Trump Is Good at Saying What People Are Thinking

Ban this:

I don't know if it happened to ALL of the 7-11 stores. But I used to buy my iced-cold soda in those Super 64 oz cups. Then they removed those and we had to settle for the 52 oz cups.

Nothing like having a 52 oz Super Surplee (mixed with Jack Daniels) during the Summer. :)
So we should go back to living in the stone age so a few more sea turtles and manatees live?

BTW, I think the only reason manatees and other wildlife are protected is because they don't taste good.
Plastic straws are hardly the thing that separates modern life from the stone age. What a stupid thing to say. If negligent shitheads like you could keep their garbage cleaned up there would be no need to do away with single use plastic crap.

I've never been on a cruise and I don't intend to ever go on a cruise.

Whatever, I'll never understand why some people extend their hatred for environmentalists to the environment itself. Our economy depends on clean beaches and healthy wildlife and I pretty much despise the assholes who use the world for a trashcan.

Well if you think it would stop at straws, think again. Control freaks are never happy. Democrats simply have this compulsive desire as a trait. After straws, it will be plastic bottles, after plastic bottles, it will be plastic cutlery, after plastic cutlery........

Over here the county council passed a law against plastic bags. They claim this is something the citizens wanted. But wouldn't you know it, the law doesn't go in effect until January 1, 2020, and as coincidence would have it, voting day is on November 5th, 2019. What are the odds, huh?

So unless the public is reminded of this before the election, after the first of the year, no longer will you just be able to go to the store and simply buy your groceries. You will have to drag your stupid reusable cloth bags with you. It will make the groceries a little heavier to get into the house, if you forget your bags, you will either have to run home to get them, or buy more of them in the store.

Like I said, Democrats are nothing but control freaks no different than the communists in other countries.

Republicans love pissing on the environment.

They hate every effort to stop its destruction.

Lets have plastic bags & plastic strawing & other plastics pollute the entire planet killing wildlife, ther you assfucks might be happy.

We've had plastic straws and like for over 50 years.

I've lived where I'm at now for over 35 years. When it was more conservative like, there was hardly any litter anywhere. After the black Democrats moved in, I now have to dedicate ten minutes to clean up all the garbage on my tree lawn before each cut.

Our city is now one of the lowest ranking cities in the county for recycling. Democrats don't recycle. Anything that requires a little bit of work is dismissed. Everything goes in the trash for them.
The straws are an issue here in Florida where they are a common cause of death for marine life. Most of the restaurants and bars around here voluntarily gave them up within the last couple of years. Going out on the shore is a good lesson of just how long plastic garbage lasts floating around in the water. This would not even be an issue if people could just put their crap in a trash can. This is probably not such a visible problem in other parts of the country but here it's not even something republicans disagree with.

With the "progress" of diversity the left desires, a disrespectful youth, the over-use of drugs and zombies on smartphones, I've seen the impact of how we now treat our world. Progressives seem to be the worst offenders. On one hand they talk the talk, on the other they could give a flying fuck how many water bottles they leave behind. Shucks, someone else will take care of it.

We do have bigger problems than plastic straws for sure. I'm a true conservative, I say get rid of all of them, use paper instead.
That had to be the worse thing to ban - plastic straws.
What are the old folks in nursing homes going to slurp up; since they can't even lift their cup up to their mouths?

They may as well ban plastic baby bottles too.
You must be a whippersnapper. I remember when ALL straws were paper and all baby bottles were glass.

Yes, I remember those paper straws. You had to use five of them in school to drink your pint of milk.
How did YOU drink milk? Honestly, Ray. No one can take you anywhere.

Funny thing about paper, it collapses when it gets wet. If the part of the straw in your mouth didn't close up, the part in the milk did.
So we should go back to living in the stone age so a few more sea turtles and manatees live?

BTW, I think the only reason manatees and other wildlife are protected is because they don't taste good.
Plastic straws are hardly the thing that separates modern life from the stone age. What a stupid thing to say. If negligent shitheads like you could keep their garbage cleaned up there would be no need to do away with single use plastic crap.

I've never been on a cruise and I don't intend to ever go on a cruise.

Whatever, I'll never understand why some people extend their hatred for environmentalists to the environment itself. Our economy depends on clean beaches and healthy wildlife and I pretty much despise the assholes who use the world for a trashcan.

Well if you think it would stop at straws, think again. Control freaks are never happy. Democrats simply have this compulsive desire as a trait. After straws, it will be plastic bottles, after plastic bottles, it will be plastic cutlery, after plastic cutlery........

Over here the county council passed a law against plastic bags. They claim this is something the citizens wanted. But wouldn't you know it, the law doesn't go in effect until January 1, 2020, and as coincidence would have it, voting day is on November 5th, 2019. What are the odds, huh?

So unless the public is reminded of this before the election, after the first of the year, no longer will you just be able to go to the store and simply buy your groceries. You will have to drag your stupid reusable cloth bags with you. It will make the groceries a little heavier to get into the house, if you forget your bags, you will either have to run home to get them, or buy more of them in the store.

Like I said, Democrats are nothing but control freaks no different than the communists in other countries.

Republicans love pissing on the environment.

They hate every effort to stop its destruction.

Lets have plastic bags & plastic strawing & other plastics pollute the entire planet killing wildlife, ther you assfucks might be happy.

The earth will adapt.
It always has.
So we should go back to living in the stone age so a few more sea turtles and manatees live?

BTW, I think the only reason manatees and other wildlife are protected is because they don't taste good.
Plastic straws are hardly the thing that separates modern life from the stone age. What a stupid thing to say. If negligent shitheads like you could keep their garbage cleaned up there would be no need to do away with single use plastic crap.

I've never been on a cruise and I don't intend to ever go on a cruise.

Whatever, I'll never understand why some people extend their hatred for environmentalists to the environment itself. Our economy depends on clean beaches and healthy wildlife and I pretty much despise the assholes who use the world for a trashcan.

Well if you think it would stop at straws, think again. Control freaks are never happy. Democrats simply have this compulsive desire as a trait. After straws, it will be plastic bottles, after plastic bottles, it will be plastic cutlery, after plastic cutlery........

Over here the county council passed a law against plastic bags. They claim this is something the citizens wanted. But wouldn't you know it, the law doesn't go in effect until January 1, 2020, and as coincidence would have it, voting day is on November 5th, 2019. What are the odds, huh?

So unless the public is reminded of this before the election, after the first of the year, no longer will you just be able to go to the store and simply buy your groceries. You will have to drag your stupid reusable cloth bags with you. It will make the groceries a little heavier to get into the house, if you forget your bags, you will either have to run home to get them, or buy more of them in the store.

Like I said, Democrats are nothing but control freaks no different than the communists in other countries.

Republicans love pissing on the environment.

They hate every effort to stop its destruction.

Lets have plastic bags & plastic strawing & other plastics pollute the entire planet killing wildlife, ther you assfucks might be happy.

Try going anywhere mexicans hangout.
They trash the Texas City Dike with used diapers and beer cans
Well, I'd sure agree that Trump is good at saying what SOME people are thinking.
Well, I'd sure agree that Trump is good at saying what SOME people are thinking.
Enough to get him elected President of the United States.
And since then dems have tripled down on the same stupid shit.
The Dems are the Dems, and yes, they've lost their minds.

That is a different subject than Trump and his fans. He speaks for less than half the country.
The straws are an issue here in Florida where they are a common cause of death for marine life. Most of the restaurants and bars around here voluntarily gave them up within the last couple of years. Going out on the shore is a good lesson of just how long plastic garbage lasts floating around in the water. This would not even be an issue if people could just put their crap in a trash can. This is probably not such a visible problem in other parts of the country but here it's not even something republicans disagree with.
More likely Repubs don't like where you guys ph uk a child up the azz. And to your credit do not wear a plastic condom for the cleanliness of the earth. Hold on...there's another commercial for sexual disease medicine while promoting the sex that causes the disease. I tell you if there is ever a mass ive economic downturn it is going to look like the walking dead in this nation. Good times...
You're a disgusting piece of filth, die.
I am sorry. You made a point and then threw in the Repub comment. Never let a situation go to waste with a Prog, right?
Eat shit and die. You don't even joke about shit like that. You are going on ignore to stay Trumpbot.
Frankly that was no joke. It is a serious problem that you spout over and over while promoting people who do. Your only answer is that you dredge up a hetero piece of chitt who may be a good old boy who does it. It still does not make it right. You guys are like gold. For me if Trump wins, the children win. That is right. But if you win, I get to see the demise of our nation quicken hence getting vengeance on those who phuk with others. There is a reason you see individuals killing people in schools, workplaces and public areas. Blaming the right people I have no issue with. The innocent I do. To me it is courage. to others it is not. What can we do?
Well, I'd sure agree that Trump is good at saying what SOME people are thinking.
Enough to get him elected President of the United States.
And since then dems have tripled down on the same stupid shit.
The Dems are the Dems, and yes, they've lost their minds.

That is a different subject than Trump and his fans. He speaks for less than half the country.

Yet his popularity continues to rise. And with the dems open border policies and free healthcare for illegals You can expect it to rise even more.
Well, I'd sure agree that Trump is good at saying what SOME people are thinking.

Obviously you don't discuss politics outside of USMB all that much. Trump says what many people think: people at the bar, people at work, neighbors and social media friends. Trump sounds just like those people.

It's all about relations when it comes to success. An employer that can relate to his or her workers will have a more productive staff than those that can't. A teacher is generally more successful if he or she can relate to their students. A successful marriage is one that has outstanding relations between each other.
Obviously you don't discuss politics outside of USMB all that much. Trump says what many people think: people at the bar, people at work, neighbors and social media friends. Trump sounds just like those people.
Actually, as a financial advisor, I end up having to talk about politics quite often, since it regularly comes up in conversation regarding taxes, health care, regulation, legislation and the stock market.

And the (very) troubling thing I'm seeing more and more of is people who are ready to lose their shit at the drop of a hat and launch into what certainly seems to be a pre-canned partisan diatribe, completely one-sided and often breathtakingly ignorant and/or mal-informed of the facts, particularly as they pertain to economics and markets.

That has me worried. What I see here is merely a higher concentration of it.
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I actually think he's being too restrained lately. But that's ok, we have our chants.
He'll have more flexibility after the election...
....after being attacked with HATE/bigotry/racism--including his family, he has shown GREAT restraint in his tweets/etc
..attacked by the MSM/entertainers/sports jackasses/etc --ever since the election--non-stop
..attacked by IDIOTS --hypocrites like Smollet--HYPOCRITES ......they call Trump the hater--when in reality, THEY are the haters
Oh you poor whining Snowflakes! - Like Trump didn't constantly attack Obama saying he was not a US citizen
That had to be the worse thing to ban - plastic straws.
What are the old folks in nursing homes going to slurp up; since they can't even lift their cup up to their mouths?

They may as well ban plastic baby bottles too.
You must be a whippersnapper. I remember when ALL straws were paper and all baby bottles were glass.

Yes, I remember those paper straws. You had to use five of them in school to drink your pint of milk.
whose bright eye for water savers in showers. Have to remove them in order to have a decent shower. or in toilets. Can't flush a decent shit. These progressives environmentalists should not be allowed in control.
Whatever, I'll never understand why some people extend their hatred for environmentalists to the environment itself. Our economy depends on clean beaches and healthy wildlife and I pretty much despise the assholes who use the world for a trashcan.
I can agree with this.
There is no shortage of slobs from either side. Instead of folks using trash for cheap political points, the message should be, " pick your crap up".
I may lean right, but I live rural, have my own well, spend a lot of time in the wilderness and am disgusted by the trash I see in pristine areas. I don't see an R or D next to the trash, I just see disgusting human filth.
Give a (48).jpeg
Plastic straws are hardly the thing that separates modern life from the stone age. What a stupid thing to say. If negligent shitheads like you could keep their garbage cleaned up there would be no need to do away with single use plastic crap.

I've never been on a cruise and I don't intend to ever go on a cruise.

Whatever, I'll never understand why some people extend their hatred for environmentalists to the environment itself. Our economy depends on clean beaches and healthy wildlife and I pretty much despise the assholes who use the world for a trashcan.

Well if you think it would stop at straws, think again. Control freaks are never happy. Democrats simply have this compulsive desire as a trait. After straws, it will be plastic bottles, after plastic bottles, it will be plastic cutlery, after plastic cutlery........

Over here the county council passed a law against plastic bags. They claim this is something the citizens wanted. But wouldn't you know it, the law doesn't go in effect until January 1, 2020, and as coincidence would have it, voting day is on November 5th, 2019. What are the odds, huh?

So unless the public is reminded of this before the election, after the first of the year, no longer will you just be able to go to the store and simply buy your groceries. You will have to drag your stupid reusable cloth bags with you. It will make the groceries a little heavier to get into the house, if you forget your bags, you will either have to run home to get them, or buy more of them in the store.

Like I said, Democrats are nothing but control freaks no different than the communists in other countries.

Republicans love pissing on the environment.

They hate every effort to stop its destruction.

Lets have plastic bags & plastic strawing & other plastics pollute the entire planet killing wildlife, ther you assfucks might be happy.

Try going anywhere mexicans hangout.
They trash the Texas City Dike with used diapers and beer cans
Try putting out some garbage cans.
I've never been on a cruise and I don't intend to ever go on a cruise.

Whatever, I'll never understand why some people extend their hatred for environmentalists to the environment itself. Our economy depends on clean beaches and healthy wildlife and I pretty much despise the assholes who use the world for a trashcan.

Well if you think it would stop at straws, think again. Control freaks are never happy. Democrats simply have this compulsive desire as a trait. After straws, it will be plastic bottles, after plastic bottles, it will be plastic cutlery, after plastic cutlery........

Over here the county council passed a law against plastic bags. They claim this is something the citizens wanted. But wouldn't you know it, the law doesn't go in effect until January 1, 2020, and as coincidence would have it, voting day is on November 5th, 2019. What are the odds, huh?

So unless the public is reminded of this before the election, after the first of the year, no longer will you just be able to go to the store and simply buy your groceries. You will have to drag your stupid reusable cloth bags with you. It will make the groceries a little heavier to get into the house, if you forget your bags, you will either have to run home to get them, or buy more of them in the store.

Like I said, Democrats are nothing but control freaks no different than the communists in other countries.

Republicans love pissing on the environment.

They hate every effort to stop its destruction.

Lets have plastic bags & plastic strawing & other plastics pollute the entire planet killing wildlife, ther you assfucks might be happy.

Try going anywhere mexicans hangout.
They trash the Texas City Dike with used diapers and beer cans
Try putting out some garbage cans.

How much time have you spent in Mexico OUTSIDE the Hotel Zones?

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