Trump is now the blame for the 'border crisis'

Trump is pressuring house Republicans to kill the bipartisan border deal in the Senate so that he can blame Biden for it. The problem is that by killing the deal the problem is now his fault.

Trump doesn't give a crap about America, just himself.

P.S. He also is hoping for a recession (his words not mine).
Why are they keeping the details of this plan secret, Dope!
McConnell has offered to kill it....Donald exerted no pressure whatsoever. Didn't even ask.

So this is another smear campaign....
Everything that goes wrong in the entire universe is the fault of Donald J.Trump. Next he will be blamed for global warming and starting WWIII.

Trump is Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon and Genghis Khan, all rolled up into one.
(At least that is what the liberals and the Republican Never Trumpers would have you belIeve.)

Trump is human and far from perfect but he is nowhere near as bad as the Dems and the liberal media try to convince voters. He does have a big ego and is often belligerent and at times obnoxious, but he was likely the best President in modern history. Far better than Joe Biden who (in my opinion) is the worst President in modern history.
So what percentage of Americans are living in caves?
More than one, see how i told you the Marxist/Demofascists would try to marginalize the FACTS...Shame it isnt you, you worthless piece of shit, but maybe the way Joe Bidumb is fundamentally changing the economy you too, can have a cave all to your own, along with all the diseased illegals crossing the southern border.
More than one, see how i told you the Marxist/Demofascists would try to marginalize the FACTS...Shame it isnt you, you worthless piece of shit, but maybe the way Joe Bidumb is fundamentally changing the economy you too, can have a cave all to your own, along with all the diseased illegals crossing the southern border.
With all the standard economic metrics showing that the economy is strong.... You counter with a story about a few people living in caves. I'm not really sure how I could respond without marginalizing that.
/——/ Because, instead of a clean border bill, dementia Joe tacked on $110 billion for Ukraine.
That why Trump is against it. But, you already knew that.
If there is a recession now, democRATs can’t blame Trump for causing it when he takes office.
Are you fucking serious?

After all the noise you fuck heads made about the border, you’d trash this just to screw over Ukraine?
Are you fucking serious?

After all the noise you fuck heads made about the border, you’d trash this just to screw over Ukraine?
/----/ If you want border security, present a clean bill. If you want to send aid to Ukraine, send a clean bill. Each should stand on its own.

Trump is pressuring house Republicans to kill the bipartisan border deal in the Senate so that he can blame Biden for it. The problem is that by killing the deal the problem is now his fault.

Trump doesn't give a crap about America, just himself.

P.S. He also is hoping for a recession (his words not mine).
Pssst. Not sure if you've heard but Trump isnt President nor is he in Congress. He's not in any elected office. You cant blame him for Biden's failed policy no matter how much you may want to.
Yeah, it is, because you all don’t want a “solution”.

Do you think Biden would sign a bill that stopped the flow of illegals? What’s in the bill? Oh, I’ll give you a paltry amount for your border security just as long as you give me everything else I want. The bill will likely do nothing to stop illegal crossings..which is exactly my point. Trump wants to use it as a campaign ad, and Biden doesn’t want to close the this benefits both parties.

Also, if I’m reading the right article, trump never told McConnell to kill the bill, he just said don’t agree to it unless the repubs get everything they want.

Now, I’ll be straight with you, I don’t personally believe trump should be doing this…as he’s not the president…but, at the end of the day, doesn’t NOT securing the border give both sides what they want?
Biden has stated his willingness to sign a bi-partisan compromise

He WILL sign whatever bill comes out of the Senate.

Trump sees that as a win for Biden so he is dead set against it
or because the funds the Biden admin is asking for arent tagged to actually stop illegal immigration. But you know details, whatever. It's probably just easier to blame the guy who's not in office.
You mean the guy who claims this is the biggest issue in America and is preventing anything that would solve it

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