Trump is going to FORCE democrats to work! Or adjourn them!

Congress has been dragging their heels when it comes to confirming Trump's appointees. Trump is tired of the constant obstructionary tactics and is threatening to adjourn both the House and the Senate if they don't get their act together. MAGA!

This is sure to send libs onto orbit without a rocket ship
The only thing I am surprised by in all of this is that Trump blames the Senate rather than WHO.
Congress has been dragging their heels when it comes to confirming Trump's appointees. Trump is tired of the constant obstructionary tactics and is threatening to adjourn both the House and the Senate if they don't get their act together. MAGA!

This is sure to send libs onto orbit without a rocket ship
While you and your ilk will have one or more of the following reactions to this blatant fascism:

1) So what?
2) Good! It’s about time.
3) But HILLARY!!! But OBAMA!!!
4) You lost the 2016 election sore loser!
If McConnell allows this power grab he's a bigger piece shit than even I thought he was.
How can it be a power grab if he has the authority to do so? Are you having a meltdown?
Did you read any of this thread at all? The President has the authority to adjourn Congress ONLY if the two chambers can't agree on an adjournment date.
And any appointments he makes while they are recessed are only temporary.
If McConnell allows this power grab he's a bigger piece shit than even I thought he was.
How can it be a power grab if he has the authority to do so? Are you having a meltdown?
Did you read any of this thread at all? The President has the authority to adjourn Congress ONLY if the two chambers can't agree on an adjournment date.
And any appointments he makes while they are recessed are only temporary.
So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
just as long as it MAGAs, who cares?

Whenever Obama made a policy that you conservatives didn't like, you said he was being a dictator.

Sorry, but with this latest move, Trump is working more like a dictator than Obama ever did. BTW, did you know that he's now putting his name and that it's his stimulus in the memo line of the checks? NEVER in my life have I ever seen that, and I've been a military brat, a military member, and am now a retired US Navy sailor. I've gotten government checks all my life, and this is the first time I've seen this. Apparently, Trump decided to put his name on the memo line, as that is the only place it can go, since Treasurers are the only ones authorized to sign checks.

Now you’re invoking obammy funny
King Donald should read up on his history. Charles I refused to call Parliament for eleven years (the Personal Rule) because he was pissed off at them.

Guess who got beheaded?
Congress no longer has the power of beheading
If McConnell allows this power grab he's a bigger piece shit than even I thought he was.
How can it be a power grab if he has the authority to do so? Are you having a meltdown?
Did you read any of this thread at all? The President has the authority to adjourn Congress ONLY if the two chambers can't agree on an adjournment date.
And any appointments he makes while they are recessed are only temporary.
You can read, wow
I prefer adjourn them, get things passed

Not for nothing there dude, but I DID post the definition of adjournment, which means that Congress goes home. If Congress goes home, how in the hell are things going to get passed? They are at HOME not WORK.
Trump can push it through

If Congress is gone, there is nobody to pass laws. Trump can't push anything through, as he isn't part of the Congress which has the sole authority to create and pass laws. The only thing Trump can do is veto or sign them.
Congress has been dragging their heels when it comes to confirming Trump's appointees. Trump is tired of the constant obstructionary tactics and is threatening to adjourn both the House and the Senate if they don't get their act together. MAGA!

Not likely..the procedure is complex..and the political fallout...nuclear! I'm not too worried about it...just another waft of flatulence..from the Potomac. Then there's the fact that the precedent would come back to haunt the Republicans!
So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
According to the Constitution, those appointments are only temporary, until the end of their next session, so it's not going to do him much good, is it?
Article 2, Section 2
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.
Did I say something amusing, or is it the Constitution that is tickling your funny bone, JimBowie1958
These guys have been working without formal appointments for years now.

What is your concept of 'only temporary'?
Congress has been dragging their heels when it comes to confirming Trump's appointees. Trump is tired of the constant obstructionary tactics and is threatening to adjourn both the House and the Senate if they don't get their act together. MAGA!

Wonderful news! President Trump IS a genius.....
So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
just as long as it MAGAs, who cares?

Whenever Obama made a policy that you conservatives didn't like, you said he was being a dictator.

Sorry, but with this latest move, Trump is working more like a dictator than Obama ever did. BTW, did you know that he's now putting his name and that it's his stimulus in the memo line of the checks? NEVER in my life have I ever seen that, and I've been a military brat, a military member, and am now a retired US Navy sailor. I've gotten government checks all my life, and this is the first time I've seen this. Apparently, Trump decided to put his name on the memo line, as that is the only place it can go, since Treasurers are the only ones authorized to sign checks.

Oh but it gets better- it appears that requiring Trump's name on the checks has delayed those checks being mailed out.

Because to Trump- no surprise to anyone- believes putting his name on the check- is more important than Americans getting the check.
Fake news. Stop watching CNN.

Monica Crowley


Treasury spokesperson response to last night’s inaccurate and misleading Washington Post story:

I think we can all relax. Now that he's said it out loud, his handlers will explain to him that No, he can't do that. Tomorrow he'll walk it back. Just like he did the vow to Order reopening the country yesterday.
Congress is hiding out .. Pelosi's sipping wine and fine dining on her vineyard and Chuck Schumer is completely irrelevant and whiny as usual..

Really .. when times get tough, they run away... screw em!
What is Trumpy going to “make” congress do? Or is he just talking out of his ass like he did when he said he can make states reopen for business?

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