Trump is forcing Republicans into new Territory: Planned Parenthood

Trump is going to be having the rubes repudiating everything they have ever professed to believe in.

That's why he chose to become a Republican instead of running as the Democrat he is. He sensed where the greatest weakness was. He knew the right wing goldfish were extremely vulnerable to his hucksterism.

He's going to march them right into the Left's cave and seal them in.
Wrong ClosedCaption. The majority of conservatives/Republican's don't care one way or another about gay marriage and while not liking the idea of abortion believe its a woman's right. The lunatics in the RW and right leaning media have the loudest voices, but the silent majority are speaking. There are more socially liberal conservatives than you know.

Keep believing in the propaganda machine though

So, this brings up an interesting question:

What do republicans stand for?
smaller government, strong military, less entitlement programs etc etc you know the drill. My point is that a majority of conservatives don't walk lock-step in regards to social issues OR its just not that important to them. I have quite a few Republican/Conservative friends (surprise..Texas). I cannot name one of them that are pro-life (they do despise abortion but understand the importance) or against same sex marriage. In reality that kind of talk turns them off. They wish the party would dump that stance.

I don't identify myself as a Republican/Conservative for this very reason. I think socially the GOPe are a bunch of backward fucks. I side with the Democrats on the social issues.
Wrong ClosedCaption. The majority of conservatives/Republican's don't care one way or another about gay marriage and while not liking the idea of abortion believe its a woman's right. The lunatics in the RW and right leaning media have the loudest voices, but the silent majority are speaking. There are more socially liberal conservatives than you know.

Keep believing in the propaganda machine though

So, this brings up an interesting question:

What do republicans stand for?
smaller government, strong military, less entitlement programs etc etc you know the drill. My point is that a majority of conservatives don't walk lock-step in regards to social issues OR its just not that important to them. I have quite a few Republican/Conservative friends (surprise..Texas). I cannot name one of them that are pro-life (they do despise abortion but understand the importance) or against same sex marriage. In reality that kind of talk turns them off. They wish the party would dump that stance.

I don't identify myself as a Republican/Conservative for this very reason. I think socially the GOPe are a bunch of backward fucks. I side with the Democrats on the social issues.

Have we ever had a conservative President in the last 50 years...100 years? Are any conservatives in this crop of candidates?
Wrong ClosedCaption. The majority of conservatives/Republican's don't care one way or another about gay marriage and while not liking the idea of abortion believe its a woman's right. The lunatics in the RW and right leaning media have the loudest voices, but the silent majority are speaking. There are more socially liberal conservatives than you know.

Keep believing in the propaganda machine though

So, this brings up an interesting question:

What do republicans stand for?
smaller government, strong military, less entitlement programs etc etc you know the drill. My point is that a majority of conservatives don't walk lock-step in regards to social issues OR its just not that important to them. I have quite a few Republican/Conservative friends (surprise..Texas). I cannot name one of them that are pro-life (they do despise abortion but understand the importance) or against same sex marriage. In reality that kind of talk turns them off. They wish the party would dump that stance.

I don't identify myself as a Republican/Conservative for this very reason. I think socially the GOPe are a bunch of backward fucks. I side with the Democrats on the social issues.

Have we ever had a conservative President in the last 50 years...100 years? Are any conservatives in this crop of candidates?
Good question (past 50-100 years) I'm ill equipped to answer that one to be perfectly honest. Perhaps some one with more knowledge can answer that.

Any conservatives in this current crop? No. Trump is a maybe. He has no history holding office in any position so we'll see
Wrong ClosedCaption. The majority of conservatives/Republican's don't care one way or another about gay marriage and while not liking the idea of abortion believe its a woman's right. The lunatics in the RW and right leaning media have the loudest voices, but the silent majority are speaking. There are more socially liberal conservatives than you know.

Keep believing in the propaganda machine though

So, this brings up an interesting question:

What do republicans stand for?
smaller government, strong military, less entitlement programs etc etc you know the drill. My point is that a majority of conservatives don't walk lock-step in regards to social issues OR its just not that important to them. I have quite a few Republican/Conservative friends (surprise..Texas). I cannot name one of them that are pro-life (they do despise abortion but understand the importance) or against same sex marriage. In reality that kind of talk turns them off. They wish the party would dump that stance.

I don't identify myself as a Republican/Conservative for this very reason. I think socially the GOPe are a bunch of backward fucks. I side with the Democrats on the social issues.

Have we ever had a conservative President in the last 50 years...100 years? Are any conservatives in this crop of candidates?
Good question (past 50-100 years) I'm ill equipped to answer that one to be perfectly honest. Perhaps some one with more knowledge can answer that.

Any conservatives in this current crop? No. Trump is a maybe. He has no history holding office in any position so we'll see

Gee, CK...

That last 2 sentences reminds me of "hope and change"
Wrong ClosedCaption. The majority of conservatives/Republican's don't care one way or another about gay marriage and while not liking the idea of abortion believe its a woman's right. The lunatics in the RW and right leaning media have the loudest voices, but the silent majority are speaking. There are more socially liberal conservatives than you know.

Keep believing in the propaganda machine though

So, this brings up an interesting question:

What do republicans stand for?
smaller government, strong military, less entitlement programs etc etc you know the drill. My point is that a majority of conservatives don't walk lock-step in regards to social issues OR its just not that important to them. I have quite a few Republican/Conservative friends (surprise..Texas). I cannot name one of them that are pro-life (they do despise abortion but understand the importance) or against same sex marriage. In reality that kind of talk turns them off. They wish the party would dump that stance.

I don't identify myself as a Republican/Conservative for this very reason. I think socially the GOPe are a bunch of backward fucks. I side with the Democrats on the social issues.

Have we ever had a conservative President in the last 50 years...100 years? Are any conservatives in this crop of candidates?
Good question (past 50-100 years) I'm ill equipped to answer that one to be perfectly honest. Perhaps some one with more knowledge can answer that.

Any conservatives in this current crop? No. Trump is a maybe. He has no history holding office in any position so we'll see

Gee, CK...

That last 2 sentences reminds me of "hope and change"
Pretty much. I trust that he will make due on his promises but then again I trusted in Obama. So we'll see.
Wrong ClosedCaption. The majority of conservatives/Republican's don't care one way or another about gay marriage and while not liking the idea of abortion believe its a woman's right. The lunatics in the RW and right leaning media have the loudest voices, but the silent majority are speaking. There are more socially liberal conservatives than you know.

Keep believing in the propaganda machine though

So, this brings up an interesting question:

What do republicans stand for?
smaller government, strong military, less entitlement programs etc etc you know the drill. My point is that a majority of conservatives don't walk lock-step in regards to social issues OR its just not that important to them. I have quite a few Republican/Conservative friends (surprise..Texas). I cannot name one of them that are pro-life (they do despise abortion but understand the importance) or against same sex marriage. In reality that kind of talk turns them off. They wish the party would dump that stance.

I don't identify myself as a Republican/Conservative for this very reason. I think socially the GOPe are a bunch of backward fucks. I side with the Democrats on the social issues.

Have we ever had a conservative President in the last 50 years...100 years? Are any conservatives in this crop of candidates?
Good question (past 50-100 years) I'm ill equipped to answer that one to be perfectly honest. Perhaps some one with more knowledge can answer that.

Any conservatives in this current crop? No. Trump is a maybe. He has no history holding office in any position so we'll see

From an outside point of view, Teddy Roosevelt was a conservative because he was a conservationist and wanted a very strong defense. He wanted the US to have international influence, primarily martially. He supported economic growth by taking on the monopolies. Eisenhower wanted the US to have a strong defense and built infrastructure to do so, Which had the added effect of making the economy more robust. Reagan transformed conservatism into what it is today: opposition to government, low taxes for the wealthy classes, deregulation, religious-based social conservatism, global meddling, and huge, wasteful, unnecessary defense spending.

Not that the left is without its flaws, this is just my take on conservative POTUSes in the last century.
If you want a hoot and are not doing anything while waiting to be called for Jury Duty or are on a road trip, you can download a lot of Carter's speeches on the deficit through his library.

You'd be shocked how much he sounds like deficit hawks of the 1990's and 2000's.
Wrong ClosedCaption. The majority of conservatives/Republican's don't care one way or another about gay marriage and while not liking the idea of abortion believe its a woman's right. The lunatics in the RW and right leaning media have the loudest voices, but the silent majority are speaking. There are more socially liberal conservatives than you know.

Keep believing in the propaganda machine though

They certainly do care about the damn gay wedding cake, or at least the RWer's on this site do.
Trump the puppet master has done it again. If you thought that saying you could shoot someone on stage and not lose support was prophetic, you're right. The Trump supporters are so invested in protecting Trump they find themselves defending things they previously wouldnt have done before.

Who knew Megan Kelly was a bias hater before? Who thought that saying a woman was on the rag was not prime Presidential behavior? Shheeeit, they even now agree with the mantra "Bush lied, People Died" after YEARS of denial and claiming it was on crazy, not any more folks.

And NOW...Planned Parenthood and being Pro Choice. Trump supports both and suddenly the puppet master has made them put down the pitch forks and choose a candidate that supports abortion and their Nemesis Planned Parenthood aka Baby Parts for Profit distributor *wink wink*

Trump has Pavlov dogged these people so hard he could wipe his ass with a copy of 1st Edition of Bedtime for Bonzo while skull fucking the corpse of William F Buckley and they'd still support anything he says next. Anything!
What is the matter with all you posters in this thread ? You let it get as far as 30 posts, and until right now, nobody has challenged ClosedCaption for his FALSE statement about Trump and Planned Parenthood ? Contrary to the erroneous OP, NO Trump does NOT support abortion, Baby Parts for Profit, or even funding Planned Parenthood, and he said so last night in the debate. Didn't anybody watch it ?

And SHAME ON YOU, ClosedCaption, for coming in here in posting an OP with FALSE words. You speak with forked tongue.

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