Trump is crushing Biden In battle ground states!

The CNN poll as of today shows a tilt towards Trump in certain battleground states and Jizz lies and calls it Trump crushing Biden. Once again proving that some people have severe reading comprehension problems. LOL
IMO, moronic democrat governors overplaying their hands in this idiotic lockdown are going to send voters stampeding to the polls to vote GOP in November.

You don't need to be Kreskin to recognize that these pukes are making their constituents miserable on purpose, and it will blow up in their faces this fall.
The CNN poll as of today shows a tilt towards Trump in certain battleground states and Jizz lies and calls it Trump crushing Biden. Once again proving that some people have severe reading comprehension problems. LOL
Tears! I want them! Save them for me

They love CNN polls....well until they go bad for them

I was surprised CNN published it
After that Republican victory in Commie Kalifornia it looks like it will be a landslide for Trump in November.

Add to that the fact Biden (with all his other baggage) got caught red handed lying to ABC News today.

Democrats are amateurs. Trump is a pro.
Some Democrats would rather lose elections than pay higher taxes.

CNN Poll: Biden tops Trump nationwide, but battlegrounds tilt Trump

"In the new poll, 51% of registered voters nationwide back Biden, while 46% say they prefer Trump, while in the battlegrounds, 52% favor Trump and 45% Biden.

"Partisans are deeply entrenched in their corners, with 95% of Democrats behind Biden and the same share of Republicans behind Trump.

"The two are close among independents (50% back Trump, 46% Biden, not a large enough difference to be considered a lead), but Biden's edge currently rests on the larger share of voters who identify as Democrats."

I wonder how the numbers would change in a Bernie vs Trump match up?
After that Republican victory in Commie Kalifornia it looks like it will be a landslide for Trump in November.

Why does it look like that?

Biden's a weak candidate

Trump is the incumbent

Biden's mental health is questionable

The economy roared under Trump until coronavirus crimped it, no reason it won't return.

Dem shenanigans using yet another crisis like the virus to try and further the agenda

You don't think America is watching?
The CNN poll as of today shows a tilt towards Trump and Jizz lies and calls it Trump crushing Biden. Once again proving that some people have severe reading comprehension problems. LOL

You lost CA 25, that isn't a good sign.
CA 25 may be a anomaly. Garcia has the seat until November when the seat is up for grabs again. Garcia has all of 5 months to enjoy being a US representative. I would expect a huge turnout in California for the presidential election so I wouldn’t expect Garcia to last long. One other factor is that the election was held to replace Katie Hill who was involved in a sordid sex scandal which may have depressed Democratic turnout.

Democrats cannot win elections, you all want to put two men in jail for self defense, you want to give illegals trillions.

you are no longer a option
From Breitbart absolutely. Nervous time eh buddy. Your boy is in deep doodies. He is going to jail after his term.
CA 25 may be a anomaly. Garcia has the seat until November when the seat is up for grabs again. Garcia has all of 5 months to enjoy being a US representative. I would expect a huge turnout in California for the presidential election so I wouldn’t expect Garcia to last long. One other factor is that the election was held to replace Katie Hill who was involved in a sordid sex scandal that may have helped depress Democratic turnout.

I would not write off Garcia’s chances to hold it. Steve Knight got reelected in 2016 even as the district went for Hillary.
After that Republican victory in Commie Kalifornia it looks like it will be a landslide for Trump in November.

Why does it look like that?

Biden's a weak candidate

Trump is the incumbent

Biden's mental health is questionable

The economy roared under Trump until coronavirus crimped it, no reason it won't return.

Dem shenanigans using yet another crisis like the virus to try and further the agenda

You don't think America is watching?

Creepy Joe is the Great White Hope for these stupid Moon Bats. A terrible candidate.

They are going to be so disappointed in November just like they were when Crooked Hillary was their great hope.

They may be so disappointed that they get out their pink pussy hats, go march in the streets and then go howl at the sky.

Democrats cannot win elections, you all want to put two men in jail for self defense, you want to give illegals trillions.

you are no longer a option

Hmm. Not what I'm seeing. I'm seeing tight races within the margin of error. Crushing? Hardly. But here, don't take my word for it. Oh and don't look now, but Biden's within striking distance in Ohio and Texas. Either one of those drop and it's game over.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics
CA 25 may be a anomaly. Garcia has the seat until November when the seat is up for grabs again. Garcia has all of 5 months to enjoy being a US representative. I would expect a huge turnout in California for the presidential election so I wouldn’t expect Garcia to last long. One other factor is that the election was held to replace Katie Hill who was involved in a sordid sex scandal that may have helped depress Democratic turnout.

I would not write off Garcia’s chances to hold it. Steve Knight got reelected in 2016 even as the district went for Hillary.
That may very well be true. CA 25 has been traditionally Republican from what I understand anyway. Katie Hill did no favors for Democrats in that district.
CA 25 may be a anomaly. Garcia has the seat until November when the seat is up for grabs again. Garcia has all of 5 months to enjoy being a US representative. I would expect a huge turnout in California for the presidential election so I wouldn’t expect Garcia to last long. One other factor is that the election was held to replace Katie Hill who was involved in a sordid sex scandal that may have helped depress Democratic turnout.

I would not write off Garcia’s chances to hold it. Steve Knight got reelected in 2016 even as the district went for Hillary.
At some point people grow tired of unrealistic taxation, being surrounded by squalor and shit, incompetent people trying to run their lives. There is a tipping point
After that Republican victory in Commie Kalifornia it looks like it will be a landslide for Trump in November.

Why does it look like that?

Biden's a weak candidate

Trump is the incumbent

Biden's mental health is questionable

The economy roared under Trump until coronavirus crimped it, no reason it won't return.

Dem shenanigans using yet another crisis like the virus to try and further the agenda

You don't think America is watching?

Saying Biden's mental health is questionable is like saying if a train hits you, it'll hurt a lil bit.

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