Trump is crushing Biden In battle ground states!

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are those real polls to be believed, or are those fake polls? fake polls are those showing something you do not like, right?
Meanwhile, over at RCP...

Wisconsin. Biden
Pennsylvania. Biden
North Carolina. Trump
Florida. Biden
90% of polls are from mainstream media, which is heavily leftist. That's why, generally conservatives don't respond to these polls. It would not be at all unusual for these polls to have an 80% (or higher), response from the left (who watch CNN, NBC, ABC, etc).

So when you see a poll giving Trump a 49% approval rate (Gallup recently), and take out the overwhelming leftist response rate factor, you've got about a 75% approval rate for Trump (if not higher).

Looks like leftists didn't learn anything about polls from November 2016. :biggrin:

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