success at everything he has tried including politics at the highest level. It is highly unlikely you can achieve that without being extremely intelligent. No one is that lucky.
Trump Wine, Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Air, USFL, ... He has been remarkably successful in finding new suckers, I mean investors.
At least you didn't call Donald Trump an imbecile, so you have that going for you.
Churchill had brains rump doesn't. I am sure your comparison has Churchill rolling in his grave in horror.
Donald Trump has been a success at everything he has tried including politics at the highest level. It is highly unlikely you can achieve that without being extremely intelligent. No one is that lucky.
Trump Wine, Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Air, USFL, ... He has been remarkably successful in finding new suckers, I mean investors.
I'm glad you recognize his marketing ability. That is an important trait in a President.
Churchill had brains rump doesn't. I am sure your comparison has Churchill rolling in his grave in horror.
Donald Trump has been a success at everything he has tried including politics at the highest level. It is highly unlikely you can achieve that without being extremely intelligent. No one is that lucky.

Actually he has not really been all that successful as a businessman until he got out of the business of making business decisions. Up until the time that Trump Inc was reorganized as a holding company and a licensing company for the name "Trump", his business failed on a regular basis.

He failed about owning an airline, he failed at owning casinos, steak company, and more.
You don't become a success in the private sector without failing, a lot. Liberals don't understand that apparently.

I have no idea what liberals understand, but I understand that Trump Inc took off like gangbusters after Trump quit making business decisions. Trump is very good at selling himself and his name. He sucks at actual business.
More Americans want to see Donald Trump impeached than would vote for him in 2020, poll finds

More people want to see Lying Trump impeached than would vote for him in 2020.

Cons, enjoy the ride through November 2018. That is when Republican lose control of Congress and real investigation and impeachment begin. Ah, but you have a good 11 months of watching Nikki Goebbels play fascist and Kelly Conway vomit mental illness on tv. Soon this entire shitstain movement will be halted in it's tracks and replaced with adults again.

But, if you Lying Trump followers have kids in the military between now and then be sure to hug them tight whenever you see them, he's itching to have our military go die somewhere so get prepared.
Churchill had brains rump doesn't. I am sure your comparison has Churchill rolling in his grave in horror.
Donald Trump has been a success at everything he has tried including politics at the highest level. It is highly unlikely you can achieve that without being extremely intelligent. No one is that lucky.

Actually he has not really been all that successful as a businessman until he got out of the business of making business decisions. Up until the time that Trump Inc was reorganized as a holding company and a licensing company for the name "Trump", his business failed on a regular basis.

He failed about owning an airline, he failed at owning casinos, steak company, and more.
You don't become a success in the private sector without failing, a lot. Liberals don't understand that apparently.

Failing, and having a rich dad to bail him out time and time again.
Trump is neither Chamberlain nor Churchill, he's Putin's bitch.
Churchill was hated by his own party, opposition party, and press. Feared by King as reckless, and despised for his bluntness. But unlike Neville Chamberlain, he didn't retreat. We had a Chamberlain for 8 yrs; in Trump we have a Churchill.

I don't remember Churchill as having small hands......

And I don't remember Churchill promising that if he became Prime Minister- the first thing he would do is slap Germany with trade sanctions- and then immediately after being elected- meeting with Hitler and announcing what buddies England and Germany were.

You know how Trump did with China.


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