Trump is still on the birth certificate kick.....NO KIDDING!

You must be hurting after almost 7 years of NO SLEEP! What's he been highly successful at? :ahole-1:

I sleep very well, knowing Obamacare has provided affordable health care to millions. This was something Presidents for the last 50 years have tried to do but failed. The stock market is record high and the unemployment rate is the lowest since W crashed the ecomomy. FEELING GOOD!:biggrin:

Enjoy it while you can cuz if Drumpf or one of the other clowns gets into the WH, they'll do anything they can to finish what Bush/Cheney started.

Agreed! Halliburton already is gearing up for the war in Iran, if the GOP wins the WH. It is worth soldier's blood to them to double profits. It is the GOP WAY!

That is funny, you realize that Obama has continued to give Haliburton no bid contracts throughout the administration. But that is okay right?

Byt their profit will soar when we invade Iran!

Sure, will note that. It hasn't soared under Obama who has kept the evil corporation in Iraq?
Well, from August 2001 to September 2009 Dump Truck was a registered Democrat, so you might just be right!

And so proven educable.

You do have a point there somewhere?
Yes, during that period Dump Truck helped the Dems pass Obamacare, according to no less a CON$ervative source than the American Enterprise Institute!!!

Donald Trump helped Democratcs pass Obamacare

Trump helped finance the Democratic takeover of Congress in 2006 — which put in place the liberal majority that passed Obamacare over the objections of congressional Republicans. And he continued to support a Democratic Senate majority after Obamacare.

As Trump knows, money talks — and Trump has given more than $100,000 to the Democratic House and Senate campaign committees. In 2006 — the year Democrats took back Congress — he gave $25,000to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (while his son Donald Trump Jr. gave $22,500). They gave Republican committees just $1,000 that year.

In other words, Trump wanted Nancy Pelosi to be speaker of the House and Harry Reid the Senate majority leader.

Which is not surprising. At the time he made those contributions, from August 2001 to September 2009, Trump was a registered Democrat. (He had been registered in New York first as a Republican, then a member of the Independence Party, then a Democrat, then a Republican again, and then became unaffiliated.)

So maybe he came to regret it after Reid and Pelosi rammed through Obamacare? Apparently not. In 2010 — immediately after the passage of Obamacare — Trump continued to donate to Reid. Trump has donated at least $10,400 to Reid, including $4,800 for his 2010 race against Sharron Angle — a victory that helped keep the Senate in Democratic hands and Reid as majority leader. So Trump continued to support Reid as majority leader in the election immediately after the passage of Obamacare.

Even Trump makes mistakes, BUT rectifies them! ....If you like your healthcare you can keep your healthcare.... never heard the Obumanation rectify that mistake!

Yep- Trump rectifies his mistakes by declaring bankruptcy.

As many times as it takes.

Damn, that's what happens when you are in business, some actually FAIL, that's why there are bankruptcy laws.... any signs of those being ILLEGAL???

And when did I say that was illegal?
It's even better known that that is a Birther lie.

My apologies, it was Hillary supporters that started the rumor, however I do think Hillary knew what was going on.
And at the time your MessiahRushie was a Hillary supporter, and Hillary had nothing to do with Porky's support.

What the fuck are you talking about? You drinking early?
It was claimed that a Hillary supporter sent the anonymous email and your MessiahRushie was a Hillary supporter at the time, so it is more probable that he is the source and it is highly improbable that Hillary knew.

Rush supported Hillary? Sure he did.

What I found was it was Hillary supporters and it is generally acknowledged, unless you are a lefty nutter, that it was released by Hillary supporters.

What I find so hilarious about this claim is that most- almost all Birthers are rabid right wingers.

So this claim essentially says that they were led by nose by Hillary's supporters.

Of course its not true, but I think it is hilarious that they want to believe that they were fooled by Hilary supporters.
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
And at the time your MessiahRushie was a Hillary supporter, and Hillary had nothing to do with Porky's support.

What the fuck are you talking about? You drinking early?
It was claimed that a Hillary supporter sent the anonymous email and your MessiahRushie was a Hillary supporter at the time, so it is more probable that he is the source and it is highly improbable that Hillary knew.

Rush supported Hillary? Sure he did.

What I found was it was Hillary supporters and it is generally acknowledged, unless you are a lefty nutter, that it was released by Hillary supporters.

From what I've heard, the accusations first appeared on the Free Republic website. And then appeared in an anonymous email from someone who *claimed* to be a Hillary supporter. But who wrote that email, if they were actually a hillary supporter, or if Hillary had anything to do with no evidence has ever established.

If an anonymous email a viable standard of evidence proving anything typed in it, then I can prove that Lincoln was killed by a Kennedy supporter.

Glad to hear it, but the evidence has always pointed to Hillary supporters.

Actually the evidence points to right wing blogs- and there is no actual evidence that the 'anonymous' email ever came from a Hillary supporter.
Obama still born in Kenya, no kidding

Obama born in Hawaii- no kidding

Hawai„i Health Director Loretta Fuddy said.

I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and a
ttest to the authenticity of the certified copies the
department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in

Obama still born in Kenya, no kidding

Obama born in Hawaii- no kidding

Hawai„i Health Director Loretta Fuddy said.

I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and a
ttest to the authenticity of the certified copies the
department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in
Sorry but that doesn't prove anything since what was released on April 27, 2012 was discovered to be a 100% forgery by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office after and extensive lengthy thorough investigation. Anything Hawaii Dept. Of Health has released in official statements are now suspect of not being accurate in truth..

The Maricopa County Sheriff's office has never released any police report for their 'investigation'. Not in 4 years. Why? The results of an actual sheriff's investigation is public record. And has the Sheriff's name all over it.

And yet, nothing.

Worse, the 'lead investigator' isn't a cop. But a former car salesman......who is SELLING the product of his investigation on Amazon. And worse, who took bribes from Birthers as part of his investigation, and then lied about it for years.

After two years of denying he personally profited from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigation into the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, the head of the sheriff's Cold Case Posse admitted to CBS 5 Investigates that he accepted a large monetary gift from one of the sources in the investigation.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

Which if he were an actual investigator actually working for the police....would be a crime. BUt since he's just some schmo who isn't working for the Sheriff's office......he's merely a corrupt piece of shit.
The patriotic investigator worked in the past in law enforcement. He has used the full resources of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office to discover the birth certificate as 100% forged. He is ethical and broken zero laws.

He is a former used car sales man who before he started his 'investigation' signed a book deal, took a payoff from a Birther, and supposedly has copywrighted his supposed 'evidence'- that he will not release.

He is a slimeball.
There is a link in here to a leftwing British news organization. Used all the time by you lefties.

You play this damn game in every thread. The link is in this thread, the fact that you refuse to acknowledge it is not my problem. Why do you plays this stupid game?

Check the link in post 226.
To the Right every CON$ervoFascist source is Leftwing. The Telegraph you refer to is staunchly CON$ervative, and world renowned for being staunchly CON$ervative, but suddenly a liar trained by MessiahRushie says it is Leftwing, so that settles it. - Real or Satire

As a whole, the paper is staunchly conservative, literally backing Britain’s Conservative party, even as Labour — and subsequently New Labour — started out-performing Conservatives in the polls and in elections.
Aren't Birthers the gift that keeps on giving.

My dream RNC candidate would be Trump- mexican hating- racist endorsed- Birther- Trump
Obama still born in Kenya, no kidding

Obama born in Hawaii- no kidding

Hawai„i Health Director Loretta Fuddy said.

I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and a
ttest to the authenticity of the certified copies the
department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in

Obama still born in Kenya, no kidding

Obama born in Hawaii- no kidding

Hawai„i Health Director Loretta Fuddy said.

I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and a
ttest to the authenticity of the certified copies the
department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in
Sorry but that doesn't prove anything since what was released on April 27, 2012 was discovered to be a 100% forgery by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office after and extensive lengthy thorough investigation. Anything Hawaii Dept. Of Health has released in official statements are now suspect of not being accurate in truth..

The Maricopa County Sheriff's office has never released any police report for their 'investigation'. Not in 4 years. Why? The results of an actual sheriff's investigation is public record. And has the Sheriff's name all over it.

And yet, nothing.

Worse, the 'lead investigator' isn't a cop. But a former car salesman......who is SELLING the product of his investigation on Amazon. And worse, who took bribes from Birthers as part of his investigation, and then lied about it for years.

After two years of denying he personally profited from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigation into the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, the head of the sheriff's Cold Case Posse admitted to CBS 5 Investigates that he accepted a large monetary gift from one of the sources in the investigation.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

Which if he were an actual investigator actually working for the police....would be a crime. BUt since he's just some schmo who isn't working for the Sheriff's office......he's merely a corrupt piece of shit.
The patriotic investigator worked in the past in law enforcement. He has used the full resources of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office to discover the birth certificate as 100% forged. He is ethical and broken zero laws.

He is a former used car sales man who before he started his 'investigation' signed a book deal, took a payoff from a Birther, and supposedly has copywrighted his supposed 'evidence'- that he will not release.

He is a slimeball.
All legal. Also having a prior job different than a current job is irrelevant. Your continued desperation to smear American patriot Mike Zullo is evident. You are nothing but pro-homosexual anti-white un-American trash.
Obama born in Hawaii- no kidding

Hawai„i Health Director Loretta Fuddy said.

I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and a
ttest to the authenticity of the certified copies the
department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in

Obama born in Hawaii- no kidding

Hawai„i Health Director Loretta Fuddy said.

I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and a
ttest to the authenticity of the certified copies the
department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in
Sorry but that doesn't prove anything since what was released on April 27, 2012 was discovered to be a 100% forgery by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office after and extensive lengthy thorough investigation. Anything Hawaii Dept. Of Health has released in official statements are now suspect of not being accurate in truth..

The Maricopa County Sheriff's office has never released any police report for their 'investigation'. Not in 4 years. Why? The results of an actual sheriff's investigation is public record. And has the Sheriff's name all over it.

And yet, nothing.

Worse, the 'lead investigator' isn't a cop. But a former car salesman......who is SELLING the product of his investigation on Amazon. And worse, who took bribes from Birthers as part of his investigation, and then lied about it for years.

After two years of denying he personally profited from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigation into the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, the head of the sheriff's Cold Case Posse admitted to CBS 5 Investigates that he accepted a large monetary gift from one of the sources in the investigation.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

Which if he were an actual investigator actually working for the police....would be a crime. BUt since he's just some schmo who isn't working for the Sheriff's office......he's merely a corrupt piece of shit.
The patriotic investigator worked in the past in law enforcement. He has used the full resources of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office to discover the birth certificate as 100% forged. He is ethical and broken zero laws.

He is a former used car sales man who before he started his 'investigation' signed a book deal, took a payoff from a Birther, and supposedly has copywrighted his supposed 'evidence'- that he will not release.

He is a slimeball.
All legal. Also having a prior job different than a current job is irrelevant. Your continued desperation to smear American patriot Mike Zullo is evident. You are nothing but pro-homosexual anti-white un-American trash.

All 'legal'- none ethical.

No ethical law enforcement investigator would sign a book deal with a Birther prior to starting a birther investigation.
No ethical law enforcement investigator would take a payoff from a Birther.
No ethical law enforcement investigator would copywright evidence.

And an ethical law enforcement investigator- if he found 'evidence' of wrong doing- would actually do something- notify the DA, or the State DA or the FBI......but the former used car salesman has done nothing but talk.
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever. Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity. Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities. And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.
Last edited:
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity .

Obama is indeed biracial- just as say Tiger Woods is. Actually a very large percentage of African Americans are some percentage African and some percentage European- and that appears to confuse you.

Barack Obama has dark skin- in 1950's Montgomery he would have been required to ride at the back of the bus.

He considers himself African American- and black. And so do African Americans. Why is that a problem for you?
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
. He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity..

Barack Obama, and his parents were together nowhere except Hawaii. What is 'ambiguous' about that to you?

Obama's father abandoned the family and moved to the mainland to Harvard. His mother eventually remarried and moved with him to Indonesia. Again- nothing 'ambiguous' about any of that- why do you find that ambiguous?


The State of Hawaii has repeatedly said Barack Obama was born there- what makes you call the State of Hawaii liars?

Fringe? You are aware that Hawaii is a state- right? Just like Texas- just like Alaska?

Or maybe you think Hawaii is not fully equal to other states?
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
y. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever..

So a President born in Alaska or Hawaii is suspicious to you?
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity. .

Obama attended a Catholic School in Indonesia and he attended a public school that taught Islam in Indonesia.

What is ambiguous about that? We have many leaders who attended Catholic schools as a child yet they are not asked whether they have 'Catholic' leanings.

What is 'ambiguous' to you about where a kid goes to elementary school?
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
. Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage.

And what the hell does that have to do with his eligibility? Lots of Americans have changed their position on gay marriage since 2008- we went from a country that the majority opposed gay marriage to a country that supports gay marriage.

What the hell do you imagine that has to do with his eligiblity or where he was born?
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?
I love you, you are cute when you are mad. OK, Obama is ALL OVER THE BLOODY PLACE. He is a the embodiment of Hamlet, a vacillating unsure uncommitted neurotic washy washy spud. He's American, he's black he's against this but then supports it. I would call der fer
"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
. Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage.

And what the hell does that have to do with his eligibility? Lots of Americans have changed their position on gay marriage since 2008- we went from a country that the majority opposed gay marriage to a country that supports gay marriage.

What the hell do you imagine that has to do with his eligiblity or where he was born?
It is really important that there isn't any questions of a political candidate. Imperative. Obama's birth status or GW. Bush's implied nepotism, GW Bush and Obama should have been disqualified, period. Really that simple, but see how complex this has gotten? I didn't vote for either of these meat puppets.
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?
I love you, you are cute when you are mad. OK, Obama is ALL OVER THE BLOODY PLACE. He is a the embodiment of Hamlet, a vacillating unsure uncommitted neurotic washy washy spud. He's American, he's black he's against this but then supports it. I would call der fer
"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
. Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage.

And what the hell does that have to do with his eligibility? Lots of Americans have changed their position on gay marriage since 2008- we went from a country that the majority opposed gay marriage to a country that supports gay marriage.

What the hell do you imagine that has to do with his eligiblity or where he was born?
It is really important that there isn't any questions of a political candidate. Imperative. Obama's birth status or GW. Bush's implied nepotism, GW Bush and Obama should have been disqualified, period. Really that simple, but see how complex this has gotten? I didn't vote for either of these meat puppets.

The American voters decided that they were qualified.

There never was any real question as to where Obama was born- just a few right wingnuts- and that includes Trump. And I don't even know what the hell you mean by Bush's nepotism- when did you think that a President's son can't be President?
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?
I love you, you are cute when you are mad. OK, Obama is ALL OVER THE BLOODY PLACE. He is a the embodiment of Hamlet, a vacillating unsure uncommitted neurotic washy washy spud. He's American, he's black he's against this but then supports it. I would call der fer
"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
. Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage.

And what the hell does that have to do with his eligibility? Lots of Americans have changed their position on gay marriage since 2008- we went from a country that the majority opposed gay marriage to a country that supports gay marriage.

What the hell do you imagine that has to do with his eligiblity or where he was born?
It is really important that there isn't any questions of a political candidate. Imperative. Obama's birth status or GW. Bush's implied nepotism, GW Bush and Obama should have been disqualified, period. Really that simple, but see how complex this has gotten? I didn't vote for either of these meat puppets.

The American voters decided that they were qualified.

There never was any real question as to where Obama was born- just a few right wingnuts- and that includes Trump. And I don't even know what the hell you mean by Bush's nepotism- when did you think that a President's son can't be President?
I notice you quickly you gloss over this, raised an eyebrow. The MERE appearance of a impropriety should halve disqualified GW OR OBAMA. We want our candidates squeaky clean after all. You gotta problem with that, or are you goanna law down more mean spirited smack on me?
Obama's parents and he are all over the place .Strong Black Muslim dad, from Africa. Weak white American liberal woman. Their offspring is all over the place, not quite American, not black OR white , Muslim or... definable. First Black president? Hardly, he isn't BLACK. We don't know what this man really IS. They talk about removing the confederate flag because it is divisive...Really? Every president I know of was born here clearly and with no debate, no ambiguity, no one relished ambiguity as a selling point as much as Obama. Clearly, Obama is divisive, he isn't black and we don't know what he is, plain pure and simple. I like transparency. Obama is clear as mud.

'Strong Black Muslim dad'- Barack Obama Sr. was certainly African but was by all accounts barely a Muslim- nor did he ever ask to have his son raised as a Muslim. What is confusing to you about a President having a 'black' Muslim father?

"Weak white American liberal woman'- why do you think that she was weak? That she married twice? Or because she got her PHD?

Why don't you think President Obama is American?

Why do you even say he is 'not quite Muslim' when he is in fact Christian?

If you don't know who Obama is, you are willfully ignorant- and clearly listen to too much far right wingnuttery.

And if you don't think he is black- well thats fine- Obama considers himself black, as does the African American community. I look forward to you telling the African American community that you know what 'black' is- and they do not.
Obama is, drum roll please : BI RACIAL. Regardless of whom deems who what. Ambiguity . He and his parents tramped all over the world. Born in Hawaii? Right, arguable and on the fringe of American territory. Inviting more ambiguity. Other presidents, born somewhere in the mainland with no ambiguity whatsoever.

By 'arguable' do you mean that folks can ignore overwhelming evidence? Sure. But by any rational standard the issue was resolved in 2008 by his COLB. Which stands as prima facie evidence.

Hawaii is as much a part of the US as New York, Florida or Ohio. There's no ambiguity in whether a person born in Hawaii in 1961 is an American citizen. You've imagined it, replacing the law, history, legal precedent and reality....with what you want to be true.

No thank you.

Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he denies he has Muslim leanings. More Ambiguity.

How so? There's no religious test to be president. Says who? Says the constitution.

Back in 08' he rejected gay marriage, stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Then recently Obama comes out and SUPPORTS gay marriage. Just more obfuscations and ambiguities.

And recently, our health care cost go UP and some of us ( me) lose our jobs because of a misnamed political game called : Affordable Health care". Well, after all the misdirection, ambiguities and obfuscation we can't take any more, enough is enough.

And what would any of that have to do with the State of Hawaii affirming Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States?

As its the State of Hawaii you have to ignore to be a birther. Not Obama.

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