Trump is fading among Independents


I'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda. Democrats have done next to nothing regarding repairing our crumbling infrastructure and paying down our national debt, in addition, Liberals insistence on playing the race card at every opportunity is not scoring any points with me. With the possible exception of James Buchanan (1857-1861) Hillary Clinton was the poorest example of Presidential material I can think of. Her handling of her emails was just plain criminal, and the chant of "lock her up" from the right wing was not without merit.


Since the right and left wings stand with equal numbers of voters, it's up to Independents like me to decide this next election, and I have to tell you Trump's starting to look grim for the Donald. Trump also has done nothing to pay down our national debt. His bullying tactic with our European allies have left him without the friends he needs for economic leverage against China in the ongoing trade situation, and his (less than) truthful remarks about Mexico paying for that border wall, big steel opening plants all over the country, tariffs making America rich, and other whoppers is not doing wonders for his credibility. Even in the red state of Texas Independents are drifting away from the Trumpster.

There is still time to turn this around, but "The Donald" is going to have to stop playing fast and loose with the truth, and start listening to his GOP advisors little more....even if he does have a "great mind"

Texas Poll: Trump Losing Among Independents in Texas

Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018

I checked with the other Independents and they invited me to help build their own party for their 2020 campaign. They say that this may be the only hope for America.


Voters love Trump. He's keeping us safe with his Muslim ban. He's keeping us safe by building the border wall. He's keeping us employed by ending job killing environmental regulations. He should win easily in 2020.

Murders are up, mass shootings have hit record numbers. Right wing Terrorism is unchecked by this administration. 70,000 people are dying of opioid abuse.

This is you being safer under Trump.

I'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda. Democrats have done next to nothing regarding repairing our crumbling infrastructure and paying down our national debt, in addition, Liberals insistence on playing the race card at every opportunity is not scoring any points with me. With the possible exception of James Buchanan (1857-1861) Hillary Clinton was the poorest example of Presidential material I can think of. Her handling of her emails was just plain criminal, and the chant of "lock her up" from the right wing was not without merit.


Since the right and left wings stand with equal numbers of voters, it's up to Independents like me to decide this next election, and I have to tell you Trump's starting to look grim for the Donald. Trump also has done nothing to pay down our national debt. His bullying tactic with our European allies have left him without the friends he needs for economic leverage against China in the ongoing trade situation, and his (less than) truthful remarks about Mexico paying for that border wall, big steel opening plants all over the country, tariffs making America rich, and other whoppers is not doing wonders for his credibility. Even in the red state of Texas Independents are drifting away from the Trumpster.

There is still time to turn this around, but "The Donald" is going to have to stop playing fast and loose with the truth, and start listening to his GOP advisors little more....even if he does have a "great mind"

Texas Poll: Trump Losing Among Independents in Texas

Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018

Total fake news

The real news is how Latina males are soaring for trump

Blue collar workers are hard to reach and to poll and they have switched to trump

I'm not a fan of the Liberal agenda. Democrats have done next to nothing regarding repairing our crumbling infrastructure and paying down our national debt, in addition, Liberals insistence on playing the race card at every opportunity is not scoring any points with me. With the possible exception of James Buchanan (1857-1861) Hillary Clinton was the poorest example of Presidential material I can think of. Her handling of her emails was just plain criminal, and the chant of "lock her up" from the right wing was not without merit.


Since the right and left wings stand with equal numbers of voters, it's up to Independents like me to decide this next election, and I have to tell you Trump's starting to look grim for the Donald. Trump also has done nothing to pay down our national debt. His bullying tactic with our European allies have left him without the friends he needs for economic leverage against China in the ongoing trade situation, and his (less than) truthful remarks about Mexico paying for that border wall, big steel opening plants all over the country, tariffs making America rich, and other whoppers is not doing wonders for his credibility. Even in the red state of Texas Independents are drifting away from the Trumpster.

There is still time to turn this around, but "The Donald" is going to have to stop playing fast and loose with the truth, and start listening to his GOP advisors little more....even if he does have a "great mind"

Texas Poll: Trump Losing Among Independents in Texas

Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods of 2018
If your not on the trump band wagon and you think there is a better option the trumps your on crack
my friends, i went to a large black and Latino church, and people were whispering in my ear: "i like the Trump economic results, i like the Trump results!"
The fact is the liberal crooks are in a panic because they are now being discovered by the people they were supposed to be helping by trump bringing them more prosperity which now proves they were being used by the crooked democrats

Liberalism is toast world wide now

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