Trump is going to FORCE democrats to work! Or adjourn them!

Article II, Section 3, Clause 2;
...he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper;

What are the "extraordinary occasions" Trump can cite? What are the "disagreement
(s) between" the House and/or Senate that Trump could cite?

McConnell is getting things done on the same timelines as he has permitted over the last five or so years. Business is being conducted in the Senate per the rules of the Senate. If Trump doesn't like it, tough shit! The Orange Idiot has no Constitutional grounds to adjourn both Houses just to make recess appointments as he hopes to do! He's not a fucking King!

(Can we say Merrick Garland?)
These guys have been working without formal appointments for years now.
What is your concept of 'only temporary'?
What guys? I'd like to know who you're talking about.
Did you watch the briefing? Trump went on and on about people waiting two years....more than that....and how those vacancies need to be filled, especially now with the Virus. He did not give the impression these people were working.

And it means that after Nielsen leaves her post later this week, three of the president's Cabinet members will be serving in an acting capacity.​
Kevin McAleenan was named acting secretary of homeland security to replace Nielsen. Patrick Shanahan has been acting defense secretary since Jan. 1. And David Bernhardt has been acting interior secretary since Jan. 2, though he has been nominated to become the permanent interior secretary.​
Trump sees an advantage in their status.​
"I like 'acting' because I can move so quickly," he told CBS' Face The Nation in February, adding, "It gives me more flexibility."​
The lack of permanence at the top of these departments means "we don't have established leaders in really important places in our government," says Max Stier, CEO of the Partnership for Public Service.​
Stier compares the acting directors to substitute teachers.​
"They might be amazing educators or amazing leaders in their own right," Stier says, "but they're not set out for success. They're not going to be perceived as having complete and full authority by those that are around them."​

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Thanks! Since Trump can do that, what is he crabbing about then?
If McConnell allows this power grab he's a bigger piece shit than even I thought he was.
How can it be a power grab if he has the authority to do so? Are you having a meltdown?
It is questionable that he has the authority to do it.
And frankly if he does- I hope both the House and the Senate ignore him.
Make Trump go to court to try to force the House and the Senate to adjourn.

The Supreme Court slapped down Obama when he tried to make recess appointments when the Senate said it was still in session. And I remember when you folk said Obama should be impeached for making those recess appointments.
I fully expect to see each and everyone of you applauding Trump for threatening to do far more than what Obama actually did.
Are you denying there’s a national emergency?
Who is telling Trump this shit, anyway? Where is he getting the idea he has unlimited power this past week? Steve Miller, maybe? WHO?

That's just the, "daily theme" of the TDS hate media to undermine his presidency, I'm kinda surprised you're falling for it actually..
So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
According to the Constitution, those appointments are only temporary, until the end of their next session, so it's not going to do him much good, is it?
Article 2, Section 2
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.
Did I say something amusing, or is it the Constitution that is tickling your funny bone, JimBowie1958
These guys have been working without formal appointments for years now.

What is your concept of 'only temporary'?
Actually not- and that is what irks Trump- well amongst anything that limits his power in anyway.
Trump has long worked to avoid Senate confirmations by making 'acting' appointments- but they are limited to less than a year
Trump’s habit of putting people into acting positions also brings into question how long he can do so before nominating a permanent official. Under the Vacancies Act, an acting secretary can serve 210 days from when the position was made vacant (or 300 days if it’s the administration’s first year). If the nomination of a permanent official fails, the acting secretary can serve an additional 210 days. Should a second nomination process fail, the acting secretary can serve a final 210 days more.

Just another example of Trump trying to end run around a Constitution he finds so 'limiting'
Article II, Section 3, Clause 2;
...he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper;

What are the "extraordinary occasions" Trump can cite? What are the "disagreement
(s) between" the House and/or Senate that Trump could cite?

McConnell is getting things done on the same timelines as he has permitted over the last five or so years. Business is being conducted in the Senate per the rules of the Senate. If Trump doesn't like it, tough shit! The Orange Idiot has no Constitutional grounds to adjourn both Houses just to make recess appointments as he hopes to do! He's not a fucking King!

(Can we say Merrick Garland?)

Don’t you think it’s pathetic that you still reference the 2016 election as a way to “own the libs”? You can’t even handle defending republicans. All you have is the usual But Hillary! bullshit.
These guys have been working without formal appointments for years now.
What is your concept of 'only temporary'?
What guys? I'd like to know who you're talking about.
Did you watch the briefing? Trump went on and on about people waiting two years....more than that....and how those vacancies need to be filled, especially now with the Virus. He did not give the impression these people were working.

And it means that after Nielsen leaves her post later this week, three of the president's Cabinet members will be serving in an acting capacity.​
Kevin McAleenan was named acting secretary of homeland security to replace Nielsen. Patrick Shanahan has been acting defense secretary since Jan. 1. And David Bernhardt has been acting interior secretary since Jan. 2, though he has been nominated to become the permanent interior secretary.​
Trump sees an advantage in their status.​
"I like 'acting' because I can move so quickly," he told CBS' Face The Nation in February, adding, "It gives me more flexibility."​
The lack of permanence at the top of these departments means "we don't have established leaders in really important places in our government," says Max Stier, CEO of the Partnership for Public Service.​
Stier compares the acting directors to substitute teachers.​
"They might be amazing educators or amazing leaders in their own right," Stier says, "but they're not set out for success. They're not going to be perceived as having complete and full authority by those that are around them."​

View attachment 323905
Thanks! Since Trump can do that, what is he crabbing about then?

He can't do a recess appointment as long as Congress is in session.
So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
So with your statement I’m going to ask you why Pelosi shutdown the House so she can go home and show us the ice cream packed into her $30,000 refrigerator during a national emergency, and McConnell to do what he does in his house.
So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
Be patient. Biden will reverse most of the bad acts of Impeached Trump.

Trump’s comment is obviously trolling. No one takes it seriously other than the very poorly informed Trump supporters.
So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
Be patient. Biden will reverse most of the bad acts of Impeached Trump.

Sanders endorsed Biden before Obama endorsed his own VP.
Contemplate that for awhile.
So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
just as long as it MAGAs, who cares?

Whenever Obama made a policy that you conservatives didn't like, you said he was being a dictator.

Sorry, but with this latest move, Trump is working more like a dictator than Obama ever did. BTW, did you know that he's now putting his name and that it's his stimulus in the memo line of the checks? NEVER in my life have I ever seen that, and I've been a military brat, a military member, and am now a retired US Navy sailor. I've gotten government checks all my life, and this is the first time I've seen this. Apparently, Trump decided to put his name on the memo line, as that is the only place it can go, since Treasurers are the only ones authorized to sign checks.

Oh but it gets better- it appears that requiring Trump's name on the checks has delayed those checks being mailed out.

Because to Trump- no surprise to anyone- believes putting his name on the check- is more important than Americans getting the check.
Fake news. Stop watching CNN.

Monica Crowley

Treasury spokesperson response to last night’s inaccurate and misleading Washington Post story:

View attachment 323894View attachment 323895

And I am sure millions of Americans hope that is actually true.

After all if you can't trust what the government tells you......
Pro-forma sessions of Congress are a sham and a dereliction of duty. Trump is doing what he needs to get the job done. Congress has a choice-either come back to work and do your job, or you are adjourned.
I guess you missed that whole Supreme Court case which told Obama that he couldn't make recess appointments during Senate Pro-forma sessions.

Hmmm as i recall posters here at USMB actually said that Obama's recess appointments during pro-forma sessions were impeachable offenses.

But now that your Dear Leader is doing it.....suddenly you love them.
Trump Says He Will Use His Authority To Adjourn Both Houses of Congress

Can the president adjourn congress
Yes, the constitution gives the president the power to adjourn congress. However, this power can only be used when the upper and lower houses can not agree on a time to adjourn themselves.

I don't pay any attention to Don, he is in charge of nothing.

Thank you for all the work you do. But. Since one lone Confederate senator can hold an entire nation hostage, and has, and will continue to, by simply not bringing anything you propose to the floor of the senate even if it does pass the house, how does this, America, ever get any better? We just, as per America's typical response to any perturbation is, redistributed evermore societal wealth, yet again, to our aristocracy which is really our government. We are ruled over by a predatory cabal of concentrated wealth. And the Democratic Party's muted feckless oversight attempt on that bail out has already been circumvented.

Here's what we the people know. Our political class withheld what was coming (the COVID-19 pandemic) from we the people while they informed the donor class and the substantial people were getting their insider trading done sodomizing the 401K working and underclasses yet again. This system does not allow our representation, by design, and it was never meant to. Revisit the founding, America has never been intended to be for all of us, from day one. We are disposable. Too many of us with too little makes us dangerous, and capital does not want to hire us for what we can live on. "Illegals", impoverished third world labor, why even "communist" labor is preferable.

The system knew what it was doing. It seized upon an opportunity when it saw one. At this juncture, most especially with the inability for this system/this society to get both RT-qPCR and antibodies testing ramped up and tied to contact tracing to even be able to understand where we're at with the pandemic can only be considered willful.

Look at the demographics most negatively impacted and disappeared by COVID-19. Why would concentrated capital mind?

America's "progress" has always meant the "progress" of capital. It's simply time for another cleansing of the land mass.

Are you aware of where this society is at the moment?

There are no checks and/or balances on concentrated capital or corruption and the political system is an illusion as a mechanism by which to keep our society between the ditches. And rather obviously, our political class operates completely outside the law. We refused to pursue Ghislaine Maxwell rather than flush out more of our aristocracy's penchant for pedophilia and decades long patronization of Epstein's child sex trafficking ring. Odd how there was quite a bit of bipartisanship there.

We are a predatory late stage global militarist empire with a military presence in 70% of the nations on the planet as we support 73% of the world's dictators. We have militarized our police and "law enforcement"; utterly unnecessary unless power views the people as an enemy. We have the most expansive incarceration apparatus ever known to humankind; some of that a for profit enterprise with stocks traded on Wall Street. We have for profit concentration/internment camps for "illegals" that can be ramped up for any of us deemed a threat to power. We have millions of uninsured in our predatory for profit hellthcare system, who are being joined by millions more now since we've tied health insurance to employment; THE shittiest and most expensive healthcare system in the world among advanced post-industrial nations. On purpose, by design. In the middle of a pandemic.

"Neither" party has any intention of representing the people. The aristocracy has "two" political parties, the people have none. Your party is just as in the way of the will of the people as that "other" party is relative to single payer healthcare. Relax, Biden's already said he'd veto it. Pelosi's been in the way forever on this. Our American "way of life" has simply sentenced Americans to death in this pandemic. No amount of gaslighting can ever alter that reality. And endless circular blaming twitter fests are so everyone can escape any semblance of responsibility.

The system can't even deal with a clown like Don Trump and his corrupt incestuous kleptocratic kakistocracy.

Perhaps the founders were not such geniuses after all. Perhaps they were themselves merely one faction of a brutal genocidal aristocracy feuding with another.

One “american” value has always remained clear; capital over human lives, all day, every day.

Look around.
Congress has been dragging their heels when it comes to confirming Trump's appointees. Trump is tired of the constant obstructionary tactics and is threatening to adjourn both the House and the Senate if they don't get their act together. MAGA!

This is sure to send libs onto orbit without a rocket ship
While you and your ilk will have one or more of the following reactions to this blatant fascism:

1) So what?
2) Good! It’s about time.
3) But HILLARY!!! But OBAMA!!!
4) You lost the 2016 election sore loser!
All of the above
These guys have been working without formal appointments for years now.
What is your concept of 'only temporary'?
What guys? I'd like to know who you're talking about.
Did you watch the briefing? Trump went on and on about people waiting two years....more than that....and how those vacancies need to be filled, especially now with the Virus. He did not give the impression these people were working.

And it means that after Nielsen leaves her post later this week, three of the president's Cabinet members will be serving in an acting capacity.​
Kevin McAleenan was named acting secretary of homeland security to replace Nielsen. Patrick Shanahan has been acting defense secretary since Jan. 1. And David Bernhardt has been acting interior secretary since Jan. 2, though he has been nominated to become the permanent interior secretary.​
Trump sees an advantage in their status.​
"I like 'acting' because I can move so quickly," he told CBS' Face The Nation in February, adding, "It gives me more flexibility."​
The lack of permanence at the top of these departments means "we don't have established leaders in really important places in our government," says Max Stier, CEO of the Partnership for Public Service.​
Stier compares the acting directors to substitute teachers.​
"They might be amazing educators or amazing leaders in their own right," Stier says, "but they're not set out for success. They're not going to be perceived as having complete and full authority by those that are around them."​

View attachment 323905
Funny how you applaud Trump for his circumventing the Constitution by relying on acting appointments- but denounced Obama for being dictatorial for his recess appointments.
Article II, Section 3, Clause 2;
...he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper;

What are the "extraordinary occasions" Trump can cite? What are the "disagreement
(s) between" the House and/or Senate that Trump could cite?

McConnell is getting things done on the same timelines as he has permitted over the last five or so years. Business is being conducted in the Senate per the rules of the Senate. If Trump doesn't like it, tough shit! The Orange Idiot has no Constitutional grounds to adjourn both Houses just to make recess appointments as he hopes to do! He's not a fucking King!

(Can we say Merrick Garland?)

Don’t you think it’s pathetic that you still reference the 2016 election as a way to “own the libs”? You can’t even handle defending republicans. All you have is the usual But Hillary! bullshit.

What's pathetic is you ficken loons whining for 3 years, and making shit up.
Congress has been dragging their heels when it comes to confirming Trump's appointees. Trump is tired of the constant obstructionary tactics and is threatening to adjourn both the House and the Senate if they don't get their act together. MAGA!

This is sure to send libs onto orbit without a rocket ship
While you and your ilk will have one or more of the following reactions to this blatant fascism:

1) So what?
2) Good! It’s about time.
3) But HILLARY!!! But OBAMA!!!
4) You lost the 2016 election sore loser!
All of the above
Lol at least you are honest in your stupidity and immaturity.
Ok tRumplings and all you other nut-jobs who have been talking about "the coming revolution", now is the time. The US will not tolerate dictators.
Trump has that power in the Constitution

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