Trump is not draining the swamp he is pardoning the swamp

Trump is not draining the swamp he is pardoning the swamp.
The list of those pardoned are a den of thieves that have abused their power from goverment positions to line their own pockets.
Trump is an embarrassment

What government agencies did Stone, Manafort, and Kushner work att?
Trump is not draining the swamp he is pardoning the swamp.
The list of those pardoned are a den of thieves that have abused their power from goverment positions to line their own pockets.
Trump is an embarrassment
Not all of them:

President Trump pardons Utah man who served 13 years for selling marijuana

Weldon Angelos was among 15 people pardoned by President Donald Trump on Tuesday.

Angelos's case made national headlines when he was sentenced in 2004 to a mandatory minimum of 55 years in prison for selling marijuana. The penalty was higher because Angelos had a gun with him, though he didn't use it.
Over the years, hundreds of people petitioned the White House to commute Angelos's sentence, including the judge who sentenced him.
Angelos was released from prison in 2016 after serving 13 years.
White House staffers wrote that Angelos's pardon was supported by Sen. Mike Lee, former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman, and criminal justice reform advocate Alice Johnson.
Since his release, Angelos has become an advocate for criminal justice reform "and champion of giving second chances," White House staff wrote.
"His story has been cited as an inspiration for sentencing reform, including the First Step Act, and he participated in a Prison Reform Summit at the White House in 2018. In his own words, Mr. Angelos wants 'to become whole again and put the bad choices in the past and continue changing the world for the better.'"
Trump is not draining the swamp he is pardoning the swamp.
The list of those pardoned are a den of thieves that have abused their power from goverment positions to line their own pockets.
Trump is an embarrassment
Congratulations on putting this tripe in Political Satire where it belongs.
Trump is not draining the swamp he is pardoning the swamp.
The list of those pardoned are a den of thieves that have abused their power from goverment positions to line their own pockets.
Trump is an embarrassment
Congratulations on putting this tripe in Political Satire where it belongs.

You have no idea what satire actually is?
Trump is giving pardons to all the innocent people persecuted by the communist democrat's Russia hoax. As he shoukd.
Trump is not draining the swamp he is pardoning the swamp.
The list of those pardoned are a den of thieves that have abused their power from goverment positions to line their own pockets.
Trump is an embarrassment

Biden is the expert on "abused their power from government positions to line their own pockets"

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