Trump is still on the birth certificate kick.....NO KIDDING!

It was claimed that a Hillary supporter sent the anonymous email and your MessiahRushie was a Hillary supporter at the time, so it is more probable that he is the source and it is highly improbable that Hillary knew.

EdTheIdiot failed conspiracy 101!

Sounds like you are the one propagating a lie. Failed even at lying.

If anyone knows a lie, it's you! Apparently you have no idea what it is!

You lose AGAIN! Obama was born in Hawaii. It has been proven, so take your very work out lie and leave.

No, it hasn't! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

How do you sleep at night repeating a lie over and over. Obama is closing in on the end of a two term Presidency that has been hugely successful. Must really Gall I guess YOU LOSE!
Rush supported Hillary? Sure he did.

What I found was it was Hillary supporters and it is generally acknowledged, unless you are a lefty nutter, that it was released by Hillary supporters.
Your MessiahRushie absolutely supported Hillary once McCain had secured the GOP nomination. He said it was absolutely necessary to keep Hillary in the race once it was clear that she was not going to get enough delegates for the nomination. The First Birther post appeared on FreeRepublic March 1 2008 Porky was encouraging his DittoNazis to vote for Hillary in the upcoming March 4 primary. The following month with Hillary falling farther behind, suddenly a Hillary "supporter" started sending emails even though by that tine it was known she would not get enough delegates. Porky was the ONLY Hillary supporter still fighting for her at that time. The emails could come from no one else but Porky.

There you nutter, I don't listen to your MessiahRushie, unless he his brought up by you or your nutjob lefty buds, I don't know or care what he says, it seems you leftwing nutters are the only ones that care.

Again, only you leftwing Hillary worshipers don't believe that Hillary supporters put the e-mails out. But we know you nut jobs don't think Hillary lies either, shows how stupid you are.
And only you mindless Birther nutjobs believe she did even after she knew she lost.

I never believed the birther theories and there are posts about my belief this was a stupid theory. Another swing and a miss by you, you would think you'd learn but you are stuck in stupid.

I believe the Hillary supporters leaked it and it had nothing to do with your love affair with Rush.

You are truly a stupid partisan nut job that believes what ever propaganda you are fed.
Your MessiahRushie was the only Hillary supporter who wanted her to stay in the race at the time.
You claim I was fed that as you have been programmed to do, so you will have no trouble linking to someone else on Earth who links Porky to the anonymous emails.

Not sure what the hell you keep talking about, tons of links saying that the emails originated from the left, but you are free to be stupid. Good luck with that.

The stupid fact that you call Rush my Messiah when I don't listen to him while you spend your every waking hour masturbating over every thing he utters is more telling of your stupidity than anything else.
Your MessiahRushie absolutely supported Hillary once McCain had secured the GOP nomination. He said it was absolutely necessary to keep Hillary in the race once it was clear that she was not going to get enough delegates for the nomination. The First Birther post appeared on FreeRepublic March 1 2008 Porky was encouraging his DittoNazis to vote for Hillary in the upcoming March 4 primary. The following month with Hillary falling farther behind, suddenly a Hillary "supporter" started sending emails even though by that tine it was known she would not get enough delegates. Porky was the ONLY Hillary supporter still fighting for her at that time. The emails could come from no one else but Porky.

There you nutter, I don't listen to your MessiahRushie, unless he his brought up by you or your nutjob lefty buds, I don't know or care what he says, it seems you leftwing nutters are the only ones that care.

Again, only you leftwing Hillary worshipers don't believe that Hillary supporters put the e-mails out. But we know you nut jobs don't think Hillary lies either, shows how stupid you are.
And only you mindless Birther nutjobs believe she did even after she knew she lost.

I never believed the birther theories and there are posts about my belief this was a stupid theory. Another swing and a miss by you, you would think you'd learn but you are stuck in stupid.

I believe the Hillary supporters leaked it and it had nothing to do with your love affair with Rush.

You are truly a stupid partisan nut job that believes what ever propaganda you are fed.
Your MessiahRushie was the only Hillary supporter who wanted her to stay in the race at the time.
You claim I was fed that as you have been programmed to do, so you will have no trouble linking to someone else on Earth who links Porky to the anonymous emails.

Not sure what the hell you keep talking about, tons of links saying that the emails originated from the left, but you are free to be stupid. Good luck with that.

The stupid fact that you call Rush my Messiah when I don't listen to him while you spend your every waking hour masturbating over every thing he utters is more telling of your stupidity than anything else.
You mean "tons of Right-wing whacko links" which only prove that the Right lie in packs.

So you can't link to any source that "fed" me, as you were programmed by your MessiahRushie to claim.
Thank you.
No, he had Operation Chaos.... now go look it up, and perhaps that pea sized object you have as a brain will understand! It had NOTHING to do with the birther issue!
Op Chaos was his support to keep Hillary in the race, at any cost. There is no way that that rules his sending anonymous birther emails.

Bullshit, it was a CROSSOVER REGISTRATION DRIVE and caused Hillary to stay in the fight longer and had the mulatto spending way more money then he would have had to. NOTHING about the birth cert from Rush, it all came from the Hildebeasty!

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton - Telegraph
Your MessiahRushie has always been a Birther.
That's just it, he hasn't!

Jun 30, 2009
RUSH: Snerdley, I got a great question. A friend of mine said, "Where was Obama born?" And I don't know. He's not a native Hawaiian. Where was he born? I don't know. Supposedly Hawaii, but we don't have independent confirmation of it. I don't want to go there. God doesn't have a birth certificate, either, so it's no big deal.

April 08, 2011
RUSH: Well, I'll tell you why it's important. There are two reasons why it's important. Number one, he's got a grandmother or aunt in Kenya who said she saw him born there. That's number one.

April 08, 2011
RUSH: Back to this birther business for just a second. The Department of Health in Hawaii has verified that Obama's certificate of live birth is authentic, but it's not a birth certificate. In addition, one of Obama's relatives, aunt or grandmother, swears that he was born in Kenya. She saw it. She was there at the birth.

Sounds to me as he's STATING what others have said, you jackass! Now, go prove to us that all those things are wrong, then write each person that said it, and tell them that EdTheObamaSuckDick said they need to apologize!:fu:
EdTheIdiot failed conspiracy 101!

Sounds like you are the one propagating a lie. Failed even at lying.

If anyone knows a lie, it's you! Apparently you have no idea what it is!

You lose AGAIN! Obama was born in Hawaii. It has been proven, so take your very work out lie and leave.

No, it hasn't! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

How do you sleep at night repeating a lie over and over. Obama is closing in on the end of a two term Presidency that has been hugely successful. Must really Gall I guess YOU LOSE!

You must be hurting after almost 7 years of NO SLEEP! What's he been highly successful at? :ahole-1:
Op Chaos was his support to keep Hillary in the race, at any cost. There is no way that that rules his sending anonymous birther emails.

Bullshit, it was a CROSSOVER REGISTRATION DRIVE and caused Hillary to stay in the fight longer and had the mulatto spending way more money then he would have had to. NOTHING about the birth cert from Rush, it all came from the Hildebeasty!

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton - Telegraph
Your MessiahRushie has always been a Birther.
That's just it, he hasn't!

Jun 30, 2009
RUSH: Snerdley, I got a great question. A friend of mine said, "Where was Obama born?" And I don't know. He's not a native Hawaiian. Where was he born? I don't know. Supposedly Hawaii, but we don't have independent confirmation of it. I don't want to go there. God doesn't have a birth certificate, either, so it's no big deal.

April 08, 2011
RUSH: Well, I'll tell you why it's important. There are two reasons why it's important. Number one, he's got a grandmother or aunt in Kenya who said she saw him born there. That's number one.

April 08, 2011
RUSH: Back to this birther business for just a second. The Department of Health in Hawaii has verified that Obama's certificate of live birth is authentic, but it's not a birth certificate. In addition, one of Obama's relatives, aunt or grandmother, swears that he was born in Kenya. She saw it. She was there at the birth.

Sounds to me as he's STATING what others have said, you jackass! Now, go prove to us that all those things are wrong, then write each person that said it, and tell them that EdTheObamaSuckDick said they need to apologize!:fu:
Why am I not surprised that it "sounds" like that to you since as a DittoNazi you have no understanding of what "quotation marks" mean. Only the words in quotes came from someone else, all the others are from your lying MessiahRushie. Try reading it again:

Jun 30, 2009
RUSH: Snerdley, I got a great question. A friend of mine said, "Where was Obama born?" And I don't know. He's not a native Hawaiian. Where was he born? I don't know. Supposedly Hawaii, but we don't have independent confirmation of it. I don't want to go there. God doesn't have a birth certificate, either, so it's no big deal.
Sounds like you are the one propagating a lie. Failed even at lying.

If anyone knows a lie, it's you! Apparently you have no idea what it is!

You lose AGAIN! Obama was born in Hawaii. It has been proven, so take your very work out lie and leave.

No, it hasn't! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

How do you sleep at night repeating a lie over and over. Obama is closing in on the end of a two term Presidency that has been hugely successful. Must really Gall I guess YOU LOSE!

You must be hurting after almost 7 years of NO SLEEP! What's he been highly successful at? :ahole-1:

I sleep very well, knowing Obamacare has provided affordable health care to millions. This was something Presidents for the last 50 years have tried to do but failed. The stock market is record high and the unemployment rate is the lowest since W crashed the ecomomy. FEELING GOOD!:biggrin:
If anyone knows a lie, it's you! Apparently you have no idea what it is!

You lose AGAIN! Obama was born in Hawaii. It has been proven, so take your very work out lie and leave.

No, it hasn't! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

How do you sleep at night repeating a lie over and over. Obama is closing in on the end of a two term Presidency that has been hugely successful. Must really Gall I guess YOU LOSE!

You must be hurting after almost 7 years of NO SLEEP! What's he been highly successful at? :ahole-1:

I sleep very well, knowing Obamacare has provided affordable health care to millions. This was something Presidents for the last 50 years have tried to do but failed. The stock market is record high and the unemployment rate is the lowest since W crashed the ecomomy. FEELING GOOD!:biggrin:

Oh...and Trump is destroying the GOP. LIFE IS GOOD!
If anyone knows a lie, it's you! Apparently you have no idea what it is!

You lose AGAIN! Obama was born in Hawaii. It has been proven, so take your very work out lie and leave.

No, it hasn't! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

How do you sleep at night repeating a lie over and over. Obama is closing in on the end of a two term Presidency that has been hugely successful. Must really Gall I guess YOU LOSE!

You must be hurting after almost 7 years of NO SLEEP! What's he been highly successful at? :ahole-1:

I sleep very well, knowing Obamacare has provided affordable health care to millions. This was something Presidents for the last 50 years have tried to do but failed. The stock market is record high and the unemployment rate is the lowest since W crashed the ecomomy. FEELING GOOD!:biggrin:

Say what you will about the man, but Barack Obama is one of the most successful leaders our Nation has ever known.

The former attorney, Senator and (most famously) Community Organizer, along with his lovely bride, Michelle are experts on everything from finance and nutrition, to education and Sports.

If I had known rabble rousing made you the smartest guy in the room, I’d have probably taken up the sport myself!

But whatever Barack Obama was, he has been elected to occupy the chair of the most powerful leader in the world…The President of the United States.

And lead he has! Contrary to the beliefs of many of his detractors, President Obama has proven to be one of the most dedicated and successful leaders in our Nation’s history.

Let’s take a minute and examine a few of his accomplishments.
– He has led the country into 17 trillion dollars of debt.

In the time Obama has been in office, the National Debt has risen over 7 trillion dollars. In perspective, the man who lambasted President George W. Bush for his tremendous debt-building skills raised the debt himself by more than 50%.

It took nearly 230 YEARS for our Nation to incur the amount of debt this President racked up in just 5 years! Bravo, POTUS!!!

– His failed Middle Eastern policy has helped to lead the Middle East into a state of confusion and tumult.

Not only did our President support the Arab Spring, (really turned out great, huh), it appears he has also been arming Al Qaeda in Syria (you know… the guys who killed nearly 3000 US citizens).

– He’s successfully led the US into a near economic collapse and the highest unemployment numbers since the Great Depression.

He boasts a roughly 7.6% unemployment rate. But when you “un-fudge” the fudged numbers, it’s closer to 14.3% (we know what those “shovel-ready” jobs been “shovelin'”).

– He’s led us to the brink of another cold war with Russia. In the process, he has also led ex-KGB thug, Russian President Vladimir Putin into the limelight as the Great Conciliator (Way to go, Barry!).

– He has led the Government of a Country founded on the principles of Scriptural law into a war on Christianity that condemns Christian standards while elevating radical Islam.

– He’s led American’s to the Welfare lines with a stunning 32% increase in current Welfare recipients.

– AND he has single-handedly done what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have not been able to do… He has led the United States into a racial divide rivaling that of the 60’s.

Barack Hussein Obama has been one SWELL LEADER!!!

If no one else will say it, I’ll say it…
Stop dividing America and lead, President Obama! Lead according to the Constitution you swore an oath to uphold!!!


In closing, I have a request for our dear leader. Mr. President, why don’t you do something worthwhile and make something of the opportunity you’ve been given?

Like many of us, God has blessed you beyond your experience, to perform a duty very few will ever have the opportunity to perform, in what was (and hopefully still is)

Read more at Barack Obama The Most Successful President in US History The Black Sphere

All from 2013, and little of it has gotten better!
You lose AGAIN! Obama was born in Hawaii. It has been proven, so take your very work out lie and leave.

No, it hasn't! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

How do you sleep at night repeating a lie over and over. Obama is closing in on the end of a two term Presidency that has been hugely successful. Must really Gall I guess YOU LOSE!

GOP has to turn ever so slowly as WE THE PEOPLE catch on to "TRUTH" Trumps TRUTHS!!!!

Jan Brewer: Donald Trump ‘Telling It Like It Really, Truly Is’

CowboyByte ^
Both telling it like it is… Check it out: Although he’s been villified by amnesty advocates, business tycoon Donald Trump is right about the problems, including crime, caused by people crossing into the United States illegally, says the former governor of Arizona. “I believe that Mr. Trump is kind of telling it like it really, truly is,” Republican Jan Brewer told CNN’s Don Lemon Wednesday night. “You know, being the governor of (Arizona), the gateway of illegal immigration for six year

You must be hurting after almost 7 years of NO SLEEP! What's he been highly successful at? :ahole-1:

I sleep very well, knowing Obamacare has provided affordable health care to millions. This was something Presidents for the last 50 years have tried to do but failed. The stock market is record high and the unemployment rate is the lowest since W crashed the ecomomy. FEELING GOOD!:biggrin:

Oh...and Trump is destroying the GOP. LIFE IS GOOD!
If anyone knows a lie, it's you! Apparently you have no idea what it is!

You lose AGAIN! Obama was born in Hawaii. It has been proven, so take your very work out lie and leave.

No, it hasn't! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

How do you sleep at night repeating a lie over and over. Obama is closing in on the end of a two term Presidency that has been hugely successful. Must really Gall I guess YOU LOSE!

You must be hurting after almost 7 years of NO SLEEP! What's he been highly successful at? :ahole-1:

I sleep very well, knowing Obamacare has provided affordable health care to millions. This was something Presidents for the last 50 years have tried to do but failed. The stock market is record high and the unemployment rate is the lowest since W crashed the ecomomy. FEELING GOOD!:biggrin:

Enjoy it while you can cuz if Drumpf or one of the other clowns gets into the WH, they'll do anything they can to finish what Bush/Cheney started.
There you nutter, I don't listen to your MessiahRushie, unless he his brought up by you or your nutjob lefty buds, I don't know or care what he says, it seems you leftwing nutters are the only ones that care.

Again, only you leftwing Hillary worshipers don't believe that Hillary supporters put the e-mails out. But we know you nut jobs don't think Hillary lies either, shows how stupid you are.
And only you mindless Birther nutjobs believe she did even after she knew she lost.

I never believed the birther theories and there are posts about my belief this was a stupid theory. Another swing and a miss by you, you would think you'd learn but you are stuck in stupid.

I believe the Hillary supporters leaked it and it had nothing to do with your love affair with Rush.

You are truly a stupid partisan nut job that believes what ever propaganda you are fed.
Your MessiahRushie was the only Hillary supporter who wanted her to stay in the race at the time.
You claim I was fed that as you have been programmed to do, so you will have no trouble linking to someone else on Earth who links Porky to the anonymous emails.

Not sure what the hell you keep talking about, tons of links saying that the emails originated from the left, but you are free to be stupid. Good luck with that.

The stupid fact that you call Rush my Messiah when I don't listen to him while you spend your every waking hour masturbating over every thing he utters is more telling of your stupidity than anything else.
You mean "tons of Right-wing whacko links" which only prove that the Right lie in packs.

So you can't link to any source that "fed" me, as you were programmed by your MessiahRushie to claim.
Thank you.

Do you even read the threads your posting in. There is a link in here to a leftwing British news organization. Used all the time by you lefties.

You play this damn game in every thread. The link is in this thread, the fact that you refuse to acknowledge it is not my problem. Why do you plays this stupid game?

Check the link in post 226.
You lose AGAIN! Obama was born in Hawaii. It has been proven, so take your very work out lie and leave.

No, it hasn't! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

How do you sleep at night repeating a lie over and over. Obama is closing in on the end of a two term Presidency that has been hugely successful. Must really Gall I guess YOU LOSE!

You must be hurting after almost 7 years of NO SLEEP! What's he been highly successful at? :ahole-1:

I sleep very well, knowing Obamacare has provided affordable health care to millions. This was something Presidents for the last 50 years have tried to do but failed. The stock market is record high and the unemployment rate is the lowest since W crashed the ecomomy. FEELING GOOD!:biggrin:

Enjoy it while you can cuz if Drumpf or one of the other clowns gets into the WH, they'll do anything they can to finish what Bush/Cheney started.

Agreed! Halliburton already is gearing up for the war in Iran, if the GOP wins the WH. It is worth soldier's blood to them to double profits. It is the GOP WAY!
No, it hasn't! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

How do you sleep at night repeating a lie over and over. Obama is closing in on the end of a two term Presidency that has been hugely successful. Must really Gall I guess YOU LOSE!

You must be hurting after almost 7 years of NO SLEEP! What's he been highly successful at? :ahole-1:

I sleep very well, knowing Obamacare has provided affordable health care to millions. This was something Presidents for the last 50 years have tried to do but failed. The stock market is record high and the unemployment rate is the lowest since W crashed the ecomomy. FEELING GOOD!:biggrin:

Enjoy it while you can cuz if Drumpf or one of the other clowns gets into the WH, they'll do anything they can to finish what Bush/Cheney started.

Agreed! Halliburton already is gearing up for the war in Iran, if the GOP wins the WH. It is worth soldier's blood to them to double profits. It is the GOP WAY!

That is funny, you realize that Obama has continued to give Haliburton no bid contracts throughout the administration. But that is okay right?
How do you sleep at night repeating a lie over and over. Obama is closing in on the end of a two term Presidency that has been hugely successful. Must really Gall I guess YOU LOSE!

You must be hurting after almost 7 years of NO SLEEP! What's he been highly successful at? :ahole-1:

I sleep very well, knowing Obamacare has provided affordable health care to millions. This was something Presidents for the last 50 years have tried to do but failed. The stock market is record high and the unemployment rate is the lowest since W crashed the ecomomy. FEELING GOOD!:biggrin:

Enjoy it while you can cuz if Drumpf or one of the other clowns gets into the WH, they'll do anything they can to finish what Bush/Cheney started.

Agreed! Halliburton already is gearing up for the war in Iran, if the GOP wins the WH. It is worth soldier's blood to them to double profits. It is the GOP WAY!

That is funny, you realize that Obama has continued to give Haliburton no bid contracts throughout the administration. But that is okay right?

Byt their profit will soar when we invade Iran!

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