Trump is still on the birth certificate kick.....NO KIDDING!

Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?
I love you, you are cute when you are mad. OK, Obama is ALL OVER THE BLOODY PLACE. He is a the embodiment of Hamlet, a vacillating unsure uncommitted neurotic washy washy spud. He's American, he's black he's against this but then supports it. I would call der fer
"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
. Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage.

And what the hell does that have to do with his eligibility? Lots of Americans have changed their position on gay marriage since 2008- we went from a country that the majority opposed gay marriage to a country that supports gay marriage.

What the hell do you imagine that has to do with his eligiblity or where he was born?
It is really important that there isn't any questions of a political candidate. Imperative. Obama's birth status or GW. Bush's implied nepotism, GW Bush and Obama should have been disqualified, period. Really that simple, but see how complex this has gotten? I didn't vote for either of these meat puppets.

Yeah, but your standard of 'a question' is merely you ignoring evidence. So by that standard, a president is unqualified to be president if you ignore any answer to any question you ask.

That's irrational and unreasonable. As no one's qualifications to be president are established by your willful ignorance.
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever.

By 'arguable' do you mean that folks can ignore overwhelming evidence? Sure. But by any rational standard the issue was resolved in 2008 by his COLB. Which stands as prima facie evidence.

Hawaii is as much a part of the US as New York, Florida or Ohio. There's no ambiguity in whether a person born in Hawaii in 1961 is an American citizen. You've imagined it, replacing the law, history, legal precedent and reality....with what you want to be true.

No thank you.

Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity.

How so? There's no religious test to be president. Says who? Says the constitution.

Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities.

And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.

And what would any of that have to do with the State of Hawaii affirming Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States?

As its the State of Hawaii you have to ignore to be a birther. Not Obama.
Going as back as to Geo. Washington, nobody else has ever had their birth record questioned, EVER. And, that fact that in Obama's case, it IS that singular instance, we question it, that should have disqualified him from the running. Avoidance of the appearance of improprieties. All the people that have rock solid evidence FOR or against, irrelevant. We did have other candidates. Why this support for Obama?
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever.

By 'arguable' do you mean that folks can ignore overwhelming evidence? Sure. But by any rational standard the issue was resolved in 2008 by his COLB. Which stands as prima facie evidence.

Hawaii is as much a part of the US as New York, Florida or Ohio. There's no ambiguity in whether a person born in Hawaii in 1961 is an American citizen. You've imagined it, replacing the law, history, legal precedent and reality....with what you want to be true.

No thank you.

Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity.

How so? There's no religious test to be president. Says who? Says the constitution.

Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities.

And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.

And what would any of that have to do with the State of Hawaii affirming Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States?

As its the State of Hawaii you have to ignore to be a birther. Not Obama.
Going as back as to Geo. Washington, nobody else has ever had their birth record questioned, EVER.

Nonsense. Check out President Chester Arthur, who some alleged was born in Canada. Also look into the debates on candidate George Romney who was born in Mexico. There was also debate about McCain's eligibility, as he wasn't born in the US. The latter to such an extent that the Senate found it necessary to pass a resolution supporting McCain's eligibility.

So your thesis is clearly false.

Worse, its not the questions that birthers asked that made them a national laughing stock. Its that they ignored the answers. As Obama's eligibility was established back in 2008 with the release of his COLB. They merely ignored it. Willful ignorance doesn't magically make the president illegible. It merely demonstrates how little evidence has to do with the birther process. And how worthy they are of the mockery the receive.

And, that fact that in Obama's case, it IS that singular instance, we question it, that should have disqualified him from the running.

That's circular reasoning. As you insist you questioned Obama because there's a question. And then even more nonsensically, insisted that your question invalidated his candidacy. That's obvious nonsense. As your question was answered. You simply ignored the answer. And your willful ignorance is gloriously irrelevant to anyone's eligibility to run.

As is your imagination. There's no question that Hawaii was part of the US in 1961. That you 'feel' that it was on the edge of our territory and thus 'ambiguous' doesn't actually mean that it was so. The law recognizes none of the ambiguity nor distinctions that you feel.

You're quite literally arguing that your *feelings* would disqualify anyone from being president. You're quite simply wrong.
What the fuck are you talking about? You drinking early?
It was claimed that a Hillary supporter sent the anonymous email and your MessiahRushie was a Hillary supporter at the time, so it is more probable that he is the source and it is highly improbable that Hillary knew.

Rush supported Hillary? Sure he did.

What I found was it was Hillary supporters and it is generally acknowledged, unless you are a lefty nutter, that it was released by Hillary supporters.

From what I've heard, the accusations first appeared on the Free Republic website. And then appeared in an anonymous email from someone who *claimed* to be a Hillary supporter. But who wrote that email, if they were actually a hillary supporter, or if Hillary had anything to do with no evidence has ever established.

If an anonymous email a viable standard of evidence proving anything typed in it, then I can prove that Lincoln was killed by a Kennedy supporter.

Glad to hear it, but the evidence has always pointed to Hillary supporters.

Actually the evidence points to right wing blogs- and there is no actual evidence that the 'anonymous' email ever came from a Hillary supporter.

Not according to main stream news sources. Of course if you have the tin foil...
It was claimed that a Hillary supporter sent the anonymous email and your MessiahRushie was a Hillary supporter at the time, so it is more probable that he is the source and it is highly improbable that Hillary knew.

Rush supported Hillary? Sure he did.

What I found was it was Hillary supporters and it is generally acknowledged, unless you are a lefty nutter, that it was released by Hillary supporters.

From what I've heard, the accusations first appeared on the Free Republic website. And then appeared in an anonymous email from someone who *claimed* to be a Hillary supporter. But who wrote that email, if they were actually a hillary supporter, or if Hillary had anything to do with no evidence has ever established.

If an anonymous email a viable standard of evidence proving anything typed in it, then I can prove that Lincoln was killed by a Kennedy supporter.

Glad to hear it, but the evidence has always pointed to Hillary supporters.

Actually the evidence points to right wing blogs- and there is no actual evidence that the 'anonymous' email ever came from a Hillary supporter.

Not according to main stream news sources. Of course if you have the tin foil...

According to the main stream news sources their source was an anonymous email.

On the other hand- actual research was done to show that this topic was discussed on Right Wing blogs in March 2008, 3 months before any anonymous email.
'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?
I love you, you are cute when you are mad. OK, Obama is ALL OVER THE BLOODY PLACE. He is a the embodiment of Hamlet, a vacillating unsure uncommitted neurotic washy washy spud. He's American, he's black he's against this but then supports it. I would call der fer
"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
. Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage.

And what the hell does that have to do with his eligibility? Lots of Americans have changed their position on gay marriage since 2008- we went from a country that the majority opposed gay marriage to a country that supports gay marriage.

What the hell do you imagine that has to do with his eligiblity or where he was born?
It is really important that there isn't any questions of a political candidate. Imperative. Obama's birth status or GW. Bush's implied nepotism, GW Bush and Obama should have been disqualified, period. Really that simple, but see how complex this has gotten? I didn't vote for either of these meat puppets.

The American voters decided that they were qualified.

There never was any real question as to where Obama was born- just a few right wingnuts- and that includes Trump. And I don't even know what the hell you mean by Bush's nepotism- when did you think that a President's son can't be President?
I notice you quickly you gloss over this, raised an eyebrow. The MERE appearance of a impropriety should halve disqualified GW OR OBAMA. We want our candidates squeaky clean after all. You gotta problem with that, or are you goanna law down more mean spirited smack on me?

Apparently you are wrong- since American voters HAD NO PROBLEM electing Barack Obama by a large margin.

I got a problem with you telling American voters that you should have the power to disqualify any President that doesn't meet your arbitrary standards.
He can't be American... no American would fuck over this country like he's done.

Yeah- look at how screwed up our country is.

Plagues- Locusts- Earthquakes- Cats living with Dogs.....oh wait that was Ghostbusters....

Actually the United States is doing just fine- despite what America haters like you think.
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever.

By 'arguable' do you mean that folks can ignore overwhelming evidence? Sure. But by any rational standard the issue was resolved in 2008 by his COLB. Which stands as prima facie evidence.

Hawaii is as much a part of the US as New York, Florida or Ohio. There's no ambiguity in whether a person born in Hawaii in 1961 is an American citizen. You've imagined it, replacing the law, history, legal precedent and reality....with what you want to be true.

No thank you.

Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity.

How so? There's no religious test to be president. Says who? Says the constitution.

Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities.

And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.

And what would any of that have to do with the State of Hawaii affirming Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States?

As its the State of Hawaii you have to ignore to be a birther. Not Obama.
Going as back as to Geo. Washington, nobody else has ever had their birth record questioned, EVER. And, that fact that in Obama's case, it IS that singular instance, we question it, that should have disqualified him from the running. Avoidance of the appearance of improprieties. All the people that have rock solid evidence FOR or against, irrelevant. We did have other candidates. Why this support for Obama?

'we questioned it'- who is we? A few nutjobs questioned his birthplace.

Why this candidate?- because he is the candidate Americans wanted- in two consecutive elections.

The real question is why you think your doubts should over-rule the votes of Americans.
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father? Apparently, people are gullible fools. My brother and I had thgis same argument, you remind me of him. He told me he was PROUD to vote for America's first Black man as president. (Obama is mixed race, not black, I didn't point that out) I ae don't think a majority voted for Obama or support him,

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever.

By 'arguable' do you mean that folks can ignore overwhelming evidence? Sure. But by any rational standard the issue was resolved in 2008 by his COLB. Which stands as prima facie evidence.

Hawaii is as much a part of the US as New York, Florida or Ohio. There's no ambiguity in whether a person born in Hawaii in 1961 is an American citizen. You've imagined it, replacing the law, history, legal precedent and reality....with what you want to be true.

No thank you.

Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity.

How so? There's no religious test to be president. Says who? Says the constitution.

Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities.

And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.

And what would any of that have to do with the State of Hawaii affirming Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States?

As its the State of Hawaii you have to ignore to be a birther. Not Obama.
Going as back as to Geo. Washington, nobody else has ever had their birth record questioned, EVER. And, that fact that in Obama's case, it IS that singular instance, we question it, that should have disqualified him from the running. Avoidance of the appearance of improprieties. All the people that have rock solid evidence FOR or against, irrelevant. We did have other candidates. Why this support for Obama?

'we questioned it'- who is we? A few nutjobs questioned his birthplace.

Why this candidate?- because he is the candidate Americans wanted- in two consecutive elections.

The real question is why you think your doubts should over-rule the votes of Americans.[/QUOTE
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever.

By 'arguable' do you mean that folks can ignore overwhelming evidence? Sure. But by any rational standard the issue was resolved in 2008 by his COLB. Which stands as prima facie evidence.

Hawaii is as much a part of the US as New York, Florida or Ohio. There's no ambiguity in whether a person born in Hawaii in 1961 is an American citizen. You've imagined it, replacing the law, history, legal precedent and reality....with what you want to be true.

No thank you.

Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity.

How so? There's no religious test to be president. Says who? Says the constitution.

Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities.

And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.

And what would any of that have to do with the State of Hawaii affirming Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States?

As its the State of Hawaii you have to ignore to be a birther. Not Obama.
Going as back as to Geo. Washington, nobody else has ever had their birth record questioned, EVER. And, that fact that in Obama's case, it IS that singular instance, we question it, that should have disqualified him from the running. Avoidance of the appearance of improprieties. All the people that have rock solid evidence FOR or against, irrelevant. We did have other candidates. Why this support for Obama?

'we questioned it'- who is we? A few nutjobs questioned his birthplace.

Why this candidate?- because he is the candidate Americans wanted- in two consecutive elections.

The real question is why you think your doubts should over-rule the votes of Americans.
. Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage.

And what the hell does that have to do with his eligibility? Lots of Americans have changed their position on gay marriage since 2008- we went from a country that the majority opposed gay marriage to a country that supports gay marriage.

What the hell do you imagine that has to do with his eligiblity or where he was born?
It is really important that there isn't any questions of a political candidate. Imperative. Obama's birth status or GW. Bush's implied nepotism, GW Bush and Obama should have been disqualified, period. Really that simple, but see how complex this has gotten? I didn't vote for either of these meat puppets.

The American voters decided that they were qualified.

There never was any real question as to where Obama was born- just a few right wingnuts- and that includes Trump. And I don't even know what the hell you mean by Bush's nepotism- when did you think that a President's son can't be President?
I notice you quickly you gloss over this, raised an eyebrow. The MERE appearance of a impropriety should halve disqualified GW OR OBAMA. We want our candidates squeaky clean after all. You gotta problem with that, or are you goanna law down more mean spirited smack on me?

Apparently you are wrong- since American voters HAD NO PROBLEM electing Barack Obama by a large margin.

I got a problem with you telling American voters that you should have the power to disqualify any President that doesn't meet your arbitrary standards.
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever.

By 'arguable' do you mean that folks can ignore overwhelming evidence? Sure. But by any rational standard the issue was resolved in 2008 by his COLB. Which stands as prima facie evidence.

Hawaii is as much a part of the US as New York, Florida or Ohio. There's no ambiguity in whether a person born in Hawaii in 1961 is an American citizen. You've imagined it, replacing the law, history, legal precedent and reality....with what you want to be true.

No thank you.

Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity.

How so? There's no religious test to be president. Says who? Says the constitution.

Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities.

And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.

And what would any of that have to do with the State of Hawaii affirming Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States?

As its the State of Hawaii you have to ignore to be a birther. Not Obama.
Going as back as to Geo. Washington, nobody else has ever had their birth record questioned, EVER. And, that fact that in Obama's case, it IS that singular instance, we question it, that should have disqualified him from the running. Avoidance of the appearance of improprieties. All the people that have rock solid evidence FOR or against, irrelevant. We did have other candidates. Why this support for Obama?

'we questioned it'- who is we? A few nutjobs questioned his birthplace.

Why this candidate?- because he is the candidate Americans wanted- in two consecutive elections.

The real question is why you think your doubts should over-rule the votes of Americans.
Really, you sanctimonious ass.
Looks like Hillary really shouldn't have started that rumor.
Every single birfer I have ever encountered was from the Right.

Not every right winger is a birfer, but every birfer is a right winger.
I just got a notice of a malicious attack on my PC, got bumped off this board. Second time this week on this board, and on top of THAT, It was apposing some liberal bullshit topic, so do we REALY have freedom of speech here? I have to be afraid some hacker or advertiser is gonna attack me, I am outa here. This Board has to protect us from this crap.
Rush supported Hillary? Sure he did.

What I found was it was Hillary supporters and it is generally acknowledged, unless you are a lefty nutter, that it was released by Hillary supporters.

From what I've heard, the accusations first appeared on the Free Republic website. And then appeared in an anonymous email from someone who *claimed* to be a Hillary supporter. But who wrote that email, if they were actually a hillary supporter, or if Hillary had anything to do with no evidence has ever established.

If an anonymous email a viable standard of evidence proving anything typed in it, then I can prove that Lincoln was killed by a Kennedy supporter.

Glad to hear it, but the evidence has always pointed to Hillary supporters.

Actually the evidence points to right wing blogs- and there is no actual evidence that the 'anonymous' email ever came from a Hillary supporter.

Not according to main stream news sources. Of course if you have the tin foil...

According to the main stream news sources their source was an anonymous email.

On the other hand- actual research was done to show that this topic was discussed on Right Wing blogs in March 2008, 3 months before any anonymous email.

This goes in the conspiracy forum.
From what I've heard, the accusations first appeared on the Free Republic website. And then appeared in an anonymous email from someone who *claimed* to be a Hillary supporter. But who wrote that email, if they were actually a hillary supporter, or if Hillary had anything to do with no evidence has ever established.

If an anonymous email a viable standard of evidence proving anything typed in it, then I can prove that Lincoln was killed by a Kennedy supporter.

Glad to hear it, but the evidence has always pointed to Hillary supporters.

Actually the evidence points to right wing blogs- and there is no actual evidence that the 'anonymous' email ever came from a Hillary supporter.

Not according to main stream news sources. Of course if you have the tin foil...

According to the main stream news sources their source was an anonymous email.

On the other hand- actual research was done to show that this topic was discussed on Right Wing blogs in March 2008, 3 months before any anonymous email.

This goes in the conspiracy forum.

Always- but it is fun to show Trump is still a Birther.
libtards think this piece of shit is American... ROFL his daddy was a communist pig.

And apparently retarded Conservatives think that an American is just someone they agree with.

And since when have we judged Americans by who their fathers were? We left that crap behind when we left England.
'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father? Apparently, people are gullible fools. My brother and I had thgis same argument, you remind me of him. He told me he was PROUD to vote for America's first Black man as president. (Obama is mixed race, not black, I didn't point that out) I ae don't think a majority voted for Obama or support him,

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever.

By 'arguable' do you mean that folks can ignore overwhelming evidence? Sure. But by any rational standard the issue was resolved in 2008 by his COLB. Which stands as prima facie evidence.

Hawaii is as much a part of the US as New York, Florida or Ohio. There's no ambiguity in whether a person born in Hawaii in 1961 is an American citizen. You've imagined it, replacing the law, history, legal precedent and reality....with what you want to be true.

No thank you.

Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity.

How so? There's no religious test to be president. Says who? Says the constitution.

Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities.

And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.

And what would any of that have to do with the State of Hawaii affirming Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States?

As its the State of Hawaii you have to ignore to be a birther. Not Obama.
Going as back as to Geo. Washington, nobody else has ever had their birth record questioned, EVER. And, that fact that in Obama's case, it IS that singular instance, we question it, that should have disqualified him from the running. Avoidance of the appearance of improprieties. All the people that have rock solid evidence FOR or against, irrelevant. We did have other candidates. Why this support for Obama?

'we questioned it'- who is we? A few nutjobs questioned his birthplace.

Why this candidate?- because he is the candidate Americans wanted- in two consecutive elections.

The real question is why you think your doubts should over-rule the votes of Americans.[/QUOTE
'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever.

By 'arguable' do you mean that folks can ignore overwhelming evidence? Sure. But by any rational standard the issue was resolved in 2008 by his COLB. Which stands as prima facie evidence.

Hawaii is as much a part of the US as New York, Florida or Ohio. There's no ambiguity in whether a person born in Hawaii in 1961 is an American citizen. You've imagined it, replacing the law, history, legal precedent and reality....with what you want to be true.

No thank you.

Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity.

How so? There's no religious test to be president. Says who? Says the constitution.

Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities.

And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.

And what would any of that have to do with the State of Hawaii affirming Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States?

As its the State of Hawaii you have to ignore to be a birther. Not Obama.
Going as back as to Geo. Washington, nobody else has ever had their birth record questioned, EVER. And, that fact that in Obama's case, it IS that singular instance, we question it, that should have disqualified him from the running. Avoidance of the appearance of improprieties. All the people that have rock solid evidence FOR or against, irrelevant. We did have other candidates. Why this support for Obama?

'we questioned it'- who is we? A few nutjobs questioned his birthplace.

Why this candidate?- because he is the candidate Americans wanted- in two consecutive elections.

The real question is why you think your doubts should over-rule the votes of Americans.
And what the hell does that have to do with his eligibility? Lots of Americans have changed their position on gay marriage since 2008- we went from a country that the majority opposed gay marriage to a country that supports gay marriage.

What the hell do you imagine that has to do with his eligiblity or where he was born?
It is really important that there isn't any questions of a political candidate. Imperative. Obama's birth status or GW. Bush's implied nepotism, GW Bush and Obama should have been disqualified, period. Really that simple, but see how complex this has gotten? I didn't vote for either of these meat puppets.

The American voters decided that they were qualified.

There never was any real question as to where Obama was born- just a few right wingnuts- and that includes Trump. And I don't even know what the hell you mean by Bush's nepotism- when did you think that a President's son can't be President?
I notice you quickly you gloss over this, raised an eyebrow. The MERE appearance of a impropriety should halve disqualified GW OR OBAMA. We want our candidates squeaky clean after all. You gotta problem with that, or are you goanna law down more mean spirited smack on me?

Apparently you are wrong- since American voters HAD NO PROBLEM electing Barack Obama by a large margin.

I got a problem with you telling American voters that you should have the power to disqualify any President that doesn't meet your arbitrary standards.
'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever.

By 'arguable' do you mean that folks can ignore overwhelming evidence? Sure. But by any rational standard the issue was resolved in 2008 by his COLB. Which stands as prima facie evidence.

Hawaii is as much a part of the US as New York, Florida or Ohio. There's no ambiguity in whether a person born in Hawaii in 1961 is an American citizen. You've imagined it, replacing the law, history, legal precedent and reality....with what you want to be true.

No thank you.

Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity.

How so? There's no religious test to be president. Says who? Says the constitution.

Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities.

And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.

And what would any of that have to do with the State of Hawaii affirming Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States?

As its the State of Hawaii you have to ignore to be a birther. Not Obama.
Going as back as to Geo. Washington, nobody else has ever had their birth record questioned, EVER. And, that fact that in Obama's case, it IS that singular instance, we question it, that should have disqualified him from the running. Avoidance of the appearance of improprieties. All the people that have rock solid evidence FOR or against, irrelevant. We did have other candidates. Why this support for Obama?

'we questioned it'- who is we? A few nutjobs questioned his birthplace.

Why this candidate?- because he is the candidate Americans wanted- in two consecutive elections.

The real question is why you think your doubts should over-rule the votes of Americans.
Really, you sanctimonious ass.

The sanctimonious ass is you- who think you- not the American voters- decide who is qualified to be President

The real question is why you think your doubts should over-rule the votes of Americans
I just got a notice of a malicious attack on my PC, got bumped off this board. Second time this week on this board, and on top of THAT, It was apposing some liberal bullshit topic, so do we REALY have freedom of speech here? I have to be afraid some hacker or advertiser is gonna attack me, I am outa here. This Board has to protect us from this crap.

Clearly there is some conspiracy against you.......
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever.

By 'arguable' do you mean that folks can ignore overwhelming evidence? Sure. But by any rational standard the issue was resolved in 2008 by his COLB. Which stands as prima facie evidence.

Hawaii is as much a part of the US as New York, Florida or Ohio. There's no ambiguity in whether a person born in Hawaii in 1961 is an American citizen. You've imagined it, replacing the law, history, legal precedent and reality....with what you want to be true.

No thank you.

Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity.

How so? There's no religious test to be president. Says who? Says the constitution.

Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities.

And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.

And what would any of that have to do with the State of Hawaii affirming Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States?

As its the State of Hawaii you have to ignore to be a birther. Not Obama.
Going as back as to Geo. Washington, nobody else has ever had their birth record questioned, EVER. And, that fact that in Obama's case, it IS that singular instance, we question it, that should have disqualified him from the running. Avoidance of the appearance of improprieties. All the people that have rock solid evidence FOR or against, irrelevant. We did have other candidates. Why this support for Obama?

'we questioned it'- who is we? A few nutjobs questioned his birthplace.

Why this candidate?- because he is the candidate Americans wanted- in two consecutive elections.

The real question is why you think your doubts should over-rule the votes of Americans.[/QUOTE
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever.

By 'arguable' do you mean that folks can ignore overwhelming evidence? Sure. But by any rational standard the issue was resolved in 2008 by his COLB. Which stands as prima facie evidence.

Hawaii is as much a part of the US as New York, Florida or Ohio. There's no ambiguity in whether a person born in Hawaii in 1961 is an American citizen. You've imagined it, replacing the law, history, legal precedent and reality....with what you want to be true.

No thank you.

Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity.

How so? There's no religious test to be president. Says who? Says the constitution.

Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities.

And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.

And what would any of that have to do with the State of Hawaii affirming Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States?

As its the State of Hawaii you have to ignore to be a birther. Not Obama.
Going as back as to Geo. Washington, nobody else has ever had their birth record questioned, EVER. And, that fact that in Obama's case, it IS that singular instance, we question it, that should have disqualified him from the running. Avoidance of the appearance of improprieties. All the people that have rock solid evidence FOR or against, irrelevant. We did have other candidates. Why this support for Obama?

'we questioned it'- who is we? A few nutjobs questioned his birthplace.

Why this candidate?- because he is the candidate Americans wanted- in two consecutive elections.

The real question is why you think your doubts should over-rule the votes of Americans.
It is really important that there isn't any questions of a political candidate. Imperative. Obama's birth status or GW. Bush's implied nepotism, GW Bush and Obama should have been disqualified, period. Really that simple, but see how complex this has gotten? I didn't vote for either of these meat puppets.

The American voters decided that they were qualified.

There never was any real question as to where Obama was born- just a few right wingnuts- and that includes Trump. And I don't even know what the hell you mean by Bush's nepotism- when did you think that a President's son can't be President?
I notice you quickly you gloss over this, raised an eyebrow. The MERE appearance of a impropriety should halve disqualified GW OR OBAMA. We want our candidates squeaky clean after all. You gotta problem with that, or are you goanna law down more mean spirited smack on me?

Apparently you are wrong- since American voters HAD NO PROBLEM electing Barack Obama by a large margin.

I got a problem with you telling American voters that you should have the power to disqualify any President that doesn't meet your arbitrary standards.
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever.

By 'arguable' do you mean that folks can ignore overwhelming evidence? Sure. But by any rational standard the issue was resolved in 2008 by his COLB. Which stands as prima facie evidence.

Hawaii is as much a part of the US as New York, Florida or Ohio. There's no ambiguity in whether a person born in Hawaii in 1961 is an American citizen. You've imagined it, replacing the law, history, legal precedent and reality....with what you want to be true.

No thank you.

Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity.

How so? There's no religious test to be president. Says who? Says the constitution.

Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities.

And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.

And what would any of that have to do with the State of Hawaii affirming Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States?

As its the State of Hawaii you have to ignore to be a birther. Not Obama.
Going as back as to Geo. Washington, nobody else has ever had their birth record questioned, EVER. And, that fact that in Obama's case, it IS that singular instance, we question it, that should have disqualified him from the running. Avoidance of the appearance of improprieties. All the people that have rock solid evidence FOR or against, irrelevant. We did have other candidates. Why this support for Obama?

'we questioned it'- who is we? A few nutjobs questioned his birthplace.

Why this candidate?- because he is the candidate Americans wanted- in two consecutive elections.

The real question is why you think your doubts should over-rule the votes of Americans.
Really, you sanctimonious ass.

The sanctimonious ass is you- who think you- not the American voters- decide who is qualified to be President

The real question is why you think your doubts should over-rule the votes of Americans

Or why her doubts are even remotely relevant to anyone's eligibility. It seems rather....self important.

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