Trump is going to FORCE democrats to work! Or adjourn them!

So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
Be patient. Biden will reverse most of the bad acts of Impeached Trump.

Sanders endorsed Biden before Obama endorsed his own VP.
Contemplate that for awhile.

I find this so amusing- because we all knew that Obama was not going to endorse anyone until after the nomination process concluded. No one doubted Obama would endorse Biden if he ended up being the nominee- but we weren't sure Sanders would endorse him at all. Glad he did- now he needs to convince his followers to vote.
Sure. Wait until no other options possible. Way to support your own VP.
Ok tRumplings and all you other nut-jobs who have been talking about "the coming revolution", now is the time. The US will not tolerate dictators.
Trump has that power in the Constitution
Only in the rarest of circumstances:

Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution grants the President the power to "on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper."
I would call this a rare circumstance
Pro-forma sessions of Congress are a sham and a dereliction of duty. Trump is doing what he needs to get the job done. Congress has a choice-either come back to work and do your job, or you are adjourned.
I guess you missed that whole Supreme Court case which told Obama that he couldn't make recess appointments during Senate Pro-forma sessions.

Hmmm as i recall posters here at USMB actually said that Obama's recess appointments during pro-forma sessions were impeachable offenses.

But now that your Dear Leader is doing it.....suddenly you love them.

That is NOT what he wnts to do. If Congress is adjourned, they are not pro-forma sessions, dumbass!
So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
Be patient. Biden will reverse most of the bad acts of Impeached Trump.

Sanders endorsed Biden before Obama endorsed his own VP.
Contemplate that for awhile.

I find this so amusing- because we all knew that Obama was not going to endorse anyone until after the nomination process concluded. No one doubted Obama would endorse Biden if he ended up being the nominee- but we weren't sure Sanders would endorse him at all. Glad he did- now he needs to convince his followers to vote.

Can't leave the people to decide for themselves.
Article II, Section 3, Clause 2;
...he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper;

What are the "extraordinary occasions" Trump can cite? What are the "disagreement
(s) between" the House and/or Senate that Trump could cite?

McConnell is getting things done on the same timelines as he has permitted over the last five or so years. Business is being conducted in the Senate per the rules of the Senate. If Trump doesn't like it, tough shit! The Orange Idiot has no Constitutional grounds to adjourn both Houses just to make recess appointments as he hopes to do! He's not a fucking King!

(Can we say Merrick Garland?)

Don’t you think it’s pathetic that you still reference the 2016 election as a way to “own the libs”? You can’t even handle defending republicans. All you have is the usual But Hillary! bullshit.

What's pathetic is you ficken loons whining for 3 years, and making shit up.

What did we make up? We didn’t write the article. This is Trump himself.

For Christ sake, you're trying to tell me you loons haven't made shit up over the last three years? Every fricken day it has been something new.
Trump asked (Agriculture Secretary) Sonny Perdue how long he's been waiting for his distribution manager to get approved....2 1/2 years. a time of pandemic. Kinda important.
Congress has been dragging their heels when it comes to confirming Trump's appointees. Trump is tired of the constant obstructionary tactics and is threatening to adjourn both the House and the Senate if they don't get their act together. MAGA!

Not likely..the procedure is complex..and the political fallout...nuclear! I'm not too worried about it...just another waft of flatulence..from the Potomac. Then there's the fact that the precedent would come back to haunt the Republicans!
Why not have a vote?
Pro-forma sessions of Congress are a sham and a dereliction of duty. Trump is doing what he needs to get the job done. Congress has a choice-either come back to work and do your job, or you are adjourned.
I guess you missed that whole Supreme Court case which told Obama that he couldn't make recess appointments during Senate Pro-forma sessions.

Hmmm as i recall posters here at USMB actually said that Obama's recess appointments during pro-forma sessions were impeachable offenses.

But now that your Dear Leader is doing it.....suddenly you love them.
No, Trump is ENDING the session. Obama didn’t.
Learn the Constitution and events that occurred.
Read the post I was responding to- learn to read. That poster claimed that 'pro-forma sessions' were a sham- and I correctly pointed out that the Supreme Court said they were completely legal.

So Trump is now trying to do the same end run to get around Senate confirmations that the Right found so wrong when Obama tried to do it. In this case Trump is threatening to 'adjourn' the Senate- so he can make recess appointments.
But the only time the Constitution allows for that is when the Senate cannot agree on a date for adjournment- and the Senate has no such disagreement. McConnel should ignore Trump's threat- and ignore Trump if he tries to adjourn the Senate.
Pro-forma sessions of Congress are a sham and a dereliction of duty. Trump is doing what he needs to get the job done. Congress has a choice-either come back to work and do your job, or you are adjourned.
I guess you missed that whole Supreme Court case which told Obama that he couldn't make recess appointments during Senate Pro-forma sessions.

Hmmm as i recall posters here at USMB actually said that Obama's recess appointments during pro-forma sessions were impeachable offenses.

But now that your Dear Leader is doing it.....suddenly you love them.

That is NOT what he wnts to do. If Congress is adjourned, they are not pro-forma sessions, dumbass!

I think by now we've all had time to acclimate to the realization that we really have no system.
Pro-forma sessions of Congress are a sham and a dereliction of duty. Trump is doing what he needs to get the job done. Congress has a choice-either come back to work and do your job, or you are adjourned.
I guess you missed that whole Supreme Court case which told Obama that he couldn't make recess appointments during Senate Pro-forma sessions.

Hmmm as i recall posters here at USMB actually said that Obama's recess appointments during pro-forma sessions were impeachable offenses.

But now that your Dear Leader is doing it.....suddenly you love them.

That is NOT what he wnts to do. If Congress is adjourned, they are not pro-forma sessions, dumbass!

I think by now we've all had time to acclimate to the realization that we really have no system.

You just don't like it when the system does not allow you to do as you wish.
Article II, Section 3, Clause 2;
...he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper;

What are the "extraordinary occasions" Trump can cite? What are the "disagreement
(s) between" the House and/or Senate that Trump could cite?

McConnell is getting things done on the same timelines as he has permitted over the last five or so years. Business is being conducted in the Senate per the rules of the Senate. If Trump doesn't like it, tough shit! The Orange Idiot has no Constitutional grounds to adjourn both Houses just to make recess appointments as he hopes to do! He's not a fucking King!

(Can we say Merrick Garland?)

Don’t you think it’s pathetic that you still reference the 2016 election as a way to “own the libs”? You can’t even handle defending republicans. All you have is the usual But Hillary! bullshit.

What's pathetic is you ficken loons whining for 3 years, and making shit up.

What did we make up? We didn’t write the article. This is Trump himself.

For Christ sake, you're trying to tell me you loons haven't made shit up over the last three years? Every fricken day it has been something new.

Um let me ask you this. What criticism of Trump has not been fabricated? What examples do you have that are justified condemnation of Trump?

the congress out of the way he now needs to declare martial law.

With such power he can really drain the swamp and put the traitors in jail....aka......hillary, pelosi, pencil neck, schumer, comey, the head of cnn etc.etc.

Surely I jest? Not that much. hehheh

Long Live The King!!!
Funny how you applaud Trump for his circumventing the Constitution by relying on acting appointments- but denounced Obama for being dictatorial for his recess appointments
I may be wrong but I think its within his right to do so during a national crisis...the founders knew the parties would use a crisis like a war or pandemic to move their political agendas and neglect the people and that is what is happening....I support him doing this....

That's funny. The founders thought so highly of the people that they only "granted" the "inalienable right" to the vote to fellow white male members of the aristocracy. And the senate was appointed, not voted upon.

Here's what we the people know. Our political class withheld what was coming (the COVID-19 pandemic) from we the people while they informed the donor class and the substantial people were getting their insider trading done sodomizing the 401K working and underclasses yet again. This system does not allow our representation, by design, and it was never meant to. Revisit the founding, America has never been intended to be for all of us, from day one. We are disposable. Too many of us with too little makes us dangerous, and capital does not want to hire us for what we can live on. "Illegals", impoverished third world labor, why even "communist" labor is preferable.

The system knew what it was doing. It seized upon an opportunity when it saw one. At this juncture, most especially with the inability for this system/this society to get both RT-qPCR and antibodies testing ramped up and tied to contact tracing to even be able to understand where we're at with the pandemic can only be considered willful.

Look at the demographics most negatively impacted and disappeared by COVID-19. Why would concentrated capital mind?

America's "progress" has always meant the "progress" of capital. It's simply time for another cleansing of the land mass.
Pro-forma sessions of Congress are a sham and a dereliction of duty. Trump is doing what he needs to get the job done. Congress has a choice-either come back to work and do your job, or you are adjourned.
I guess you missed that whole Supreme Court case which told Obama that he couldn't make recess appointments during Senate Pro-forma sessions.

Hmmm as i recall posters here at USMB actually said that Obama's recess appointments during pro-forma sessions were impeachable offenses.

But now that your Dear Leader is doing it.....suddenly you love them.

That is NOT what he wnts to do. If Congress is adjourned, they are not pro-forma sessions, dumbass!

I think by now we've all had time to acclimate to the realization that we really have no system.

You just don't like it when the system does not allow you to do as you wish.
Capital is shatting itself, not me pud.
Pro-forma sessions of Congress are a sham and a dereliction of duty. Trump is doing what he needs to get the job done. Congress has a choice-either come back to work and do your job, or you are adjourned.
I guess you missed that whole Supreme Court case which told Obama that he couldn't make recess appointments during Senate Pro-forma sessions.

Hmmm as i recall posters here at USMB actually said that Obama's recess appointments during pro-forma sessions were impeachable offenses.

But now that your Dear Leader is doing it.....suddenly you love them.

That is NOT what he wnts to do. If Congress is adjourned, they are not pro-forma sessions, dumbass!

I think by now we've all had time to acclimate to the realization that we really have no system.

You just don't like it when the system does not allow you to do as you wish.
Certainly Trump doesn't like it when the system does not allow him to do as he wishes.

the congress out of the way he now needs to declare martial law.

With such power he can really drain the swamp and put the traitors in jail....aka......hillary, pelosi, pencil neck, schumer, comey, the head of cnn etc.etc.

Surely I jest? Not that much. hehheh

Long Live The King!!!
And cancel the election, there’s a horrible pandemic going.
Pro-forma sessions of Congress are a sham and a dereliction of duty. Trump is doing what he needs to get the job done. Congress has a choice-either come back to work and do your job, or you are adjourned.
I guess you missed that whole Supreme Court case which told Obama that he couldn't make recess appointments during Senate Pro-forma sessions.

Hmmm as i recall posters here at USMB actually said that Obama's recess appointments during pro-forma sessions were impeachable offenses.

But now that your Dear Leader is doing it.....suddenly you love them.

That is NOT what he wnts to do. If Congress is adjourned, they are not pro-forma sessions, dumbass!

I think by now we've all had time to acclimate to the realization that we really have no system.

You just don't like it when the system does not allow you to do as you wish.
Certainly Trump doesn't like it when the system does not allow him to do as he wishes.
The system says Congress is about to be adjourned.
Trump asked (Agriculture Secretary) Sonny Perdue how long he's been waiting for his distribution manager to get approved....2 1/2 years. a time of pandemic. Kinda important.
Of the 749 open positions during Trump's administration- 510 have been confirmed by the Senate.
150 positions Trump has never nominated anyone.
15 positions Trump has announced but not formally nominated.
Leaving 82 positions that have not been confirmed.

Remember the Senate can hold a vote anytime the Majority Leader decides to hold a vote. Democrats can't stop a vote. Why do you think McConnel is delaying Perdue's buddies nomination?
Trump asked (Agriculture Secretary) Sonny Perdue how long he's been waiting for his distribution manager to get approved....2 1/2 years. a time of pandemic. Kinda important.
Of the 749 open positions during Trump's administration- 510 have been confirmed by the Senate.
150 positions Trump has never nominated anyone.
15 positions Trump has announced but not formally nominated.
Leaving 82 positions that have not been confirmed.

Remember the Senate can hold a vote anytime the Majority Leader decides to hold a vote. Democrats can't stop a vote. Why do you think McConnel is delaying Perdue's buddies nomination?
There’s about to be zero pending nominations.

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