Trump Is Coming Back!!! :D

oh they all pretty much started out like that... but didn't end like it.
Exactly. They all showed their inner lickspittle nature.

Nikki Haley woke up, though. The scales have been removed from her eyes.

One of the few good things Trump achieved was showing just how thoroughly unprincipled and batshit crazy his followers are.

Unfortunately, there were many more than anyone realized and he turned the GOP into a cult of personality.

so, you believe only Trump can or will protect Constitutional rights? No one else can possibly do that? What about DeSantis?

With all due respect, you apparently are a very simple minded person.
Are you even aware that Trump said that?
What else are you unaware of?

she's very ignorant.
Pretty much verified fact that The Biden's are owned by The Chinese and Russia, and China may have released the virus to target America to interfere in our elections to get Trump out of the way.

Then in addition to the millions accepted by The Bidens from China, there is also a Russia connection via Clinton-Obama-Biden for both the Rosatom Uranium One Deal and for The Dirty Dossier.

But you don't care about truth, do you trollholio?
Pretty much is only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades. Want to talk about funding from Russian Mafia going through Volksbank (investigated internationally and fined) and where trump loans were guaranteed by Russian Billionaires close to the Kremlin?

How about the cheaply made trinkets trump daughter has sold, made in sweatshop in China?

I just don't buy your who owns who partisan arguments. They make no sense, against thing that are proven, internationally documented, and in some cases fines levied for in real courts.
One of the few good things Trump achieved was showing just how thoroughly unprincipled and batshit crazy his followers are.

Unfortunately, there were many more than anyone realized and he turned the GOP into a cult of personality.
Dat's wight, wabbit -------

There are SOOOOOOOO many of us. You'll all have to steal votes hard the next election.
Rolling in the dough, and siphoning off a bundle for his own interests. Nothing like fleecing the sheep and having accountants make your Big Mac.toothpaste or monthly electric bill look like a campaign expense. The sheep on the right side of the pasture never seem to learn.
If he's using his campaign donations for personal expenses, he's breaking the law. That's a pretty serious allegation. Have you got any evidence to support it?
Exactly. They all showed their inner lickspittle nature.

Nikki Haley woke up, though. The scales have been removed from her eyes.

One of the few good things Trump achieved was showing just how thoroughly unprincipled and batshit crazy his followers are.

Unfortunately, there were many more than anyone realized and he turned the GOP into a cult of personality.

think what you personally think about biden ... but the saddest one is lindsey graham. he was SO anti trump in the early days, then he went golfing with donny one day & boy did ms. lindsey flip. i think he was told that donny's henchmen did a little digging & they know what lindsey wants to stay in that closet.

this is what he once said about biden:

Is it my imagination, or are they getting more unhinged by the day?

The posts I've gotten from them over the last few weeks are just this side of insane. Post after post.

Has Q told them that something horrible is about to happen, and they're freaking out?

The more time which passes they realize the less likely Trump will somehow be installed as president to finish the remainder of this term. The more their hope diminishes, the more their unhingedness increases in direct correlation.
He said that? For context, please show when and link it. Thanks.

For fuks sake!
I REALLY should not need to educate you people Dammit !!!

If you personally feel the need to twist something really wrong he says into something you can readily swallow that's on you.
I don't worship Trump like you seem to.

why not? rick perry, mike pompeo, & nikki haley do....
One of Trump's most used con tricks is Argumentum ad Populum.

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese.

PARROTING HERD: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!!!

REPORTER: Mr. Trump, you don't really believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people are saying it is.
It will come sooner if somebody pleads the twenty-fifth.

I won't hold my breath it will be less than 3 years and 1 month.

Not trying to be a negative Nancy but I'm expecting this to be an awful shitty 3 years we may not recover from.

Democrats are dug in pretty damn deep. And not even the tolerable ones from years past, these new Democrats are the problem. I'm not so sure they will let something happen to their party.

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