Trump is Jesus... and yes, I will explain

Did you even READ the Scripture I quoted?

Jesus did not say His followers had to be absolutely SIN-free all their lives from cradle to grave for Him to identify completely with them

I'm not talking about his followers. I'm talking about Jesus himself. Jesus never broke any of the 10 Commandments.

Trump has, so he can't be Jesus.

Even though they have both been convicted of crimes.

Sure I have. But I've also never said I'm Jesus.

You're just fucking cray-cray. :cuckoo:
sorry to see you don't agree with Jesus

To Jesus (Mt 25:31-46), He and His followers (the real ones)

are ONE, despite all their unworthiness
Irrelevant. He never broke any.

Trump has broken several.

Therefore, Trump can't be Jesus; but you can be deranged for thinking he is.

Again, you need to take up your argument with Jesus, whom you nonetheless seem to reject..

HE is the one who says that His followers are as good as being HIM

sorry to see you don't agree with Jesus

To Jesus (Mt 25:31-46), He and His followers (the real ones)

are ONE, despite all their unworthiness

It doesn't say they are one. It says what was done to them was done to him...

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
It doesn't say they are one. It says what was done to them was done to him...

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

But whichever version people accept, mine or yours, what this means is that whoever touches one of Jesus's followers

is in BIG


(See Old Testament and Book of Revelation for details)

But whichever version people accept, mine or yours, what this means is that whoever touches one of Jesus's followers

is in BIG


(See Old Testament and Book of Revelation for details)

The Bible still doesn't state what you falsely claimed it does. Don't take this the wrong way, but you appear batshit insane claiming Trump is Christ.
OK, so here goes:

Jesus said that whatever anyone does to the least of his people, that person does it to HIM (hopefully Merchan is paying attention)

Mt 25:31-46

Trump is (worst-case scenario) the least of Christ's people because:

He loves law and order aka JUSTICE (The Bible says to obey man's laws)

He does not want legalized child murder (bullies murdering helpless children in the womb)

He appears to have given up most of his past sins/indiscretions

He cares about all Americans, not just those of a particular race

And I could go on and on

The Church Christ founded has not, that I know of, defined what "least of" Christ's people means EXACTLY.

But when it comes to one's eternal destination, I always say

Why take a chance?

Why take a chance attacking someone who has done so much good (protecting helpless children... protecting Americans from a foreign invasion)? He promoted Bibles.. We haven't seen corn pop do that...

So you think a lying, thieving, whoremonger who's sat in a golden high chair his entire life...
Whose opinion of women is that they're only good for sex...
Whose opinion of Black people is they can't be allowed to win his game...
Who called those who died in service to their country "losers" and "fools..."

Is "the least" of Jesus' people?

Well, can't argue that Convict-45 isn't the least of people but I'm pretty sure Jeebers would rank the Head MAGAT right there with the pharisees as being "his people."
The Bible still doesn't state what you falsely claimed it does. Don't take this the wrong way, but you appear batshit insane claiming Trump is Christ.
so, you just called Jesus crazy


and btw thanks for proving my point in OP

whatever u do to me applies. Again, why don't you argue with Jesus directly on this--you know, since you don't see Jesus in yours truly?

I'd like to be a fly on that wall...
Riddle me this, if Trump is not Jesus, why then are the bailiffs casting lots for his cloths?

Bailiffs Cast Lots For Trump’s Clothing
U.S.·May 29, 2024 ·

View attachment 954245

NEW YORK CITY, NY — As the jury deliberates in the State of New York v. Trump criminal trial, sources within the courtroom claim that four court bailiffs have gone ahead and begun casting lots to split up Trump's clothing.

The bailiffs allegedly divided Trump's luxury Italian Brioni suit into four parts, one part for each bailiff, before realizing that his dress shirt with a "45" monogram was in fact seamless and woven from one piece from top to bottom. Onlookers claim to have heard the lead bailiff tell his fellow officers, "Let us not tear it - instead, let us cast lots to see who will get it."

Alina Habba, one of Trump's defense attorneys, has claimed that the bailiffs' actions are actually the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. "As it is written in Think Like a Billionaire, chapter 7, "Brioni suits are the best - everyone says so. In fact, they'll try to steal mine at some point. They'll probably even have to roll dice."

"SAD! BAD! THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO," Trump posted to Truth Social. "These LOSERS probably have never even seen a suit this nice before. They would have no idea how to tie this tie, it will be so sad to see. Clown show!"

At publishing time, bailiff number three had been heard shouting with delight as he landed Trump's signature golden sneakers.
Because you're stupid enough to believe the Babylon Bee is a real news site?

well, it's really sad that not many take Jesus up on this

closely identifying with us despite our flaws

I'm pretty sure Jesus was into the "accept responsibility and ask forgiveness" thing.

When we see Trump do that, you'll have a point.

But whichever version people accept, mine or yours, what this means is that whoever touches one of Jesus's followers

is in BIG


(See Old Testament and Book of Revelation for details)
It's a good thing then that the only time you see Trump and Jeebers together is in one of his cult worship paintings.

Wasn't there something about not having another god before me?

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