Trump is so jealous of Obama. Must be because

Underserved white population, LOL. Hillary won the popular vote by more than 3 million, The archaic electoral college was the card that at crafty, sly T-rump played. The electoral college gives individuals in the boondocks who are uneducated racists more power in their vote than the rest of the nation. Every vote in the US should be equal. T-rump won because redneck bigots and ignoramuses had move power in their individual votes than more moderate, educated people. That's why his rallies were reminicent of Hitler's WWII rallies that blamed the Jews for everything.

The electoral college is no more archaic than the First Amendment.

Your race baiting is noted and held against you. You are a race baiting asshole.

The system was designed to not let larger states oppress the smaller ones. It is still working. Fuck California.

Trump won because he flipped Rust Belt states that voted for Obama twice. I hope the voters there are listening to people like you smear them, and remember what you libs think of them.

Your Godwin is noted and dismissed as idiocy. YOu lose.
Wow. That's very sad of you.
No. Its just very sad for his wife.

Your need to tell yourself that his penis is small, is sad for you.

I can't imagine what you are getting out of believing that. Because I'm not pathetic like you.

you post cartoons depicting trump as thor & captain ameica. that really REALLY is the epitome of pathetic. lord knows what you get out of that.

I've explained that multiple times.

Quite often the level of "debate" from you lefties drops to a level where I can't stoop to your level using words.

A comic book cartoon response seems the only logical response, where I can "Refute" your idiocy on the same level that you serve it up.

I guess I should not be surprised that this simple concept is beyond you.

Or are you just lying when you pretend to not know that?

That you took this to your creepy place, that's on you.


you have never "explained" anything. you aren't smart enough to explain anything. there is no "debate" with trumptards. so it is quite funny that you demand "debate" from people who know you're liars.

You also cannot "debate" facts. Facts exist whether you believe in them or not. Perhaps that is the problem with your idea of "debate". it requires that one suspend belief and pretend that facts don't exist.... only rightwingnut trumptard lies.

so there ya go....


No, only did I explain before, but I just explained again, you moron.
You said IQ is something that was "made up" by "white people" to "make themselves feel better" for "being twices civilized by blacks". IQ testing and race had nothing to do with each other until the 1920s and the first IQ test was developed between 1905 and 1908 for sole purpose of placement for school. nothing with race my friend
It is. Thats why they hang on to it and claim Blacks are not smart by pointing to it. What they dont get is most Blacks know its just a racist game and whites arent smart enough to device a test for intelligence. They lack the intellect to do so.

Dude. He has humiliated you, and your blatant denial of the reality just reveals you to be insanely dishonest.

no...donald the moron is the one who humiliates the country on a daily basis.

YOur tears of pain amuse me.
He loves the poorly educated!

And it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see why.

Your arrogance and bigotry is noted and held against you.

President Trump spoke out for Middle America, who's interests had been ignored by both parties for a long, long time.

You name calling reflects on you, not them.

Oh yes he did, I remember. And I quote, "how stupid are the people of Iowa?" He said that TO Iowa. IN Iowa.

And the state then voted for him in the GE so this could be one of those stopped-clock moments where he was actually right; it certainly "reflects on them" doesn't it.

But that's Rump's name-calling , not mine.

President Trump spoke out for Middle America, who's interests had been ignored by both parties for a long, long time.

You name calling reflects on you, not them.

I didn't call any names, Dreamboat. In the quoted example, Rump did.

And when you first got here, you did. To wit: "racist". An explanation for which, from which, you courageously ran away.

Claiming that Trump must be jealous of Obama because Obama is black,

implies that being black is inherently better than being white.

That's pure racism.

Actually that's pure illiteracy. On two counts.

Count one --- this isn't even my thread. Fucking DUH. And the OP that brought it up suggests THREE factors --- "younger, smarter and black-skinned", which was compared to "old, dumb and orange". Out of those six comparators you chose one to fixate on, ignoring the fact that Rump deliberately paints himself orange --- which is not a race anyway. In other words O'bama has natural skin while Rump is painting himself orange.

ORANGE IS NOT A RACE. I pointed this out in my first post here. See below. You're trying to compare one guy having a natural skin color and leaving it that way, with another guy who paints his own face orange, presumably because he can't stand what it looks like in its natural state.

That kind of obsession certainly IS the stuff of jealousy. Do you think Rump would deliberately paint his own face orange if he didn't think, in his tiny undeveloped juvenile mind, that he had to?

Count two --- to suggest Rump is jealous of O'bama because the latter is black -- or because he doesn't have to paint his face, or for any other reason ---- says nothing about the mindset of the opiner. It describes the mindset of the subject described as "jealous" --- which would be Rump.


Think about it.

But while we're here let's examine and recount the actual depth and depravity of your stupidity, shall we?

Here's your first post here and mine in response:

1. Younger? Maybe. Trump is old, and probably does not have a lot of time left.

2. smarter? LOL!!! Trump was right about how to win, when all you lefties, and all the political class and all the pollsters and all the media were sure he would lose.

3. Black? Well, that's pretty racist of you.

How do you make that "racist"? Do you have no clue what the word means?
Or do you actually think orange is a race?

And the brightest and best you could come up with to that challenge was the rhetorically inebriated:

I think that black is a race, and you seem to think that being it is better.

THat's the text book definition of racism.

I know you libs think it is just something to throw at people when it suits your purpose to do so, but it is a real word with a real, formal definition.

And you met it.


See where we are Sprinkles? *YOU* brought up "racists" in response to the question of whether you think "orange" is a race, plus the ass-sumption you plug in that one of them is 'superior'.

But if you get right down to it, not-having-to-paint-yourself-orange *IS* superior than being self-condemned to that sort of mindless vanity. Is it not?

Go ahead, make the case that a klown who needs to paint himself orange would rather keep doing that than face the world as himself.

Speaking of which exactly how much narcissistic self-delusion does it take to walk around obviously painted orange, and ass-sume nobody will notice?
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You said IQ is something that was "made up" by "white people" to "make themselves feel better" for "being twices civilized by blacks". IQ testing and race had nothing to do with each other until the 1920s and the first IQ test was developed between 1905 and 1908 for sole purpose of placement for school. nothing with race my friend
It is. Thats why they hang on to it and claim Blacks are not smart by pointing to it. What they dont get is most Blacks know its just a racist game and whites arent smart enough to device a test for intelligence. They lack the intellect to do so.

Dude. He has humiliated you, and your blatant denial of the reality just reveals you to be insanely dishonest.
You have humiliated yourself. Like most whites you lack the intelligence to see reality.
You said IQ is something that was "made up" by "white people" to "make themselves feel better" for "being twices civilized by blacks". IQ testing and race had nothing to do with each other until the 1920s and the first IQ test was developed between 1905 and 1908 for sole purpose of placement for school. nothing with race my friend
It is. Thats why they hang on to it and claim Blacks are not smart by pointing to it. What they dont get is most Blacks know its just a racist game and whites arent smart enough to device a test for intelligence. They lack the intellect to do so.

Dude. He has humiliated you, and your blatant denial of the reality just reveals you to be insanely dishonest.
You have humiliated yourself. Like most whites you lack the intelligence to see reality.
Nice come back Asclepias! Very original! I can tell you weren't one to pick on in high school with those quick come backs. Good job buddy! You really don't like white people do you? Has a white even done anything personal to you?
Why do you hate white people so bad?
And why does everything have to be race with you? Lonely miserable lost soul, really wasting all you energy hating white for no legit personal reason. You probably are single, living in your mothers basement. You blame white people for everything don't you? Do you know how stupid you sound, "whites aren't smart" "whites suck" "I hate whites" dude grow up. You are part of the problem. But let me guess you are not racist? Or wait it is ok for you to be racist, but when a white person turns racist you will make a big deal about.
Do you know how blacks sound when they start crying and blaming whites for everything pulling the race card and because I'm black are your white. I have well educated black friends that are embarrassed by blacks that act that way. Its 2017 I think its time to forget about what our ancestors did to each other. You weren't the only race that had to endure slavery. There is no alive to this day from that unfortunate piece of time.
I bet you have no real logical, reasonable answer to why you don't like white people? Racism is immaturity and ignorance to the fullest. I'm white and most of my friends are black, they would just look at you and shake their heads and call you a fool.
You said IQ is something that was "made up" by "white people" to "make themselves feel better" for "being twices civilized by blacks". IQ testing and race had nothing to do with each other until the 1920s and the first IQ test was developed between 1905 and 1908 for sole purpose of placement for school. nothing with race my friend
It is. Thats why they hang on to it and claim Blacks are not smart by pointing to it. What they dont get is most Blacks know its just a racist game and whites arent smart enough to device a test for intelligence. They lack the intellect to do so.

Dude. He has humiliated you, and your blatant denial of the reality just reveals you to be insanely dishonest.
You have humiliated yourself. Like most whites you lack the intelligence to see reality.
I see reality very vividly, no one said anything about race and you have to make everything about race. You really show how immature and uneducated you are. Lashing out for no reason being racist and honestly I really do not appreciate your racist remarks and calling us whites out of our name and character. I'm sure I'm not the only that finds you very annoying and a nuisance to the board. I think its time to grow up and get with it. At first I didn't mind it I just thought this person probably grew up in a racist family its not his fault. But you take it to far, calling us dumb because of even dumber reasons, come on man. Get those panties out of the bunch you had them in for who knows how long now, get your self a girl/ dude whatever you into, and enjoy life. Hey even go make a white friend or two.
You said IQ is something that was "made up" by "white people" to "make themselves feel better" for "being twices civilized by blacks". IQ testing and race had nothing to do with each other until the 1920s and the first IQ test was developed between 1905 and 1908 for sole purpose of placement for school. nothing with race my friend
It is. Thats why they hang on to it and claim Blacks are not smart by pointing to it. What they dont get is most Blacks know its just a racist game and whites arent smart enough to device a test for intelligence. They lack the intellect to do so.

Dude. He has humiliated you, and your blatant denial of the reality just reveals you to be insanely dishonest.
You have humiliated yourself. Like most whites you lack the intelligence to see reality.
Seriously dude is that what you say to everything. You excuse or answer for everything is either, "whites are to dumb to know anything." and "Everything whites do is racist."
You said IQ is something that was "made up" by "white people" to "make themselves feel better" for "being twices civilized by blacks". IQ testing and race had nothing to do with each other until the 1920s and the first IQ test was developed between 1905 and 1908 for sole purpose of placement for school. nothing with race my friend
It is. Thats why they hang on to it and claim Blacks are not smart by pointing to it. What they dont get is most Blacks know its just a racist game and whites arent smart enough to device a test for intelligence. They lack the intellect to do so.

Dude. He has humiliated you, and your blatant denial of the reality just reveals you to be insanely dishonest.
You have humiliated yourself. Like most whites you lack the intelligence to see reality.
And you really make no sense at all man. I wish you can see yourself from our point of view.
You said IQ is something that was "made up" by "white people" to "make themselves feel better" for "being twices civilized by blacks". IQ testing and race had nothing to do with each other until the 1920s and the first IQ test was developed between 1905 and 1908 for sole purpose of placement for school. nothing with race my friend
It is. Thats why they hang on to it and claim Blacks are not smart by pointing to it. What they dont get is most Blacks know its just a racist game and whites arent smart enough to device a test for intelligence. They lack the intellect to do so.

Dude. He has humiliated you, and your blatant denial of the reality just reveals you to be insanely dishonest.
You have humiliated yourself. Like most whites you lack the intelligence to see reality.
And you really make no sense at all man. I wish you can see yourself from our point of view.
What makes sense to you is of no interest to me. I could care less about your point of view to be honest. When you learn to see your people as the racists they are then you will have the credibility needed for me to consider your point of view.
You said IQ is something that was "made up" by "white people" to "make themselves feel better" for "being twices civilized by blacks". IQ testing and race had nothing to do with each other until the 1920s and the first IQ test was developed between 1905 and 1908 for sole purpose of placement for school. nothing with race my friend
It is. Thats why they hang on to it and claim Blacks are not smart by pointing to it. What they dont get is most Blacks know its just a racist game and whites arent smart enough to device a test for intelligence. They lack the intellect to do so.

Dude. He has humiliated you, and your blatant denial of the reality just reveals you to be insanely dishonest.
You have humiliated yourself. Like most whites you lack the intelligence to see reality.
And you really make no sense at all man. I wish you can see yourself from our point of view.
What makes sense to you is of no interest to me. I could care less about your point of view to be honest. When you learn to see your people as the racists they are then you will have the credibility needed for me to consider your point of view.
Not every white person is racist buddy. lol We have to earn credibility with you to be lucky enough to hear your point of view? I already now your point of view. "Whites are dumb, All white people are racist, blah, blah." Se our people for the racists they are? Dude you are pretty racist yourself. Let me guess if blacks do it its not racist, but whites are? Its ok for blacks to be racist, but not white? You act like there are no blacks that are racist. Quit blaming shit on white people man, man up and be a man. Ya'll take it way to serious, you people are more racist then whites. All I see are blacks hating on whites anymore, on tv, articles ect, ect. But that's ok huh? I have not a single racist bone in my body. Most of friends are black and I have dated black girls. My problem is ignorant people, that found a loop hole, and use the race card as a crutch.
It is. Thats why they hang on to it and claim Blacks are not smart by pointing to it. What they dont get is most Blacks know its just a racist game and whites arent smart enough to device a test for intelligence. They lack the intellect to do so.

Dude. He has humiliated you, and your blatant denial of the reality just reveals you to be insanely dishonest.
You have humiliated yourself. Like most whites you lack the intelligence to see reality.
And you really make no sense at all man. I wish you can see yourself from our point of view.
What makes sense to you is of no interest to me. I could care less about your point of view to be honest. When you learn to see your people as the racists they are then you will have the credibility needed for me to consider your point of view.
Not every white person is racist buddy. lol We have to earn credibility with you to be lucky enough to hear your point of view? I already now your point of view. "Whites are dumb, All white people are racist, blah, blah." Se our people for the racists they are? Dude you are pretty racist yourself. Let me guess if blacks do it its not racist, but whites are? Its ok for blacks to be racist, but not white? You act like there are no blacks that are racist. Quit blaming shit on white people man, man up and be a man. Ya'll take it way to serious, you people are more racist then whites. All I see are blacks hating on whites anymore, on tv, articles ect, ect. But that's ok huh? I have not a single racist bone in my body. Most of friends are black and I have dated black girls. My problem is ignorant people, that found a loop hole, and use the race card as a crutch.
Not all whites are dumb. However most whites are racist. Enough that I feel comfortable generalizing. I never said there were no Blacks that were racist. The problem is that when a Black person is racist its always because so many whites are racist. We know this because Blacks never came to europe and stole their land because they regarded them as inferior. When they came they taught whites civilization. As a white person I have to view you as at least somewhat racist. Its instinctive because you know your genes are recessive and mine are dominant. You may fight against it but its always there lurking. I use no crutches. I have no need to. I am smarter than any white person I have ever encountered. I know my history and I know I cant be stopped. Whites may throw obstacles in my path but they are easily brushed aside by perseverance and force.
Dude. He has humiliated you, and your blatant denial of the reality just reveals you to be insanely dishonest.
You have humiliated yourself. Like most whites you lack the intelligence to see reality.
And you really make no sense at all man. I wish you can see yourself from our point of view.
What makes sense to you is of no interest to me. I could care less about your point of view to be honest. When you learn to see your people as the racists they are then you will have the credibility needed for me to consider your point of view.
Not every white person is racist buddy. lol We have to earn credibility with you to be lucky enough to hear your point of view? I already now your point of view. "Whites are dumb, All white people are racist, blah, blah." Se our people for the racists they are? Dude you are pretty racist yourself. Let me guess if blacks do it its not racist, but whites are? Its ok for blacks to be racist, but not white? You act like there are no blacks that are racist. Quit blaming shit on white people man, man up and be a man. Ya'll take it way to serious, you people are more racist then whites. All I see are blacks hating on whites anymore, on tv, articles ect, ect. But that's ok huh? I have not a single racist bone in my body. Most of friends are black and I have dated black girls. My problem is ignorant people, that found a loop hole, and use the race card as a crutch.
Not all whites are dumb. However most whites are racist. Enough that I feel comfortable generalizing. I never said there were no Blacks that were racist. The problem is that when a Black person is racist its always because so many whites are racist. We know this because Blacks never came to europe and stole their land because they regarded them as inferior. When they came they taught whites civilization. As a white person I have to view you as at least somewhat racist. Its instinctive because you know your genes are recessive and mine are dominant. You may fight against it but its always there lurking. I use no crutches. I have no need to. I am smarter than any white person I have ever encountered. I know my history and I know I cant be stopped. Whites may throw obstacles in my path but they are easily brushed aside by perseverance and force.

Why are you racist? Honestly, what made you develop so much hate for whites?
How can you talk about racism and whites being racist and have such a problem with whites being racist, when in fact you are a hardcore racist? You are no better then white racists.

I believe there are no more white racist then black racist. Your reason for why black people are racist, is because there are so many white racist, is absurd. I think most black people are racist just because other black people are racist, see how dumb that sounds.

There is no real reason this day and age, for anyone to be racist. No more slavery, no more segregation, everyone has the same rights unless you are a felon, and yea a white person can be a felon. Just human beings of different color calling each other names, because of events that happened so long ago, during a time when humans didn't know any better. Being racist just because someone else is, is ignorance.

I myself believe in equality, no man is superior then the next. The fact that I get annoyed with black people that act racist is that most people don't even know the definition of racism, and think its just hating of different skin color. Being racist by just hating a race for no real reason just because others in your race does , is just a follower.

I always referred to your lack of intelligence to you as a single human, skin color irrelevant, and never judged your entire race for your idiotic and did respectful behavior. Just because one antelope was dumb enough to brave the crocodile invested water doesn't mean every other antelope was.

You lunge at any opportunity you get to disrespect the white race. You make ridiculous assumptions just based on skin color, and to say I'm racist because my genes are recessive and your are dominant? With no other reason just color, and in your eyes you see every white person to be racist just because they are white. Everything whites do is because we are racist.

To say you are smarter then any other white person you encountered, makes you sound dumber then any black person I ever encountered.

You know your ancestors history, you act as though you are entitled, a victim, and should be what? You had no involvement with any kind of major race war. Yet you act as though you are doing righteous by being racist to whites to justify your ancestors.

Honestly dude, seeing you demean all whites by calling them all dumb, because of something so stupid that has nothing to do with race, makes you look like the most racist person their is. You have no right to call someone racist, when you my friend, are by far the most racist person I have ever witnessed.

Its 2017 man. What obstacles are whites throwing your way? Really? This isn't the mid-1900s, and if a white does throw an obstacle your way, like challenging why are you a racist, you still wouldn't have a logical reason to why you are racist other then blaming all whites to be racist is what caused you to be racist. Its not like you are your own person or anything right?
You have humiliated yourself. Like most whites you lack the intelligence to see reality.
And you really make no sense at all man. I wish you can see yourself from our point of view.
What makes sense to you is of no interest to me. I could care less about your point of view to be honest. When you learn to see your people as the racists they are then you will have the credibility needed for me to consider your point of view.
Not every white person is racist buddy. lol We have to earn credibility with you to be lucky enough to hear your point of view? I already now your point of view. "Whites are dumb, All white people are racist, blah, blah." Se our people for the racists they are? Dude you are pretty racist yourself. Let me guess if blacks do it its not racist, but whites are? Its ok for blacks to be racist, but not white? You act like there are no blacks that are racist. Quit blaming shit on white people man, man up and be a man. Ya'll take it way to serious, you people are more racist then whites. All I see are blacks hating on whites anymore, on tv, articles ect, ect. But that's ok huh? I have not a single racist bone in my body. Most of friends are black and I have dated black girls. My problem is ignorant people, that found a loop hole, and use the race card as a crutch.
Not all whites are dumb. However most whites are racist. Enough that I feel comfortable generalizing. I never said there were no Blacks that were racist. The problem is that when a Black person is racist its always because so many whites are racist. We know this because Blacks never came to europe and stole their land because they regarded them as inferior. When they came they taught whites civilization. As a white person I have to view you as at least somewhat racist. Its instinctive because you know your genes are recessive and mine are dominant. You may fight against it but its always there lurking. I use no crutches. I have no need to. I am smarter than any white person I have ever encountered. I know my history and I know I cant be stopped. Whites may throw obstacles in my path but they are easily brushed aside by perseverance and force.

Why are you racist? Honestly, what made you develop so much hate for whites?
How can you talk about racism and whites being racist and have such a problem with whites being racist, when in fact you are a hardcore racist? You are no better then white racists.

I believe there are no more white racist then black racist. Your reason for why black people are racist, is because there are so many white racist, is absurd. I think most black people are racist just because other black people are racist, see how dumb that sounds.

There is no real reason this day and age, for anyone to be racist. No more slavery, no more segregation, everyone has the same rights unless you are a felon, and yea a white person can be a felon. Just human beings of different color calling each other names, because of events that happened so long ago, during a time when humans didn't know any better. Being racist just because someone else is, is ignorance.

I myself believe in equality, no man is superior then the next. The fact that I get annoyed with black people that act racist is that most people don't even know the definition of racism, and think its just hating of different skin color. Being racist by just hating a race for no real reason just because others in your race does , is just a follower.

I always referred to your lack of intelligence to you as a single human, skin color irrelevant, and never judged your entire race for your idiotic and did respectful behavior. Just because one antelope was dumb enough to brave the crocodile invested water doesn't mean every other antelope was.

You lunge at any opportunity you get to disrespect the white race. You make ridiculous assumptions just based on skin color, and to say I'm racist because my genes are recessive and your are dominant? With no other reason just color, and in your eyes you see every white person to be racist just because they are white. Everything whites do is because we are racist.

To say you are smarter then any other white person you encountered, makes you sound dumber then any black person I ever encountered.

You know your ancestors history, you act as though you are entitled, a victim, and should be what? You had no involvement with any kind of major race war. Yet you act as though you are doing righteous by being racist to whites to justify your ancestors.

Honestly dude, seeing you demean all whites by calling them all dumb, because of something so stupid that has nothing to do with race, makes you look like the most racist person their is. You have no right to call someone racist, when you my friend, are by far the most racist person I have ever witnessed.

Its 2017 man. What obstacles are whites throwing your way? Really? This isn't the mid-1900s, and if a white does throw an obstacle your way, like challenging why are you a racist, you still wouldn't have a logical reason to why you are racist other then blaming all whites to be racist is what caused you to be racist. Its not like you are your own person or anything right?
I'm raising a white child right now. If that makes me racist to you so be it. Personally I wouldnt raise a white child if I was a racist but thats really not important. Just because I tell racists whites the truth doesnt make me racist. If it does then oh well. Its really none of my business if someone thinks I am racist or not. I do have to ask a question. You made a curious statement. How is knowing my ancestors history of building civilizations, libraries, and studying the sciences make me a victim? I feel powerful knowing these things. I know whites can try their hardest but they cant stop me. Its like I fell out of the sky and landed feet first.
And you really make no sense at all man. I wish you can see yourself from our point of view.
What makes sense to you is of no interest to me. I could care less about your point of view to be honest. When you learn to see your people as the racists they are then you will have the credibility needed for me to consider your point of view.
Not every white person is racist buddy. lol We have to earn credibility with you to be lucky enough to hear your point of view? I already now your point of view. "Whites are dumb, All white people are racist, blah, blah." Se our people for the racists they are? Dude you are pretty racist yourself. Let me guess if blacks do it its not racist, but whites are? Its ok for blacks to be racist, but not white? You act like there are no blacks that are racist. Quit blaming shit on white people man, man up and be a man. Ya'll take it way to serious, you people are more racist then whites. All I see are blacks hating on whites anymore, on tv, articles ect, ect. But that's ok huh? I have not a single racist bone in my body. Most of friends are black and I have dated black girls. My problem is ignorant people, that found a loop hole, and use the race card as a crutch.
Not all whites are dumb. However most whites are racist. Enough that I feel comfortable generalizing. I never said there were no Blacks that were racist. The problem is that when a Black person is racist its always because so many whites are racist. We know this because Blacks never came to europe and stole their land because they regarded them as inferior. When they came they taught whites civilization. As a white person I have to view you as at least somewhat racist. Its instinctive because you know your genes are recessive and mine are dominant. You may fight against it but its always there lurking. I use no crutches. I have no need to. I am smarter than any white person I have ever encountered. I know my history and I know I cant be stopped. Whites may throw obstacles in my path but they are easily brushed aside by perseverance and force.

Why are you racist? Honestly, what made you develop so much hate for whites?
How can you talk about racism and whites being racist and have such a problem with whites being racist, when in fact you are a hardcore racist? You are no better then white racists.

I believe there are no more white racist then black racist. Your reason for why black people are racist, is because there are so many white racist, is absurd. I think most black people are racist just because other black people are racist, see how dumb that sounds.

There is no real reason this day and age, for anyone to be racist. No more slavery, no more segregation, everyone has the same rights unless you are a felon, and yea a white person can be a felon. Just human beings of different color calling each other names, because of events that happened so long ago, during a time when humans didn't know any better. Being racist just because someone else is, is ignorance.

I myself believe in equality, no man is superior then the next. The fact that I get annoyed with black people that act racist is that most people don't even know the definition of racism, and think its just hating of different skin color. Being racist by just hating a race for no real reason just because others in your race does , is just a follower.

I always referred to your lack of intelligence to you as a single human, skin color irrelevant, and never judged your entire race for your idiotic and did respectful behavior. Just because one antelope was dumb enough to brave the crocodile invested water doesn't mean every other antelope was.

You lunge at any opportunity you get to disrespect the white race. You make ridiculous assumptions just based on skin color, and to say I'm racist because my genes are recessive and your are dominant? With no other reason just color, and in your eyes you see every white person to be racist just because they are white. Everything whites do is because we are racist.

To say you are smarter then any other white person you encountered, makes you sound dumber then any black person I ever encountered.

You know your ancestors history, you act as though you are entitled, a victim, and should be what? You had no involvement with any kind of major race war. Yet you act as though you are doing righteous by being racist to whites to justify your ancestors.

Honestly dude, seeing you demean all whites by calling them all dumb, because of something so stupid that has nothing to do with race, makes you look like the most racist person their is. You have no right to call someone racist, when you my friend, are by far the most racist person I have ever witnessed.

Its 2017 man. What obstacles are whites throwing your way? Really? This isn't the mid-1900s, and if a white does throw an obstacle your way, like challenging why are you a racist, you still wouldn't have a logical reason to why you are racist other then blaming all whites to be racist is what caused you to be racist. Its not like you are your own person or anything right?
I'm raising a white child right now. If that makes me racist to you so be it. Personally I wouldnt raise a white child if I was a racist but thats really not important. Just because I tell racists whites the truth doesnt make me racist. If it does then oh well. Its really none of my business if someone thinks I am racist or not. I do have to ask a question. You made a curious statement. How is knowing my ancestors history of building civilizations, libraries, and studying the sciences make me a victim? I feel powerful knowing these things. I know whites can try their hardest but they cant stop me. Its like I fell out of the sky and landed feet first.

Dude, you never mentioned you where raising a white child. That's awesome. But that had nothing to do with what made me think you are a racist. So your girlfriend, wife, or significant other is white? If they are do you say this kind of crap in front of them? Do they see what you type on here? Do they know your actual opinion that you have about whites?

Your statement, " Just because I tell racists whites the truth doesn't make me a racist." Ok, that statement is correct, but you don't just tell them the truth. (And sometimes your truth is false and just an opinion you have about the truth.) You attack and behave just as a racist. You don't just sit there and explain the truth calmly. Being a racist to tell another racist the truth, is a racist in my book.

I'm not saying knowing your history makes you a victim. You use your ancestors history to be a victim.( not just you, but other blacks)" Its always the white mans fault." " I'm racist because of what their ancestors did to my ancestors years ago in a time when no one knew any better." "Its because your white and I'm black." Some black people feel entitled to certain things because of that. " The cop arrested me because I'm Black" Um no because you committed a crime, that's why. That excuse is the most annoying excuse.
In a previous statement you said " you are smarter then every white person you encountered." Dude that is the definition of a racist. That's an example of thinking you are superior over someone of a different race. You said you never said all whites are dumb? Maybe you should make sure you are more clear before you respond, because I (I'm sure there are a bunch of other people that think the same) took it you meant all whites. Another statement, "WHITES made up the test to make themselves feel better.....") I take you mean all whites.

You aren't letting any whites stop you? Good I don't let anyone of any race stop me. I don't know where you from, but I never see whites trying to stop blacks personally. I don't know what happened if anything happened to you that makes you think this towards whites, but I think its just all in your head. Its not that serious. If one white person is being racist to you, that doesn't mean all whites are. That shouldn't influence your racism to be racist and make racist comments towards all whites. A mindset like that my friend is just holding you back. I don't know how you act in person, but if you act like you do on here, Being racist will stop you not whites.
What makes sense to you is of no interest to me. I could care less about your point of view to be honest. When you learn to see your people as the racists they are then you will have the credibility needed for me to consider your point of view.
Not every white person is racist buddy. lol We have to earn credibility with you to be lucky enough to hear your point of view? I already now your point of view. "Whites are dumb, All white people are racist, blah, blah." Se our people for the racists they are? Dude you are pretty racist yourself. Let me guess if blacks do it its not racist, but whites are? Its ok for blacks to be racist, but not white? You act like there are no blacks that are racist. Quit blaming shit on white people man, man up and be a man. Ya'll take it way to serious, you people are more racist then whites. All I see are blacks hating on whites anymore, on tv, articles ect, ect. But that's ok huh? I have not a single racist bone in my body. Most of friends are black and I have dated black girls. My problem is ignorant people, that found a loop hole, and use the race card as a crutch.
Not all whites are dumb. However most whites are racist. Enough that I feel comfortable generalizing. I never said there were no Blacks that were racist. The problem is that when a Black person is racist its always because so many whites are racist. We know this because Blacks never came to europe and stole their land because they regarded them as inferior. When they came they taught whites civilization. As a white person I have to view you as at least somewhat racist. Its instinctive because you know your genes are recessive and mine are dominant. You may fight against it but its always there lurking. I use no crutches. I have no need to. I am smarter than any white person I have ever encountered. I know my history and I know I cant be stopped. Whites may throw obstacles in my path but they are easily brushed aside by perseverance and force.

Why are you racist? Honestly, what made you develop so much hate for whites?
How can you talk about racism and whites being racist and have such a problem with whites being racist, when in fact you are a hardcore racist? You are no better then white racists.

I believe there are no more white racist then black racist. Your reason for why black people are racist, is because there are so many white racist, is absurd. I think most black people are racist just because other black people are racist, see how dumb that sounds.

There is no real reason this day and age, for anyone to be racist. No more slavery, no more segregation, everyone has the same rights unless you are a felon, and yea a white person can be a felon. Just human beings of different color calling each other names, because of events that happened so long ago, during a time when humans didn't know any better. Being racist just because someone else is, is ignorance.

I myself believe in equality, no man is superior then the next. The fact that I get annoyed with black people that act racist is that most people don't even know the definition of racism, and think its just hating of different skin color. Being racist by just hating a race for no real reason just because others in your race does , is just a follower.

I always referred to your lack of intelligence to you as a single human, skin color irrelevant, and never judged your entire race for your idiotic and did respectful behavior. Just because one antelope was dumb enough to brave the crocodile invested water doesn't mean every other antelope was.

You lunge at any opportunity you get to disrespect the white race. You make ridiculous assumptions just based on skin color, and to say I'm racist because my genes are recessive and your are dominant? With no other reason just color, and in your eyes you see every white person to be racist just because they are white. Everything whites do is because we are racist.

To say you are smarter then any other white person you encountered, makes you sound dumber then any black person I ever encountered.

You know your ancestors history, you act as though you are entitled, a victim, and should be what? You had no involvement with any kind of major race war. Yet you act as though you are doing righteous by being racist to whites to justify your ancestors.

Honestly dude, seeing you demean all whites by calling them all dumb, because of something so stupid that has nothing to do with race, makes you look like the most racist person their is. You have no right to call someone racist, when you my friend, are by far the most racist person I have ever witnessed.

Its 2017 man. What obstacles are whites throwing your way? Really? This isn't the mid-1900s, and if a white does throw an obstacle your way, like challenging why are you a racist, you still wouldn't have a logical reason to why you are racist other then blaming all whites to be racist is what caused you to be racist. Its not like you are your own person or anything right?
I'm raising a white child right now. If that makes me racist to you so be it. Personally I wouldnt raise a white child if I was a racist but thats really not important. Just because I tell racists whites the truth doesnt make me racist. If it does then oh well. Its really none of my business if someone thinks I am racist or not. I do have to ask a question. You made a curious statement. How is knowing my ancestors history of building civilizations, libraries, and studying the sciences make me a victim? I feel powerful knowing these things. I know whites can try their hardest but they cant stop me. Its like I fell out of the sky and landed feet first.

Dude, you never mentioned you where raising a white child. That's awesome. But that had nothing to do with what made me think you are a racist. So your girlfriend, wife, or significant other is white? If they are do you say this kind of crap in front of them? Do they see what you type on here? Do they know your actual opinion that you have about whites?

Your statement, " Just because I tell racists whites the truth doesn't make me a racist." Ok, that statement is correct, but you don't just tell them the truth. (And sometimes your truth is false and just an opinion you have about the truth.) You attack and behave just as a racist. You don't just sit there and explain the truth calmly. Being a racist to tell another racist the truth, is a racist in my book.

I'm not saying knowing your history makes you a victim. You use your ancestors history to be a victim.( not just you, but other blacks)" Its always the white mans fault." " I'm racist because of what their ancestors did to my ancestors years ago in a time when no one knew any better." "Its because your white and I'm black." Some black people feel entitled to certain things because of that. " The cop arrested me because I'm Black" Um no because you committed a crime, that's why. That excuse is the most annoying excuse.
In a previous statement you said " you are smarter then every white person you encountered." Dude that is the definition of a racist. That's an example of thinking you are superior over someone of a different race. You said you never said all whites are dumb? Maybe you should make sure you are more clear before you respond, because I (I'm sure there are a bunch of other people that think the same) took it you meant all whites. Another statement, "WHITES made up the test to make themselves feel better.....") I take you mean all whites.

You aren't letting any whites stop you? Good I don't let anyone of any race stop me. I don't know where you from, but I never see whites trying to stop blacks personally. I don't know what happened if anything happened to you that makes you think this towards whites, but I think its just all in your head. Its not that serious. If one white person is being racist to you, that doesn't mean all whites are. That shouldn't influence your racism to be racist and make racist comments towards all whites. A mindset like that my friend is just holding you back. I don't know how you act in person, but if you act like you do on here, Being racist will stop you not whites.
No. My wife is a Black goddess. I wouldnt marry a white woman and I have been asked by the mother of my oldest daughter. My friend that has a deadbeat ex asked me to let her child stay with me since I have been in her life from the moment she took her first breath. I'm the only father she has ever known. Yes all the whites I know understand how I feel and why.

I cant be calm when I am laughing at the supposedly "superior" white racists. Its too funny to be calm.

Not exactly clear on how I use my ancestors history to be a victim. You need to elaborate on that one. Saying something is the result of white action is not being a victim. Its like saying I got wet because I was walking in the rain. Its a fact or reason you cannot avoid. I cant help if facts are annoying to you. I suggest you get help for that.

How is saying I am smarter than every white person I know racist? I'm pretty sure there has to be a smart white guy somewhere that is smarter than I am. I just havent met one.

If youre white, unless they tell you, you probably wouldnt notice which isnt a surprise to me. Just because you dont notice doesnt mean it doesnt happen. I've had too many whites to count be racist and attempt to put obstacles in my path. I've learned from repeated encounters with whites that most of them are racist. It always amuses me when a white person like yourself attempts to tell me my reality when they havent experienced what I have. I always wonder to myself bemusedly why they think they have the credibility to comment on my experiences. Its like me trying to tell a white guy how it feels to to have his woman cheat on him with a Black guy.
Trump has an IQ of 151-155 which would consider him to be a genius, to Obama 116-148. So smarter, no. Obama will never see Trump kind of money, and Trump filed bankruptcy 3 times and still bounced back. When it comes to business and negotiating, I think Trump got that over Obama. Thinking before speaking, well Obama got that. Older, Yes but still got hot wife.

Thatdude is very funny.

Trump IQ is misleading. From what we see after 9 months. He proved himself like a petulant little kid always saying or doing something stupid.
If his IQ is that high——- at least he should knows what he is doing or saying.

He believed Gen. Pershing hoax story.
He tweeted hitting Hillary with a golf ball.
He believed Obama wiretapped him.
He believed 3 - 5 millions illegal alien votes.
His only policy towards North K. is war.
He insulted his own A. general in public.
He insulted his SOS Tillerson in public.
Pissing contest whoever disagreed with him.
He was asked a question about the 4 green berets that was killed in Niger. Out of nowhere he injected Obama as an excuse.

So tell me ——— Is that a sign of high IQ or low IQ? Or just plain stupid.

Hey, you left out the "President of the Virgin Islands".

I missed that one. That was very funny.
He met the President of the Virgin Islands.
Trump has an IQ of 151-155 which would consider him to be a genius, to Obama 116-148. So smarter, no. Obama will never see Trump kind of money, and Trump filed bankruptcy 3 times and still bounced back. When it comes to business and negotiating, I think Trump got that over Obama. Thinking before speaking, well Obama got that. Older, Yes but still got hot wife.
Like most illiterate whites obviously you havent heard IQ is something made up by insecure whites to make themselves feel better about having to be civilized twice by Blacks.
Here we go with the racism. You must be black. And yea I'm illiterate because I obviously had no idea that the sole purpose of an IQ was something made up to make me feel better having been civilized not once, but twice by blacks! It has nothing to do with assisting in identifying students in need of educational assistance. Or measuring ones analytical thinking, mathematical ability and spatial recognition.
Providing a fact on an uneducated statement, which I know was just an expression on how someone felt, not facts. Automatically makes me a Trump supporter? Trump is an idiot, I agree. But yall be involving this race crap in everything. Making a racist comment to just stir things up. Just makes you look more dumb.
I'm glad you agree you are illiterate. Maybe you should research what IQ tests were used for instead of running off at the mouth? You would actually sound more intelligent.

Race and intelligence - Wikipedia

Maybe you should actually read your information you are using to try to prove someone wrong beforehand buddy.
Maybe you should read the information I posted instead of sounding like a fool.

I tol yo meng. Thatdude is funny.

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