Trump is in WAY over his head...

So, on what issues is he in over his head? Be specific.

Take your pick. Regardless, Trump is not going to be able to lie himself out of the fix he's in. Only the truth can save him. And that will only work for him if the truth is on his side. I don't believe for a second that it is. And what's more, I believe that only his sycophant supporters are gullible enough to believe him. He'll take them down with him. As a result, they'll likely never be able to have faith in anyone ever again. That will be Trump's parting gift to them.

Do you always talk in circles?

What fix is he in?

You STILL haven't nailed own what you are talking about.

I’m asking you the same question. Do you always talk in circles.
I remember encountering you about 2 weeks ago. But you never give me an honest rebuttal.

You accused me of lying. I asked you to proved it to me but you ran and avoided me. I’m still waiting.

I provided links. You called it fake news. I asked you to prove it but you ran and avoided me. I’m also waiting.
Where are they?

You are a defective human being.
Trump is a multi-billionaire, ran for the GOP primary and crushed every candidate and won. Then ran against Hillary in the general, whooped her ass, whooped the entire Dem party, the entire liberal media, whooped Obama and half the GOP establishment back stabbers, beat them all and became the POTUS. Yet imbeciles like this OP would have us believe Trump can't tie his own shoe laces. :eusa_hand:

You are absolutely 100% correct.

He is a pussy grabber, no income tax returns because he is con man, racist, bully, hypocrite, pathological liar, committed fraud......... That is more than enough to sink any kind of candidates. Yet you qualified him to win the election.
This is the POTUS that you elected.
Ten months later he proved himself unfit to run this country. Made us the laughingstock, ignorant and stupid around the globe. Total disgrace.

That said....... What tells us about who voted for this lousy president?

As an example how dumb is this lousy president. The whole world is praying for a diplomatic solution to solve North Korea crisis trying to avoid nuclear war which includes Sec. of S. Tillerson and Mattis.
Here is Trump undermining his own SOS wasting his time......... All Trump like to do is go to war.

Just imagine what kind of thinking is that. Just imagine what kind of thinking is that.
Just imagine what kind of thinking is that.

LOL poor lib :itsok: President Trump has unhinged you people.

Truth hurts.
Coal production up 7.8% the past year....more winning from reducing regulations

Really? I mean REALLY?
Coal industry will die sooner or later whether Trump like it or not. Trump made a lot of promises and it doesn’t matter if it’s good for the general public or not. Coal produces lots of dirty emissions that polluted the atmosphere. Now he wants subsidies to help the coal mine industry. That’s sucks.

You have to kill the renewable and clean energy such natural gas, solar power order in order to fully revive the coal industry.
Even China the worst polluters in the world invested 100s billions of $ to kill the coal industry in China. Leaving US behind in both investments and leadership in clean energy. See links

Trump is going the *WRONG* different direction. Sucks.

China Aims to Spend at Least $360 Billion on Renewable Energy by 2020

China Looks to Capitalize on Clean Energy as U.S. Retreats

Trump wants subsidies for coal companies, not health insurers - CNNPolitics
So, on what issues is he in over his head? Be specific.

Take your pick.

Fine. Immigration. How is he in over his head?

Immigration? He has not even surpassed or even come close with the 2016 deportation records. Is that supposed to be impressive?

Those records were not to be believed. Mere window dressing for Obama's attempt at Camelot.

It looks like you know a lot about immigration.

Can you prove it to me Billy?
For years, Trump ran a real estate business, casinos, and later a branding business with essentially no oversight from anyone. There was no board of directors and any kind of corporate structure that required him to account to anyone for his actions. Consequently, he did what he pleased. His reputation was that of someone who shortchanged (some would say cheated) contractors, willingly embraced lawsuits, and played fast and loose with the facts whenever he felt it was to his advantage to do so. Even his Trump University was little more than a scam to bilk hopeful, yet gullible, people out of tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for seminars that were essentially worthless. It should be noted that Trump was not alone in doing the latter as it's being repeated all across the country by numerous unscrupulous flimflam men.

Bankers eventually caught on to Trump's braggadocios (some would call it lying) ways, but by then, they were on the hook for millions and had little choice but to go along if they had any hope of recovering some of their original investments. Yet, that never stopped Trump from filing bankruptcy when it suited him.

Trump got away with most of it because there really was no one to answer to.

As far as I'm concerned, here's the mystery: Why would anyone with a modicum of common sense believe that he could take this kind of behavior (some would call it an act) which largely played out in private during his business years, and use this very same tactic in the largest most public arena in the world where thousands of people are paying very close attention to everything he says and does every single day and then assume he could still get away with it? It just boggles the mind.

From my perspective, it's nothing short of delusional.

Trump is dealing with some very VERY savvy people who have decades of experience in ferreting out crooks and liars once they come to their attention. Having said that, it only makes their job easier when they deal with someone who seems to believe that he can simply lie his way out of trouble with more lies if and when earlier lies failed. Trump is simply in WAY over his head, and professional media prevaricators like Sean Hannity are not going to be able to help him regardless of how many gullible viewers buy into Sean's nonsensical hysterics.
Obama did it for eight years, so why not Trump too?
So, on what issues is he in over his head? Be specific.

Take your pick.

Fine. Immigration. How is he in over his head?

Immigration? He has not even surpassed or even come close with the 2016 deportation records. Is that supposed to be impressive?

Those records were not to be believed. Mere window dressing for Obama's attempt at Camelot.

It looks like you know a lot about immigration.

Can you prove it to me Billy?

Why? Are you somehow influential?
For years, Trump ran a real estate business, casinos, and later a branding business with essentially no oversight from anyone. There was no board of directors and any kind of corporate structure that required him to account to anyone for his actions. Consequently, he did what he pleased. His reputation was that of someone who shortchanged (some would say cheated) contractors, willingly embraced lawsuits, and played fast and loose with the facts whenever he felt it was to his advantage to do so. Even his Trump University was little more than a scam to bilk hopeful, yet gullible, people out of tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for seminars that were essentially worthless. It should be noted that Trump was not alone in doing the latter as it's being repeated all across the country by numerous unscrupulous flimflam men.

Bankers eventually caught on to Trump's braggadocios (some would call it lying) ways, but by then, they were on the hook for millions and had little choice but to go along if they had any hope of recovering some of their original investments. Yet, that never stopped Trump from filing bankruptcy when it suited him.

Trump got away with most of it because there really was no one to answer to.

As far as I'm concerned, here's the mystery: Why would anyone with a modicum of common sense believe that he could take this kind of behavior (some would call it an act) which largely played out in private during his business years, and use this very same tactic in the largest most public arena in the world where thousands of people are paying very close attention to everything he says and does every single day and then assume he could still get away with it? It just boggles the mind.

From my perspective, it's nothing short of delusional.

Trump is dealing with some very VERY savvy people who have decades of experience in ferreting out crooks and liars once they come to their attention. Having said that, it only makes their job easier when they deal with someone who seems to believe that he can simply lie his way out of trouble with more lies if and when earlier lies failed. Trump is simply in WAY over his head, and professional media prevaricators like Sean Hannity are not going to be able to help him regardless of how many gullible viewers buy into Sean's nonsensical hysterics.
Obama did it for eight years, so why not Trump too?

no. :cuckoo:
For years, Trump ran a real estate business, casinos, and later a branding business with essentially no oversight from anyone. There was no board of directors and any kind of corporate structure that required him to account to anyone for his actions. Consequently, he did what he pleased. His reputation was that of someone who shortchanged (some would say cheated) contractors, willingly embraced lawsuits, and played fast and loose with the facts whenever he felt it was to his advantage to do so. Even his Trump University was little more than a scam to bilk hopeful, yet gullible, people out of tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for seminars that were essentially worthless. It should be noted that Trump was not alone in doing the latter as it's being repeated all across the country by numerous unscrupulous flimflam men.

Bankers eventually caught on to Trump's braggadocios (some would call it lying) ways, but by then, they were on the hook for millions and had little choice but to go along if they had any hope of recovering some of their original investments. Yet, that never stopped Trump from filing bankruptcy when it suited him.

Trump got away with most of it because there really was no one to answer to.

As far as I'm concerned, here's the mystery: Why would anyone with a modicum of common sense believe that he could take this kind of behavior (some would call it an act) which largely played out in private during his business years, and use this very same tactic in the largest most public arena in the world where thousands of people are paying very close attention to everything he says and does every single day and then assume he could still get away with it? It just boggles the mind.

From my perspective, it's nothing short of delusional.

Trump is dealing with some very VERY savvy people who have decades of experience in ferreting out crooks and liars once they come to their attention. Having said that, it only makes their job easier when they deal with someone who seems to believe that he can simply lie his way out of trouble with more lies if and when earlier lies failed. Trump is simply in WAY over his head, and professional media prevaricators like Sean Hannity are not going to be able to help him regardless of how many gullible viewers buy into Sean's nonsensical hysterics.

First of all, Hillary wanted to create a no fly zone in Syria.

Think on that for a bit. That is what "W" did in Iraq and Obama did in Libya. See where that got us?

Look at how Obama set free terrorists from Gitmo so they could terrorize some more, all for one American POW that later was found to have deserted and aided the enemy in killing Americans. Then he signs a treaty with Iran to give them billions of dollars for their nuke program so they can become like North Korea.

Obamacare anyone? Even Dims say it needs to go and the ink is not even dry yet on the legislation.

E-mails anyone? At least Trump knows how to use them correctly.

The reason Trump is in there is because buffoons before him make him look like a genius.
Take your pick.

Fine. Immigration. How is he in over his head?

Immigration? He has not even surpassed or even come close with the 2016 deportation records. Is that supposed to be impressive?

Those records were not to be believed. Mere window dressing for Obama's attempt at Camelot.

It looks like you know a lot about immigration.

Can you prove it to me Billy?

Why? Are you somehow influential?

I’m just asking if you can back up
What you are saying. Is that too much to ask?
For years, Trump ran a real estate business, casinos, and later a branding business with essentially no oversight from anyone. There was no board of directors and any kind of corporate structure that required him to account to anyone for his actions. Consequently, he did what he pleased. His reputation was that of someone who shortchanged (some would say cheated) contractors, willingly embraced lawsuits, and played fast and loose with the facts whenever he felt it was to his advantage to do so. Even his Trump University was little more than a scam to bilk hopeful, yet gullible, people out of tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for seminars that were essentially worthless. It should be noted that Trump was not alone in doing the latter as it's being repeated all across the country by numerous unscrupulous flimflam men.

Bankers eventually caught on to Trump's braggadocios (some would call it lying) ways, but by then, they were on the hook for millions and had little choice but to go along if they had any hope of recovering some of their original investments. Yet, that never stopped Trump from filing bankruptcy when it suited him.

Trump got away with most of it because there really was no one to answer to.

As far as I'm concerned, here's the mystery: Why would anyone with a modicum of common sense believe that he could take this kind of behavior (some would call it an act) which largely played out in private during his business years, and use this very same tactic in the largest most public arena in the world where thousands of people are paying very close attention to everything he says and does every single day and then assume he could still get away with it? It just boggles the mind.

From my perspective, it's nothing short of delusional.

Trump is dealing with some very VERY savvy people who have decades of experience in ferreting out crooks and liars once they come to their attention. Having said that, it only makes their job easier when they deal with someone who seems to believe that he can simply lie his way out of trouble with more lies if and when earlier lies failed. Trump is simply in WAY over his head, and professional media prevaricators like Sean Hannity are not going to be able to help him regardless of how many gullible viewers buy into Sean's nonsensical hysterics.

1. First of all, Hillary wanted to create a no fly zone in Syria.

2. Think on that for a bit. That is what "W" did in Iraq and Obama did in Libya. See where that got us?

3. Look at how Obama set free terrorists from Gitmo so they could terrorize some more, all for one American POW that later was found to have deserted and aided the enemy in killing Americans.
4. Then he signs a treaty with Iran to give them billions of dollars for their nuke program so they can become like North Korea.

5. Obamacare anyone? Even Dims say it needs to go and the ink is not even dry yet on the legislation.

6. E-mails anyone? At least Trump knows how to use them correctly.

7. The reason Trump is in there is because buffoons before him make him look like a genius.

To start this topic is about Trump not Hillary or Obama. But I’ll entertain you.

1. Each Middle Eastern countries has different kinds of military, economically and ethnicity problem. You cannot compare a Libyan, Syrian or Iraq conflicts. The No Fly (NF) coulda/shoulda against Syrian and Iranian Air Force. Who and what should the NF for?

2. There was already a civil war in Libya before we even get involved. It’s time for Gaddafi a dictator and a terrorist to go.

3. Setting 3 terrorist free. There are thousands and thousands of them out there probably millions. So 3 will make any difference? Big deal.
Bergdhal is now brought to justice facing life time prison sentence. That’s justice.

4. The billions was their money withheld from US sanctions not our money. Before the treaty with heavy sanctions applied against Iran. Their nuclear ambitions is so close to be completed. Only missing is the hard water facilities located in Arak, Iran.

Just imagine what could had happened if that facility was completed. All of those are put into on hold because of Obama.
You cannot compare North K. and Iran nuclear programs.

5. Prove that Dims wants Obamacare to go. Did you even look the replacement of Obamacare? A complete disaster and it designed to hurt poor Americans the same poor Americans that put this jerk in WH.

6. E-mails. Russian invaded our democracy and that is acceptable to you? Thanks god the Republicans are investigating a Republican President.

7. The reason and only reason Trump was there because Trump is a con man. His followers are bunch of ??? ( you don’t want me to tell the truth).
Fine. Immigration. How is he in over his head?

Immigration? He has not even surpassed or even come close with the 2016 deportation records. Is that supposed to be impressive?

Those records were not to be believed. Mere window dressing for Obama's attempt at Camelot.

It looks like you know a lot about immigration.

Can you prove it to me Billy?

Why? Are you somehow influential?

I’m just asking if you can back up
What you are saying. Is that too much to ask?

Obama's immigration policies were like the digestive system. Out at one end, but in at the other. Same-same.
Trump continues to boast about the economy, and in particular the booming stock market and a sinking unemployment rate, though both are the continuation of trends that started years ago, and presidents tend to have limited control over both.
The Draft-Dodging Wienie in Chief takes credit for anything good that happens, and blames everyone and anyone for every problem that pops up (even those he creates for himself).
Then he signs a treaty with Iran to give them billions of dollars for their nuke program so they can become like North Korea.
Obama did not give Iran "billions of dollars for their nuke program".

The billions of dollars were IRAN's. It was their own money.

When you populate your message with outright lies, how can anyone believe what you say or take you seriously?
We knew what Trump was before we elected him

We deserve what we get
Then he signs a treaty with Iran to give them billions of dollars for their nuke program so they can become like North Korea.
Obama did not give Iran "billions of dollars for their nuke program".

The billions of dollars were IRAN's. It was their own money.

When you populate your message with outright lies, how can anyone believe what you say or take you seriously?

When you break laws and terrorize people, like the dude in Vegas, your assets get seized, preferably to give to the families victims.

Iran is a terrorist state and the next North Korea. Thanks to rubes like yourself, they will have nukes in no time.
Then he signs a treaty with Iran to give them billions of dollars for their nuke program so they can become like North Korea.
Obama did not give Iran "billions of dollars for their nuke program".

The billions of dollars were IRAN's. It was their own money.

When you populate your message with outright lies, how can anyone believe what you say or take you seriously?

When you break laws and terrorize people, like the dude in Vegas, your assets get seized, preferably to give to the families victims.

Iran is a terrorist state and the next North Korea. Thanks to rubes like yourself, they will have nukes in no time.
Your argument is going in circles and based on lies. You make no sense. Go have a lie-down then, when you wake up, have someone read a book to you. Learning, is goooood for you.

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