Trump is going to FORCE democrats to work! Or adjourn them!

So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
According to the Constitution, those appointments are only temporary, until the end of their next session, so it's not going to do him much good, is it?
Article 2, Section 2
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.
Did I say something amusing, or is it the Constitution that is tickling your funny bone, JimBowie1958
These guys have been working without formal appointments for years now.

What is your concept of 'only temporary'?
What guys? I'd like to know who you're talking about.

Did you watch the briefing? Trump went on and on about people waiting two years....more than that....and how those vacancies need to be filled, especially now with the Virus. He did not give the impression these people were working.
I prefer adjourn them, get things passed

Not for nothing there dude, but I DID post the definition of adjournment, which means that Congress goes home. If Congress goes home, how in the hell are things going to get passed? They are at HOME not WORK.
Trump can push it through

If Congress is gone, there is nobody to pass laws. Trump can't push anything through, as he isn't part of the Congress which has the sole authority to create and pass laws. The only thing Trump can do is veto or sign them.
He can make recess appointments.
I prefer adjourn them, get things passed

Not for nothing there dude, but I DID post the definition of adjournment, which means that Congress goes home. If Congress goes home, how in the hell are things going to get passed? They are at HOME not WORK.
Trump can push it through

If Congress is gone, there is nobody to pass laws. Trump can't push anything through, as he isn't part of the Congress which has the sole authority to create and pass laws. The only thing Trump can do is veto or sign them.
He can make recess appointments.

Yes, Zander, he can make recess appointments, but they are only good until the next session of Congress. I was talking to Jtss when he said that if Congress is gone, Trump can push through legislation. I was simply telling him that he couldn't, because Congress is the only part of the government that can write laws.
I prefer adjourn them, get things passed

Not for nothing there dude, but I DID post the definition of adjournment, which means that Congress goes home. If Congress goes home, how in the hell are things going to get passed? They are at HOME not WORK.
Trump can push it through

If Congress is gone, there is nobody to pass laws. Trump can't push anything through, as he isn't part of the Congress which has the sole authority to create and pass laws. The only thing Trump can do is veto or sign them.
Well he can appoint anyone ,, do your jobs hack
I prefer adjourn them, get things passed

Not for nothing there dude, but I DID post the definition of adjournment, which means that Congress goes home. If Congress goes home, how in the hell are things going to get passed? They are at HOME not WORK.
Trump can push it through

If Congress is gone, there is nobody to pass laws. Trump can't push anything through, as he isn't part of the Congress which has the sole authority to create and pass laws. The only thing Trump can do is veto or sign them.
He can make recess appointments.
According to the Constitution, they're temporary.
Congress has been dragging their heels when it comes to confirming Trump's appointees. Trump is tired of the constant obstructionary tactics and is threatening to adjourn both the House and the Senate if they don't get their act together. MAGA!

Except that both houses of Congress have to disagree on the date of adjournment and be deadlocked over it in order for that to even have a chance of that happening. McConnell is going to go tell him to #sand. Curious that he's barking about his nominees 3 years and 3 months into his rule...err....Presidency. Might have something to do with desperately seeking a distraction right now because so far, all the ones that he and right wing media have tossed out there to cover his woeful response to the virus aren't sticking. I've noticed he is becoming more and more unhinged as each day passes. He's pinning all his hopes on the fact he can force that May 1st date to reopen. If he doesn't get it or has to back down because of health concerns, I think he may snap.
I prefer adjourn them, get things passed

Not for nothing there dude, but I DID post the definition of adjournment, which means that Congress goes home. If Congress goes home, how in the hell are things going to get passed? They are at HOME not WORK.
Trump can push it through

If Congress is gone, there is nobody to pass laws. Trump can't push anything through, as he isn't part of the Congress which has the sole authority to create and pass laws. The only thing Trump can do is veto or sign them.
Well he can appoint anyone ,, do your jobs hack

You said you prefer adjournment, so things get passed. I then told you that Trump can't do anything other that approve or veto what Congress passes, and Congress is the ones who actually write the legislation. Then, someone else brought up recess appointments, but that isn't the same as getting things passed as it is up to Trump if they are in recess, so there isn't anything to get "passed". You screwed up, and are now trying to use something else as cover for your mistake. Sorry, but recess appointments and passing things are two different critters.

If you are having trouble remembering the conversation, hit the "click to expand" button.
Congress has been dragging their heels when it comes to confirming Trump's appointees. Trump is tired of the constant obstructionary tactics and is threatening to adjourn both the House and the Senate if they don't get their act together. MAGA!

Except that both houses of Congress have to disagree on the date of adjournment and be deadlocked over it in order for that to even have a chance of that happening. McConnell is going to go tell him to #sand. Curious that he's barking about his nominees 3 years and 3 months into his rule...err....Presidency. Might have something to do with desperately seeking a distraction right now because so far, all the ones that he and right wing media have tossed out there to cover his woeful response to the virus aren't sticking. I've noticed he is becoming more and more unhinged as each day passes. He's pinning all his hopes on the fact he can force that May 1st date to reopen. If he doesn't get it or has to back down because of health concerns, I think he may snap.

You could do with a mirror ...
Article II, Section 3, Clause 2;
...he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper;

What are the "extraordinary occasions" Trump can cite? What are the "disagreement
(s) between" the House and/or Senate that Trump could cite?

McConnell is getting things done on the same timelines as he has permitted over the last five or so years. Business is being conducted in the Senate per the rules of the Senate. If Trump doesn't like it, tough shit! The Orange Idiot has no Constitutional grounds to adjourn both Houses just to make recess appointments as he hopes to do! He's not a fucking King!

(Can we say Merrick Garland?)
These guys have been working without formal appointments for years now.
What is your concept of 'only temporary'?
What guys? I'd like to know who you're talking about.
Did you watch the briefing? Trump went on and on about people waiting two years....more than that....and how those vacancies need to be filled, especially now with the Virus. He did not give the impression these people were working.

And it means that after Nielsen leaves her post later this week, three of the president's Cabinet members will be serving in an acting capacity.​
Kevin McAleenan was named acting secretary of homeland security to replace Nielsen. Patrick Shanahan has been acting defense secretary since Jan. 1. And David Bernhardt has been acting interior secretary since Jan. 2, though he has been nominated to become the permanent interior secretary.​
Trump sees an advantage in their status.​
"I like 'acting' because I can move so quickly," he told CBS' Face The Nation in February, adding, "It gives me more flexibility."​
The lack of permanence at the top of these departments means "we don't have established leaders in really important places in our government," says Max Stier, CEO of the Partnership for Public Service.​
Stier compares the acting directors to substitute teachers.​
"They might be amazing educators or amazing leaders in their own right," Stier says, "but they're not set out for success. They're not going to be perceived as having complete and full authority by those that are around them."​

Trump Says He Will Use His Authority To Adjourn Both Houses of Congress

Can the president adjourn congress
Yes, the constitution gives the president the power to adjourn congress. However, this power can only be used when the upper and lower houses can not agree on a time to adjourn themselves.
What date did the House and Senate decide to adjourn then?
Wow....................shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis just so he can push through his appointees without and Congressional oversight. Sorry, but that is a bad move.

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