Trump Is Coming Back!!! :D

One of Trump's most used con tricks is Argumentum ad Populum.

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese.

PARROTING HERD: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!!!

REPORTER: Mr. Trump, you don't really believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people are saying it is.

You need to shut up you Democrat / Communist parroting F-tard.

Case in point
Exactly. It starts with an intellectually indefensible position. And then becomes a defense of people who would believe it.

We will repeal obamacare and replace it with somehting that costs much less, and you don't pay for, but gives you better benefits. But we don't exactly have the plan yet. but we will

People cheer for more free shit.

"Mr. Trump you don't seriously think Obamacare can be repealed and replaced with something costing less but giving more free shit?

"how dare you attack the tax paying americans who want this? You just want to give stuff to illegals."
think what you personally think about biden ... but the saddest one is lindsey graham. he was SO anti trump in the early days, then he went golfing with donny one day & boy did ms. lindsey flip. i think he was told that donny's henchmen did a little digging & they know what lindsey wants to stay in that closet.
I love Lindsey Graham. Now he'd be MY choice for Trump's VP. He's such a total sweetheart.
So Xi Jinping wanted a trade embargo?! That must be why Milley called China to warn them Trump might nuke them?

You dummass.
Doubt if the Chinese were thrilled about it, but lets face it. The tariffs were paid by us, not them, and I am sure Big Agri didn't really mind that much, since they were the main beneficiaries of the slopping of the hogs at the public troughs, further squeezing the family farmers.
Which is why Nikki Haley is a has been in the GOP. Actually the main reason she fell out of favor is because she botched the flag issue in South Carolina.
She dropped Trump's tiny cock from her mouth. If you don't keep sucking, you are no longer a member of the cult. Those are the rules.
Thank you for the context:

Trump was responding to comments from Vice President Pence that families and local law enforcement should have more tools to report potentially dangerous individuals with weapons.

I agree with this


Trump ended rule to block mentally ill from getting guns​

The action was one of his earliest as president.
February 15, 2018, 1:41 PM
• 4 min read

President Donald Trump has often pointed to mental illness as the underlying cause for mass shootings, but one of his earliest actions as president was to undo a regulation that would have made it more difficult for people with a known mental illness to buy guns.

Nearly a year ago, on Feb. 28, 2017, President Trump signed H.J. Res. 40, effectively ending the Social Security Administration's requirement to enter the names of people who receive mental health benefits into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. This is the database used by the FBI to determine who is able to purchase firearms.

According to estimates from the previous administration, had the Obama-era regulation gone into effect, an estimated 75,000 individuals with mental illnesses would have been added to the database. These individuals would have been notified by the Social Security Administration of their possible restrictions to buy firearms but would have the opportunity go through an appeal process.

Trump ended rule to block mentally ill from getting guns
If he's using his campaign donations for personal expenses, he's breaking the law. That's a pretty serious allegation. Have you got any evidence to support it?

Please don't make me put you on ignore for name-calling, because you have such a cool avatar. I would miss it.

I haven't missed one ounce of her bullshit by putting her on ignore.
so, you believe only Trump can or will protect Constitutional rights? No one else can possibly do that? What about DeSantis?

When exactly did I say this?

For fuks sake!
I REALLY should not need to educate you people Dammit !!!

If you personally feel the need to twist something really wrong he says into something you can readily swallow that's on you.
I don't worship Trump like you seem to.

Taking weapons away from a dangerous criminal,.. how is that concept difficult for you to grasp?

In this thread it's you.
Then don't lie or post stupid shit. Easy enough, right?
Seems to me the great thing is to find out what people think. So many people want others only to think "correct" things ---------- from their skewed perspective. But just finding out what they do think (other than that they think oneself is a @#$%^&*) has value. Name-calling is cheap and easy and has no value at all, sadly.

Sadly, because a lot of people aren't smart enough to have much else to think or say.
what are you talking about?

81 million to 74 million. That's what I'm talking about. Something close to half, way too close, chose an unhinged populist troll over your candidate. And you wouldn't have the Senate if Trump hadn't handed it to you with his post-election antics. If they wanted to (they don't), Dems could have aimed for real consensus, they could have blown Trumpsters out of the water.

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