Trump is losing badly and getting desperate

Biden's lead in the polls has been historic. No other candidate has had such a consistent lead in recent history.

And they only had to over sample democrats by 14% to keep it there.....

You can believe that if it helps you sleep at night.
Biden's lead in the polls has been historic. No other candidate has had such a consistent lead in recent history.

....except for Hillary....and we saw how that turned out.


Hillary's leads in the polls was not historic. Oh, and once again for the stupid seats...

200,000 dead Americans and 18 million unemployed make for a very heavy albatross around Trump's neck.

The unemployment numbers are thanks to DEMOCRAT governors, so you probably don't want to go down that path, and were it not for Trump halting travel, amidst your howls of xenophobia, there would be many more.

Trump fucked up bigly. And because of him, we have the most deaths on the planet. Way more than even all the socialist and communist countries!
Hillary's leads in the polls was not historic.

The propaganda-pushing liberal fake news media was declaring Hillary was going to win in a landslide.....and she could not even win a rigged election.
200,000 dead Americans and 18 million unemployed make for a very heavy albatross around Trump's neck.

The unemployment numbers are thanks to DEMOCRAT governors, so you probably don't want to go down that path, and were it not for Trump halting travel, amidst your howls of xenophobia, there would be many more.

Trump fucked up bigly. And because of him, we have the most deaths on the planet. Way more than even all the socialist and communist countries!
4% of the population, but 20% of the deaths. Winning!!!!
Polls show that Trump is losing in the crucial swing states, with only 5 weeks to go before the November election. In 2016, he won most of them in his upset over Hillary Clinton.
His “crooked Hillary, send her to jail” mantra will not work this time, and his Russian friends have yet to provide sticky mud against Biden.
His promise to release his tax returns in 2016 will haunt him BIG this time around. His stupid verbiage about the COVID-19 “problem” being minor is not going away soon.

Trump’s back is against the wall, and he’s desperate. What will he do? He’s unpredictable (other than embarrassing tweets), so it will be interesting to see what he does to deflect away from his stupidity and self-centered activities.

'Landslide' part deux...

...meanwhile Biden refuses to allow an objective 3rd party conduct an inspection right before the debate to ensure they are nnot wearing ear pieces....

It just cracks me up that Trumpsters are so terrified of Biden that they think the only way he can win is by cheating. :lol:

And that's why Trump tried to extort the Ukraine for dirt on Biden. Trump is scared shitless of Biden.
200,000 dead Americans and 18 million unemployed make for a very heavy albatross around Trump's neck.

The unemployment numbers are thanks to DEMOCRAT governors, so you probably don't want to go down that path, and were it not for Trump halting travel, amidst your howls of xenophobia, there would be many more.

Trump fucked up bigly. And because of him, we have the most deaths on the planet. Way more than even all the socialist and communist countries!

Oh? What should he have done differently? Be SPECIFIC.
200,000 dead Americans and 18 million unemployed make for a very heavy albatross around Trump's neck.

The unemployment numbers are thanks to DEMOCRAT governors, so you probably don't want to go down that path, and were it not for Trump halting travel, amidst your howls of xenophobia, there would be many more.

Trump fucked up bigly. And because of him, we have the most deaths on the planet. Way more than even all the socialist and communist countries!

Oh? What should he have done differently? Be SPECIFIC.
Just off the top of my head:

Trump should have used the Defense Production Act immediately to increase production of PPE.

Trump should have increased testing and tracking nationwide instead of calling it a hoax that would disappear like magic.

Trump should have not left the response to this invasion up to the states.

Trump should have encouraged Americans to wear masks and not to fill their churches on Easter.

Need more, retard?
200,000 dead Americans and 18 million unemployed make for a very heavy albatross around Trump's neck.

The unemployment numbers are thanks to DEMOCRAT governors, so you probably don't want to go down that path, and were it not for Trump halting travel, amidst your howls of xenophobia, there would be many more.

Trump fucked up bigly. And because of him, we have the most deaths on the planet. Way more than even all the socialist and communist countries!

Oh? What should he have done differently? Be SPECIFIC.
Just off the top of my head:

Trump should have used the Defense Production Act immediately to increase production of PPE.

Trump should have increased testing and tracking nationwide instead of calling it a hoax that would disappear like magic.

Trump should have not left the response to this invasion up to the states.

Trump should have encouraged Americans to wear masks and not to fill their churches on Easter.

Need more, retard?

He DID all of the things you claim, he never called COVID a hoax. He said the way the Dems were reacting to it were, and under obummer biden H1N1 infected 60 million plus Americans, so they simply stopped counting. That's how we KNOW biden handled things. because he was in charge of it. Trump ramped up production of EVERYTHING faster than obummer biden did. More than 20 times faster. The simple fact is the tests weren't even accurate yet. Add to that the waffling by the "experts" at the CDC, and it is obvious that Trump did MORE than what the CDC even said to do.

So, once again.

What should Trump have done extra? You claim to care about the science but when Trump went against the science and shut down travel, which we KNOW actually worked, but now when the scientists tell you that Trump did better than they did, you seem to be either confused, or do you simply not care about facts?
Polls show that Trump is losing in the crucial swing states, with only 5 weeks to go before the November election. In 2016, he won most of them in his upset over Hillary Clinton.
His “crooked Hillary, send her to jail” mantra will not work this time, and his Russian friends have yet to provide sticky mud against Biden.
His promise to release his tax returns in 2016 will haunt him BIG this time around. His stupid verbiage about the COVID-19 “problem” being minor is not going away soon.

Trump’s back is against the wall, and he’s desperate. What will he do? He’s unpredictable (other than embarrassing tweets), so it will be interesting to see what he does to deflect away from his stupidity and self-centered activities.

Boy.....I hope you have a large bottle of anti depressants for the morning of Nov 4......

Biden's lead in the polls has been historic. No other candidate has had such a consistent lead in recent history.

Ummmm, the shrilary did too. Are do have to forget that little factoid so your head doesn't hurt?

No, actually, she did not. She did not maintain a historic polling lead as Biden has been doing.
Polls show that Trump is losing in the crucial swing states, with only 5 weeks to go before the November election. In 2016, he won most of them in his upset over Hillary Clinton.
His “crooked Hillary, send her to jail” mantra will not work this time, and his Russian friends have yet to provide sticky mud against Biden.
His promise to release his tax returns in 2016 will haunt him BIG this time around. His stupid verbiage about the COVID-19 “problem” being minor is not going away soon.

Trump’s back is against the wall, and he’s desperate. What will he do? He’s unpredictable (other than embarrassing tweets), so it will be interesting to see what he does to deflect away from his stupidity and self-centered activities.


Biden's lead in the polls has been historic. No other candidate has had such a consistent lead in recent history.

Ummmm, the shrilary did too. Are do have to forget that little factoid so your head doesn't hurt?

No, actually, she did not. She did not maintain a historic polling lead as Biden has been doing. fact the polls gave her a wider margin than they are giving Biden.

No, actually, she did not. She did not maintain a historic polling lead as Biden has been doing. fact the polls gave her a wider margin than they are giving Biden.

No, they did not. A few polls actually had Trump ahead at this point. This information is easily verifiable, so stop being so God damned retarded



Nearly ALL of the above are within the Margin of Error and New Hampshire and Nevada are not even considered Swing States both have been basically voting Democrat for some time.

Also with the EXCEPTION of Minnesota Biden is under 50% in ALL of them and as I said nearly ALL of them are within the Margin of Error and so those polls are meaningless. In 2016 the polls from ALL those States showed Hillary with larger leads than Biden and ALL OUTSIDE the Margin of Error and what happened was that The Donald won in ALL those States EXCEPT New Hampshire and Nevada because as I already said they have been voting Democrat for some time already.

According to 538, Biden's current lead in MI (6.9%) PA (5.4%) and WI (6.7%) are all outside the margin of error. He flips those and holds everything Hillary won, he wins.

Biden is also outside of the margin of error in MN (8.7%) NV (6.4%) and NH (6.9%), all blue states. AZ (3.6%), which voted red in 2016, is right on the edge of the margin of error. He is leading but within the margin of error in OH (1%) FL (1.7%) and NC (1.1%)

Trump is leading within the margin of error in GA (1.1%) IA (0.8%) and TX (1.9%).

That doesn't mean Biden is guaranteed to win, of course. But polling is much different today than it was in 2016. There are many more state polls now, and the methodology is much better. Most polls have also adjusted for the biases from 2016, namely the under-representation of non-college educated voters.

Finally, another big difference is the number of voters who are undecided. In 2016, it was 13-15%, and Trump won those by almost 20 points. In the six swing states where Biden is leading in all of them, undecideds are just over 6%. Even if Trump wins undecideds by 20 points, Biden would still win five of those six states, assuming polls hold. fact the polls gave her a wider margin than they are giving Biden.



According to RCP, on September 29, 2016, Clinton was ahead by 3%. On September 29, 2020, Biden is ahead by 6.1%.


Nearly ALL of the above are within the Margin of Error and New Hampshire and Nevada are not even considered Swing States both have been basically voting Democrat for some time.

Also with the EXCEPTION of Minnesota Biden is under 50% in ALL of them and as I said nearly ALL of them are within the Margin of Error and so those polls are meaningless. In 2016 the polls from ALL those States showed Hillary with larger leads than Biden and ALL OUTSIDE the Margin of Error and what happened was that The Donald won in ALL those States EXCEPT New Hampshire and Nevada because as I already said they have been voting Democrat for some time already.
You have a good point about the value of polls when it comes to actual voting. Many Clinton supporters did not actually vote; they may have thought that she would win anyway.
This time around, it may be very different. The non-Trumpsters are energized and will more likely vote, including the old fashioned Republicans who are disgusted with Trump’s antics and anti-NATO and anti-WHO stances.
The dems that didn't vote in 2016 are on the rolls this time and can't wait to vote. Can you say President Joe Biden? Wow!
Not so fast! Biden will have to remain calm and focused when desperate Trump tries to rile him up on family matters or his age.
If Trump succeeds in getting negative press attention away from his stupidity and onto Biden’s Irish emotions, swing voters may reconsider and not vote at all.

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