Trump is doing what Obama didn’t do: REACH OUT and LISTEN

It won't happen, lawsuit will tie up the courts for years.
Just curious - on what ground can a city that is breaking federal law sue the federal government for federal funds?

That the funds being cut were not legislatively tied to their status, ie sanctuary city, or particular legal compliance. For an example, federal highway funds were tied to the state enforcing the 55 mph speed limit. They could be withheld in states like Montana who didn't enforce the federal speed limit. But highway funds couldn't be withheld because the state didn't follow EPA guidelines.
Obama wasn’t big on listening sessions; he preferred talking ones. He didn’t meet with the GOP’s Senate leadership, for instance, until his 542nd day in office. The irony is Obama’s party had such firm control of Congress back in 2009 and 2010 that it could ram through the immense bill with not a single Republican vote.

How many meetings has Trump held with the Democtic leaders in congress? HINT ZERO.
Actually kind of interesting. His management style is actually one of cooperation, and if anyone is paying attention this is a bit bewildering to Radical Dems.

He is slowly winning people over. Allowing debate & amendments on The Health Care Bill. Asking Dems what they'd like to see in it, and how they could reach a middle ground on it.

Inviting rivals to The White House to simply listen to their concerns.

I think the radical contingent of The Dem Party is in a panic, and feels like if Trump can get established and the public grows tired of The Dem Party "crying wolf" that their party is in serious trouble for the next election.

This accounts for all they hysteria and venom from Dems, and the whacka doodle foaming at the mouth angry reporting by the MSM.

They are rats trapped on a sinking ship.
Inviting rivals to The White House to simply listen to their concerns.

I think the radical contingent of The Dem Party is in a panic, and feels like if Trump can get established and the public grows tired of The Dem Party "crying wolf" that their party is in serious trouble for the next election..

Trump invited red state senators to the white house to get their support for Gorsuch. Trump has NOT invited the democratic leadership for anything more than a 'social gathering'
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Inviting rivals to The White House to simply listen to their concerns.

I think the radical contingent of The Dem Party is in a panic, and feels like if Trump can get established and the public grows tired of The Dem Party "crying wolf" that their party is in serious trouble for the next election..

Trump invited red state senators to the white house to get their support for Gorsuch. Trump has NOT invited the democratic leadership
Has anyone even heard Gorsuch's name mentioned in weeks? Did he disappear
That the funds being cut were not legislatively tied to their status, ie sanctuary city, or particular legal compliance. For an example, federal highway funds were tied to the state enforcing the 55 mph speed limit. They could be withheld in states like Montana who didn't enforce the federal speed limit. But highway funds couldn't be withheld because the state didn't follow EPA guidelines.
Playing 'Devil's Advocate'...since some funds currently going to cities are FEDERAL Funds, technically, I believe, the Federal Govt can withhold those funds as they see least and / when specifically a city is breaking federal law.

In the case of harboring illegals against Federal Law the case can easily be made that refusal to adhere to / enforce federal law has resulted in and is resulting in crimes and the loss of life of American citizens and resulted in numerous other crimes.

California, for example, is demanding that the Federal Govt HELP - financially support - breaking federal law. That is absurd. In a loose way that's like a child demanding a parent cough up money to support his pot habit.
Has anyone even heard Gorsuch's name mentioned in weeks? Did he disappear

I can only assume Trump was busy with his paranoid rants against Obama, accusing him of wiretaping his phones in Trump Tower, that Trump forgot about his nominations. Instead of talking to congress about nominees, Trump talked to congress about investigating his crazy allegations.
That the funds being cut were not legislatively tied to their status, ie sanctuary city, or particular legal compliance. For an example, federal highway funds were tied to the state enforcing the 55 mph speed limit. They could be withheld in states like Montana who didn't enforce the federal speed limit. But highway funds couldn't be withheld because the state didn't follow EPA guidelines.
Playing 'Devil's Advocate'...since some funds currently going to cities are FEDERAL Funds, technically, I believe, the Federal Govt can withhold those funds as they see least and / when specifically a city is breaking federal law.

In the case of harboring illegals against Federal Law the case can easily be made that refusal to adhere to / enforce federal law has resulted in and is resulting in crimes and the loss of life of American citizens and resulted in numerous other crimes.

California, for example, is demanding that the Federal Govt HELP - financially support - breaking federal law. That is absurd. In a loose way that's like a child demanding a parent cough up money to support his pot habit.
You are not an attorney, you do not know the intricate details of the law, so assume nothing
yep, they are, 40% fewer attempted to sneak into the country out of mehico. Hmmm, nothing actually in place yet accept enforcing laws on the books that have been neglected for years.

Choice in healthcare, and the CBO got it wrong, but who'd have thunk an organization like them would get that access doesn't mean no coverage. I love the cluelessness of such organizations run by the government. And why, in fact, I want less of them. By the way, that includes idol cabinet positions not yet filled. let the job titles die.
Where exactly did the CBO get this wrong. I would like to hear your spin
as I stated they miss interpreted the term access as obummer cares mandate. nope, access means if you don't want insurance, you don't have to buy insurance. They included those numbers in their figures which is wrong.
If you dont want insurance and dont buy insurance, who pays the hospital bills you cant afford?
who cares, it ain't gonna be me. BTW, that is the nice thing about the bill out now, if all you want is catastrophic care, guess what, you can buy it, and that will pay for hospitalization.
Glad to see you are a health care expert without even reading the bill. You should meet the head of Health and human Services, Tom Price, he too liked the bill but admitted he hadn't read it
I'm responding to the CBO misrepresentation of the bill confusing it with obummercare. kapeesh? The fact is there will be three separate bills to avoid needing the democrats. who don't care about their constituents and just wish to philibuster everything that might actually be an advantage for them. Again, the bill doesn't mandate coverage. And that is the piece they missed. oops. BTW, feel free to say I'm wrong on that mandate piece.
Playing 'Devil's Advocate'...since some funds currently going to cities are FEDERAL Funds, technically, I believe, the Federal Govt can withhold those funds as they see least and / when specifically a city is breaking federal law..

The federal government can't withhold funds any more than a divorced man can withhold child support or alimony because his ex violated a condition of their divorce. If she refuses to grant visitation, he can't withhold child support. It's pretty much the same with federal law. Unless the funds came with stipulations, new restrictions can't be retroactively applied. Of course future funding may have such clauses, but current funding does not.
Where exactly did the CBO get this wrong. I would like to hear your spin
as I stated they miss interpreted the term access as obummer cares mandate. nope, access means if you don't want insurance, you don't have to buy insurance. They included those numbers in their figures which is wrong.
If you dont want insurance and dont buy insurance, who pays the hospital bills you cant afford?
who cares, it ain't gonna be me. BTW, that is the nice thing about the bill out now, if all you want is catastrophic care, guess what, you can buy it, and that will pay for hospitalization.
Glad to see you are a health care expert without even reading the bill. You should meet the head of Health and human Services, Tom Price, he too liked the bill but admitted he hadn't read it
I'm responding to the CBO misrepresentation of the bill confusing it with obummercare. kapeesh? The fact is there will be three separate bills to avoid needing the democrats. who don't care about their constituents and just wish to philibuster everything that might actually be an advantage for them. Again, the bill doesn't mandate coverage. And that is the piece they missed. oops. BTW, feel free to say I'm wrong on that mandate piece.
Another health care "expert" on display
Those cheap Obamacare plans are getting even more expensive.

Deductibles for individuals enrolled in the lowest-priced Obamacare health plans will average more than $6,000 in 2017, the first time that threshold has been cracked in the three years that Affordable Care Act marketplaces have been in business, a new analysis finds.

Families enrolled in bronze plans will have average deductibles of $12,393, according to the study by the consumer insurance comparison site HealthPocket.

A deductible is the amount of money someone must personally pay out of pocket for health services before insurance covers the remaining cost.

Yeah, Let's all keep this wonderful money saving medical "coverage". It gives us coverage, but no medical "care"

I, personally, buy my own "authorized" insurance for just a few (and I mean "FEW") dollars more with 100 times better coverage. $1500 deductible, see any doctor I want anytime, premium Rx drug coverage, $25 copay for office visits. I don't have to meet my deductible before insurance pays. The deductible is filled by tests, procedures, and/or hospitalization, and I seldom ever use that up.

I will soon, as required by law, have to go on Medicare. I have already made a commitment to go with a supplement for $150/mo where I will have $0 out-of-pocket expense for anything other than premiums.
You are not an attorney, you do not know the intricate details of the law, so assume nothing

I sited a specific example of how federal law works in handing out funding. Unless there are strings attached in the funding law, there are no strings.
Playing 'Devil's Advocate'...since some funds currently going to cities are FEDERAL Funds, technically, I believe, the Federal Govt can withhold those funds as they see least and / when specifically a city is breaking federal law..

The federal government can't withhold funds any more than a divorced man can withhold child support or alimony because his ex violated a condition of their divorce.
You're comparing an entire city violating federal law to a divorce. umm, ia the ex-wife harboring illegals / criminals and using the money to support them? If so, the husband could easily turn her ass in and have her and the illegals arrested - her possibly jailed and them deported...and say good-bye to alimony. There's not a judge in this country that would order the husband to continue paying alimony so his wife could continue to BREAK THE LAW. (Ok maybe some liberal freak in the 9th Circuit Court would do it..)
Obama wasn’t big on listening sessions; he preferred talking ones. He didn’t meet with the GOP’s Senate leadership, for instance, until his 542nd day in office.

That sounds exactly like Trump. The article doesn't point out a meeting with a single Democrat. Typical partisan bullshit.
Doomed Dhimmis

Trump looks down upon the terminally ill? How heartless!
as I stated they miss interpreted the term access as obummer cares mandate. nope, access means if you don't want insurance, you don't have to buy insurance. They included those numbers in their figures which is wrong.
If you dont want insurance and dont buy insurance, who pays the hospital bills you cant afford?
who cares, it ain't gonna be me. BTW, that is the nice thing about the bill out now, if all you want is catastrophic care, guess what, you can buy it, and that will pay for hospitalization.
Glad to see you are a health care expert without even reading the bill. You should meet the head of Health and human Services, Tom Price, he too liked the bill but admitted he hadn't read it
I'm responding to the CBO misrepresentation of the bill confusing it with obummercare. kapeesh? The fact is there will be three separate bills to avoid needing the democrats. who don't care about their constituents and just wish to philibuster everything that might actually be an advantage for them. Again, the bill doesn't mandate coverage. And that is the piece they missed. oops. BTW, feel free to say I'm wrong on that mandate piece.
Another health care "expert" on display
no, someone who thinks, listens and reads. you not so much I guess.
The article said Trump has SOME leadership styles different from Obama - not all evidently.

As the article states, Obama did not meet with Republicans until his 542nd day in office and spent the rest of his time in the WH by-passing them.

View attachment 116612
Trump's on day 51. You think he'll make it to 542? I don't think so, since 2018 is looking to be a complete massacre of the alt-right.

Says the fool who doesn't even know what the Alt-right is.
A term coined by a white supremacist, representing nationalist populism and a hatred of diversity

Thank you for proving me right. You are speaking of matters you are ill informed on.
Do you deny the term was coined by a white supremacist? Do you deny that you are a nationalist? Do you deny that you are a populist? Do you deny that you oppose diversity?
The Melting Pot Has Had a Meltdown

Diversity is perversity. Integration is disintegration. Liberals have a secret desire to be raped by some sweaty thug.
Playing 'Devil's Advocate'...since some funds currently going to cities are FEDERAL Funds, technically, I believe, the Federal Govt can withhold those funds as they see least and / when specifically a city is breaking federal law..

The federal government can't withhold funds any more than a divorced man can withhold child support or alimony because his ex violated a condition of their divorce. If she refuses to grant visitation, he can't withhold child support. It's pretty much the same with federal law. Unless the funds came with stipulations, new restrictions can't be retroactively applied. Of course future funding may have such clauses, but current funding does not.

I believe federal grant money can be withheld from cities or states that are in violation of federal law.
Obama wasn’t big on listening sessions; he preferred talking ones. He didn’t meet with the GOP’s Senate leadership, for instance, until his 542nd day in office.

That sounds exactly like Trump. The article doesn't point out a meeting with a single Democrat. Typical partisan bullshit.
here, read something and educate yourself.

That sounds exactly like Trump. The article doesn't point out a meeting with a single Democrat. Typical partisan bullshit.
The article said Trump has SOME leadership styles different from Obama - not all evidently.

As the article states, Obama did not meet with Republicans until his 542nd day in office and spent the rest of his time in the WH by-passing them.

View attachment 116612
Trump's on day 51. You think he'll make it to 542? I don't think so, since 2018 is looking to be a complete massacre of the alt-right.
dude, it isn't hard to look it up. I know you wish it didn't happen, but here:

The Dealmakers: Donald Trump Meets with Six Senate Democrats - Breitbart

"President Donald Trump met with a select group of Senate Democrats who appeared willing to work with the president, despite many of their colleagues doing everything possible to obstruct the president’s agenda.
White House aides described the meeting as a “listening session” on the Supreme Court, but as the press was allowed in to snap pictures of senators sitting with the president, it was clear that Trump would rely on them in the future to help him cut deals in the Senate."

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