Trump IS the leading "whistle-blower"...

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n’t break laws because you said he did. Remember what you said about Russian collusion, remember what the worlds greatest investigator found?

I sure do remember what Mueller found....but for you....who never read the findings, you will NEVER know that Mueller found 5 chargeable crimes that he advised congress to either impeach the orange turd....OR....wait until he's out of office to bring him to court.

You're welcome for the lesson. I said, you desperate pukes are absolutely fascinating. So you believe that Mueller uncovered impeachable offenses and congress decided to pass on pursuing impeachment proceedings?
That seems reconcilable to you...really?
You may have noticed (much to the chagrin of smarter aides) that Trump openly and repeatedly digs his own grave by spewing his guilt to media folks in front of a helicopter. Trump is basically openly admitting his law-breaking...and because he voices those breaches, then he is exempt from any guilt.

Trump has devised a "new" method of mitigating his guilt....and that is, "If I open admit my breaches of the law, then I cannot be guilty of breaching those laws...."

Apparently, this method seems to work among his moronic base.....Trump openly states that he has the "absolute right" to break any law as president.....basically confirming that he is ABOVE the law....and given the stooge, Barr, at the DOJ, this overt admission is overlooked and even excused.
Trump Claims 'Absolute Right' to Solicit Foreign Collusion

For older posters on here, the memory may resurface of what Richard Nixon told everyone during an interview with Frost. Basically stating that "....when the president does [something]...that means that it is NOT illegal."

In other words, screw the Constitution and all those "silly" laws for the millions of peons out a president, the laws are meaningless and only cause temporary inconveniences.

Will GOP senators.....rather than being scared and silent....grow a spine and uphold the Constitution???

We'll soon see.
never fails,,,
another day another TDS induced rant,,,,

Never fails....
Another bullshit post from you...

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None absolutely NOT ONE of you Trump ass kissers on here could address the O/P, your usual garbage for responses....What a waste of space. I said, you desperate pukes are absolutely fascinating. So you believe that Mueller uncovered impeachable offenses and congress decided to pass on pursuing impeachment proceedings?

Correct.....Congress passed on impeachable offense UNTIL the orange turd went and FORCED congress with his love chat with Ukraine.......Thanks for the bump..
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