Trump is doing what Obama didn’t do: REACH OUT and LISTEN

You're comparing an entire city violating federal law to a divorce. umm, ia the ex-wife harboring illegals / criminals and using the money to support them?

I'm comparing federal law, which you aren't familiar with, with principles at common law which you are. Law is law, with one derived from the other. The federal government can't discriminate on the basis of a state not complying with a federal law or statute, unless the funds are tied to their compliance.

Dozens of states have legalized marijuana, yet the federal law making marijuana illegal was upheld in a USSC challenge, allowing the Federal government to prosecute, even if the states declare it to be legal. In that context you have a state violating the federal law against marijuana, yet the federal government can't withhold federal funds ,to those several states. The case where they withheld highway funds to Montana was because those funds were tied to the state enforcing the federal 55 mph speed limit.
You're comparing an entire city violating federal law to a divorce. umm, ia the ex-wife harboring illegals / criminals and using the money to support them?

I'm comparing federal law, which you aren't familiar with, with principles at common law which you are. Law is law, with one derived from the other. The federal government can't discriminate on the basis of a state not complying with a federal law or statute, unless the funds are tied to their compliance.

Dozens of states have legalized marijuana, yet the federal law making marijuana illegal was upheld in a USSC challenge, allowing the Federal government to prosecute, even if the states declare it to be legal. In that context you have a state violating the federal law against marijuana, yet the federal government can't withhold federal funds ,to those several states. The case where they withheld highway funds to Montana was because those funds were tied to the state enforcing the federal 55 mph speed limit.
well then it sounds like you should have a debate with the Attorney General, cause you think you're much smarter than him and the other trump lawyers. go for it ..
Says the fool who doesn't even know what the Alt-right is.
A term coined by a white supremacist, representing nationalist populism and a hatred of diversity

Thank you for proving me right. You are speaking of matters you are ill informed on.
Do you deny the term was coined by a white supremacist? Do you deny that you are a nationalist? Do you deny that you are a populist? Do you deny that you oppose diversity?

I deny that the term was coined by a white supremacist.

I deny that the movement is solely nationalist OR populist.

I deny that it the movement is about hatred of diversity.
But you are a nationalist, who believes in populism, and opposes diversity. And "alt-right" was a term first coined by white supremacist Richard Spencer, and his mentor Paul Gottfried who founded the white nationalist H.L. Mencken group.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

Swishy Swastikers like Spencer, who has admitted his admiration for Dear Adolf, are buttboys for the bosses. They want to lead White people back into the plutocracy's serfdom. These people are opportunists who only care about pushing other Whites around.
Exactly. Not the greatest phrase for the Pussy Grabber in Chief to be using.
Anyone remember the 'outstanding' defense many snowflakes used for Bill Clinton after his affair with Lewinski in the WH?

Snowflakes declared that what Bill Clinton does / did in his own free time in his own personal life was none of the rest of the nation's business. It did not matter that it was a sin, that it was adultery, that he lied, that he embarrassed the nation - his personal life was none of the nation's business.

Now I thought that was the stupidest thing I had heard since the man claimed he bought weed but never inhaled when he smoked it...but, hey, if the liberals declare it to be so then it has to be so, right?!

So It's amazing now how what Trump said publicly, on his time off, said in his personal life is fair game to try to crucify him over...

Of course I am being facetious, but it drives a point home about double-standards, hypocrisy, and other snowflake BS... just sayin'...
I wouldn't have gotten into an elevator alone with Bill Clinton, either. Satisfied?
I wouldn't have gotten into an elevator alone with Bill Clinton, either. Satisfied?
Not meaning to be mean, but I don't really care. Your getting into an elevator or not with Bill Clinton has no impact on my point about partisan hypocrisy.
well then it sounds like you should have a debate with the Attorney General, cause you think you're much smarter than him and the other trump lawyers. go for it ..

You mean the one's who said Trumps EO banning muslims from 7 countries was legal. Maybe you didn't follow how that was Stayed, and they had to write a new one correcting the constitutional violations.

They got that one wrong too.
well then it sounds like you should have a debate with the Attorney General, cause you think you're much smarter than him and the other trump lawyers. go for it ..

You mean the one's who said Trumps EO banning muslims from 7 countries was legal. Maybe you didn't follow how that was Stayed, and they had to write a new one correcting the constitutional violations.

They got that one wrong too.
not worth a discussion in this thread cause you wouldn't comprehend the topic. Liberal judges who think they are above the law. why does that not surprise anyone. they didn't find any constitutional issue by the way. So legally there was nothing wrong with it. it was pure moral misrepresentation to the security of the country. and they should all be fired.
Obama wasn’t big on listening sessions; he preferred talking ones. He didn’t meet with the GOP’s Senate leadership, for instance, until his 542nd day in office. The irony is Obama’s party had such firm control of Congress back in 2009 and 2010 that it could ram through the immense bill with not a single Republican vote.

How many meetings has Trump held with the Democtic leaders in congress? HINT ZERO.

Mainly because THEY refuse to meet with him!
Yeah, i gotta give him that. And they're actually reading the Legislation before voting on it too. It's gonna be complicated and painful, but it'll get done.

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