Trump is Dragging Us Kicking and Screaming Into Peace & Prosperity

The "Prosperity" is merely Continuing from where Obama left it. (Unemployment 4.6% and dropping)


Here's the latest thing that has liberal pukes all wound up and ready to bust a mainspring. A picture of "Trump Crossing The Swamp " Hope none of 'em commit suicide.


Jon McNaughton's "Crossing the Swamp" is a riff on the classic "Washington Crossing the Delaware," but replacing George Washington's crew with members of President Trump's administration. (Jon McNaughton,

Maybe it's John Bolton clutching a gun. Maybe it's Mike Pompeo setting down his binoculars to stare into the distance. Maybe it's the gators.
But a newly unveiled painting meant to depict President Trump and his team navigating the Washington "swamp" has something for everyone.
Utah-based artist Jon McNaughton touched off a social media frenzy as he shared his painting, “Crossing the Swamp,” Tuesday on Twitter. The painting is a riff on the classic “Washington Crossing the Delaware,” only it replaces George Wlashington's crew with members of the Trump administration.
Painting of Trump team 'Crossing the Swamp' touches off social media frenzy

That is an amazing picture. I want it on my.... WALL!

Butts will be hurt!
The "Prosperity" is merely Continuing from where Obama left it. (Unemployment 4.6% and dropping)


Nice graphic. Except Obama is the only POTUS to never see an annual 3% GDP. Even the ones who died in their first term.

So you LIED.
The "Prosperity" is merely Continuing from where Obama left it. (Unemployment 4.6% and dropping)


Nice graphic. Except Obama is the only POTUS to never see an annual 3% GDP. Even the ones who died in their first term.

So you LIED.
How did I "lie" Stupid?
Those are quarterly Figues.
The only one who Lied was Trump about his two predecessors never matching his last Q 4.1% growth

You are TOO STUPID to post, or alas Vote.
The "Prosperity" is merely Continuing from where Obama left it. (Unemployment 4.6% and dropping)



You can erase the q4 2009 number based on the fact that Wash D.C. could have been evacuated and shutdown and the economy STILL would have had a huge bump from the lows of the "instant recession" that we had. Percent improvements from NEGATIVE GDP growth are damn easy to self-fulfill.

But the larger question is --- what GOOD is a "good quarter" if the YEAR for that quarter SUCKS dingus?

What matters is ANNUAL GDP growth rates. Too much noise on quarterlies to celebrate or argue ANYTHING. Unless you get PAID to argue about it. LOL....

What matters is ANNUAL GDP growth rates. Too much noise on quarterlies to celebrate or argue ANYTHING. Unless you get PAID to argue about it. LOL....

I agree.
Tell Trump
That's what I responded to.

As for yearly growth
Starting in app 2010/2011 the economy faced a headwind it never faced before:
10,000 Boomers a day retiring. Still going.
(Note Labor Participation rates since)
So that 2% Growth is/was a perfectly acceptable number considering the size of the workforce/demographics.... INSTEAD of the average in the decades before.

Any more you're probably going to get inflation, which we now are getting.
Not to mention needlessly high deficits.
Sure you/Anyone can bump/give it a "Sugar High" for 2 years with a tax Cut.
Anyone can Borrow present prosperity that way.
But you want to save those opportunities for when the economy is in trouble, not when unemployment is 4.6% and dropping. (4.3% by the time of the cut)
That's just about Full Employment. A strange time for a stimulus.

BTW, in 2017 the economy grew 2.6%.
US economic growth slows in fourth-quarter on surging imports.

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What matters is ANNUAL GDP growth rates. Too much noise on quarterlies to celebrate or argue ANYTHING. Unless you get PAID to argue about it. LOL....

I agree.
Tell Trump
That's what I responded to.

As for yearly growth
Starting in app 2010/2011 the economy faced a headwind it never faced before:
10,000 Boomers a day retiring. Still going.
(Note Labor Participation rates since)
So that 2% Growth is/was a perfectly acceptable number considering the size of the workforce/demographics.... INSTEAD of the average in the decades before.

Any more you're probably going to get inflation, which we now are getting.
Not to mention needlessly high deficits.
Sure you/Anyone can bump/give it a "Sugar High" for 2 years with a tax Cut.
Anyone can Borrow present prosperity that way.
But you want to save those opportunities for when the economy is in trouble, not when unemployment is 4.6% and dropping. (4.3% by the time of the cut)
That's just about Full Employment. A strange time for a stimulus.

BTW, in 2017 the economy grew 2.6%.
US economic growth slows in fourth-quarter on surging imports.

So why are you wasting my time and yours if we agree this is senseless partisan bickering?

Only thing wrong is your dictum that 2% annual growth is "reasonable". Yes, 10,000 folks a day have been retiring for awhile now --- but they STILL contribute to the GDP because they are BUYING goods/services. HOPEFULLY spending their kid's inheritance money and not completely on the dole. And NOBODY -- I mean hardly a politician or talking head is mentioning that Baby Boomer impact on EMPLOYMENT FIGURES or the DEFICITS that Soc Sec/Medicare is running running early contributing every HOUR to the ACTUAL National Debt clock.

The GDP depends largely on the EFFICIENCY of the existing workforce and the interdependencies within the economy. NOT EVEN on gross population numbers.

So -- we had MUCH healthier ANNUAL GDP numbers with much smaller workforces throughout the past century. What we DID NOT have is this mammoth growing Federal malignant tumor of govt getting larger every year. THAT takes a toll on all those efficiencies. Trade imbalances take a toll. UNCERTAINTY in major regulation/legislation takes a WHOPPING toll. Create a CERTAINTY and reduce the drag and we SHOULD be able to have 3 to 4% annual growth again.
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So why are you wasting my time and yours if we agree this is senseless partisan bickering?

Only thing wrong is your dictum that 2% annual growth is "reasonable". Yes, 10,000 folks a day have been retiring for awhile now --- but they STILL contribute to the GDP because they are BUYING goods/services. HOPEFULLY spending their kid's inheritance money and not completely on the dole. And NOBODY -- I mean hardly a politician or talking head is mentioning that Baby Boomer impact on EMPLOYMENT FIGURES or the DEFICITS that Soc Sec/Medicare is running running early contributing every HOUR to the ACTUAL National Debt clock.

The GDP depends largely on the EFFICIENCY of the existing workforce and the interdependencies within the economy. NOT EVEN on gross population numbers.

So -- we had MUCH healthier ANNUAL GDP numbers with much smaller workforces throughout the past century. What we DID NOT have is this mammoth growing Federal malignant tumor of govt getting larger every year. THAT takes a toll on all those efficiencies. Trade imbalances take a toll. UNCERTAINTY in major regulation/legislation takes a WHOPPING toll. Create a CERTAINTY and reduce the drag and we SHOULD be able to have 3 to 4% annual growth again.
We don't agree on several things"
1. That the tax cut was necessary
2. and that my contention that 2% growth was reasonable considering the demographics

In fact, in regards "2" you kind of contradicted your self.
Two statements from your above

Only thing wrong is your dictum that 2% annual growth is "reasonable". Yes, 10,000 folks a day have been retiring for awhile now --- but they STILL contribute to the GDP because they are BUYING goods/services.
The GDP depends largely on the EFFICIENCY of the existing workforce and the interdependencies within the economy.

Retirees who are spending but not Producing are NOT as efficient.
On the contrary.

And the entire Western economy depends not just on efficiency, but absolute numbers to support the social pyramids. You can't shrink, ie, to two supporting one.
The West never foresaw a declining population when constructing it's Eco-social system.

Fertility in the EU and Japan is horrendous. WAY below replacement.
That's one reason Merkel took a chance with immigration. (not just humanitarianism)
At present rates theat country/other EUs would crash by 2050.
And it's not just absolute population that counts, it's the living longer unproductive population that is consuming.

The last Japanese Finance Minster, or two ago (they oft avg 1 or more a year due to the depressing Math) told old people to "Hurry up and Die". I kid you not!
‘Hurry up and die,’ Japan’s Finance Minister tells nation’s elderly
Because they not only having a falling poplulation in absolute number, they have an aging non-working/non-productive population that's increasing difficult to support.

Merkel's allowance of M-E/N-African immigrants was a Hail Mary for country whose population is crashing. It was gamble by someone who needs workers. A Gamble she had to take.. along with the obvious near term issues.

The USA is in somewhat better shape in the fertility department, though one could argue about whether the replacements, largely immigration and their progeny, are as productive as those they are replacing.

The whole First World, and the Peoples who made it, are in population decline, and worker decline... except for immigrants, who may or may not as productive. Growth has slowed and will stay that way vs the 1950-2000 post-war boom/baby boom.

Last part of my post was a bit of a rant, but I wanted to support the population, and productivity vs population points.
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