Trump is doing what Obama didn’t do: REACH OUT and LISTEN

'Interesting' read...

"Elements of Donald Trump’s presidential style are already emerging and they must be discouraging to his critics.

Last week — are you sitting down? — Trump canceled a couple of media availabilities. He turned down ESPN’s invitation to provide his own NCAA tournament brackets, a free PR ride on basketball fever annually seized by President Barack Obama.

You may recall Obama held scores of town-halls to gin up support for his namesake health legislation. That’s when he made those infamous promises about keeping your doctor, insurance and lowering premiums.

Obama wasn’t big on listening sessions; he preferred talking ones. He didn’t meet with the GOP’s Senate leadership, for instance, until his 542nd day in office. The irony is Obama’s party had such firm control of Congress back in 2009 and 2010 that it could ram through the immense bill with not a single Republican vote.

In reaction, the ensuing 2010 midterm elections marked the start of Democrats’ dramatic decline under Obama, costing them
both houses and devastating damage at state levels. Republicans now control 33 governor’s offices and both houses in 25 of those states. (Over 1,000 seats lost in 8 years)

Even as a political rookie, Trump is already aiming to avoid such carnage over the volatile healthcare issue."

Trump is doing what Obama didn’t do: reach out and listen
he has an amazing ability to win people over.

lol, then he's doing one helluva job concealing that ability.
he's the president.... hard to hide. heh
you guys will have another president someday... probably not in your lifetime though.
'Interesting' read...

"Elements of Donald Trump’s presidential style are already emerging and they must be discouraging to his critics.

Last week — are you sitting down? — Trump canceled a couple of media availabilities. He turned down ESPN’s invitation to provide his own NCAA tournament brackets, a free PR ride on basketball fever annually seized by President Barack Obama.

You may recall Obama held scores of town-halls to gin up support for his namesake health legislation. That’s when he made those infamous promises about keeping your doctor, insurance and lowering premiums.

Obama wasn’t big on listening sessions; he preferred talking ones. He didn’t meet with the GOP’s Senate leadership, for instance, until his 542nd day in office. The irony is Obama’s party had such firm control of Congress back in 2009 and 2010 that it could ram through the immense bill with not a single Republican vote.

In reaction, the ensuing 2010 midterm elections marked the start of Democrats’ dramatic decline under Obama, costing them
both houses and devastating damage at state levels. Republicans now control 33 governor’s offices and both houses in 25 of those states. (Over 1,000 seats lost in 8 years)

Even as a political rookie, Trump is already aiming to avoid such carnage over the volatile healthcare issue."

Trump is doing what Obama didn’t do: reach out and listen
That must be why his immigration and health care plans are such an enormous success
Says the fool who doesn't even know what the Alt-right is.
A term coined by a white supremacist, representing nationalist populism and a hatred of diversity

Thank you for proving me right. You are speaking of matters you are ill informed on.
Do you deny the term was coined by a white supremacist? Do you deny that you are a nationalist? Do you deny that you are a populist? Do you deny that you oppose diversity?

I deny that the term was coined by a white supremacist.

I deny that the movement is solely nationalist OR populist.

I deny that it the movement is about hatred of diversity.
But you are a nationalist, who believes in populism, and opposes diversity. And "alt-right" was a term first coined by white supremacist Richard Spencer, and his mentor Paul Gottfried who founded the white nationalist H.L. Mencken group.

I am a nationalist.

I do not "believe" in populism. I supported Trump for his policies. I supported Patrick Buchanan for the same policies, decades ago.

What do you mean, I "oppose" diversity?

I don't know who coined the phrase Alt Right, but white supremacy is too small of a movement to be a major part of ANYTHING. Certainly not enough to define the Alt Right movement or Trump supporters.
That must be why his immigration and health care plans are such an enormous success
Illegal Immigration is down 40%...IN ONE MONTH. (It's amazing what happens when you have a President who cares more about Americans than criminal foreigners and who is willing to enforce existing law).

Trump doesn't have a health care program - a replacement for the disastrous, collapsing, socialist agenda-driven shitbag Obama calls his 'Legacy' hasn't been finalized and passed yet. I hope they do get one passed before Obamacare tanks, Obama and Democrats leaving Americans without health care.
That must be why his immigration and health care plans are such an enormous success
Illegal Immigration is down 40%...IN ONE MONTH. (It's amazing what happens when you have a President who cares more about Americans than criminal foreigners and who is willing to enforce existing law).

Trump doesn't have a health care program - a replacement for the disastrous, collapsing, socialist agenda-driven shitbag Obama calls his 'Legacy' hasn't been finalized and passed yet. I hope they do get one passed before Obamacare tanks, Obama and Democrats leaving Americans without health care.
illegal immigration is not down 40%, idiot
illegal immigration is not down 40%, idiot
Sorry, snowflake, but it IS. I posted the article with links the other day. The flood gates have been somewhat close, with much fewer illegals crossing the border.

You can look the post/thread/article up, or you can stick your head back in the sand. Doesn't matter to me. have a nice day. :p
illegal immigration is not down 40%, idiot
Sorry, snowflake, but it IS. I posted the article with links the other day. The flood gates have been somewhat close, with much fewer illegals crossing the border.

You can look the post/thread/article up, or you can stick your head back in the sand. Doesn't matter to me. have a nice day. :p
Fewer illegals have been crossing the border for years, not just one month
illegal immigration is not down 40%, idiot
Sorry, snowflake, but it IS. I posted the article with links the other day. The flood gates have been somewhat close, with much fewer illegals crossing the border.

You can look the post/thread/article up, or you can stick your head back in the sand. Doesn't matter to me. have a nice day. :p
Fewer illegals have been crossing the border for years, not just one month
Read the article, B. In the month since Trump was elected, illegal border crossings have been reduced by 40% - 40% fewer illegals crossing the border IN ONE MONTH.

I posted the articles.
You say, 'Uh-uh'.

I'll stick with what is being reported.
'Interesting' read...

"Elements of Donald Trump’s presidential style are already emerging and they must be discouraging to his critics.

Last week — are you sitting down? — Trump canceled a couple of media availabilities. He turned down ESPN’s invitation to provide his own NCAA tournament brackets, a free PR ride on basketball fever annually seized by President Barack Obama.

You may recall Obama held scores of town-halls to gin up support for his namesake health legislation. That’s when he made those infamous promises about keeping your doctor, insurance and lowering premiums.

Obama wasn’t big on listening sessions; he preferred talking ones. He didn’t meet with the GOP’s Senate leadership, for instance, until his 542nd day in office. The irony is Obama’s party had such firm control of Congress back in 2009 and 2010 that it could ram through the immense bill with not a single Republican vote.

In reaction, the ensuing 2010 midterm elections marked the start of Democrats’ dramatic decline under Obama, costing them
both houses and devastating damage at state levels. Republicans now control 33 governor’s offices and both houses in 25 of those states. (Over 1,000 seats lost in 8 years)

Even as a political rookie, Trump is already aiming to avoid such carnage over the volatile healthcare issue."

Trump is doing what Obama didn’t do: reach out and listen
That must be why his immigration and health care plans are such an enormous success
yep, they are, 40% fewer attempted to sneak into the country out of mehico. Hmmm, nothing actually in place yet accept enforcing laws on the books that have been neglected for years.

Choice in healthcare, and the CBO got it wrong, but who'd have thunk an organization like them would get that access doesn't mean no coverage. I love the cluelessness of such organizations run by the government. And why, in fact, I want less of them. By the way, that includes idol cabinet positions not yet filled. let the job titles die.
illegal immigration is not down 40%, idiot
Sorry, snowflake, but it IS. I posted the article with links the other day. The flood gates have been somewhat close, with much fewer illegals crossing the border.

You can look the post/thread/article up, or you can stick your head back in the sand. Doesn't matter to me. have a nice day. :p
Fewer illegals have been crossing the border for years, not just one month
Read the article, B. In the month since Trump was elected, illegal border crossings have been reduced by 40% - 40% fewer illegals crossing the border IN ONE MONTH.

I posted the articles.
You say, 'Uh-uh'.

I'll stick with what is being reported.
yes the border crossings in the south are down 36%. but what about all the other illegals? Tourists and students that over stay visa's, crossings over the northern border, etc etc
'Interesting' read...

"Elements of Donald Trump’s presidential style are already emerging and they must be discouraging to his critics.

Last week — are you sitting down? — Trump canceled a couple of media availabilities. He turned down ESPN’s invitation to provide his own NCAA tournament brackets, a free PR ride on basketball fever annually seized by President Barack Obama.

You may recall Obama held scores of town-halls to gin up support for his namesake health legislation. That’s when he made those infamous promises about keeping your doctor, insurance and lowering premiums.

Obama wasn’t big on listening sessions; he preferred talking ones. He didn’t meet with the GOP’s Senate leadership, for instance, until his 542nd day in office. The irony is Obama’s party had such firm control of Congress back in 2009 and 2010 that it could ram through the immense bill with not a single Republican vote.

In reaction, the ensuing 2010 midterm elections marked the start of Democrats’ dramatic decline under Obama, costing them
both houses and devastating damage at state levels. Republicans now control 33 governor’s offices and both houses in 25 of those states. (Over 1,000 seats lost in 8 years)

Even as a political rookie, Trump is already aiming to avoid such carnage over the volatile healthcare issue."

Trump is doing what Obama didn’t do: reach out and listen
That must be why his immigration and health care plans are such an enormous success
yep, they are, 40% fewer attempted to sneak into the country out of mehico. Hmmm, nothing actually in place yet accept enforcing laws on the books that have been neglected for years.

Choice in healthcare, and the CBO got it wrong, but who'd have thunk an organization like them would get that access doesn't mean no coverage. I love the cluelessness of such organizations run by the government. And why, in fact, I want less of them. By the way, that includes idol cabinet positions not yet filled. let the job titles die.
Where exactly did the CBO get this wrong. I would like to hear your spin
illegal immigration is not down 40%, idiot
Sorry, snowflake, but it IS. I posted the article with links the other day. The flood gates have been somewhat close, with much fewer illegals crossing the border.

You can look the post/thread/article up, or you can stick your head back in the sand. Doesn't matter to me. have a nice day. :p
Fewer illegals have been crossing the border for years, not just one month
Read the article, B. In the month since Trump was elected, illegal border crossings have been reduced by 40% - 40% fewer illegals crossing the border IN ONE MONTH.

I posted the articles.
You say, 'Uh-uh'.

I'll stick with what is being reported.
yes the border crossings in the south are down 36%. but what about all the other illegals? Tourists and students that over stay visa's, crossings over the northern border, etc etc
what about them? They are currently not the priority, illegals who have committed additional crimes. It's only been on the news since, hmmmmmm Jan 20th?
Exactly. Not the greatest phrase for the Pussy Grabber in Chief to be using.
Anyone remember the 'outstanding' defense many snowflakes used for Bill Clinton after his affair with Lewinski in the WH?

Snowflakes declared that what Bill Clinton does / did in his own free time in his own personal life was none of the rest of the nation's business. It did not matter that it was a sin, that it was adultery, that he lied, that he embarrassed the nation - his personal life was none of the nation's business.

Now I thought that was the stupidest thing I had heard since the man claimed he bought weed but never inhaled when he smoked it...but, hey, if the liberals declare it to be so then it has to be so, right?!

So It's amazing now how what Trump said publicly, on his time off, said in his personal life is fair game to try to crucify him over...

Of course I am being facetious, but it drives a point home about double-standards, hypocrisy, and other snowflake BS... just sayin'...
'Interesting' read...

"Elements of Donald Trump’s presidential style are already emerging and they must be discouraging to his critics.

Last week — are you sitting down? — Trump canceled a couple of media availabilities. He turned down ESPN’s invitation to provide his own NCAA tournament brackets, a free PR ride on basketball fever annually seized by President Barack Obama.

You may recall Obama held scores of town-halls to gin up support for his namesake health legislation. That’s when he made those infamous promises about keeping your doctor, insurance and lowering premiums.

Obama wasn’t big on listening sessions; he preferred talking ones. He didn’t meet with the GOP’s Senate leadership, for instance, until his 542nd day in office. The irony is Obama’s party had such firm control of Congress back in 2009 and 2010 that it could ram through the immense bill with not a single Republican vote.

In reaction, the ensuing 2010 midterm elections marked the start of Democrats’ dramatic decline under Obama, costing them
both houses and devastating damage at state levels. Republicans now control 33 governor’s offices and both houses in 25 of those states. (Over 1,000 seats lost in 8 years)

Even as a political rookie, Trump is already aiming to avoid such carnage over the volatile healthcare issue."

Trump is doing what Obama didn’t do: reach out and listen
That must be why his immigration and health care plans are such an enormous success
yep, they are, 40% fewer attempted to sneak into the country out of mehico. Hmmm, nothing actually in place yet accept enforcing laws on the books that have been neglected for years.

Choice in healthcare, and the CBO got it wrong, but who'd have thunk an organization like them would get that access doesn't mean no coverage. I love the cluelessness of such organizations run by the government. And why, in fact, I want less of them. By the way, that includes idol cabinet positions not yet filled. let the job titles die.
Where exactly did the CBO get this wrong. I would like to hear your spin
as I stated they miss interpreted the term access as obummer cares mandate. nope, access means if you don't want insurance, you don't have to buy insurance. They included those numbers in their figures which is wrong.
illegal immigration is not down 40%, idiot
Sorry, snowflake, but it IS. I posted the article with links the other day. The flood gates have been somewhat close, with much fewer illegals crossing the border.

You can look the post/thread/article up, or you can stick your head back in the sand. Doesn't matter to me. have a nice day. :p
Fewer illegals have been crossing the border for years, not just one month
Read the article, B. In the month since Trump was elected, illegal border crossings have been reduced by 40% - 40% fewer illegals crossing the border IN ONE MONTH.

I posted the articles.
You say, 'Uh-uh'.

I'll stick with what is being reported.
yes the border crossings in the south are down 36%. but what about all the other illegals? Tourists and students that over stay visa's, crossings over the northern border, etc etc
what about them? They are currently not the priority, illegals who have committed additional crimes. It's only been on the news since, hmmmmmm Jan 20th?
They are not priority? Isn't that how your terrorists enter the country
'Interesting' read...

"Elements of Donald Trump’s presidential style are already emerging and they must be discouraging to his critics.

Last week — are you sitting down? — Trump canceled a couple of media availabilities. He turned down ESPN’s invitation to provide his own NCAA tournament brackets, a free PR ride on basketball fever annually seized by President Barack Obama.

You may recall Obama held scores of town-halls to gin up support for his namesake health legislation. That’s when he made those infamous promises about keeping your doctor, insurance and lowering premiums.

Obama wasn’t big on listening sessions; he preferred talking ones. He didn’t meet with the GOP’s Senate leadership, for instance, until his 542nd day in office. The irony is Obama’s party had such firm control of Congress back in 2009 and 2010 that it could ram through the immense bill with not a single Republican vote.

In reaction, the ensuing 2010 midterm elections marked the start of Democrats’ dramatic decline under Obama, costing them
both houses and devastating damage at state levels. Republicans now control 33 governor’s offices and both houses in 25 of those states. (Over 1,000 seats lost in 8 years)

Even as a political rookie, Trump is already aiming to avoid such carnage over the volatile healthcare issue."

Trump is doing what Obama didn’t do: reach out and listen
That must be why his immigration and health care plans are such an enormous success
yep, they are, 40% fewer attempted to sneak into the country out of mehico. Hmmm, nothing actually in place yet accept enforcing laws on the books that have been neglected for years.

Choice in healthcare, and the CBO got it wrong, but who'd have thunk an organization like them would get that access doesn't mean no coverage. I love the cluelessness of such organizations run by the government. And why, in fact, I want less of them. By the way, that includes idol cabinet positions not yet filled. let the job titles die.
Where exactly did the CBO get this wrong. I would like to hear your spin
as I stated they miss interpreted the term access as obummer cares mandate. nope, access means if you don't want insurance, you don't have to buy insurance. They included those numbers in their figures which is wrong.
If you dont want insurance and dont buy insurance, who pays the hospital bills you cant afford?
'Interesting' read...

"Elements of Donald Trump’s presidential style are already emerging and they must be discouraging to his critics.

Last week — are you sitting down? — Trump canceled a couple of media availabilities. He turned down ESPN’s invitation to provide his own NCAA tournament brackets, a free PR ride on basketball fever annually seized by President Barack Obama.

You may recall Obama held scores of town-halls to gin up support for his namesake health legislation. That’s when he made those infamous promises about keeping your doctor, insurance and lowering premiums.

Obama wasn’t big on listening sessions; he preferred talking ones. He didn’t meet with the GOP’s Senate leadership, for instance, until his 542nd day in office. The irony is Obama’s party had such firm control of Congress back in 2009 and 2010 that it could ram through the immense bill with not a single Republican vote.

In reaction, the ensuing 2010 midterm elections marked the start of Democrats’ dramatic decline under Obama, costing them
both houses and devastating damage at state levels. Republicans now control 33 governor’s offices and both houses in 25 of those states. (Over 1,000 seats lost in 8 years)

Even as a political rookie, Trump is already aiming to avoid such carnage over the volatile healthcare issue."

Trump is doing what Obama didn’t do: reach out and listen
That must be why his immigration and health care plans are such an enormous success
yep, they are, 40% fewer attempted to sneak into the country out of mehico. Hmmm, nothing actually in place yet accept enforcing laws on the books that have been neglected for years.

Choice in healthcare, and the CBO got it wrong, but who'd have thunk an organization like them would get that access doesn't mean no coverage. I love the cluelessness of such organizations run by the government. And why, in fact, I want less of them. By the way, that includes idol cabinet positions not yet filled. let the job titles die.
Where exactly did the CBO get this wrong. I would like to hear your spin
as I stated they miss interpreted the term access as obummer cares mandate. nope, access means if you don't want insurance, you don't have to buy insurance. They included those numbers in their figures which is wrong.
If you dont want insurance and dont buy insurance, who pays the hospital bills you cant afford?
who cares, it ain't gonna be me. BTW, that is the nice thing about the bill out now, if all you want is catastrophic care, guess what, you can buy it, and that will pay for hospitalization.

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