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Trump is Right Again; Our Nation is Led By Idiots, Fools, and Crooks


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Not just harsh words but true words here. The catastrophic blunders by our political leadership is just inexcusable.

1. Hillary wont come clean about her email servers while Secretary of State and now the guy who set them up is pleading the fifth in testimony before Congress, which only serves to bolster the suspicions regarding Clintons purpose in setting up this illegal private server in the first place. I would bet she has some minor violations of the law, but after the way the Obama Regime used an extremely picky technicality to purge Petreaus, Hillary has no cover for even minor violations. But still just get it done, over with and in the rear view mirror, for God's sake and move on. But whatever is keeping her from clearing the air is sucking the life out of her Presidential campaign and sending the ghost of Richard Nixon reeling with laughter. Fool? Idiot? Arrogant Crook? Take your pick.

2. The Senate Republicans are all in anguish about the Iran agreement, and yet they were the ones that gave Obama fast track like powers in approving this treaty. If that treaty is so God awful important, and I believe it truly is, then why in the hell did Republicans agree to let Obama fast track it anyway in the first place? Idiots and fools wailing in regret at their own stupidity is a concise summary of this debacle.

3. George Soros is a Marxist from Hungary during the evil Communist run days, and he is a complete market rigging exploitation master. Decades ago he made his fortune by shorting the British Pound then cleverly spread rumors that the Brits were about to devalue their currency, and he made a windfall on that. He is replicating his windfall today, helping Obama get elected where Soros knew that Obama would attack the coal industry, and Obama has. Coal stocks have been gutted, reduced to almost penny stock status. And guess who sweeps in to buy them all at rock bottom prices he helped to put there? Yep, George Soros - the biggest Crook in the Western world and financial source for Black Lies Matter.

4. George Goodell is not a politician, at least not formally, but he is one of our elite Masters of the Universe and he has dictatorial power in the NFL. He has been repeatedly rebuked by the courts for being a heavy handed ass hat, trying to punish NFL players like they were slaves on his plantation instead of the some of the highest paid entertainers in the world. He just got his ass handed to him by a federal judge who seemed to be shocked that Goodell has this absurd notion of fairness that allows Goodell to be the investigator of Deflategate, the Judge and then the Arbitrator as well. Imagine that, a New York judge with problems about heavy handed bureaucrats. Goodell lost his case, quite predictably, and now he is going to double down on his stupidity by dragging all this through the legal system again with an appeal of the federal judges decision. As he does so he makes the NFL look stupid and its owners look like detached fools who cant be bothered to find a top executive officer who isn't led by an 800 pound ego. Fools, idiots and crooks.

5. Jeb Bush is trying to do the impossible, selling a presidential dynasty to the American public. but on the way to his coronation he got tripped up by a billionaire who wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth named Donald Trump and Trump has been playing Bush like a toy fiddle. Trump provokes Bush by telling the public about Bushes claim that illegal aliens are here because they love America and shows a background of some of the most notorious criminal illegals, and then describes Bush publicly as a 'low energy' candidate. Bush tries to hit back by showing Trump's past as a Democrat supporter and opportunist, then Trump carpet bombs Jeb Bush by playing videos of Bush praising Clinton for her fine career in politics and of W Bush saying that the love the Bush family has for Hillary makes her his sister. A sad story that has been repeated several times now and will likely repeat till Jeb bows out and waits for his coronation some time down the road. Jeb cant win because he is playing political checkers against Trumps business dealer chess. And despite the repeated reversals, he still doesn't get it. Any novice could tell Bush how to beat Trump and turn the tables on that guy, but this guy is a pro surrounded by political pros and they cant see it? If they cant find the key to the Trump machine, how can they expect to lead the free world against the Chicoms and Russians who will literally devour him if they get the chance? A fool and an idiot.

I could go on and on, but how is it that these men who have attended some of our finest universities and have risen among our top elite oligarch families, how can these people be such clowns?

The suspicion arises that the moral rot and intellectual rigor needed to survive in this world no longer dwells in the halls our top snobs lurk in. If so their time has passed and we need to brace ourselves for a very tumultuous decade ahead. Our nation is broken and even Jesus Christ, let alone Trump, wont be able to put it together again.
Well hello. We've been led by idiots fools and crooks for decades.

We keep electing them to lead and we keep getting same results.

Idiots. Fools. Crooks.

One would think we would smarten up.
Idiots and fools wailing in regret at their own stupidity is a concise summary of this debacle."

Its also a concise summary of most posts by conservatives. Especially your post above. Want some cheese with your whine?

Clinton is the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party and will likely win by 5-6 points over whomever you guys can get to be saddled with the GOP nomination. Bush and Christie would be closer but it looks like the Democrats have avoided running against a GOP with heavyweight credentials.

Points 2 and 3 are not worth responding to which (for your posts) is really saying something.

Roger Goodell? Okay.

As for Jeb; he's waiting for the enivitable Trump screw-up. It won't be long. But yes, his candidacy is a disappointment in terms of campaign energy. If he is on the ballot in November 2016...you'll vote for him.

Can we assume that if you feel the nation is broken and your god can't put it back together that you'll be leaving sometime soon? I mean, hell, you've been cheering for our downfall for years now. Put up or shut up.
Woe is us! Woe is us! Especially when we look and see that this nation is headed left and leaving the nutbags in the dust!

Fight it. It's your last grasp. Hold on tight.
Well hello. We've been led by idiots fools and crooks for decades.

We keep electing them to lead and we keep getting same results.

Idiots. Fools. Crooks.

One would think we would smarten up.

Well, the establishment in DC has a lot of money available to them and they hire the best liars, swindlers and con artists to advise them.

I am not sure that makes us guilty of being fools but we have been foolish. We have stopped making politics the nations past time as one wag once put it. We have somehow come to trust these windbags and decided to enjoy life. All that accomplished was to give the crooks carte blanche to take over everything in DC.

But it is never too late to clean house and we need to start by electing someone who is from outside the DC establishment and who wont be dependent on the DC establishment for advisors and thinkers.
Woe is us! Woe is us! Especially when we look and see that this nation is headed left and leaving the nutbags in the dust!

Fight it. It's your last grasp. Hold on tight.
The nation has been heading left for a long time...you got one thing right today. This is one of the reasons why the nation is in so much turmoil. Leftism leads to bigger more controlling government lead by fools and crooks....what could go wrong?
Woe is us! Woe is us! Especially when we look and see that this nation is headed left and leaving the nutbags in the dust!

Fight it. It's your last grasp. Hold on tight.
Mockery and ridicule are the last resort of fools and haters like you, LL.

Why don't you go find yourself some small children to bully and feel like a tough guy again?
Idiots and fools wailing in regret at their own stupidity is a concise summary of this debacle."

Its also a concise summary of most posts by conservatives. Especially your post above. Want some cheese with your whine?

Clinton is the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party and will likely win by 5-6 points over whomever you guys can get to be saddled with the GOP nomination. Bush and Christie would be closer but it looks like the Democrats have avoided running against a GOP with heavyweight credentials.

Points 2 and 3 are not worth responding to which (for your posts) is really saying something.

Roger Goodell? Okay.

As for Jeb; he's waiting for the enivitable Trump screw-up. It won't be long. But yes, his candidacy is a disappointment in terms of campaign energy. If he is on the ballot in November 2016...you'll vote for him.

Can we assume that if you feel the nation is broken and your god can't put it back together that you'll be leaving sometime soon? I mean, hell, you've been cheering for our downfall for years now. Put up or shut up.

Lol, again you rise to the top of the pile to remind us all of what an ass you are. You confuse what you see. I am not whining, as I have pretty much given up on America regaining its former greatness. I am kind of chortling in disbelief that our best and brightest are these jack asses. Your breying has simply provided a backdrop of the worst of the worst in our political system. You neither understand what is going on, care to fix anything and get in the way of the honest souls who try.

And all the while you haven't the slightest clue of what is at stake, and what things will be like when the end comes, because you are too big a nincompoop to bother thinking about it.
Woe is us! Woe is us! Especially when we look and see that this nation is headed left and leaving the nutbags in the dust!

Fight it. It's your last grasp. Hold on tight.
The nation has been heading left for a long time...you got one thing right today. This is one of the reasons why the nation is in so much turmoil. Leftism leads to bigger more controlling government lead by fools and crooks....what could go wrong?

Yes, the leftist groups began as idealistic classic liberal causes, trying to fix existing problems, but they got taken over from the inside by Marxists who came out of our humanities departments at the university as closet fascists intent on unmaking America. The GOP has in turn been taken over by the liberal refugees from the Democratic who still think that if only we talk to the Dragon nicely it might eat everyone else, but it wont eat us.

I am afraid that the political, social and economic structure of this country will have to be turned upside down, rattled then busted all to hell before enough opportunity will present itself to allow those who still love it to fix it.
It's too funny.

When you ask a nutbag if we need to hold politicians accountable and stop them from catering to special interests....they always answer in the affirmative.

But......when you suggest that we demand legislation that takes the fucking money out of politics, these same nutbags tell you that money is free speech and it's tough shit.

One side of the aisle has influential leaders who want to kill citizens united and take steps toward making our electoral process more fair. The other side does not.
It's too funny.

When you ask a nutbag if we need to hold politicians accountable and stop them from catering to special interests....they always answer in the affirmative.

But......when you suggest that we demand legislation that takes the fucking money out of politics, these same nutbags tell you that money is free speech and it's tough shit.

One side of the aisle has influential leaders who want to kill citizens united and take steps toward making our electoral process more fair. The other side does not.
You lefties love to believe Citizens United is the problem and as usual you are wrong again. Even if it were overturned, money would still flow from the wealthy to the pols to buy influence. Why did your beloved D party not push to change the law, when they had the power to do it?

You need to find non-liberal sources of information. You fail to learn anything getting all your information from slanted partisan sources.
It's too funny.

When you ask a nutbag if we need to hold politicians accountable and stop them from catering to special interests....they always answer in the affirmative.

But......when you suggest that we demand legislation that takes the fucking money out of politics, these same nutbags tell you that money is free speech and it's tough shit.

One side of the aisle has influential leaders who want to kill citizens united and take steps toward making our electoral process more fair. The other side does not.
You lefties love to believe Citizens United is the problem and as usual you are wrong again. Even if it were overturned, money would still flow from the wealthy to the pols to buy influence. Why did your beloved D party not push to change the law, when they had the power to do it?

You need to find non-liberal sources of information. You fail to learn anything getting all your information from slanted partisan sources.

Yo, Gipper.....

Are you in favor of the CU ruling or against it?

Straight up......just answer.
It's too funny.

When you ask a nutbag if we need to hold politicians accountable and stop them from catering to special interests....they always answer in the affirmative.

But......when you suggest that we demand legislation that takes the fucking money out of politics, these same nutbags tell you that money is free speech and it's tough shit.

One side of the aisle has influential leaders who want to kill citizens united and take steps toward making our electoral process more fair. The other side does not.
You lefties love to believe Citizens United is the problem and as usual you are wrong again. Even if it were overturned, money would still flow from the wealthy to the pols to buy influence. Why did your beloved D party not push to change the law, when they had the power to do it?

You need to find non-liberal sources of information. You fail to learn anything getting all your information from slanted partisan sources.

Yo, Gipper.....

Are you in favor of the CU ruling or against it?

Straight up......just answer.
Overturn it now.

I know you think EVERYONE on the right thinks the SC ruling is great, because your slanted left wing news sources tell you this lie...and you are foolish for believing the lie...and it is but one lie you are told daily and accept by the left media.

Get money out of politics with public funding of all federal campaigns. Then impose term limits on Congress. Two terms is all they get, just like the POTUS.

Try not to be a fool. The D party LOVES Citizens United.
It's too funny.

When you ask a nutbag if we need to hold politicians accountable and stop them from catering to special interests....they always answer in the affirmative.

But......when you suggest that we demand legislation that takes the fucking money out of politics, these same nutbags tell you that money is free speech and it's tough shit.

One side of the aisle has influential leaders who want to kill citizens united and take steps toward making our electoral process more fair. The other side does not.
You lefties love to believe Citizens United is the problem and as usual you are wrong again. Even if it were overturned, money would still flow from the wealthy to the pols to buy influence. Why did your beloved D party not push to change the law, when they had the power to do it?

You need to find non-liberal sources of information. You fail to learn anything getting all your information from slanted partisan sources.

Yo, Gipper.....

Are you in favor of the CU ruling or against it?

Straight up......just answer.
Overturn it now.

I know you think EVERYONE on the right thinks the SC ruling is great, because your slanted left wing news sources tell you this lie...and you are foolish for believing the lie...and it is but one lie you are told daily and accept by the left media.

Get money out of politics with public funding of all federal campaigns. Then impose term limits on Congress. Two terms is all they get, just like the POTUS.

Try not to be a fool. The D party LOVES Citizens United.

I asked ....you answered. Then you added bullshit. Why?

I know many people on the right who don't agree with CU.......what makes you think I don't? Did someone tell you that all lefties think all righties love CU? You wouldn't be a lemming would you?

Please name the republican politicians who have proposed ending CU.

It's too funny.

When you ask a nutbag if we need to hold politicians accountable and stop them from catering to special interests....they always answer in the affirmative.

But......when you suggest that we demand legislation that takes the fucking money out of politics, these same nutbags tell you that money is free speech and it's tough shit.

One side of the aisle has influential leaders who want to kill citizens united and take steps toward making our electoral process more fair. The other side does not.
You lefties love to believe Citizens United is the problem and as usual you are wrong again. Even if it were overturned, money would still flow from the wealthy to the pols to buy influence. Why did your beloved D party not push to change the law, when they had the power to do it?

You need to find non-liberal sources of information. You fail to learn anything getting all your information from slanted partisan sources.

Yo, Gipper.....

Are you in favor of the CU ruling or against it?

Straight up......just answer.
Overturn it now.

I know you think EVERYONE on the right thinks the SC ruling is great, because your slanted left wing news sources tell you this lie...and you are foolish for believing the lie...and it is but one lie you are told daily and accept by the left media.

Get money out of politics with public funding of all federal campaigns. Then impose term limits on Congress. Two terms is all they get, just like the POTUS.

Try not to be a fool. The D party LOVES Citizens United.

I asked ....you answered. Then you added bullshit. Why?

I know many people on the right who don't agree with CU.......what makes you think I don't? Did someone tell you that all lefties think all righties love CU? You wouldn't be a lemming would you?

Please name the republican politicians who have proposed ending CU.


The Rs love CU just as much as the Ds. I know your media tells you the Rs are evil, but the reality is they are no different from your beloved Ds.

You have been duped again. Wake the FUCK up!
It's too funny.

When you ask a nutbag if we need to hold politicians accountable and stop them from catering to special interests....they always answer in the affirmative.

But......when you suggest that we demand legislation that takes the fucking money out of politics, these same nutbags tell you that money is free speech and it's tough shit.

One side of the aisle has influential leaders who want to kill citizens united and take steps toward making our electoral process more fair. The other side does not.
You lefties love to believe Citizens United is the problem and as usual you are wrong again. Even if it were overturned, money would still flow from the wealthy to the pols to buy influence. Why did your beloved D party not push to change the law, when they had the power to do it?

You need to find non-liberal sources of information. You fail to learn anything getting all your information from slanted partisan sources.

Yo, Gipper.....

Are you in favor of the CU ruling or against it?

Straight up......just answer.
Overturn it now.

I know you think EVERYONE on the right thinks the SC ruling is great, because your slanted left wing news sources tell you this lie...and you are foolish for believing the lie...and it is but one lie you are told daily and accept by the left media.

Get money out of politics with public funding of all federal campaigns. Then impose term limits on Congress. Two terms is all they get, just like the POTUS.

Try not to be a fool. The D party LOVES Citizens United.

I asked ....you answered. Then you added bullshit. Why?

I know many people on the right who don't agree with CU.......what makes you think I don't? Did someone tell you that all lefties think all righties love CU? You wouldn't be a lemming would you?

Please name the republican politicians who have proposed ending CU.


The Rs love CU just as much as the Ds. I know your media tells you the Rs are evil, but the reality is they are no different from your beloved Ds.

You have been duped again. Wake the FUCK up!

You have no examples? Would you like the list of democrats who have proposed ending CU? Or......is it unimportant?
One would think we would smarten up.

please do not say "we".., i am rather certain you, like myself do not vote for nor support those political idiots who just keep on kissing O'Husseinbama's ass.., if i had the power, i would put them all in prison strip them of their rights (temporarily, maybe 10 years) and appoint Constitutionalists, America loving patriots who would return America to Americans!!!!
You lefties love to believe Citizens United is the problem and as usual you are wrong again. Even if it were overturned, money would still flow from the wealthy to the pols to buy influence. Why did your beloved D party not push to change the law, when they had the power to do it?

You need to find non-liberal sources of information. You fail to learn anything getting all your information from slanted partisan sources.

Yo, Gipper.....

Are you in favor of the CU ruling or against it?

Straight up......just answer.
Overturn it now.

I know you think EVERYONE on the right thinks the SC ruling is great, because your slanted left wing news sources tell you this lie...and you are foolish for believing the lie...and it is but one lie you are told daily and accept by the left media.

Get money out of politics with public funding of all federal campaigns. Then impose term limits on Congress. Two terms is all they get, just like the POTUS.

Try not to be a fool. The D party LOVES Citizens United.

I asked ....you answered. Then you added bullshit. Why?

I know many people on the right who don't agree with CU.......what makes you think I don't? Did someone tell you that all lefties think all righties love CU? You wouldn't be a lemming would you?

Please name the republican politicians who have proposed ending CU.


The Rs love CU just as much as the Ds. I know your media tells you the Rs are evil, but the reality is they are no different from your beloved Ds.

You have been duped again. Wake the FUCK up!

You have no examples? Would you like the list of democrats who have proposed ending CU? Or......is it unimportant?
No need for the list. I know there are many Ds PROPOSING to end CU...I also know they are not truthful, but you don't. Duped again.
Yo, Gipper.....

Are you in favor of the CU ruling or against it?

Straight up......just answer.
Overturn it now.

I know you think EVERYONE on the right thinks the SC ruling is great, because your slanted left wing news sources tell you this lie...and you are foolish for believing the lie...and it is but one lie you are told daily and accept by the left media.

Get money out of politics with public funding of all federal campaigns. Then impose term limits on Congress. Two terms is all they get, just like the POTUS.

Try not to be a fool. The D party LOVES Citizens United.

I asked ....you answered. Then you added bullshit. Why?

I know many people on the right who don't agree with CU.......what makes you think I don't? Did someone tell you that all lefties think all righties love CU? You wouldn't be a lemming would you?

Please name the republican politicians who have proposed ending CU.


The Rs love CU just as much as the Ds. I know your media tells you the Rs are evil, but the reality is they are no different from your beloved Ds.

You have been duped again. Wake the FUCK up!

You have no examples? Would you like the list of democrats who have proposed ending CU? Or......is it unimportant?
No need for the list. I know there are many Ds PROPOSING to end CU...I also know they are not truthful, but you don't. Duped again.

Oh! Nothing any politician ever says is honest, eh?

You go with that. It's gotten you so far.

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